THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 19 – 22 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 1- 8 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 19 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I was discharged 6 days later, my mother never came visiting. As I left the hospital, I went straight to the village elders, explained in simple terms to them, that it was a case of Ifakolade not fully fortified for the job I gave him…

The elders told me, I had to step in to start taking care of Ifakolade’s aged mother, which I agreed to… That was the least of my troubles. I promised to send her money on a monthly basis…Money was not a problem for me…

Early, the next morning, I packed my stuffs, with my vehicle I left Igbonla for good… If only I had listened to Saawawi just two months earlier, I won’t have been in all that mess…

Where was I going?

I was going back to my “Bethel”. The First place, I encountered God… The place where God spoke to me when I was just 13 Years old.

I set out on a journey of redemption, but my redemption story was not the usual. My redemption story is another great chapter of my life…

I arrived at the prayer mountain, with my baggage… I went in search of a man who used to pray for me back then as a teenager. The prayer mountain was a place you had to tread carefully, because there were a lot of fake prophets hanging around the mountain, looking for who to swindle, so I was looking for someone I knew and trusted. His name was “Baba Prayer”.
I was silently hoping he was not dead.

As I walked around on the prayer mountain searching for him, I noticed people were not waving at me… Was it that people didn’t recognize me anymore?… This was still baffling me, when I heard…

“He told me you were coming!” I turned back and I saw Baba Prayer, I ran towards him and hugged him like a daughter would hug her father…

Women and men were not allowed to hug themselves on the prayer mountain, but Baba Prayer knew, I needed a fatherly hug, I was broken, shattered and seeking repair…
“Your glory has been taken away, that is why people don’t see the need to celebrate you like before” Baba Prayer told me, when I mentioned people not warming up to me as before…

“Daughter, what you are going through is as a result of a conspiracy against you, it is not ordinary, you are going to stay with me on this mountain for 2 months without going anywhere… Right now you are in the Spiritual Intensive Care unit…

I agreed to stay, as I wanted God back…

It wasn’t easy, because right from the first week, I was told to just keep asking God for Mercy for committing adultery and Murder… I was on a water fast for the whole week…

On the seventh day, Baba Prayer called me, and prayed for me for an hour. Thereafter, he asked me to go to sleep as the Lord was going to show me a great secret…

I went to rest in a corner on the mountain and I had this great revelation…It was a great revelation indeed…
I saw myself in a large conference hall, with over a thousand delegates. There was a meeting going on, I saw Different people coming in; beautiful and stylish women, well dressed Men, of different colors, white, blacks, Indians, Japanese…etc., I seemed invisible as people were passing through me, the people there didn’t know I was present…

The chairman of the board meeting was speaking, he was a White man

“We have a serious matter arising, there is A Star rising in Africa, In particular Nigeria in West Africa. Our Star detectives brought the shining of this particular star to our knowledge…Detective Bird, can you fill us in…”

A lady who obviously was Detective bird, walked to a projected Screen

“We discovered this star about two months ago, it was shining so bright it attracted a lot of people to its light.
Her name is Grace…”

My Jaw literally dropped when I saw my face on the projected screen…
Who were these people and what business did they have with me?

“She is a gospel musician, she is changing a lot of lives through her music, her light is showing people the right way to go, so if we are not careful, this star May become a full blown Sun that will shine all over the world…” she said as videos and pictures of where I had ministered was projected on the screen.

“Thank you Detective Bird, so from your findings, what can be used to stop this star from shining?”

“The research was highly intensive as she is a righteous person, but we were able to get a loophole, a way of getting her…”

“Which is?… the chairman asked

“She doesn’t love her husband, Adultery will be a good way of trapping her down” Detective Bird said

“But you said she is righteous, she can’t fall for adultery” someone said from the crowd

“I went through her thought pattern and realized, she fantasizes a lot about wishing she was married to someone else. So, she is yearning for love”…

“Hmm… So we just need to plant a male agent in her life…” the chairman said while reasoning it out

“With due respect I would love to suggest that we do not use an agent, because she is spiritually sensitive, she will figure the agent out in no time”…Detective Bird said

“So what exactly is your way out? The chairman asked

“I want us to look for an ordinary person, a neutral individual who is not a Christian but matches the type of man she would love to marry. We will work things around to make that person close to her… That person will also fall in love with her, and the moment they commit immorality, we will ensure she becomes pregnant, that further traps her, because she may want to commit abortion…. From there, the chain continues…

I stood transfixed on a Spot as they were deliberating my issue, they couldn’t see me…

“That means Larry was just a victim like me, he was a tool in the hands of the devil…”I thought to myself

Just as I was looking around in that conference room, I saw the countries where the delegates came from… I saw Principality of countries, District Officers of villages…

Suddenly, a man stood up, he was a district officer of a village
“All protocols duly observed, I am Delegate Ajadi from District 1005, in Nigeria where this star is shining from, I know a man who can do it”

“Who?” the chairman asked

“My son! I will engineer him to do it and in exchange, my son will take her stars and use it for our kingdom”…

“Is your son an agent?”…The chairman asked

“No, but he is handsome and women naturally fall for him… He has a way with women”

The chairman had a long thought about it, then said
“What is the name of your son?”

“Lanre Banjoko popularly known as Larry”

“Bird, check him up and let’s know if he matches what we are looking for… ”

So Larry’s father was the one who engineered the whole thing… that was exactly what Larry had said. He said it was his father that brought back my audio CD…

“Absolutely “…I heard Detective Bird say..
“He is perfect for it, and the fact that he is married with children will not make Grace see him as a threat”.

The chairman turned to Larry’s father…
“You have won the assignment… No losing out, you know the repercussions attached. You also know the promotion involved if you do a good job”…

“Exactly, my son has wasted his stars as a young man sleeping around with girls, also I have donated his stars here on several occasions. This has made him unproductive, so I will appreciate if he collects the stars from this lady for his own use…”
“Sister Grace, Sister Grace” I heard a distant voice calling me, the delegates continued their discussion…

The chairman was asking Detective Bird…

“Do we have other stars rising in other nations?”

“None that should bother us for now, the earth is gradually becoming void of stars these days, Most of the potential stars are neck deep in sin, so they are not shining at their brightest, thereby making the planet earth become darker as each day passes by, just as we want…, but we will keep searching for new ones…“Detective Bird said with all authority on the matter…

“Sister Grace, Sister Grace”…That same voice was still calling, as I turned to answer, I woke up from that deep revelation…

“Yes! I answered her. It was one of the female prayer warriors on the mountain that was trying to wake me up…

“Baba Prayer calls for you, some men are asking to see you…

“Some men?” Fear immediately gripped my heart, as I didn’t inform anyone I was coming here…

It had to be the police…

“Policemen?” I asked

“Yes… How did you know? She asked very surprised…
I was right, this was the end for me… My dream was real, the kingdom of darkness conspired against me and I felt flat.


Part 20
©️Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I walked towards Baba Prayer and the policemen, but very swiftly to my surprise I saw someone who looked like Daniel my DEAD husband with a Fair-skinned woman walk past me towards the prayer Altar…. was I hallucinating? Right ahead of me were the policemen waiting, but I think I just saw Daniel OR was it not Him…?

I needed to see that person again…

“That was Daniel” I thought to myself

As I turned to have a second or third look, one of the police men shouted from faraway..

“If you try to run, I will shoot you down”…

“Who cares?” I thought to myself… At that point, I was no longer afraid of death, I turned and was walking towards the man I saw, suddenly, it seem like he had disappeared… Was I hallucinating?

I started running, Looking for the man that looked like Daniel, the policemen started pursuing ME, they thought I was running away…

I didn’t see Daniel or the man that looked like him anymore… Maybe I was hallucinating… I stopped running and turned back towards the policemen. I stretched my hands towards them for their handcuff…
The policemen were startled… They pointed their guns at me and looked at me intently…, then back at a photograph in their hand
“What are you waiting for? You can take me with you…” Just then, Baba Prayer got to us…

“Is she the one?” He asked the policemen, as the police men shook their heads in the negative…
“This is not the Grace we are looking for?” said the first policeman

What? I thought…, “Oh My God, these people made me lose sight of the man that looked like Daniel”… I thought angrily as I was still looking around for the sight of the man…

“I told you we don’t have a fraudster here, she is a minister of the gospel, a music Minister, the fraudster you are looking for is not here. I just wanted to clear your doubts that was why I sent for her…” Baba Prayer said

“Yes, we know her, she is Sis Grace that sings, we are sorry for the embarrassment …” The police officers turned to leave.

Suddenly, my knees buckled, I had been fasting for the past seven days, so that running was an energy sapper.

After the police men left, I told Baba Prayer I saw a man who looked like my husband, but he dismissed it saying it was just a mere resemblance. I narrated my dream to him, and he told me I needed to pray Star/Glory recovery prayers… He gave me 2 prayer point, I was constantly praying…

“Oh Lord, my God, You are a Story Changer, a Miracle Worker, a Destiny Changer, a Powerful Healer, Revive my Glory in Jesus Name”.
“Congregation of darkness, gathering against my star and Glory, scatter by fire… In the name of Jesus.”

For the next two months of staying on the prayer mountain, I had no resting periods, it was seeking the face of the Lord, all round the clock. There was no night and no day, it was the same for me… I was not ready to leave the Lord until he blessed me, just like Jacob, I was constantly asking for mercy.

The two months was a time of separation that gave birth to Spiritual revival for me…. I Fasted till I lost my appetite for food…. I Prayed till I lost my voice…, I sang till I became the praise leader on the mountain…

I was always calling my sister to find out if she heard anything about Pastor James. She told me nothing, but that a new pastor has been posted to the church. She further said, the pastor refused to disclose what had happened to Pastor James… I concluded, he was probably dead…

For those two months, I was always on the lookout for the man who looked like Daniel. My heart was always asking this question “Was Daniel still alive? Or was it just a case of mere resemblance?

THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 21 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I decided to give my all to God on that mountain, there were times I wept thinking about all my errors… There were days, I was not fasting but I just went hungry, as I refused to stand up from my prayer position… All I needed from God was MERCY…

Exactly, two months from the day I got to the prayer mountain, I had another dream. It was more like a trance.

I saw myself, with my bald head, but little by little, my hair was growing… I saw a stylist pulling the hair out to make it grow….

Oh my God! You should have seen me when I woke up, I started screaming that “My hair has grown back”

I started running , looking for Baba Prayer to tell him, God had restored ME, I kept shouting ” My hair has grown back”…I was telling anyone who cared to listen, when I bumped into that man again..

” I am.. Sor…ry” I said, before realizing it was Daniel’s lookalike…

“No problem ma”…He said, I looked at the woman beside him, I didn’t know her…His voice was slightly different from My Daniel’s voice, but I was sure this was Daniel…

“Daniel… It’s you…I knew it was you I saw… Daniel you are alive? “I said with a bit of excitement and gratitude to God… I felt God was Merciful, two miracles in one day, My Glory had been restored and two, I was seeing Daniel alive.

“Sorry?” He asked looking at me in a shocked way
“Daniel, you didn’t die “I asked again…
“No!”…He smiled, “Because I am not Daniel. Guess there is a mix up, my name is Tochukwu, and this is my wife Ada… ”

“Tochukwu, Yes… I know that is your name, I mean that is what Mama calls you…” I said still beaming in smiles, as the wife part did not register with me
The man and woman exchanged looks…

“Madam, I guess you are mixing my husband up with someone else” said the woman
I was confused, Daniel had a wife… Maybe he just married her… So fast under 6 months…
“Oh… Daniel…she is your wife? OK… I am happy you survived, and you have found yourself a new wife…I am sorry for everything I did to you, please find a place in your heart to forgive me…I wish you and your new wife a happy life together”.. I said

“Sorry, excuse me… I am not a new wife, my husband and I have been married for 12 years, and we have two kids… So please Stop mixing us up with someone else…” the woman pulled her husband away
Is it possible to be married to a man for 12 years and not recognize him again…? I asked myself as the couple walked away from me…
Suddenly, my excitement about my restored glory (Hair) waned…
“I heard, you were jumping around and shouting that your hair has grown, what was that about?” Baba Prayer asked much later…
I was not in the mood to talk, because I was still baffled about the man who looked Just like Daniel.., but I had too much respect for Baba Prayer not to answer him… I narrated the dream to him…
“Congratulations…. God has restored you, Our God has been good and merciful to you, now I can release you to go back home.”

“Home?”…Where was home? I thought…

Two days later, I packed my stuffs and left for the city, I never saw Daniel’s Lookalike again, but to be at peace with myself as I was about to start a new life, I needed to know if Daniel was dead or alive. I went to see Doctor Jack, who told me, the man I saw must have been a Lookalike. He told me Daniel was dead…
I also went to our old home, where Daniel and I had stayed together as Husband and wife, I saw that it had been bought by a new family, probably, Daniel’s family sold the property.

It was high time I started living my life all over again…
With the money I had in my account, I rented a new apartment, a 3 bedroom flat. I opened a boutique where I sold baby clothes. I drew closer to God, I started writing new songs…. but guilt of the people I had killed never left me…
The case of Larry’s family death had not been closed by the police as they were still on the search for the killer

I had the urge that there was something I needed to do, I needed to confess my wrong deeds…I couldn’t just move on with life, living a cool life without owning up for my wrong deeds….I needed restitution
Just like my good Friend Pastor James said, we should not be afraid of death, but life after death. I needed to own up for the murder of Larry and Gbenga… I shot them.

However, some part of me was scared, if I owned up for the crime, I would be sentenced to death as well. I won’t fulfil destiny anymore…

Well, I told myself, it was better to be right, and die and at the end go to heaven…what I planned on doing was to write the story of my life as a book, so that after my death, generations unborn will learn from my story…
I made up my mind… I was going to the police to surrender for the crime of Larry and Gbenga Banjoko… Was this wise of me? The penalty for killing someone was death by hanging, now I was going to confess and own up for the death of two people and not just One… Was this a right move?

Part 22
©️Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I walked into the police station, I could literally hear my heartbeat sounding loud and clear. I stopped in my tracks as I heard a voice telling me to turn back. No! I was going to own up. I had done all the necessary things, I had given my properties and money to Churches, Charity Organizations, my Family, Friends who needed money,
because I was sure I was going to be sentenced to death.

As I stepped before the police counter, the front desk officer was listening to one of my ever green tracks on his tiny phone. The moment he recognized me, he was over the moon. I didn’t want to spoil his mood, so
I asked to see the D.P.O. The scenario was almost the same inside the D.P.O’s office, but after we exchanged the pleasantries, I owned up to the death of Larry and Gbenga. He was shocked to say the least. He stood up for over five times, visiting the rest room three times, before saying anything to me…

“Sis Grace, honestly I am short of words, my love for you wants me to tell you to go home and sin no more, but my heart tells me you have done the right thing, because someday, the truth will eventually come out, and if it is the police that begins to look for you, it will become messy for you and the body of Christ… hmm… I will pray for you that Mercy and Grace will speak for you. Oh my God” I could see tears in his eyes.

He called some officers and asked them to take me to the commissioner of police without handcuffs. As I was leaving his office, he couldn’t control his tears as he burst out loud in tears….and he knelt on the floor with heads bowed in prayer…

‘”‘…That was how my journey started, I was all over the news, I was criticized for being a murderer and hypocrite, Journalists and comedians made a mockery out of me, while others saluted my courage. The body of Christ stood for me encouraging me for my boldness. Fathers of faith in Nigeria and neighboring countries where I had gone to minister held prayer programs for me. My name Grace was really speaking for me…

I went to court, and Musa, Larry’s security man testified against me, stating that the way I described that night was exactly the way things were, even though he didn’t see Ifakolade and I.
In between my court session, the Judge handling my case asked to see me…
“Sis Grace, your story has taught me a whole lot… that one little sin has a ripple effect, creating more sins… According to the Law, I ought to sentence you to death, but I owe you a great deal…”he said not maintaining eye contact with me…
“Owe me?” I asked calmly
“My only daughter had the S.S genotype since she was born, our minds were never settled over her, until one day you came to minister in our Church in Ibadan. You ministered your song, “Yi aiye mi si rere” (Change my Life for good). My daughter told me she sang that song with all her strength that night.
While she slept that night, she said she had a dream of you taking her into a big hospital and you handed her over to a doctor, telling the doctor, you wanted him to do a change of blood for her. My daughter woke up that morning shouting that Jesus had changed her blood. She went for a test that same day, and her genotype had changed to AA… Sis Grace, your ministry gave my daughter life, now do you expect me to take your own life? Or how do you expect me to silence that voice that sent deliverance into my family….
My Judgement will be very biased today, but I know it is Grace speaking for you, because as we speak , there are thousands of lives your ministry has blessed, that are presently on their knees praying for you, including my daughter and wife…”

I went out weeping, wondering what Kind of Grace, God was showing me, I stood in the box wondering what the Judge had for me.
“This is my Judgement, for being truthful and surrendering yourself to the authority, for pleading Guilty and ready to receive the punishment you deserve, you have been sentenced to Life imprisonment. However, prior to your misbehavior, It is a known fact that you have been using your voice to make the society a better place, therefore you will be granted free studio sessions under the supervision of appropriate authority to produce more music for the profiting of the society. This must happen while still putting on your Prison wear… That is my judgement”…

A new song just popped out of my mouth right there in the court….
“You love me more than I deserve
You care for me more than I deserve
You treat me right more than I deserve
You love me more than I deserve

Hold me by the hands
And lead on the way you want
You Love me more than I deserve
You care for me more than I deserve
You treat me right more than I deserve
You Love me more than I deserve…

I was singing in tears, was this a Judgement, or a show a mercy. So, I had been given the opportunity to still sing for God while in prison and the government was going to pay for all my studio sessions, as the police took me towards the Black van, I saw people who my ministry had blessed crying and singing the new song with me…
A particular boy of about 10 years, rushed towards me and hugged me so tightly, I didn’t recognize him, but I saw love in his eyes for me, the police left him for a while, he said to me while crying and hugging me tightly…
“You have been my mother since I lost my mother, your music has been your way of teaching me… now, you are also leaving me…”
Those words broke my heart, I wanted to tell him I was sorry for…”


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Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
4 years ago

Glory be to God ? the battle is finish Jesus is lord Hallelujah ?

4 years ago

So touching

4 years ago

So touching!!!
Lord have mercy on us.

4 years ago

OMG ?.
This is very touching…..
May Almighty God overlook our shortcomings ??? ?

4 years ago

So touching,God show me mercy

Ayodele Ebenezer
Ayodele Ebenezer
4 years ago

I can’t stop the tears from dropping from my eyes.
I need God’s grace that return glory too

3 years ago

This episode got me crying ????