THE DIARY OF LIA MARK (Dear diary) Episode 4 by RUTHIE LEE


THE DIARY OF LIA MARK (Dear diary) Episode 4 by RUTHIE LEE

Okay I just told Noah my secret, not my secret actually but a secret, Dang it..
“uhmm.. I mean my mom’s getting married” I quickly lied but he’s no fool
“really?” he arched an eyebrow at me sarcastically
“look.. Okay fine you caught me I am actually getting married but please you have to tell no one about this” I Said looking into his eyes
He looked suddenly poppy and Sad “oh so it’s not a joke you are actually getting married” he asked
“I wish it was a joke, I actually am” I said and faced the floor

“well then I could say, I liked you, or still like you, but you’re already taken so I loose” he Said and laughed and i joined him
“but don’t worry your Secret’s safe with me,.. But who’s this lucky guy anyway” he asked
“Huh? Uh-he.. I.. I..
“hey there Noah, Amelia” Derrick called, okay earth to Derrick he have saved my butt two times .. He walked up to us and placed his hand around my shoulder
“so what are you two up to” Derrick asks
“do you know that Amelia is getting married” Noah asked Derrick In a small whisper while Derrick gave me a small glance
“what!! Really? I had no idea” Derrick lied in a teasing tone …

“what? But I thought you guys are best friends why wouldst you know” Noah added
“because there are something friends from each other, but I don’t care let’s go to the cafeteria together I heard we’re giving pasta salad or is it nacho cheese ..i don’t know why don’t we find out” Derrick said quickly changing the subject and making me walk to the cafeteria with Noah behind us..

At the cafeteria the three of us got the same thing nacho cheese and crackers, with cold milk,
Just then Amanda walked up to us her lips shining with red lipstick.. Ugh drama queen
“oh Noah, here you are I’ve been looking for you all over the school, I didn’t know you’re here with, her” she said immediately she got to us and gestured her hand in air towards me..
“what did you want with me!” Noah ask

“I was gonna ask you to tell eat with me but no need you’re here with irresponsible girl and her dorky friend” Amanda replied
“what is that suppose to mean Amanda” Derrick said almost angrily, and she laughed and said
“simple you’re a dork and she?, she is so irresponsible, I mean you weren’t even sick and you didn’t come to school yesterday what were you doing, to just miss school without any reason and clearly being the schools president top notch of being irresponsible”

“Wait hold on there Amanda, are you actually complaining about Lia Absence, oh yeah right since she’s not in school you had to take her job, see looks like you can’t handle what Lia can do” Derick said and winked at me and I shook my head negatively..

“you are a cliché” Amanda said referring to Derrick and then she left.. And we all burst into sweet sounds of laughter

School closed that day and i sadly went home, the thought about being home reminders me of my marriage, I’m gonna be in my room a day sleeping or crying,
As I got in my car I sighed and turned to my window sadly
“what’s wrong” Derrick asked immediately Klaus started driving
“oh you know going home and..

“thinking about the marriage stuff” he cut me off completing my sentence
“yepp” I replied popping the “p”
“so want me to have a sleepover at your house tonight” he asked and I turned excitedly
“will you?” I threw back the question
He nodded and said “anything for my girl”

I wrapped my hands around him giving him a tight warm hug.. “okay that’s enough” he said and pushed me making me hit my head a little on the car window “ouch!” I barked In his face
“oh really, try giving me another hug and I’ll throw you out of the car” he said and we both laughed..

I wish it would just be like this, me and Derrick would just go home like always with no ring on my finger and maybe Noah and I would have already gone on our first date ..
But what can I say life is pretty I fair..

“I’m home” I announced as I got to my enormous living room and my voice echoed, as I walked to the stairs i noticed someone sitting on the couch and when I turned to look at the person it was Logan and wow I was surprised
“what are you doing here” my voice comes out high
He quickly raised his head up beside he was busy with his phone
“oh are you talking to me” he asked looking side ways

“yeah Duh! You’re the only one in here” I said sarcastically rolling my eyes at him
“just shut up and pretend you didn’t see me” he said way too rudely I gasped and blinked rapidly
“how.. Da- do yo-
I didn’t even know what to say he just insulted me okay this guy is so not a nice person
“maybe you should be the one to shut up and just listen to her” I heard a familiar voice behind me and when I turned I saw Logan’s mom..

“Mrs.. Miss
“oh just call me Jaone” she Saod while I modded
“oh Kay” I said lowly
“I’m so sorry if Logan said anything wrong the boy’s crazy sometimes I wonder sometimes if he’s actually my son” Joane said and laughed
“you know I’m over here right” Logan said while his mom shot him a glare

“you wanted to know why he’s here, he stupidly broke the news to his ex girlfriend that he’s getting married and now some reporters are hanging around the mansion trying to get questions from him, so your father insisted he stays here for a while” she explained while I nod, turned and made my way to my room ..

I took a cold bath and put on something nice, I sat down back on my bed and did nothing
Now I just don’t know what to do with my life.. It kinda sucks I suddenly got a message on my phone and I suddenly grabbed it and it was Derrick

coming over in five
I mind read the text message and dropped my phone
Thank god he’s coming over at least I’ll have someone’s to talk to
Few minutes later, I heard a knock on my door
“it’s open” I yelled happily
“well you didn’t have to yell” Derrick said walking in..

“sorry just got excited seeing you , Logan tried to ruin my mood” I Said while he shrugged and said
“I said hi to him but he just ignored me”
“he’s just being stupid” I said and we both shared a laughed a pretty good laugh
“so I haven’t eaten dinner yet, wanna eat some with me” I asked
“I ate dinner already so let’s just eat dessert” he said rubbing his tummy
“okay fine, ice-cream?” I asked

“oh yeah, that’s my second favourite thing in the world” Derrick yanked happily
“what’s your first favourite thing” I asked moving my hair back
“you” he replied with a smile
“awwn thanks that’s so sweet” I said wearily why he placed his hands on my shoulder and pushed me out saying “let’s go get that ice-cream”

I opened the fridge in the kitchen and brought out a big plate of ice-cream, “will this do?” I asked dropping the ice-cream on the counter
“of course” Derrick replied
I closed the fridge and grabbed a spoon for Derrick and i
“let’s eat it in here” Derrick said as I grabbed the ice-cream about to walk away
“okay.. ” I replied and sat down on the counter.. While Derrick stood by the side of the country
I opened the ice-cream and grabbed a spoonful of the ice-cream and shoved it in my mouth.. And so did Derrick he was rushing his..

Ice-cream freak, I thought to my self and laughed
“ooh brain freeze” Derrick groaned closing his eyes and rubbing his templates .. I couldn’t help but laugh, “good for you” I said sticking my tongue out
“oh really, then no more ice cream for you” he said and moved the plate to his body “don’t worry sweetie I’m done already” I said and jumped down from the counter..

“so I’ll be in my room” I said and walked out of the kitchen, the living room was still invaded with Logan and his phone, as I was about to climb the stairs he called my name
“Amelia!!” I tunes to him surprisingly
“what!?” I replied and rudely and ever
“just so you know I’m sleeping in your room tonight” he said
“why the hell would you be slee–

“mom’s order not mine, like I would want to sleep in your room!!..yeah you wish” he said with a smirk
“you know what brown you’re a pretty Douchebag that I could ever imagine” I said angrily
“whatever” he said and I huffed Angrily and walked up stairs

It was nighttime, derrick and I sat on the floor with my nail polish around us, and a small stereo playing derrick and I favourite song /born to love you/ ..

I’ve successfully forced Derrick to paint my nails for me and he’s now focused on it taking it seriously, this sleepover is going great I think, just then the door flew open and Logan walked in,turning off the stereo and jumping on the door,

I sighed angrily and stood up, and got a small stain of nail polish on the back of my hand
“what’s your problem” I yelled
“I hate noise and disturbance like your stereo and your voice” he said and I narrowed my eyes angrily…
“common man don’t be an asshole” Derrick said

“oh I am more of an asshole than you could ever imagine” Logan replied
“well not in front of me” derrick said and turned on the song again, oh this is going to be the longest night ever.. I can’t believe I’m getting married to this guy


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Gesem Garba Gadi
Gesem Garba Gadi
4 years ago

Thanks Ruthie Lee… This story is wow,my favorite Derrick