The Day I Died Final Episode 4 – Tishania Ginikachi


The day I died
Episode 4 (final episode)

I held the man’s hand and we landed at my family house, I saw mother and father crying seriously. I could tell they missed me so much, I couldn’t stand the sight of watching them cry.

My mother folded in my father’s arms crying, my father tired to comfort her but all went in vain.

“Ike why did you leave us in this lonely world?”, My father yelled.

“My son come back and say it’s a prank”, my mother cried out.

Some person’s where around also consoling, some cried whiskey some kept a sorrowful face.

“For the sake of my parents just bring me back to earth, I promise to listen to them each time they advice me”, I pleaded looking at the man in BLUE.

“I know you have realized your mistake, love can be tricky but it doesn’t mean you have to stop loving people”, the man said.

“Please just bring me back before it will be too late”, I cried out.

“I will bring you back to them, but there is one more person who needs you”, the man replied.

“Who could that be?”, I asked.

“Come with me and I will show you”, the man replied, stretching forth his hand. I held his his hand and we landed at a very big house, the house looked familiar like somewhere I have been before.

We got into the house and then I realized I was right. I have been here before so many times, I was at keffi’s house.

Keffi use to be my lover then in school, we dated for 7 years but I broke up with her when I saw the love of my life kosi. Keffi loved me so much, she was heartbroken when she heard I was getting married to someone else.

Keffi was from a comfortable family, she never lacked anything but she loved to work for her money. She doesn’t like the idea of inheriting her families wealth, she kept telling me that she wants to make money just like her father did.

To be honest she made money, she bought so many estates and has a farm with so many workers. I never knew that until the man in BLUE told me, I felt guilty and sad for letting a diamond slip from my hands.

I saw keffi crying holding my picture, “Ike why did you leave me? If you had stayed with me you wouldn’t have been dead. I wish you could appear to me and talk to me, I miss holding you and looking into your eyes”, keffi cried out.

“I pray that you have peace in heaven and never feel pain again”, keffi muttered.

I tried to hold her but I couldn’t, I looked at the man with tears rolling down my eyes.

“Now have you concluded on what to do?”, The man asked.

“Yes, I will make peace with m family and come back to keffi she equally loved me genuinely just like my parents do”, I replied.

“Good so what will you do about kosi, your best friend and her family?”, Thw man asked.

“I will forgive them, and let the law catch up with them. Vengeance is for the lord, I can’t pay evil with evil”, I said.

“Good, learn to live a good life help those who are in need and forgive those who wrong you. now close your eyes and relax”, the man in BLUE said.

I closed my eyes, it felt like I was in a very long sleep. When I opened my eyes I saw myself in the mortuary, already covered with a white cloth.

I saw other dead bodies there with their name tags I felt goosebumps all over me, it felt like a dream. I tried to work but I felt week and cold.

I quickly found my way out of the place, I was wear am hospital gown and on bare foot. I walked down the streets, looking for an available cab but no agreed to carry me they thought I was a mad man.

A bike Man agreed to carry me, we zoomed off to my parents house. I was scared of what the might think of me after I was confirmed dead.
We arrived at the gate and i bid the bike Man goodbye, he never took any penny from me I asked him why he only told me the same words the man in BLUE told me before I came back to life.

“learn to live a good life help those who are in need and forgive those who wrong you”.

I was shocked, I walked into the compound, when the gate man saw me he screamed and ran into the house like he has seen a ghost.

Even after I told him to calm down he didn’t stop, he ran into he house and kept screaming.

I got into the house and same thing happened, they screamed out their lungs an started running away from me.
Even the people who came visiting where scared if coming close to me.

“Ike, you are dead… this is not real”, my mother yelled.

“This is real mom please calm down”, I said.

“It’s a lie, Ike your dead”, my father screamed.

They where all clustered in one area, so scared of me. I sat on the coach and explained everything to them, I even told them what they said in my absence and they where all shocked.

I told them what kosi and my best friend Kelly did to me and how they secretly plot to take all I have. They where shocked, they finally realized that I was still in my hospital clothes and asked me to freshen up.

I freshed up and had the best meal of my life, I couldn’t believe I was dead for some hours and them back to life.

“Ike this is unbelievable, I heard things like this happen but I never knew the tales where real”, my mother said.

“So what do you plan on doing to Kosi and Kelly? Because I won’t let them go free since there is no evidence of her poisoning you”,, my father said.

“There is evidence dad, I have CCTV everywhere in the house and I have all the recordings and tape that has been going on since my absence”, I replied.

“Very good, your a smart boy”, my father replied.

“This is why I never wanted you to marry that girl but you refused”, my mother added.

“Mom and so sorry for not listening to you, dad am really sorry for being all this upon myself and stressing you”, I pleaded.

“It’s okay my son, we all make mistakes”, my father replied.

“What will you do about kosi’s family living in the house you built for them?”, My mother asked.

“Well I think I will leave it for them, for her sake of her father. He was sad about my death, he never supported his daughters attitude. For his sake I will let him have the house to himself”, I replied.

“Ah my son, you have the heart of gold. That’s thoughtful of you”, my mother replied.

“You are indeed my son, never pay evil with evil”, my father added.

Few minutes later I went to my house with some security and my lawyer.

Getting there I saw kosi and Kelly playing like lovers in the compound. They we shocked to see me, they ran thinking they have seen a ghost. The security apprehended them, I submitted the recordings to my lawyer after making a second copy of it.

Kosi and Kelly where thrown in jail for 23 years imprisonment, I got back with keffi. I and keffi got married and relocated to Canada.

We have 3 lovely kids, the joy in my heart knew no bound. I was given a second chance to live and be happy, as for kosi and Kelly. I heard they fought theirselves to death blaming each other for landing in jail.

Kosi’s mother repented from her old ways and became a new person. Her father was rewarded handsomely for being a good man regardless of all the bad energy his wife and daughter had towards me.

Keffi is currently pregnant for baby number 4 and I have learnt to be grateful happy and learn to help those who are in need.

The end.

© Tishania Ginikachi


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Sophia Andrew
Sophia Andrew
1 year ago

Sincerely, this is one of the best stories have read so far, it was short, entertaining and lovely, kudos to the writer,