THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 25 – 26 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 1- 8 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 25 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I spent another three years in prison before completing my book. Pastor James and Joyce were my best buddies, they always came visiting, they followed me for my studio sessions. They became my P.R.O, they took letters for me from fans, sorted out important ones and brought them for me. They brought homemade food anytime they came, we played cards within the 10 minutes visiting time.
The Prison was also home for me, as I had become friends with the warders and most of the inmates.

I led a lot inmates to Christ. The prison was another ministerial assignment for me.
Exactly, five years of staying in prison, I released my book through the help of Pastor James and his wife Joyce… It was an autobiography of all that happened, and how I was saved by Grace despite being in prison.

The book started topping the charts, it was selling in millions. People were buying the copies like water. Pastor James was in charge of my marketing. Practically everyone was talking about the book, so it didn’t come as a surprise when I had a visitor and it turned out to Daniel, my

The moment I entered the visiting room, I wanted to hug him out of excitement of him being alive, I restrained myself, but before I knew what was happening he had hugged me so tight…
“My Grace…” Daniel said…

He just called me “My Grace” just the way he used to call me, “Has he regained his memory” I thought silently as I patiently waited for his next reaction.

“My Grace. I knew I had met you somewhere, I thought it was a former life, but as I read the book, it seem like you were bringing back my memories” he said with tears flowing down his face
“I am sorry for everything I did!” I said “No, I forgive you…Anyone could have done what you did, under those circumstances, we all have different ways we commit sin and try to cover our tracks. I forgive you wholeheartedly…” Daniel said as he was touching my face…: “How have you been coping?’ he asked with tears still flowing down his face..

“Thank you so much, thank you Daniel… how are you doing now? Your wife and kids…?”
“My kids are fine, but as regards my wife, I should be asking you that question, how are you doing? You are my wife…so how are you doing Grace?”
I was shocked beyond words as I didn’t understand where Daniel was heading with this conversation…
“I mean the woman your mother married for you…”

“She is not my wife, the marriage was based on falsehood, and besides I can’t be married to two women at the same time, you are my wife whom I never divorced… the kids are adopted so, they are mine…, but if she insists on taking them, Let her take them, then we can adopt ours…
Was Daniel in his right frame of Mind, did he know what he was talking about? I was a prisoner…

“Daniel, I am in prison, I can’t be your wife anymore” “On our wedding day, we made a vow, and that vow was to stay for better, for worse. We promised to stay together through the best times and worse times… we had our 12 years of “for Better” so I won’t leave you now, when
it has become “for worse”… you will always be my wife…” Daniel said…
“Daniel, I have committed adultery against you, murder and yet you want
to still stay with me?”

“As disastrous as the sin Eve committed by making her husband and
mankind sin against God, God never replaced her. God didn’t change her,
Even God knew it is “For Better, For Worse”.I couldn’t wrap my head around this, I sat down looking at Daniel thinking to myself “God, why this so much love and Mercy”, but as beautiful as this looked, I wasn’t sure this could work out…but Daniel had it all figured


Part 26
©️Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I formally introduced Pastor James and Joyce to Daniel my husband, and they became really close. Daniel was always visiting me three times a week. He settled the woman his mother had married for him, the woman insisted on taking the children. Daniel was not disturbed, rather Daniel relocated to few blocks away from the prison where I was serving term. He became friends with the Chief Warder and asked to always see me every day after the close of work. I was growing in love every day. He always told me about his day, and what he planned to do the next day…

I begged Daniel to adopt a son, who could continue bearing his name after we are gone, but he declined saying he had a plan he was working on. He refused to disclose this plan to me…
God really showed me Grace with the officers at the prison, there were days Daniel would not leave me till 11pm at night, but always with a kiss. I was hoping for a day when I could lie down beside Daniel and be his wife in the real sense of the word…my wish came through in the seventh year of being in Prison…
Daniel had come into the Prison very excited, he was seated in the Chief Warder’s office, the moment he saw me, he carried me up and started screaming…
“I did it, I did it.., My Grace, I told you…” he said kissing my face, I noticed the chief warder was happy and smiling

“I had been writing to the president to use his good office to please grant you a presidential pardon to make you have three free weekends in a year, to spend with me as I was not planning to remarry. For the past two years , he never answered, so just last night I received a phone call from him, saying that he just had time to read your book that I sent with the letter, and he was really moved by your boldness to restitute your ways. He asked for my email address and here is the letter he sent from his office.

“We have also received our copy, from the office of the president…Congratulations Sis Grace… Your name really speaks for you” the Chief Warder said…

I sank into the chair in the Chief Warder’s office, was I dreaming? I suddenly remembered the Scripture that states that “when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, they were like them that dreamed… I was in shock as I heard Daniel saying to the Warder…
“Our first three days starts today, I am taking my wife out of here now…” He said while laughing in excitedly…

“Congrats Mr. Daniel, and thank you for being a good husband, you are one of a kind…”
Daniel had brought me a change of clothes, he brought a turquoise blue dress. He had not forgotten that turquoise was my best color.

I changed my dress and as I was going out of the prison door for the first time in a dress unlike my prison uniform I wore for studio sessions…. I took off the shoes he brought for me, as I wanted my legs to feel the sand of the outside world, I kept jumping and screaming, I started running, Daniel and the police officer (that had been attached to us to keep watch over me) started running after me to catch up with me…I was over the moon…


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Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
4 years ago

Wow I’m happy for you God is a merciful God

4 years ago

God is wonderful

4 years ago

Wow God works in mysterious ways . Everything u lost is back & even better. Thank you God if restoration.

4 years ago

I’ve been really inspired by this story. Indeed Grace’s life was a product of God’s mercy. May God richly bless the author. More ink to your pen ma!

4 years ago

Tears of Joy ???
Finally, she gets to see the outside world after such a long time…… Praise God!!