She sat facing Chris who stood with his arms folded across his chest.

From where she stood at the far exit, Lauren could see they were talking about something that really excited her because her thin voice ringed through the hall with laughter.

No doubt, Chris had a great sense of humor. He could make her fall over with laugher at the way he related things and she often told him he would pass for a comedian. But she just wasn’t liking the way he could make another laugh like that.

“what could they be discussing that made her so happy? She thought

She signed, guilt and shame washing over her then for thinking about Chris in that light.

How could se not trust him?

Had they not been friends for over three years before they started courting and got married?

Surely he wouldn’t think of hurting her ever.

Yet she felt tensed with thoughts of what could have gone wrong without her knowing

She started to walk towards them, suddenly remembering a line one of their pastors at their marriage counseling classes used a lot; “communication, not just communication, but effective communication can save your marriage”

She would ask him to excuse her, and then she would look straight into his eyes and ask him the burning question in her heart.

She could imagine him bursting into laughter at the silliness of her questions and she would also laugh and they’d go back to being friends again.

She had almost gotten to them, and the squeaking of her heels on the tiled floor did not even distract Chris.

He must really be happy with her

All of a sudden, she heard someone calling from behind her

“Excuse me ma” the voice called in a demanding manner.

She turned back and there was a girl of about 12 bounding towards her, almost out of breath. She waited

“Ma..good afternoon’re Brother Chris’ wife right?”

“Yes I am. How are you?”

“I’m fine ma. Em.. the media head has asked me to call you. He said he needed to tell you something”

“Oh..okay. let’s go then” she said and followed the girl back up the stairs


The week started uneventfully as they fell into the routine of waking up early, preparing hurriedly for work and coming back to oven heated meals.

Sometimes, Chris had meetings to attend in church or with the other board members of his organization and in those uneventful days, she would eat without him and go to sleep.

These days, sometimes all through the week, there was barely any meaningful conversation between them.

Work was demanding on both sides but they must work to pull resources together, so there seem not to be any blames on any sides, but each day, Lauren woke up feeling concerned about their lack of a “life” but usually she felt reluctant to discuss it because she felt she would sound selfish.

This week would be the most stressful for her as she carried on with thoughts of “that Natalia girl” and what could be possibly going on behind her back.

She had not gotten a chance to discuss it with her husband because on Sunday as it turned out, she couldn’t even see him until late at night when she was bent over work and he was tired from staying up at the church for a meeting of key leaders.

But this week would also turn out to be one where she did something she never thought she was capable of doing in her entire life!


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