TAMAR Episode 17

Tamar Final Episode

TAMAR Episode 17

Everything was going well in Chakan’s house, he has a big house too, but his Father’s house was bigger, he also has a flower court, where I usually sit out,
Today Zity went out with Okra, she hardly stays back home this days, always attending one party or the other with Okra, I have heard she and Chakan quarrying over her constant outing and I heard her telling him

“Every day is one outing or the other, can’t you sit at home, okra is taking you to all the whole party in this kingdom, I don’t feel comfortable with this your new picked habit, I don’t Zity, you are a pregnant woman, you are suppose to sit at home not partying all the time, you didn’t go partying in my father’s house, now you feel so free to do as you please…

“So because I got married to you I can’t go out again, Okra invited me to Mecano’s party, he is celebrating his gladiator fest, he invited okra and she asked me to go with her, my pregnancy is not yet obvious, nobody knows yet I’m pregnant, even if they finds out I have nothing to be ashamed off, I wasn’t free with your father or even comfortable to go out, or maybe I was still acting childish but not again, I’m wise, and this is the life I have always wanted, I want to experience things, and live my life to the fullest, and sitting at home with you can also be boring, do not try to cage me because I’m married to you, Okra is also married yet her husband doesn’t cage her, she is free to do as she likes and here you are complaining, acting like a child, please let me be, I’m living my life, I’m not the only pregnant married woman in this kingdom… Live your life let me live mine

I was always asked to stay back anytime she goes with okra to her numerous party, Chakan was home in his chamber that day, I sat at the flower court, it was deep evening, night was fast approaching, Zity was not back, she sometimes comes back late with Okra’s chariot men, who brings her home

I sat there as I pray for God’s protection over her, I also pray that God will give me wisdom at all time to know what to do,
I thought of Adolfo, I wondered how he is coping with life, Eura was still serving in his house, if I’m free tomorrow I Will go and check them and know how they are doing

Is being a while I visited Rhonda and her kids, I don’t have enough money to take to her, I only have five shelling which can not do much, may be I will just visit like that to just check up and to give her the little with me,
Chakan doesn’t give shelling to his household slaves like Lord Reese does everyday, and Adolfo has given me one hundred and fifty shelling before which I took to Rhonda, Lord Reese gives all the house hold servants shellings everyday and Abel sometimes gives me money whenever he returns from his journey, I miss him, and also Lord Reese and Lady phin, I thought of Vim and wondered if he was back from his journey, I guess he got tired if me avoiding him and decided to move on, I think of the kiss in his chamber and his word “Tamar I love you”
I felt goose bomb all over me as Abel’s word began to echo in my ears as if he was sitting right there with me

“The heart of men holds deep thoughts like the ocean current, but even in our thoughts God sees it all, even before we say it out, God already knows it, nothing is hidden before God, he picked what is best for us and brings it to past, whatever that is pure and perfect, whatever that is good and not evil think only on those things, light and darkness has no friendship, let the light of God shine through you to the world Tamar…

I swallowed hard as I remembered Abel’s word to me, I quickly sat up and decided to go inside, Abel’s word makes me shut off Vim in my mind instead of dwelling on a thought which is impure I decided to say a word of prayer instead.

I stood up and quietly went inside, everywhere seem quiet, Chakan does not have much slaves only five of which Shamara was inclusive, two boys and three girls. If I’m counted among them, I Will make them six, I’m Zity’s personal maid so they don’t count me among Chakan’s servant, There is nothing much to do around here, most time the servants stays in their outhouse,
Everywhere was quiet, I was only hearing murmuring noise coming from Chakan’s chamber, I wanted to ignore but something pushed me forward, I was wondering who he was talking to, Zity was not back from her party with okra, the slaves were in the out house, so who’s he talking with or could he be talking only with himself, his chamber was locked, I heard a female voice, I wasn’t sure because it was all a murmur, no audible word, I couldn’t just make sense from what Chakan and who ever that was with him were saying,
as I stood there the door began to unlock and I quickly hide, and was looking from my hideout to see what was going on, I saw Shamara and my heart Skip, Chakan came out and when she was about to run back to the out house Chakan drew her to himself and pinned her to the wall and started kissing her

“Please stop, your Wife Will soon be back, I don’t want her trouble, haven’t you gotten enough of me inside, let’s not do this here, somebody may see us, her personal maid is sitting at the flower court, she may decide to come in and see us..please I don’t want trouble.

” nobody will give you trouble, Zity won’t give you trouble because she doesn’t really have to know, and Tamar likes sitting by the flower court until her mistress comes home, so Tamar is not coming in, the other servant has no business here until they are called upon, and I promise to protect you, don’t be afraid, I want you always Shamara, you are so Sweet please let me caress you a little before you go…

“We have to be careful, I want you more than you want me, I love the way you make out with me in your chamber, I wish I’m your wife, having you as I please, I’m only a servant here and I don’t want to run into trouble because of our Wild feeling for each other, you already know your wife does not like me because I’m more beautiful than her and she feels threatened by that, I really want to thread safe where you are, and we can only do this when she’s not around or you can pursue her and make me your wife, if you really want me, this hide and seek affair that we are having, I’m sincerely tired of it..

” Shamara, that’s enough, Zity remains my wife, despite she has being getting me angry this days, she is carrying my child too, I want you to understand that, let’s not act like kids, I wants you every second that Zity is not around and I know you want me too, return to your outhouse Will see you tomorrow, please don’t fail me, I’m all yours when Zity is out…

I watched as he kissed her one more time and Shamara responded without resistant and ran off immediately a chariot came in with Zity, Chakan returned to his chamber and I came out of my hiding place in shock to go and meet Zity, who seem so cheerful from her outing and she was smelling of wine, I lead her inside to her own chamber and put off her shoe, I soaked her legs inside warm water and wash them off, she said she was too tired to bath, so I put off her cloths and cleaned up her body while she doze off immediately her body hits the bed, I weaved back her hair into a ponytail and covered her up while she sleeps, Chakan came and stood by the door of Zity’s chamber, I felt so bad that he is having affair with Shamara, I wish Zity will stop following okra everywhere and stay back home,

“What is wrong with her…she has slept off again, is she drunk, is she alright…

” she is fine my Lord, I guess she took little wine which she’s not use to and….and felt so tired…but she’s fine and will come to chamber your tomorrow except you want to stay with her here to keep her warm through the night, she is cold and will love you to put a hand around her..

“She forgot that she’s carrying a child, how can she be taking strong wine in this her condition, I’m going back to my chamber, she want to live a free life then is fine by me, we Will all live the way she wants, I got no worries, I’m more concerned about my child that she is carrying, I just pray to the gods that nothing happens to my unborn child, Zity’s careless living should not dare affect my child or she will be very sorry, both she and okra her friend. Two stupid people, Who go about living anyhow like wayward women of this kingdom, forgetting that they are married, I’m off to My chamber…

He turned and Left angrily, I sat there staring at Zity as she snores on the bed and wondering how to reach her and to make her listen, following okra will not lead her to anywhere, okra is a road to nowhere, I wish she will realize that before is late.

I made my bed at another end and lay awake most part of the night as I kept imagining Chakan and Shamara, and wondered what Zity Will do if she finds out that her loving husband is having affair with his maid, Shamara who want him to chase Zity away so that he can marry her,
That was pure wickedness, how could Shamara be doing that, Zity has fear about her now they are coming to reality,

Okra us leading Zity astray while Shamara wants to take her husband from her and Zity is too blind to see all the things happening around her
I just silently pray it Will not be too late by the time she finds out.

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