TAMAR Episode 15 by Amah

Tamar Final Episode

TAMAR Episode 15

The day went with speed I kept avoiding Vim, when I see him coming I will take another road, I stayed mostly in my room, and try not to come in contact with him, my heart began to skip anytime I see him,

With the new realization that Vim loves me and kissed me first time in my life I was still in shock of that, anytime I think of it my heart beat increase, I could not concentrate in my prayers any more, whenever I start praying I will get distracted as my mind wanders around Vim,

when I was summoned to talk to Lord Reese and lady Phin about God, I lost my courage unlike me, and I felt like I was not walking in accordance to God’s will anymore, I was dwelling on the fantasy on being kissed and hearing Vim say that he loves me,

I told lady Phin and lord Reese to give me time, I did not want to say things that are not in line with God, I wanted him to direct me and I don’t feel led by him to speak at that moment because I was having a mind battle which I try to keep in check, I didn’t want to loose focus on the task ahead but when I thought I’m focused and I see Vim coming my heart began to beat, I started wishing Abel was around, I wish he will come home I needed to get back to my old self which I was loosing…

One day I counted all the shelling I had with me, I gathered the money, even the one Abel gave me before he traveled, I put it in my small leather back and left very early the following morning to see Rhonda, I wanted to be back before sunset, I don’t want my absence to be noticed, so I hurried up and got there on time, Rhonda was happy to see me like I was to see her, the twins and little Jon were doing well, I couldn’t stay for long as I gave her the money which will go along way for her, she thanked me as usual and I left, I ran most path of the dusty road, and got home just in time, before the sun set and I quickly washed off the road dust before going to assist in the household chores

Vim tried severally to speak to me but I was always on a run as I tried everything possible to avoid him despite I wanted to hear him tell me he loves me again and also hold me in his arm and kissed me like he did that day but something bigger than me was keeping me in check, so I kept avoiding him.

I ran into Obia one of those days while trying to avoid Vim

“the devil has return to take what belongs to me and to cause confusion again…

“Obia, nice seeing you too…how are you doing…

“It will never be nice to meet the witch herself, what are you doing here again Tamar, I thought they sent you away to Zity, did you steal or slept with her husband that made her to send you back here, you are not suppose to be here now that I was already finding favor before the master and mistress, I told them I can heal Lord Reese and I was given a chance to try my sorcerer power and it was a big opportunity, he didn’t get better but I was still burning incenses and invoking more power for his healing when you just appeared like a witch and took my glory, and now he is well and they are giving you all the gratitude that I deserve, which was meant for me, I wanted to heal him so that I can also gain back the heart of Vim, maybe he will like me again and allow me into his chamber, and if I’m allowed even once in his chamber again he will certainly become mine, because I will not be going there alone, I will ask all the seducing spirit and add anything that will make him remain mine forever… I had plan for everything now you have come again to scatter it, you have come with your strange being that follows you around like an aura, I don’t like you and I will make sure I find away to poison the heart of the master and mistress against you…

“okay, good luck in doing that, but the last time I checked, when you tried to poison their heart towards me by telling them I stole shelling and gave it out to people in the street, not knowing it was my shelling, you tried with that but it did not work out fine for you, quit trying Obia, because you will always be a looser, I assure you that, for greater is he that is in me that he that is in the world, for i bear the mark of the Lord.. I’m untouchable for the enemy and so is everyone in this house hold, quit from your sorcerer power and embrace the light so that you may live and have peace, I’m not afraid of you, I told you the last time that your god is fake, invoke their power, cut you flesh and bleed for them do all you want but is will come to nothing, I have a big God who is Alpha and Omega, and he has given his children power over the wicked…and in his name I rebuke you and every power you are using to operate, it will be rendered useless in Jesus name…

“ooh…stop, stop it, do not dare say that again, so you are a Christian, I see, Venus the goddess of kindness has delivered you into my hand, you are now at my mercy, and I will not listen to your plea if you beg me not to tell anyone, I will expose you, I will tell the master and the mistress, and I will also tell Vim that you are a Christian, they don’t know they have a Christian living in their house, and the kingdom hates them, you have exposed yourself, and I will make sure you suffer and die…the master must know of it…

I looked unbothered as I turn and walk away, she stood, surprising looking at me that I did not even beg her not to tell anyone and neither was I scared as I walk away, she did not know that both the master, his wife and son already knows that, being a Christian is not a news to them any more, Obia will be making fool of herself again if she goes to them with that.

Abel came back briefly and my heart was glad, I couldn’t wait to tell him what was going on, it was as if God hard my prayer and brought him home,

As i sat at the fountain that day with Abel, my intention was to tell him my little trouble but I don’t know how to start with it, and how he will feel about Vim kissing me or declaring his feeling, I sort for a better way to start the conversation

“you seem to like the port more than here, aside the work what makes it so interesting, you hardly come home whenever you travel to the sea port, tell me about your work and how many workers are there…why do you like that place more…

“I wasn’t meant to come back now, I was suppose to be there for the next three month before coming home, the port is a very lovely place, despite I have a lot to do there, I have enough time for God and I don’t feel interrupted or scared when I pray to God, every body working there are all under me, they are up to thirty workers, mostly slaves and few free men, I organised and make sure everything is properly done, work is still ongoing there at this moment, I like looking out into the sea, I stay up late at night, looking towards heaven and shouting praises to Yahweh, many workers there have come to know the one true God through me, and I keep building them, God led me to baptist those who believe and accepted Christ as their Lord and savior, I baptist them right there in the water as they embrace the love of God, I have intend to stay for two or three more months before coming but God put the desire for me to come home, he wanted me home, I felt it, I was afraid that something bad happened because of the zeal, I thought of lord Reese as I constantly pray for him and every member of the household, and you were also in my thought Tamar, and when I came home everyone seem to be at peace, and I started wondering why God brought me home, i will stay one week here, waiting for the purpose while God asked me to come down to manifest, after which I have to go back, because I have sheep at the port I need to pasture, which simply means, the new believer need to be feed with the word, encouraged and guided so that they will not fall out of faith and return back to their old ways…

“Abel, I have something to tell you….Vim… Vim kissed me after revealing that he loves me…he kissed me so deeply that I loosed my gut, it was so sudden I never expected it…

I watched as Abel pulse and stared at me without a word, he breathed deeply, and look out straight into the fountain before saying

“How…how it did happen…and where did this happen…

“I just don’t know, everything was so quick…it happened in his chamber…

“Tamar…In his chamber, what where you doing there…talk to me…did he hurt you…

“he did not hurt me, he was angry that I was trying to tell his parents about Christ as they summoned me and asked me to tell them about my faith, Vim didn’t like that and when he saw me at the passage he asked me to come to his chamber of which I did and he told me of his fears, which is very dangerous for me to go talking about my faith to people, and I asked him why he was so worried about me then he said that…that is because he love me, it was a shock for me on hearing that, I was still trying to get out of the shock, he moved closer and kissed me and when I pulled out from his arm I ran off and i have being avoiding him ever since…ever since the incident I seem to lose my courage and he is always in my thought, I constantly think of him and the kiss, when his parents summon me to speak to them again I have to excuse myself after telling them to give me time to get ready of which they did, I feel distracted a little and sometime feel I’m not walking in line with the holy spirit…

“I understand, do not worry Tamar, I’m here for you, I see you are the main reason God brought me back, I just realized that now, you needed help that was why God sent me home, and I’m glad he did, you know why you are distracted after Vim declared his love and kissed you in his chamber and you got blown away with that, is just because you had a wall of worldly fantasy built up in your heart, you have wanted to know how it feels like to be loved or to be kissed, you have imagined what being married or cared for by a man will feel like, either you have centered your imagination around me or around another man and when Vim made his intention known and then seal it up with a kiss, you began to love the feeling and the sensation he gave you, you got carried away with it, now, you can’t serve God and mammon, you have to chose one, either to serve God withholding nothing, serving him like your whole being depends on it, serving even if the world is crumbling around you, serving him and taking charge over your body and thoughts, making it impossible for the enemy to penetrate in, is okay to stumble once in a while, which defines your imperfection, but when you stumble and fall without quickly getting up and getting back in track you will become open to the enemy who has being hovering around and looking for away to get you off the right track, they will come with distraction, lost of word, weakness to pray or meditate, inability to spread the good news to people who needs it, it only start with little distraction, then confusion, follows by defeat. Tamar listen to me, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness in this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places…you have to be on guard always, because the devil is not going to stop until he pulls you down and you don’t have to let him, don’t create room for him to penetrate and attack your spiritual life, this is not time to weaver or lose focus, Lord Reese and Lady Phin are going to be save and it will be through you, that is one of your assignment here, you have to pray and rebuke the devil so that he will flee from you, you can’t save the master and the mistress with a carnal mind, by the time you are telling them the word and how to be save carnally, word by flesh not as God directed you, when you are doing this thinking you are doing a great work for God, the devil is quietly whispering in their ears his own lies, they will feel distracted and will not know who is saying the truth any more, so whatever you say to them they listen with one ear and the word walks straight out from the other ear because they are distracted, the good seed you think you are sowing is falling on thorns, rocks and foot path where they will be choked, smashed and trampled under feet by men, so you have to rebuke the devil, you have to be spiritually inclined, you have to stand firm Tamar, don’t give room for distraction, you have to war against the devil and when he comes to take the seed that you are sowing away the holy spirit will let you know and you will rebuke it immediately, and with the devil gone the people you preached to will be willing to listen and understand the ways of God so that they can be save, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be save except Jesus Christ…salvation is found in no one else except through Christ… Vim will be your weakness, do not let him cripple your faith, war against any spirit using him, because the devil will use him to bring you down, Vim may truly love you like he said but he doesn’t know God, and he is open to the devil, and he will drag you down with him if you are not solidify in God, war against any power that will stand against the word of God, take down your wall of fantasy and be totally sold out to God, take charge or your world Tamar, and rule as God has given you the ability, Tamar…there’s a lot to be done, I cry ahead of time for you, I see trouble lurking around you, if you see what God is revealing to me you will beg him to take the cup away from you, like Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane before he was betrayed, Vim’s heart is harden and he can’t believe easily, it will take blood and tears for him to believe which means it will be hard. But there’s nothing the lord can not do, pray against the trouble I see lurking around your head, plead with God to take it away because is quiet consuming, God revealed that Zity will send for you tomorrow, Zity will soon be remarried and the worst is yet to come because of the woman i see beside her, who has the devil’s ear, be at watch. Get back on your knee, as you will be returning to your mistress, your time has passed in speaking with Lord Reese and Lady Phin about Christ, there will be other time to do that. God gives chances to people because God knows how weak we are, he remembers that we are only dust, our days on earth are like grass, like wildflower we bloom and die, the wind blows and we are gone as though we have never being here. I pray this day that the Lord will guide your every step, he will reveal himself to you, and speak to you heart as he speaks to me, he will take away the trouble the devil is trying to use to destroy you and give you wisdom to ascertain the good and the bad, may the Lord’s favor rest upon you Tamar, the wicked will see you and flee for you bear the mark of the lord Jesus. Be of good cheer dear because God is always with you.

I felt empowered, I felt something heavy taking off me and I fell on my knees as Abel prayed for me, I felt connected again with the holy spirit and when I returned to my chamber I kept praying,

The next day Zity sent for me just like Abel has said, and I left with Pami, Adolfo’s boy, who came to get me, after bidding the master and mistress goodbye, Vim was not around that day, I saw Obia smiling at one corner and I went to Abel who drew me into his arm and I was there for sometime as he muttered few prayers for me, he released me and look me straight in the eyes telling me not to ever forget who I am in God. I blink back tears and nodded, he kissed my forehead as if he was saying goodbye, he acted like I won’t see him again, I got scared and quickly rebuked the fear as I smiled to him and ran off to meet with Pami and we left

When we finally got to Adolfo’s house, Abel was right, Zity was planning to marry Chakan, Adolfo’s son when she finish separating from Adolfo, which was already in process, and Adolfo was so willing to finally let Zity go.

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