The Day I Died Episode 3 – Tishania Ginikachi


The day I died
Episode 3

I took his hands and we landed in kosi’s family house, I could see kosi’s mother and father in the house I built newly for them. Kosi’s mother Deborah was so happy, celebrating and dancing, except the father.

The father was just in the other side of the living room in tears. I began to wonder if they never knew I was died or if their daughter never told them what happened to me, not until the father’s phone rang, his wife turned the music

“Father are you still crying? Have told you to stop cry…”, kosi said over the phone before she was interrupted by her father.

“Where are you? Are you not suppose to be with your husband’s family and sympathize with them?”, Her father asked still in tears.

“Father am not sympathizing with anybody, when Ike wanted to get married to me they objected. They never liked me, they never wanted me close to their son, so what do you want me to do?”, Kosi said without remorse.

“Shut your mouth, why will talk about your late husband’s family like that. Even if they wronged you, you have no right to be angry now their son is no more”, her father replied.

“My daughter enjoy your life, enjoy your self. Take all his money and other properties to yourself before his family starts playing smart on you. As for this house he built for us, they won’t dare to fight us to take it, I will fight them till my last sweat”, kosi’s mother echoed.

“Will you shut up woman, look at the advice your giving to your daughter. How could you?”, Her father scolded.

“Father I have to go, talk to you later”, kosi said while ending the call.

“She ended the call, see Deborah don’t ever interrupt me while am on call again”, the father warned.

“Have made my point, now her husband is died she should fight hard to get all his properties and enjoy her life”, the mother said as she turned up the music again and started dancing.

I was just so frustrated, I can’t believe people change this much. Kosi’s family I helped to give them a proper house and a good life, I thought the father never liked me. I can’t believe he is even sad about my death much more than his daughter I married.

I felt bad, kosi’s mother I thought liked me, even despise me even in my death. She has been pretending all those while, now I know who truly loves me and who doesn’t.

“Can we live, I can’t take this pain anymore”, I voiced out.

“I understand your pain, but let’s not give up yet. Let’s go to your family and see what they are up to”, the man in BLUE said.

© Tishania Ginikachi

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