THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 13 – 16 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 1- 8 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 13 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

Ifakolade took me to his house, or what he called a house.. His place was an uncompleted one bedroom apartment with an attached toilet and bathroom.. His kitchen was an open place in the compound. What made the scenario worse, was the number of touts that were living with him.

When we got to his house that midnight, the moment we stepped into the compound, I practically went into shock as I saw the uncountable number of bodies sleeping on the floor in the compound, we had to cross over sleeping bodies.

As a special guest and wife to be, Ifakolade took me inside the bedroom, only to find a couple making out on the bed. The sight was highly irritating, they were sweating in this stuffy and smelly room. Ifakolade was mad at them, as he tried to pick up a bottle to hit it on the man…

” Shepe, how many times have I told you to stop bringing a woman to my room, You dey craze”. The young man started apologizing… I had to step out for some fresh air, so it came to me as a shock, when Ifakolade told me, that was the room I would be sleeping…. Suddenly the urge to throw up took over… I was going to throw up, if I stayed one more minute in that dirty hole, he called a room.
I told him, I was going to sleep outside.

” How will you sleep outside Oosamuyiwa,.. You know what? I will clean up the room myself” Ifakolade suddenly started using a soft voice as he spoke to me…

“Oosamuyiwa, I am sorry for how all these is turning out, I am not as bad as I appear, I am a very nice person, it’s just destiny. If I had the opportunity of going to school like you, I would have turned out better than this…” He kept on ranting as he was clearing the room… But all that was on my mind was how I was going to escape all these without losing any one close to me…

Jawegbona!!!….” Yes!.” I was going to see the herbalist who said I had to marry Ifakolade in order to have my revenge on Larry. Maybe, this story was false and it probably was my mother and Ifakolade’s way of making me get married to him… I remembered they had secret talks before telling me about Baba Jawegbona.

” Oosamuyiwa, do you know Destiny can not be changed, it may just be delayed… You know when we were younger, we used to play husband and wife… See how God is playing everything out…” Ifakolade kept on talking, but my mind was somewhere else… My mind was with Pastor James, I was wondering what he was doing… I knew he would be listening to one of my tracks…

” God, please just this last time, let me clear up this mess with Ifakolade and Larry, then give me a chance with pastor James… I promise not to mess up again, I promise to pick up the pieces of my life back in Jesus name I pray” I prayed silently as I looked absentmindedly at Ifakolade.

I was not sure if God heard me, but I had done my part. The next morning, I told Ifakolade I wanted to take a walk around ..

” You want to run away? ” he said as he was cleaning his gun… His group of touts were hailing ME as the Don’s wife..
” NO..”…I replied as I was not planning to tell him where I was going…
” If you try to run away, have it at the back of your mind, that I have your family and pastor boyfriend “… He said…

The gate rustled and as we turned to see who it was… My heart jumped… Pastor James. Ifakolade was angry… I rushed towards him before Ifakolade kills him, especially with the gun in his hand, but Ifakolade blocked my way…

” Yes Pastor, what are you doing here?”
” I came here to see Grace”…he said looking at me and not Ifakolade.
” I don’t have Grace here, I have Oosamuyiwa..and I don’t think you have a business with Oosamuyiwa… ”
” She is not Oosamuyiwa, she is Grace… ” Pastor James said with anger in His eyes… I had never seen him angry before..
” Oosamuyiwa… Tell this man your name before I do something you won’t like, he is asking for someone who doesn’t live here.. Oosamuyiwa, what is your name… ”
I swallowed hard, as It took everything for me to say it…
” OrishaMUYIWA “…..I said…

Let us pray:
O Lord, any circumstance, any temptation that will make me deny you, the temptation that will make me turn back from You, let it not happen to me. It is true You test our faith, but the temptation that is beyond my reasoning, temptation that is beyond my faith, O Lord of Host, let it not happen to me in Jesus name.

Pastor James shook his head…
” So Pastor , out of my house… ” Pastor James walked out but I didn’t care what was going to happen, I ran after pastor James and held him so tight, holding his face and looking intently into his eyes…
” Pastor James, I have a plan… I promise you… I am coming back, I just need to clear up my mess” I said with tears

” Grace, You don’t need to clear up your mess, you don’t have the strength, Let Jesus clear it…I Am ready to stand by you.. We can make a report at the police station,…”

” Nooo, the scandal will be too much for me, and besides If I let Jesus clear it, I may lose you or another member of my family, Ifakolade is determined to shed blood and so is my mother…. Let me just do this.. I don’t want another blood on my hands, 3 people have died because of me… Please understand Let ME just do what Ifakolade wants and I promise.. after Larry’s death I am done… ”

” I hope I don’t lose you, I have a feeling if you go with Ifakolade, I will lose you… Please Grace… Please…” He said holding me firmly

” Time up.. ” Ifakolade said from behind… ” Pastor James, she has given you her word, once she is through with me, she will come back to you.. Why can’t you be patient?” Ifakolade said mockingly
Ifakolade pulled me back into the compound…. I saw Pastor James going away, and that was the last time I saw him before it was too late…

Too late for what? Wait till you read the next part… But before I drop my pen… Later that day, I went to visit Jawegbona’s shrine under a disguise and this was what he had to say…
” I never said you both should get married, all I said was that there had to be sexual intercourse between you both, before going to kill the man… You may or may not get married”…Jawegbona had said…

Now, I got the whole picture, I didn’t have to marry Ifakolade, all we needed to do was have sexual intercourse… I was ready, I didn’t care if I was pregnant.. My body didn’t mean much to me anymore… Let Ifakolade do what he had to do that night and the next morning we would set out to the city to kill Larry…

I confronted Ifakolade and told him I had seen Jawegbona, he wasn’t Happy but he agreed we didn’t have to get married. I had the most painful and most regrettable intercourse of my life that night… I was shedding tears as Ifakolade was tearing me apart… The more he was having fun, the more hatred I had for Larry…

It felt like rape and he constantly used his massive dirty hands to cover my mouth from screaming in pain…
I couldn’t wait for the day to break as I couldn’t sleep anymore. ..

By 4am Ifakolade and I set out for the revenge mission after eating the concoction Jawegbona had prepared for our FORTIFICATION…
The day didn’t turn out as I expected, It was a BLACK DAY for me….


Part 14
©️Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

Ifakolade looked very happy as we journeyed to the city. We took the first bus out of Igbonla. I wanted to take my jeep, but he said my Jeep could leave tracks for the police to trace the death of Larry to me… That made sense. In the public bus we took, I had people who recognized me in the bus and I tried to give my fake smile.

We got to the city by 6:30am. The plan was to stay at a motel till later that day. I went into the motel with my head covered with a scarf and I wore black shades to hide my identity…

Getting into the room, it was a torture room. The room was definitely a daily hang out for loose men and prostitutes. The room had that sexual stench even though it was clean.. Ifakolade settled in quickly on the bed, and he asked me to join him…

” You need to rest your back and your feet” Ifakolade said

He was right… My back was aching… I sat on the bed with my back against the wall. Ifakolade looked at me with eyes that were different from the ones I had been seeing… The look was soft and innocent…

” Oosamuyiwa… Pregnancy does look good on you… I wish the circumstances were right and you were my wife… I wish I was one of those guys who put on suits, You know the corporate guys… and having you as my wife… I would have been the happiest man on earth, but…. Destiny!!!… I didn’t choose my background, my background choose me…” He said as he laid on the bed turning his back to me…

“Oosamuyiwa, imagine if I am the son of a rich man, or a pastor, maybe I would have turned out like your Pastor James…. and maybe you would have found me attractive enough to be your husband… but I guess Pastor James is the winner… ” He said with a dry laughter

” Ifakolade, we shouldn’t let our backgrounds nail us to the ground”…I found myself preaching to Ifakolade… and I guess I was preaching to myself too…

” Ifakolade, you can decide to rewrite your story, because no matter where we find ourselves or even if by our making, we are where we shouldn’t be, we can decide to get out of that life, to take the right path into becoming who God Will be proud of… ” I must have spoken for 5 mins before turning to look at Ifakolade to see if he understood what I said, I was shocked to see him asleep… All my motivational words had fallen on deaf ears…

Ifakolade woke up much later to get us some food, but I wasn’t in the mood for the food. I was literally counting down the hours left till 11pm.

At exactly 10:30pm, Ifakolade told me it was time to leave, a taxi was waiting for us, as we were driving towards Larry’s house, my heart was pumping hard, I was having second thoughts, but it seem like Ifakolade was reading my mind, he laid his hand on my hand and whispered in my ear..

” If we don’t do this, we will have more evil doers on the surface of the earth… We need less of the Larrys In this world”…I nodded in agreement.

” And I meant everything I said this morning… You look beautifully pregnant and if you ever have a rethink, I can try to be like Pastor James.. ” That made me smile…

All day I had seen a different Ifakolade, soft and warm. Truly, if he had been raised differently, he might have turned out a better man…and if the circumstances were right this would have been a great opportunity to win a soul for God, but unfortunately I also needed to be saved…

” We are there” Ifakolade jolted Me back to the harsh reality of life. We were already few blocks away from Larry’s house. Then it dawned on me, I never asked Ifakolade how we were going to get into the house…

” How do we go In? I asked

” Trust me” He said simply…

We paid the taxi fare and walked towards Larry’s gate. Suddenly, Ifakolade held me by the hands and said some incantations, Something about becoming like the wind…

To my utmost surprise, Musa, Larry’s security man did not see us. Ifakolade had knocked, but as Musa opened the gate, he kept asking who was there… It seem like he didn’t see us. Ifakolade held my hand and we walked in unnoticed. Larry’s dogs started barking at us, but they couldn’t come close…

” They can see us? ” I asked him

” Yes… the animals can see us… ” Ifakolade replied

” Not just the animals, I can see you”…We heard Larry’s voice and just like in the movies, he surfaced before us….He started laughing at us…

” Really, Sis Grace…My Sister in the Lord, so you can go this diabolical… Wow… Change really is the most constant thing in the world. You never know a true Christian, until he or she is faced with serious challenges” Larry said mockingly

” I hate you”..I said meaning every word…

” But that was not what you said months back..Have you forgotten how you used to cry and you will tell me ” Larry I wish I had met you before my husband, I love you so much I can’t help myself..” He said mimicking my voice… Tears dropped from my eyes…. Larry looked at my pregnancy and said…

” I can also see my baby is growing” He moved closer to touch me…

” If you dare.. ” Ifakolade said…

” Hey, so you are the new catch, Well for your information, if it is what I came to get from her life you are also looking for, Sorry! you came too late… I have taken everything…” Larry said proudly

” I don’t need her money.. I am not a gold digger like you… So this is why you were after her, Oosamuyiwa can you hear this, he did this all for your money” Ifakolade said with Irritation in his voice..

I was speechless because Larry never took money from me… Except for his professional charges as my keyboardist…

‘” Who is talking about money…? Well, Let me hint You a bit, Sis Grace..I never had any business with you, it was my father who brought your Audio CD home 10years ago and he sat me down telling me you were a goldmine…

My Father who was an herbalist was able to count your stars through your image on the Audio CD… numbering 70,000 stars…. He told me if I could only have one sexual intimacy with you, I could take those stars and use it for myself…”
What was Larry Saying? I stood transfixed to the spot…

“I was never a Keyboardist, I had to learn the keyboard for 3 years in order to get access to you… For five years, I became your keyboardist just to have that one night of Star capturing and I did… So don’t worry, in no time, I will be a household name, thanks for lending me your stars.. And I am sorry, I don’t intend returning them… ”

I pray for you:
Gen 48:14: “And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim’s head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh’s head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn”.

That your glory will not be transfered to another. This 2019, The Mighty Hand of JEHOVAH will return your lost glory… In the name of Jesus!

Larry was saying so much and my small head couldn’t understand it… It felt like the ground was shaking, I staggered a little, but I felt Ifakolade’s strong hands holding me from falling.

Ifakolade was speechless as well, but out of the blues, Ifakolade brought out his gun and aimed it at Larry…. Larry laughed at him with so much mockery IN His laughter. He turned to return back to his house.

” I am in a very good mood today and besides I don’t want to kill my baby, you both should go back the same way you came.. ”

Ifakolade took my very numb hand and placed it on his own, and he fired the gun at Larry….

THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 Part 15 by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I knew I heard the gunshot and I heard a scream, No! Two People were screaming, No! Three people were screaming, No! Four people were screaming, No Five people were screaming…, Simultaneously, I also felt a sharp pain in my stomach….

Jawegbona, the herbalist was right, the gunshot did have effect on Larry. The moment, we shot at him, he stopped in his tracks, the bullet had gone straight into him, he looked down at his chest and was surprised at the blood. At that same time, he looked towards his house when he heard the screaming of his six children…

“What have you done Grace?” Larry said looking at me in pain as he fell to the ground…

“Who told you my secret? Grace! You have wiped out my entire family…Every of my seed is going to die”….He said while gasping for breath….

Ifakolade was pleased, he took me by the hand, and pulled me, but I couldn’t move, as I looked down, I saw blood dripping down my leg… “The baby!”
“Grace… You… Shouldn’t have done this, by killing me. You have killed my innocent children … “Larry said

“When a Father sins, it is sure his seeds will reap from it” Ifakolade said, but he became shocked as he saw the blood dripping from my thighs…

“Oosamuyiwa, You are also affected…?” Ifakolade said with so much alarm in his voice
“Of course you fool, she is carrying my seed…” Larry said in pain as he started chanting some incantations while he was coughing blood…

I was beginning to feel dizzy. Ifakolade noticed I was losing blood, so he carried me in his hands, and made a turn to leave when we heard…

“Stop right there, if you make any move, I will kill you both” Ifakolade turned and right there I saw Gbenga, Larry’s younger brother… Gbenga was shocked when he saw my face…

“Sis Grace! Sis Grace?”… By this time Larry’s wife was outside, she was shaking…

“The children are coughing blood” She was shocked to see her husband groaning in pain with blood gushing out of his mouth…

“Gbenga, what is happening here? Why is Larry and the children coughing blood? “Then she notices the gun in Gbenga’s hand… She immediately thinks otherwise…

“Gbenga, what did you do to my husband? Why did you shoot him?

“It’s not me, it’s Sister Grace,” he said pointing towards my direction…

Larry’s wife looked towards my direction but apparently she did not see me… It made sense, Gbenga was like his brother, he had been fortified like Larry, no wonder he could see us, but Larry’s wife couldn’t see us…

“Sis Grace… Which Sister Grace? I can’t see anyone, and whose blood stain is that on the floor”. Larry’s wife said in confusion as she couldn’t see Ifakolade and I, but she saw blood dripping from me…

“Can’t you see her Bridget with an assassin?” Gbenga said in frustration

“Gbenga, I can’t see anyone, what is happening here, Larry is no more talking…. Larry, LARRY… Larry… Say something, the children are coughing blood too…What is happening? “…

One minute please…
My prayer for you this moment:
Sudden death will not be your portion. You and your household will not die untimely death. Death that did not kill you in 2018 will not have power over you in 2019… In the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


“Sis Grace, what did my brother do to you?, He worked with you with his life!” Gbenga said as he tried to resuscitate his brother

Definitely Gbenga did not know the truth about what really transpired between Larry and I. It must have been between Larry and His father…

Gbenga pointed his gun at me, while I was still being carried by Ifakolade.

Very Swiftly Ifakolade fired a shot at Gbenga In order to defend me, but the unexpected happened, the gunshot had effect on Ifakolade instead…

Ifakolade did not realize that Gbenga must have been fortified like his brother. Larry’s wife knew something was up, when she heard a gunshot so close and nobody was around..

“Who fired that gunshot? Gbenga what Is happening? Larry is not breathing again” Larry’s wife was crying…. She ran inside to meet her children

Gbenga was walking towards me in tears and anger, Ifakolade was groaning in pain from the gunshot… I was crying bitterly, was I going to lose Ifakolade, Was Ifakolade going to die on me… If Ifakolade died now, he was going to miss heaven… Larry was going to miss heaven too… I didn’t plan so many deaths like this… And the children coughing blood, what was that about? I was also bleeding, does it mean the baby was dead as well…?

My head was pounding, my tears were flowing, I could hear the screams and hard cough of Larry’s kids, I could see Larry’s wife running back to Larry and crying over her husband…

LARRY HAD DIED! How the mightily fortified had fallen…Even charms had their limits

Gbenga on seeing that Larry was dead started walking towards me, he pointed the gun at my head about to shoot….

All I remember is that in the hit of that moment, Ifakolade took my hand and placed it over his hand and shot Gbenga.

It worked!
The gun also had effect on Gbenga with the joining of my hand with Ifakolade.
Gbenga fell…

Larry’s wife on seeing Gbenga on the floor with blood and the sound of a gunshot from no one, she knew something was not right, she started screaming..
I was still in shock of how the day was turning out, Larry was dead, that was expected, but his six children, were they going to die as well?, Gbenga was dead as well, now Ifakolade was lying and groaning in pain about to die too….

I needed to save Ifakolade, I couldn’t let death take him away too, but there was a problem, I was having serious abdominal pain like cramps and I was dizzy…


Part 16
©️Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I could see Ifakolade was losing so much blood… I was also losing blood, I needed to get Ifakolade and I out of there, but “HOW?” was the question….

“Ifakolade, please let us get out…Of… Here” I managed to say with my shaky voice…

” ooo.. samu.. Yiwa.. I can’t make it… The bullet is a poisonous one, Jawegbona had soaked it in a deadly concoction for days… Just take this…” Ifakolade placed a charm in my hand…

“This will get you out of here, just hold on tight to it, and think of where you want to be… It will transport you there… Go on…. “Ifakolade said, though it was obvious he was using his last strength…

“I can’t leave you here” I told him…

My heart was tearing apart, the pain I was feeling in my heart was more than the pain in my stomach…

It dawned on me that a lot of people were dying and were probably on their way to hell because of me… I needed to do something right, i needed to lead Ifakolade to Christ before he died…

“Hmmm”… I thought to myself, ” I wasn’t saved either, yet i wanted to show someone else the way to Heaven. Of a truth, a lot of people will be like this on the last day, they will go to hell, while their converts will go to heaven… like a signpost who showing the way , but never gets there…”

But right now was not the right time to reconcile with God, I still had more time than Ifakolade….IFAKOLADE COULD DIE ANY SECOND FROM NOW!

I held Ifakolade and with the little strength I had I said…

“Ifakolade please… If there is anything you will do for me right now is for you to please give your life to Christ…. Please just say this… ”

“ I have .. Killed…. three… People today… Can God forgive and accept me?” He said with regret in his voice… “I never knew death will come this early for me”

“Yes… God can forgive and accept you, one of the criminals at the side of Jesus on the Cross, made heaven at the last minute… Please Ifakolade… Catch the last bus to heaven… Please…” Prior to that day, I had never been that passionate about evangelism like that… I was crying and begging Ifakolade….

“OK…pray for me.”…He also broke into tears, while groaning in pain…

If God could save the thief at the right hand side, He can and will save you. HE said no one comes to me that will be rejected.
Matthew 11:28 : “COME UNTO ME, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest “.
Jeremiah 40:4c – “If it seems good unto you to come with me, COME; and I will look well unto thee”.

Brethren, come to Jesus! He is a good and only Saviour of humanity. God is the only one that saves and can deliver you. Every product made of root, leaf, herb has expiry date. It is only God’s power that lasts forever.

It is never too late for you to turn back. For all have sinned against God but HE is always happy when sinners turn back and realize his/her mistakes.
Whatever you might have committed that made you think God HATES you and can never forgive you, let me take you to hymn 8 (Celestial hymn)

Hymn 8:
(1). Jesus is calling you,
Oh come, sinner come
Jesus will offer prayers for you
Oh sinner come
Jesus will not let you be ashamed
Oh sinner come
Jesus will not let you be ashamed
Oh sinner come.

(2). Your load is heavy
indeed oh come,
Oh sinner come
Jesus will remove your load from you
Oh sinner come
Today you should give your mind to Him
Oh sinner come
Today you should give your mind to Him
Oh sinner come.

Hymn 8.
(1). Jesu l’onpe o tantan,
Mabo elese wa,
Jesu yio gbadura fun o
Elese wa,
Jesu konije k’oju ti o
Elese wa,
Jesu konije k’oju ti o
Elese wa.

(2). Eru re wuwo Onpe o
Elese wa,
Jesu yio so eru na kale
Elese wa
Loni loye kof’okan re fun
Elese wa
Loni loye kof’okan re fun
Elese wa.

You can ask a Celestial member to sing it for you.
God never rejects you. He is calling everyone. This is part 16 (gbogbo eyin ti e ti n da ‘eerindinlogun’ ri) God is calling you to come back….

“Just say this after ME, Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and personal savior… Forgive me of my sins…”

That was all Ifakolade could say before he dropped dead… I wept like a baby… Suddenly, heaven and hell became real, I rushed to Larry, to see if he still had breath in him, I wanted to lead him to Christ too, but he was gone…

“Who have I become?” was a big question that dropped in my heart, I was doing exactly the opposite of my destiny… I was meant to be a life giver, but here I was taking life through my actions…

People were already trooping into the compound as a result of the scream from Larry’s wife, but no one could see Ifakolade and I.

Fear suddenly gripped me… How was I going to come out of this “Invisible state?”…It was Ifakolade that knew the incantations and unfortunately he was dead. I bowed my head on Ifakolade, sobbing and all I wanted to do at that moment was to see Pastor James…

I had gotten to my wit’s end… I wanted to go back to God… I didn’t realize the disappearing charm was still in my hand, so as I thought of how I could see Pastor James at that moment, to lead me back to Christ…

Something happened at exactly the same time I was hearing the approaching siren of the police van….. I found IFAKOLADE’s dead body AND MYSELF in Igbonla just in front of Pastor James’s house…We had reappeared in Igbonla. I heaved a sigh of relief, as I knew Pastor James was going to help me…MAYBE, just maybe, IFAKOLADE could be resurrected back to life …


Unfortunately for me, Pastor James was gone too!
Gone? Gone to where?


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4 years ago

This is sooooo painful. May God help us

Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
4 years ago

I’m speechless ?? oh this is terrible

Mukhtar Abdulbaki
4 years ago

You can’t turn back the hand of time!
I just wish this wasn’t happening.

Fingers crossed at the moment