THE BAD MOTHER Episode 2 – Remi the writer


Written by remi the writer

The children knew that their mother would get angry if they didn’t listen to her. Within minutes, they were waiting outside, armed with flashlights, bags and axes…..

Once they had reached the middle of the forest, Rose took her son Francis aside.

“Francis, you come with me”, she said. “The rest of you cockroaches, look around for wood.”

Without another word, Francis grabbed his bag and followed his mother. When they were out of sight of the other children,

The mother turned to him and said,

“Francis, hold out your bag and stand perfectly still.”

He held out the bag and his mother walked behind him.

“I hope you understand what I am about to do”, she said.

“Your father was the only one working, and without his income, we are lost.

In our house, there is too many mouths to feed and I am starving. Sorry, but at the same time, no regrets…”

With that, his mother picked up the axe and swung it at her son’s head.

It sliced cleanly through his neck and his head fell into the bag he was holding.

Then Francis b0dy collapsed in a heap on the snow, still holding the bag,

The mother used some snow to wash the blood off her axe and then ran back to her other children.

The poor children had no idea what their mother had done.

They cried all the way home, mourning the loss of their older brother. They were unaware of what fate had in store for them.

At home, the children were bathing and grooming themselves upstairs, Rosa called Joseph and told him she needed help in the kitchen.

Joseph always an obedient child, ran downstairs as fast as he could.

“Make me some tea, you little cockroach!” ordered Rosa.

When the tea was ready, she shouted, “Bring me the bottle that is sitting on the top shelf of the cupboard.”

The boy did as he was told. Rosa poured the contents of the bottle into the tea and then handed it to Joseph and told him to drink it.

Young Joseph was not suspicious in the least.

He took the cup his mother handed him and swallowed.

He had no way of knowing that his evil mother had poisoned it with deadly cyanide.

A minute later, Joseph crawled upstairs and collapsed in front of his siblings. He was foaming at the mouth and rolling around on the ground.

Lucia came running downstairs and cried, “Mommy! Mommy! Joe is having a cardiac arrest!”

Rosa calmly walked up the stairs and found Joseph lying motionless on the floor of the bedroom.

His crying sisters were standing over him.

The mother gave his c0rpse a kick and told the girls that their brother was

Remi the writer

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