THE DIARY OF LIA MARK (Dear diary) Episode 5 by RUTHIE LEE


THE DIARY OF LIA MARK (Dear diary) Episode 5 by RUTHIE LEE

Logan sighed heavily and used my pillow to cover his face “well since you two annoyingly geeks won’t turn the stereo down can you please low the sound.. Please!” he said through the pillow and Derrick sighed and lowed the volume and pooped to the floor ..
I joined him on the floor and he continued painting my maroon cortex on my finger,
“and done!” Derrick said referring to my finger, he dropped my nail polish gently and placed all the item he used in my small purse.
I glanced at my nails it was shiny and beautiful.. “Wow Eric you should open your own nail salon” I said smiling
“is that suppose to be an Insult or a compliment” Derrick grinned “every which way you want it” I replied and stood up..
“so what should we do next” Derrick asked rubbing his palm together
“sleep I guess” I said rubbing my nape
“ugh come-on it’s only 8:20” Derrick groaned and a small smile escaped my lips, “so what do you suggest we do then” I asked
“you know our usual thing, movie night have you forgotten” he replied
“oh yeah” I said cheerfully tucking my hair behind my ear
“so what movie?,” I asked”
“Titanic?” he asked back
“oh yeah sure it’s been ages let’s watch it again” I said moving to the other side of my room where there’s a small cushion chair and opposite the chair was a medium size plasma TV..
“okay you! Make the popcorn while I get everything ready” I said while Derrick saluted playfully and we both laughed and he went downstairs, immediately the door closed the music playing in the stereo stopped playing and I went over to it and turned it off ..
Logan removed the pillow from his face and smiled “finally” he said and stretches out.. I rolled my eyes and walked over to my TV, I searched for the disc and found it, I inserted it in my DVD player and when it started I paused it and quietly wait for Derrick..
The door went open few minutes later and Derrick came in with a big bowl of popcorn,
“sorry for being late princess” he apologized handing me the bowl
“no need to apologize I know it’s part of you” I said with a grin
“thanks! It means so much” he said and took a hand full of popcorn and shoving it in his mouth I playfully slapped his full cheeks and said “you’ve gotten your own share”
“yeah whatever” he said and we both walked to the cushion chair and plopped right into it..
I grabbed the remote and played the paused movie,…
The two of us focused on the movie like we hadn’t seen it before, we put so much interest that we didn’t know when Logan sat down on the same chair as ours but not to close us.. Until when he shifted uncomfortably that when I noticed him, I quickly grabbed the remote and paused it..
“you? What are you doing here” I asked referring to Logan and that’s where Derrick noticed him
“what now? So I’m not allowed to watch anymore” Logan says sarcastically rolling his eyes..
“that’s now wh-hat I…
“could you just play this piece of shit!” Logan barked, I eyed him and played the movie..
I moved closer to Derrick and snuggled myself in him, he placed his hand around my shoulder while rested I my head on his shoulder … Logan glanced at us and shook his head negatively,
What wrong with him!
When the Titanic ship starts to sink I stated to doze my eye lids were heavy and I couldn’t take it anymore I have to go to bed and sleep but I was too tired to stand up and my tummy was filled with popcorn and milk.. I snaked my hands around Derrick’s body and laid my head on his chest, yeah I can sleep comfortably in this zone.
“whoa whoa, Lia! You can’t sleep on my body you know that your bed is just over there” Derrick said, I Could here Logan chuckling but I didn’t care to look, why would I care, cause now I’m battling with my eyes and legs..
“I know but can’t I just sleep here” I groaned sadly holding him tighter
“No. You can’t, my body’s not a bed, now stand up” he said and slowly pushed me away but griped on my arm he helped me up and I tried to walk but staggered luckily he caught me and sighed
“carry me! ” I said, my eyes closed and my voice comes out babyish..
“no.. Your bed’s just over there” he said and I groaned , I walked slowly as Derrick held me and finally we’re in front of my enormous and gigantic king-sized bed .. I climbed the bed slowly and before I knew it my eyes closed “goodnight” I said lowly to Derrick and finally I fell asleep..
The next morning I woke up and found out I was sleeping on my right cause I remembered facing up last night.. I opened my eyes and found Derrick right next to me, I smiled and then sat down I turned to my left and found Logan sleeping too..
What the hell I slept in between this Two guys.. I glanced at my wall clock and gasped
“OMG” I said and ran down from the bed ..
“Derrick!” I called and wake him up
“what!” He said waking up and rubbing his eyes..
“it’s 7:05 we slept in, we’ll be late for school” I panicked while Derrick got down from the bed and Logan woke up,
“what’s all this fuss about? ” he asked and glanced at the clock
“Shit! I’m late” he said and rushed out..
“look just chill princess we’ll make it in time,.. I have to go Home now” Derrick said and Walked outside my room
Suddenly my door flew open and Derrick and my mother walked in,
“Derrick! I thought you went to get ready for school” I said
“I know I will but your mom said I should come with her here ” Derrick replied
“hon.. You’re not going to school throughout this week, the week’s already over and we’ll be getting you ready for your wedding on Saturday” my mom said
The thought of that made me frown, I closed my hamper and sighed falling on my bed, I can’t go to school either my only safe.. “I can stay at home with you if you want” Derrick said
“no Derrick your mom won’t be pleased you have to go Home” my mom chipped in
“she’s my mom and Lia’s my best friend I know my mom will understand and also today’s Thursday so how many days left for the week to be over so I guess I’ll just stay with my best friend” Derrick grinned and I sat up and mouthed him a thank you…
Derrick and I spend our day together, he was trying to cheer me up since the wedding reminder thing, later that day my mom, step mom and Logan’s step-mom went out to I don’t know where because they didn’t tell me..
Derrick had another sleepover at my house and I was glad Logan wasn’t around we had a lots fun and I ended sleeping on his body again..
The next morning before I woke up, derrick was gone, I sighed missing him already, I suddenly got a text message from me saying he’s at school..
School!! I miss it
I stayed in my room all day reading a novel, I’m not a fan of stories but unexpected marriage can lead to you liking them.. Hours later I fell asleep without eating both breakfast and lunch .
I woke up that evening and I felt a hand soothing my hair.. I opened my eyes slowly and found Derrick beside me, he’s the one touching my hair, and wow it felt good.. “please continue” I said with a sleepy voice and he flinched and stopped..
“I said continue” I yelp and sat up, he smiled shyly and shook his head negatively
“why’d you do it anyway if you know you wouldn’t continue” I said scratching my hair..
“Uhm.. You haven’t eaten have you?” he asked, he just changed the subject, okay weird, Derrick’s not a fan of changing subjects he likes to get to the bottom of things..
“no I didn’t have Lunch or breakfast” I said while he shook his head negatively and said “then you and I are going to have dinner together and you’re going to eat more than you do cause tomorrow’s your wedding day”
“don’t remind me” I said with a sigh and came from the bed..
Derrick stood up and we both went to the dining room .. We met Logan at the living room, I don’t know what he’s doing here and I didn’t bother to know..
After dinner Derrick and I went back to my room after small talks, he wanted to tell me to stay for another sleepover but I declined and told him he’s done enough that I’ll be fine..
After a goodnight hug by the door he left and I went back and drifted back to another slumber



I was seated in a small stood while my vale was getting fixed in my ponytail like one side braided hair.. Derrick was resting on the wall behind me.. “and done” Gina said, a young lady who practically got me dressed
She walked out of leaving Derrick and I alone in the small white and plain room.. I stood up and turned to look at Derrick holding my long wedding dress..
“wow” Derrick’s eyes flickers immediately he said that
“you look beautifully stunning princess” he added
“thanks” I blushed looking down, I scratched my itchy wrist because of the gloves I’m wearing and when I look up derrick was still staring at me
“what?” I asked with a small smile
“what? ” he said back
“why are you staring at me like that!” I smiled
“oh..i wasn’t” he lied nervously
“Derrick!! Friends don’t lie you know” I said giving him a look he rubbed his head nervously
“can I kiss you” Derrick voice said
“excuse me! ” my eyes blinked rapidly
Before I could say another word he moved closer and kiss me..


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4 years ago

This is are such a gorgeous day writer. Please do upload two episodes at a time now. Thanks

4 years ago
Reply to  Collins
