THE DIARY OF LIA MARK ? (Dear diary) ? Episode 3 by RUTHIE LEE ??


THE DIARY OF LIA MARK ? (Dear diary) ? Episode 3 by RUTHIE LEE ??

Derrick and I finally got down the stairs and stood before my parents and “his” (Logan’s) parent
“good morn—-
“oh Amelia it’s so nice to see you again” the old woman said cutting me off and hugging me.. She let’s go of me but kept on smiling but sat down everyone eyes went to Derrick who was actually kind of nervous, then back to me
The young lady among then stood up and smiled,
“so dear, today’s the day”
“the day for what?” I add sarcastically thinking no body heard me but I was wrong, I quickly realised it, as my dad shot me a glare..

“today’s the day you’re getting married” she said with a small smile
wait!! What?
“I thought it was like two weeks after or three, but today I’m not even ready at all” I said and moved my hair back
“oh dear, you don’t need to be ready this is an arranged and secret marriage” the old woman suddenly said and stands up
Secret? Secret marriage, I wanted to ask why secret but I decided to keep it to my self..

“secret?” Derrick said out loud and everyone turned to him except Logan who was busy with his phone, point of correction crown prince Logan brown kludge
Yeah right, whatever
“yes, secret! Do you have a problem with that” the old woman said rudely to Derrick while he faked a small smile and Said
“no.. No ma’am” ..

Okay this old lady should just watch it, if she’s gonna get all rude to my best friend I might have to get rude too
“but why secret” I asked suddenly,
“it’s best you don’t know now, but after the wedding which will take place this Saturday” the old woman said smiling brightly..
“for now you both are getting engaged” the middle aged woman said and a man in suit who was standing behind our thirty-two million dollar couch brought out a small but not too small box and handed over to the middle aged woman who I just found out that her name is Morgan after the old lady said “Morgan do the honour” ..

Morgan stood up and turned to Logan.. “Logan!! ” she called
Logan looked up and removed the head phone around his neck, his eyes suddenly flickers around Morgan..
“Uhm yes..” he said while Morgan smiles warmly at him
“could you stand up please” she said while he sighed rolled his eyes and stood up..
“okay I’m up what do you want” he said somewhat rudely..
“Logan!!…” the youngest woman among them said in a warning tone glaring at Logan, whom I think is Logan’s mom. Cause they both look like so alike..
“sorry” Logan said quietly to the woman and she sighed and shook her head negatively
“Amelia dear, you and Logan are going to exchange this rings placing them on your fourth finger” Morgan said, still with a smile bringing out those two little of those boxes they store rings and giving me one and Logan one..
Okay this is Like the weirdest marriage I have ever seen, and the most weirdest that has ever happened to me..

My mom gave me a look telling me to go ahead and open the box, I opened it a shiny diamond ring laid inside the box, and it looks very expensive.
“Now you both must place those rings on your fingers” Morgan said and I suddenly looked up, Logan threw the box away and sighed heavily he walked closer to me with the ring in his hand and pulled my hand forward, he gently pushed the ring in my fourth finger and sighed again..
I took out my ring and take a glance at it, there goes my social life.. I’m. Getting engaged to a boy I don’t know and at seventeen
Could my life get any worse?
… I bit my lips as I pushed the ring in his finger and sighed sadly as I was done..
Morgan and the old woman clapped happily while his mom just smiled briefly..
“so can we go now” Logan ask picking up his headphone
“where are you running to young man we are not done taking” his mom said and he groaned lowly and sat down back on the couch ..
“Amelia, please sit!” Logan’s mom said and I looked around beside all the couch looked occupied but luckily I found space beside Derrick
I sat down there beside him
“we’ll be back on Tuesday today again to get you prepared for the wedding but for now you can never tell anyone you’re getting married, and don’t even mention Logan’s name to anyone, we’ll you two why we’re making this marriage a secret after your wedding or the day you’re getting married.. Understood!” Morgan said while I nodded slowly
“I dont know who he is but I don’t trust him” the old woman suddenly referring to Derrick, I quickly held his hand and said..
“I trust him, he’s my best friend he’ll never tell” Derrick nudged me playfully and we shared a brief smile..
I looked away and suddenly made eye contact with Logan who arched an eyebrow at me and I gave him my “what-is-it-look” he looked away rolling his eyes
“okay then we’ll be talking our leave” Mogan said and they stood up and Logan quickly walked away, his mom sighed heavily and said “take care then, Amelia” she smiled shorty and they all walked away after the old woman gave Derrick a glare..
“that old woman hates me” Derrick said with a laugh after they left
I laughed with him shortly but stood up and walked to my room
I sat down on my bed and stared at my ring,
This ring is like a curse, Logan doesn’t even like me, and I don’t think I like him either, worst thing that has ever happened to me is this, I grabbed my pillow, pressed my face In it and screamed loudly..
When I moved the pillow from my face, I saw Derrick standing in front of me, I sighed and said “what are you doing here, you wanna get married to me too, don’t worry you’re free”
“Ha-ha not funny princess, i mean come-on Lia you should be happy about this” he said
“too bad I’m not” I said sarcastically rolling my eyes
“it’s your fate Now, you have to learn how to leave with that, not even learn you’ve got to Leave with that” he said and sighed,
They’ve been a lot of sighing lately I hope it ends soon …
“since you’ve canceled school today I’m gonna go home and change” Derrick said and walked up to the door,
“wait! You’re leaving me here” I said standing up
“I’m coming back I can’t be in my school uniform walking around all day” he backfired
“well can I come with you, I can’t stay here alone” I asked
“did you even had to ask” he said rolling his eyes and I smiled and trailed behind him.
We were already at the door when Delia my step mom walked up to me
“hey where are you going to” she ask
“oh I’m just going over Derrick’s house to stay for a while” I said while she nods and take a step closer to me
“look Lia, I know this might be the hardest part in your life right now, you just have to take it in and accept it okay” she said and sighed
“I know, I can’t do anything I’m engaged right?” I said waving my. Fingers in the air, she laughed and nudged me playfully
“so what do you think about Logan isn’t he a charm” she said in a teasing and sexy tone
“yeah real charm” I replied sarcastically rolling my eyes ..
She laughed lightly and said “okay have fun at derricks”
“thanks mom” I said and hugged her,
I walked out the door and caught up with Derrick, his house wasn’t too far, so we got there in no time..
Derrick got to the door, opened it and walked in and I followed him, “I’m home” he announced
His mom suddenly came out from. The kitchen I guess because she was holding a small knife..
“you’re home? Why aren’t you in schoo.. Oh my goodness is this Lia, ” she asked coming closer to me and i could’ve help it but smile ..
“hi Mrs yvonne” I said and gasp surprisingly as she pulled me in quickly for a hug..
“wow it has been so long since you came here, but why aren’t you guys In school” she asked disengaging the hug
“something came up” Derrick answers for me
“I didn’t ask you” his mother said
“he’s right something actually came up” I quickly said
“w-well what is it” she asked In a motherly concerned tone
Oh no why is she asking me… I have no choice than to tell her I’m getting married..
“i-i.. I..
“oh yeah Lia there’s something I’d like to show you” Derrick quickly said and dragged me upstairs to his room..
“okay I just saved your butt from my mom you owe me one” Derrick said the moment we stepped In his room.
“oh quit blabbering” I said and climbed on his one person bed and laid on my stomach, he moved to his closet and took of his shirt while I sighed and rubbed my gaze to my “ring”
I caressed the ring softly wishing it isn’t, with my lips pouted I pull out the ring and stared at it Even more
“stare at it a million times you’ll still get married to him” I heard Derick’s annoying voice behind me
“shut up Eric” I said while he chuckled
“take put it on” I said handing him the ring
“why?” he asks
“well I don’t want to wear it it’s itchy and uncomfortable” I replied
“what is your parents going to say if they don’t find it in your hand” he asked
“don’t worry I’ll take it back when I’m going back home, and that’s not until nighttime” I said
“wait you’re staying here till nighttime” he asked, excitement in his voice
“y-you don’t want me here?” I asked packing my hair in ponytail
“of course I do, first of all let’s go and have breakfast, ” he said and dragged me downstairs..
That day passed like the breeze and Derrick and his mom really made my day, I love them..
The next morning I woke up and got ready for school, and me and Derrick went to school together,
I got to class and sat down Tiredly, today’s Wednesday damn it three days to my wedding..
I began to stare at my ring again sighing softly
“what’s that” a huge voice shakes me and I turned
“N-Noah” I called, I almost forgot about this Prince Charming
“hey any good morning to you too” he laughed and sat down
“so why weren’t you In school yesterday” he asked
“oh o i-i well it’s complicated” I said and he shrugged and turned to look at my ring again.. Which diddly hid behind me
“okay I saw that, why are you wearing it anyway” he asked
“this?.. Um.. I.. I-i..
A teacher suddenly walked in “look a teacher I guess I should just shut up now” I said and laughed nervously..
We got impacted that morning and we went out for break, I stood to go Derrick’s class when Noah called me and said
“Uhm Lia, let’s have lunch together”
“oh really!!, I’ll just call Derrick first” I said and walked out of the class but he still followed me
“wait! Let it just be the two of us” he said with pleading eyes
“Uhm.. I always eat with Derr..
He shut my mouth with a kiss
I quickly push him away
Way to ruin my first kiss.. Or not.. Maybe I’ve kissed Derrick before, I’m not sure.. But what the hell
“what’s wrong with you” I yanked
“I guess I like you lia” he said sympathetically
“I’m sorry Noah but it can’t work I’m getting married” I said while his mouth dropped open
“that’s what the ring is for, you’re actually getting married? ” he asked
Oh no way to go Amelia..


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4 years ago

I love this story .. please next episode
God bless you . You are a good writer.