THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 23 – 24 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 1- 8 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 23 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

A particular boy of about 10 years, rushed towards me and hugged me so tightly, I didn’t recognize him, but I saw love in his eyes for me, the police left him for a while, he said to me while crying and hugging me tightly…

“You have been my mother since I lost my mother, your music has been your way of teaching me… now, you are also leaving me…”
Those words broke my heart, I wanted to tell him I was sorry for disappointing him, but the officers pulled him back from me … I was crying, but yet I tried to give a smile to my fans to let them know that I had received mercy…I was receiving the punishment of my wrong deeds here on earth, even with a great show of Mercy.

I was happy somewhere in my heart…but suddenly I saw him again…Among the Large crowd, I saw the man who looked like Daniel.

There was no expression on his face, the moment our eyes met, he was looking at me intently, like he was searching for something, but suddenly, he shook his head in the negative and turned back. I wanted to call his name, but the officers told me to enter into the van… I looked through the hole in the van trying to follow him, I saw him faintly hitting the tire of the vehicle angrily, just then I saw Doctor Jack patting him by the shoulder…

I knew it… that was Daniel, so Doctor Jack did not kill him? So what was the story about Daniel having a wife and two kids…? The van moved away from them…

As I walked into the prison gate, I received different looks, some were welcoming, and others were criticizing. Some were singing some of my songs and I waved at them. I was taken to a VIP prison room, where I had two other roommates. One of them was the wife of a former governor and the other a wealthy businesswoman who poured acid on one of her staff, who was sleeping with her husband. The wife of the former governor was welcoming, but the businesswoman was not. As I got in, I fell on my knees and I thanked God for what he had done for me, the Mercy he had shown me and the new phase of my life.

I thanked God for not letting Daniel die, and I prayed hopefully that Pastor James was not dead too.
I was happy. I got a special gift from the Judge’s daughter…it was a parcel. On opening it, I saw a Bible, and a jotter with a pack of high quality pens. There was an attached note…
“Aunty Grace,

Your ministry changed my life, from SS to AA. I am a testimony of your ministry. So, I need you ma to keep writing your songs, I will be sending you this jotters every month. The world is yet to hear all you have within you… love you ma. You are a champion.´
Joyce George.

For me it was a special gift, I sat down to write my first song, the one I received when I was given the Judgement of Mercy I received…
I had spent three months in prison, and I was having the best time of my life, fellowship time was always great. I was the praise team leader. I had written over 200 songs in just 3 months. The oil of inspiration was overflowing in my life. I was going to the studio the next day to record 3 songs. I was so full of joy in anticipation of going to the studio.

We were having our fellowship, when I heard my name over the public address system. Who was here to see me? Was my thought. Ever since I got into prison, I have only had three visitors, only three people were on my visiting list…my sister, Morountodun, Baba Prayer and Joyce George.

One of the warders came to pick me to the waiting room, where the inmates met with their visitors. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Doctor Jack and Daniel’s Mum, I looked around if Daniel was around, but he wasn’t.

“Doctor Jack, thank you for keeping Daniel alive!, Mama I am sorry for what I asked Doctor Jack to do”
“I am sorry for lying to you… I just couldn’t kill him, but I was scared you could kill him instead…”
“It’s ok, you were more righteous than me… please tell Daniel to please forgive me, because he doesn’t want to speak to me…

“That’s because he doesn’t recognize you” Mama said, talking for the first time
“What do you mean by that?” I asked
“After coming out of his coma, he lost his memory…


Part 24
©️Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I never saw Doctor Jack, Mama and Daniel again after that day, I had spent 2 years in prison before I had an encounter with someone else I had been longing to see. Pastor James had sent me a letter, asking me to add him to my visiting list, which I did.

By that time, the government had released 12 of my songs, and from what the warders told me, they were hit songs as people were singing it in churches, concerts and it was also popular on the street. I was fulfilling destiny while in prison…this was enough for me…

I walked into the waiting room, but on seeing Pastor James, I broke into tears, tears of Joy, I gave him a big hug, a very big hug and I kept crying… “It’s ok, Grace…” he said with his wonderful peaceful smile“You are alive and handsome” I said smiling while crying…I kept hugging him not wanting to leave him

But surprisingly I noticed a wedding band on his finger “You are married?”He nodded in the affirmative…
‘I am happy for you…” I said not totally meaning it“I am happy for you too, your new songs are everywhere” he said, the air
had become suddenly cold when he told me he was married… “And may I add, the songs are divinely inspired”

“Yes! Thanks to God and you… you told me I could still be the king of the Jungle”
“Yes! And you did it” he said with excitement
You made me do it… you were my angel!” I said looking into his eyes

“And you have always been my angel” he said holding my hands, but that made me see his finger well, there was a brief moment of silence, then I broke the silence by saying
“I wish I am in her shoes” I said referring to the wedding band…
“I wish I could have married you too, but God’s ways are not our ways.

God gave her to me, she is just like you and she is your biggest fan” he said
“Really? Do I know her?” I asked him

“Yes! But I never told her that I knew you, because your secret is safe with me…unless you want me to do otherwise” Pastor James said
“Who is she?” I was curious
“Joyce George… the lady whose genotype changed from SS to AA through your song…”
“What?” When Joyce visited me the last time about two months ago, she told me she was getting married, and she mentioned that her husband was a big fan of mine…

“Do you know it was your music that connected us, I was in a public busand I was playing one of your songs on my phone, she was so excited hearing it, she kept talking about how anointed you were, we got talking and the rest is history”… he said excitedly

I saw Pastor James was excited, I had to tell myself that James and I were not ordained to marry, he was just a friend God brought my way for that temporal purpose of redirecting me back to God.

God definitely planted Pastor James in Igbonla, exactly the same time I was going there. God never left me all the while…

I summoned courage to congratulate him, even though I couldn’t help the flow of tears I managed to say “Congratulations, Joyce is a good woman, may your home be blessed. Feel free to tell her about us, because someday I am going to release a book about all that happened, and definitely, your name can never be left out…” I gave him a warm smile and asked for a hug…

“Thank you for being my best friend, when I needed it”
“Thank you for rising up again…”he said

We said our emotional goodbyes and I went back into my room and weptembracing the full knowledge that not everyone we are attracted to can be our husbands or wives. They could have crossed our path for different purposes.


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Olamitoke Oluwakemi
4 years ago

Thanks am blessed
May Almighty God continue to bestow his wisdom on you

4 years ago

This story is just mind blowing. Infacts it’s the best story I have ever read here. It’s touching my heart&life in so many ways. Thanks opeyemi& opra

Oki Olayinka Akinbiola
Oki Olayinka Akinbiola
4 years ago

Awesome God. Soo inspiring, may God bless D author. Opradre you are blessed

4 years ago

This is very inspiring & insightful.
God Bless the writer O.O.A