Tell Your Mum To Leave Final Part by Olujimi Ayomide

Tell Your Mum To Leave (A Short Story) by Olujimi Ayomide

Tell Your Mum To Leave Final Part by Olujimi Ayomide

“Someone has exchanged your wife overnight”

Mama exclaims

Well,let’s see how it turns out

During breakfast,we all sat round the table

Mama and I glancing at wifey

We were both shocked how,

A fierce Tiger turned to a meek cat overnight

Wifey wasn’t really eating

She was picking at the rice with the spoon

Mama spoke up

“Eze,when are you going to bring your wife and children”

I cleared my throat

“Probably weekend”

Mama turned to wifey

“You…go and clean the guest room,my son’s wife and children are coming…”

Wifey countenance changed

Mama finished eating

Wifey wants to help her pack the plate

“No need”

Mama snapped at her

Mama took her plate to the kitchen

Wifey went with her

She knelt down and wrap her hands on mama’s leg

“Mama,I am sorry for the way I treated you,

It was due to stereotype about what I heard about mother in laws,

Mama,I’m ready to be a second wife,I don’t mind,

I love my husband,

I promised to be of my best behavior”

She broke down in serious weeping

Mama was emotional too

Emi ika,I was behind the door watching the k drama in the kitchen

Mama pull her up

“I’ve forgiven you,

I never intended to chase you out of my son’s house,

But can you cope with his first wife and children”

Mama looked at her eyes

“Yes mama,I can cope,I’ll treat them good”

Wifey responded amidst tears

“Ngozi,there is no first wife and three children,

Eze never cheated on you,it was a ploy to teach you a lesson,

Never to maltreat mother in law,

Hope you learn your lesson”

Wifey mouth was left ajar

I came in

“Wifey,I never had another woman,hope you learn from this”

Wife bursted into another ocean of tears

She spoke up

“This is the wrong timing,

I need to go to the hospital”

Mama and I looked at ourselves

“What happened”

A moment of silence prevailed

“I am three weeks pregnant”

Wifey declared


-No one should plagiarized my write up-

© olujimiayomide

Read this Action Thrilling Story > ALL IN A CIRCLE

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