TAMAR Episode 13 by Amah

Tamar Final Episode

TAMAR Episode 13

“You look young, how do your husband die…

“well, I’m not too young, I have live enough life on this earth to know the evil it holds, but not long enough anyway, I’m just blessed with young look, I got married when I was twenty one, and I’m thirty two years now, I was married for almost two years before my husband died, he went out healthy to work, after we finish our quiet morning prayer that day and he never returns the same, they brought back his corps to me, with the news that he was found dead by the road side, no one knows what happens to him, no one wanted to help or brings his killer to book just because he was a commoner and he was hated by most after they discovered he was a Christian, he builds for the second district, I only thought is probably because he was a Christian, when the bad people got to know they plotted away to kill him, we just got married not up to two years, I was carrying my first child who was just four months and I had miscarriage, the baby came down after the shock of my husband’s death and I was so lonely after his death, until the mid wife brought the twins to me, they became my biggest blessing, and now I have another whom I named Jon, the twins I named them Mia and May, I wish to boldly give them a Christian name but I have to be wise, I can’t risk their lives for anything, but I still worship God in my hidden closet, quietly with the children the Lord gave me, Jon will grow to know God just like his two sisters, I don’t care what the circumstances of their birth was, evil runs in this land, one just have to be prayerful and careful, the mid wife is one of the remaining good women around here, I know what she does is risky, but I pray everyday for God’s protection over her, she has rescued so many babies, and given them out to women who needs them, she still manage to give us shelling for upkeep, you said your name is Tamar and it was your mistress that gave birth to Jon and wanted him to be disposed as if he is a trash, just look at that sweet baby, how can she have such evil mind. which normal human will bear a child, so perfect and precious like the baby is and want to throw him away, well, everything works together for our good, the word of God became light when it says “sing, o barren woman, you who has never given birth, break into loud and joyful song, you who have never conceived or experienced Labor, because more are the children of the desolate woman than of the one who has a husband, says the Lord.

“I’m encourage Rhonda, and I’m happy to know you are a true believer, I will come around sometime to check up on you and the children the lord gave you, and also to bring little things for upkeep, be of good cheers because God is a husband to the widows, he will take care of you and yours always.

We hugged and I also held little Jon in my arms for sometime, I hugged Mia and May warmly before bidding them good bye,

I journeyed to Lord Reese big estate, it was a long walk but I didn’t feel the stress or distance because my heart was so filled with joy after meeting with Rhonda,

When I finally got home it was night already, I washed off the road dust, and put my things inside I prayed most part of the night and by the morning I was up as I went in search of Abel later,
I saw Abel first at the fountain, he rose up on seeing me, he opened his arm wide with an attractive smile, and I went in and he closed up his arm, I felt so secured and warm, I was so happy to see him again and I drop few tears right there in his arm, Abel has built me into a fearless woman for God, and I wish I can always be close to him because I think of him everyday and wondered what he was doing, and one thing is certain, he always pray, we were both silent as I sobbed quietly in his arm, I have seen evil in this land yet God has always protected his people like he promise to do,

Abel loosened up as Vim approached from his chamber, he smile deeply and tried to wipe off tears from my eyes with the back of his hand, yet he never uttered a word, Vim stood close to us and I quickly turn and greeted him

“My kind greetings to you my lord, I’m glad to see you

“I’m delighted to see you in good health Tamar, the last time I came to see Zity I was told you took ill, I can see you are feeling better now, how is my sister and her husband Adolfo, the death of the baby is hard on every one, even mother and also father, did Zity send you down…

“Yes my lord, she did, she asked me to come down and help out in attending to Lord Reese, your father whom we learnt was ill, how is he now

“well, not any better the last time I checked, Abel I can see a warm smile on your face, Tamar is back, and you two can’t get enough of each other, I’m…glad.

He looked at me and smile before walking away, I returned back the smile, Vim has maintained his cheerfulness and kindness, which I admire mostly about him now, he has truly grown to be like his father, and has his father’s height and body built, he is like a younger version of his father, who despite getting old, still maintains his good looks. I sat down with Abel as we began to speak quietly

“Hope all has being well with you Abel, you look light, slime down, haven’t you being eating well… how are you, I have missed you so much…

“I will eat more now that you are around, I’m so happy to see you again Tamar, I also miss you but I know you are right in God’s palm, which means you are safe, I have being praying for you and fasting too, I saw trouble lurking around your head in my dream and I started praying fervently for you, I don’t know what it was, all I was shown was just you trying to rescue a baby from a burning house, and I saw you again with the baby running and crying, I saw as a woman took the baby from you she was happy, I see children all around her, then God revealed another thing to me, Adolfo will be with another woman not Zity, another who will gladden his heart and lead him to the light…

“Wow…wow, Abel, you have gone so far with your relationship with God, I wish I’m like you, I wish I have attend that height, I’m still a baby who is learning how to crawl, everything you said can only be revealed to you by God himself, I pray I will get to your level of relationship with God, but… did God reveal another thing, like a merchant’s wife, or the person Adolfo will eventually settle with, did you see any other thing..

“all I saw I have spoken, nothing else, I was always praying for you Tamar, because you seem to be in the middle of it all, my strong relationship with God did not just start yesterday, it started a very long time ago, I deny my self to the world to be claimed by him , it wasn’t easy but God made it easy, I sold it all out to God, withholding nothing from him, do not panic my dear, God want to be in a relationship with his children, and you are there already, do not weaver in your walk with him, because I can see God using you to do greater and mighty things, there’s more to come Tamar, don’t relax yet, pray, keep praying, tribulation will still come, there will be adversity, unpleasant situation, but be of good cheer, keep the faith, for is only a strong faith in God that will save. Your calling is higher than mine, you were chosen by God for a greater purpose, I was only asked to guide you through and build you up in him so that you will not weaver, and that’s what I will do. Do not be afraid because God’s angel are all around you, they are here right now. You may not see them but they are like the wind, blowing cool air in all our direction.

“You make be scared when you talk about tribulation and adversity which are yet to come, I have had enough trouble, I don’t want to see more, can you ask God to take every other trouble away, my life is filled with so many already, I don’t want more

“we have one God, and one intercessor, you equally have access just like I do, talk to your father, God is your father, tell him all your worries, do not be scared or worried, just know that God has called you by your name, you are his workmanship, he will make you stronger than what you are right now. Even in the face of tribulation he is right there with you.

“I believe, may it be according to his will and not mine,

“I’m glad you are here, I don’t need to ask about Zity and the baby whom everyone believe died immediately after birth, the baby is alive right? And is with a woman who has no husband but all I see is happy children all around her, it sound crazy but God has never lied, I love you Tamar, not with the love of the world, but with love of Christ, do not be afraid I will always be here for you, I will intercede on your behalf, everyday…

As Abel mentioned for the first time that he loved me, my heart double skipped, it was the very first time I was hearing him or any one say that out loud, despite I know Abel cares for me, and I care deeply for him, I have loved him and hate to admit it because Abel doesn’t like the worldly kind of love, and I sincerely do not know the kind of love I feel in my heart for him, but I think of him everyday, and imagined God speaking to him to marry me, we will get married and build a Godly home. so I tried to be bold enough to tell him

“Abel, I someday want to be the woman God will chose for you to settle with, I have always love you and wish…wish…hmmm. did God ever revealed who you are going to marry in your dream, like…like somebody like me, a Christian girl…did he ever showed you or you still do not know God’s plan on that, we are the only two believers around here, in this household, is only normal for you to claim back your freedom and we will be married, Zity said she will give me my freedom if i ever want to get married, I know Lord Reese loves you and the entire household, but God may have other plan which is also in his word when he said we should go into the world and multiply, you told me the last time that is not good to be equally yoked with an unbeliever, so I looked around and see that we are meant to be, probably that was why God brought us together, for that reason so tha…

“you have said enough Tamar, do not use the scripture to your favor, when it suits you only, and let’s not be ahead of God, or to think like the worldly people thinks, if we do, we will only be inviting sin, and the devil is never far to such, remember the word said that the devil is roaming around the earth looking for whom to destroy and we are a good target for him, the enemies are watching us and waiting for any weakness for them to destroy us, marriage, like I told you before is not a ticket to heaven, if your right eye causes you to sin pluck it off, is better to enter into heaven with one eye than to be destroyed with the two, is an illustration from the word, God is not asking you to pluck off your eyes but to restrain from whatever you think that gives you worldly pleasure, whatever that will make you run a race and at the end God will say to you, “go away for I know you not” such should be avoided, remember those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy, no shadow of shame will darken their faces, Tamar, God did not show me anything about marriage, and I’m not worried, never was and never will be, if by tomorrow he said is you Tamar, I will be glad to embrace you as my wife and build a Godly family with you, but if God said is one unbeliever out there, or pagan worshiper in the street serving different gods, so be it, I will reform her to be a Godly woman, and she will come to know the one true God, I’m following God’s leading, anywhere he leads me to I will go, focus your mind on him and do not be distracted with marriage or anything, God is love and in him you will find solace. There’s a battle ahead, not a physical war you can see, a battle that requires you going on your knee and praying to God to intervene, I’m not a perfect man, but I walk in his own perfection, in his grace that he has made possible for all, through his son Jesus Christ, you have a work to do here, that’s why God brought you back, I will always be praying for you and God will help you to know all you need to know when the time comes…

I smiled, and I knew I was truly thinking ahead of God, I never asked him what his will is for me, I was only being fantasized about marriage, having children, and being with Abel, I forgot that God himself instituted marriage before the beginning of the world, when he made man, Adam and out of his ribs came his companion a woman, Eve, God knows the best for me more than I do. I quickly repented of my unknown sin as Abel spread it to my face, and I’m always glad to have Abel to lead and correct me, God is ever merciful to his children.

Later that day I went to lady phin and knelt in greeting, she was happy to see me, and we talked about few things, mostly about Zity and the baby, before I left.
On the third day, Lady Phin called me again and lead me to Lord Reese Chamber, he was critically ill, Lady phin told me they have tried different thing on him, even Obia volunteered to use her magically power, but he never gets well, instead the master got worst, and the master always battle with unknown spirit in his dream, he hardly sleep at night because of the fear, renown physicians kept coming and he never improve,

I wondered why Abel did not do anything, and immediately I thought of that a word dropped in my heart, God works in a way we can not understand.

I sat beside him, and although it wasn’t allowed I took the master hand boldly and he turned his face and looked at me, he manage to curve his lips into a little smile, lady phin stood behind me, I bow my head without altering a word, I just shot my eyes, and prayed loudly in my mind, rebuking the enemy so that it will flew from him, I prayed for a divine healing on him with the Lord’s word that says he took our sickness and bore in himself our disease…and by his stripe we are healed, I prayed so loudly in my heart that all I wanted to do was screamed as I felt the power of God,

After the prayer I left him and return to the out house, I saw Vim as I was leaving and he stopped me by the exit door, and all he did as usual was to look at me without a word before I bow and left.

By the following morning I was called that lady phin was calling me and when I went, she thanked me that Lord Reese slept through out the night after several weeks of battling in his sleep and he is feeling a bit better today, unlike before,
she was grateful to me and I returned all the glory to God who made it possible.

To Be Continue

While waiting, Read other Wonderful Completed Stories
The BrideGROOM OR The Presidential Villa

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5 years ago

God is incharge

5 years ago

May God continue to use you to fulfill his divine plan, Tamar.

Agborie Vivian lroro
Agborie Vivian lroro
5 years ago

Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper , my God that is you are. Loving this story Opradre and Amah thank you.

5 years ago

God is truly at work…Onku opradre…tanx fr dis piece

5 years ago

The Lord is on the throne

Deborah Ohachor
Deborah Ohachor
5 years ago

I’m Tapping Anointing Frm Able And Tamar.Obia Will Stage Spiritual War Against Tamar Bc She Has Spoit Her Witch Power.