TAMAR Episode 10 by Amah

Tamar Final Episode

TAMAR Episode 10

One of the slave girl who was two years ahead of me took likeness to me, whenever I’m alone at the flower garden
she will come and sit with me unlike others who kept their distance,
Eura was quiet and beautiful, she is the only household servant who immediately took likeness to me in Adolfo’s house,

“you like being on your own, mostly in this garden alone, I have seen you muttering word, you seem strange and you have an aura around you, the other servants seem not to be comfortable when you are around them, were you the daughter of a priestess or a fortune teller…

“I’m just Tamar, an ordinary girl, my father was no priest neither was my mother a priestess, my father was just a common man among his people, so also was my mother,

“I like you, you seem special, how do you cope with the mistress, she is insatiable, please take no offense, but is true, she is was unhappy and we all know that she doesn’t like Adolfo as he loves her, she is quick to anger, we like staying faraway from her until she needs us but she never does, everyone of us want to serve her but she is never comfortable with us coming close to her, I sometime wonder how you do it, she feel comfortable around you, even when she switch into rage, I have heard her shout at you to get away from her, and yet you never take offence instead you stand behind the door waiting for her to summon you again, if I’m the one, I will run so far from her until she is calm enough to need me again, I don’t like violent mistress not like her, Is not like i really have a choice,

“is Patient, Eura, patient is the key to staying insane even in a world as crazy as this, and when you see me out here alone I’m communicating to God, who loved me despite my shortcoming and endowed me with blessings, I was the weakest in my family, yet I have survived what killed others, I have being sold to different people at the different land, shipped to different places, walk miles I never thought I would walk, I have seen women get raped, and seen dead helpless slaves abandoned on the desert or thrown abode into the water, I went through oppressive situation, in all of this God kept me, I lost my parents to war, then my brother Joe, my two sister Kath and Deb, they all died yet God kept me, I’m not worthy yet he counted me worthy to live, and when I think I was going to loose my faith and submit to the way of the people in this kingdom, when I thought I have heard enough of everything in life, I thought I was done with God, I started hating him for taking everything away from me, and for not being the kind and loving God that my parents told me he was, I was almost submitting to the ways the people when he sent a young man called Abel to rekindled my faith, Abel bought me from a merchant who wanted to sell me because his wife doesn’t want me, and he built back my lost faith, and I learnt to give thank in every situation because God kept me for a purpose, he set me aside, probably to help Zity or somebody who needs to be helped, I’m yet to know but I’m ready to be lead by him…

“you have being through a lot, we all here got one sad story or the other, after the war outbreak and the soldiers conquered our land and took the young females away, I was sold off and brought down to this land, I have served two mistresses, in different household who kept selling me off till I was bought by Pami, Adolfo’s servants head, he brought me to serve in Adolfo’s house, Adolfo is a kind man, but the mistress is difficult to please, Tamar, you speak greatly of this your God, you make him sound so interesting, as if he is a friend you can easily communicate with, I serve different gods before I came to Adolfo’s house, and non of them seem so real, like the way you make yours sound, what god is that…

“he is not just my God Eura, he is also God for everyone, and he is always ready to be your friend if only you will open your heart and accept him into your heart, I’m a Christian, you are the first person I have told that boldly…

“please let me be the only and last person you will boldly say that to, you have to be careful, I heard they either stone them or give them to the circuit animal by the gate, please be very careful Tamar, I like you already and I don’t want anything to happen to you, the people of this land does not like Christians, they like their own gods and goddesses, and hate any strange god or perilous religion as that, I have seen them stone a man and his wife to death and they sold off their children to become temple slaves, is a very risky religion Tamar, this kingdom take great offense in that…

“This body you see is like a container, it contains the soul, it will be taking away from me one day, and my soul will return to the creator who made it, this people you fear can only destroy the flesh which is this body, what I carry inside of me is far greater than what the world can see, they can’t destroy me because I’m a strong seed, I die to this world and live to the Lord, I’m no more sacred of death, I use to be until Abel opened my eyes, if God permits them to take a life they did not create then so be it, it only show my work here is done, I will gladly go to be with my creator, so Eura, I’m not scared of death, for greater is he that is in me than he that’s in the world, death is not our final place, theirs is life even after death, come to know him that he may give you an everlasting joy, he is not asking for too much, he doesn’t need a blood sacrifice, you don’t need to sacrifice any animal to him, the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ on the cross was the final sacrifice, the only thing he ask of you is your heart, open it let him come in and dwell, and feel this peace, joy and confident I have in him, confess your sin and denounce them and ask Christ into your life, you are not perfect but he is and he will guild you in all you do,

“after that what else do I do, I’m willing, you are filed with so much confidence and I feel peace in my heart as you speak, I want to know this God more, show me what to do Tamar

And Eura was my first convert, what a joy in heaven over one sinner that repent, I was happy to bring Eura to Christ.
We talk quietly in the garden as I filled her in with the word as Abel plant in me which was beginning to bear multiple seed, she was happy and was willing to learn how to become a better person, we quietly pray together most time in the garden.

The merchant wife later traveled again and Zity needed me again to keep her company

“I can’t wait to get ride of this thing so that I can be free and live my life like I have always wanted, Okra traveled, she has another man, and she is happy, she is planning for a way to leave the merchant so that she can be with her new lover, whenever the merchant travels to sell his wares, she also travels and comes back before the merchant returns, she said if she returns from her journey she will bring a physician for me to take off the thing, I don’t know how long she will stay this time but I can’t wait to get this thing off me…

“my lady, is not a thing, is a child, and he or she will make you happy, I promise you, please don’t get ride of your child, give him or her a chance to be born and a chance to live, even if you don’t want her Adolfo will or you can take the child to your mother, is also Adolfo’s child, he has every right to know that you are pregnant, he is your husband my lady, please don’t do this, don’t destroy the child that is happily growing in your womb

“shut up Tamar, why do you talk to me with so much confidence, have you lost your mind and forgot that I’m your mistress, what do you even know, I expected you of all people to understand me more and support me, this thing is not yet a child, it has not formed into a child, I’m just two months and three weeks gone, is still blood, that’s what Okra said, and is the bad blood the physician will flush out of me once Okra comes back, why can’t you understand me, I don’t want it, I want to live a free and happy live, I don’t want anything to tie me down from that..

I went to the garden and kept praying, Eura joined me, as I asked her to join me in praying for the mistress and she was willing, for where two or three are gathered in his name the lord will be in their means, I went on fasting for Zity, I needed God’s intervention, I was in agony, I can’t allow Zity to do such evil, even if I can’t talk her out of it I will ask God to intervene, except if he has a better plan than I can see,

Okra didn’t come back from her journey on time like she has told Zity, she came two weeks later and Zity was three months plus, the day she came, I was sent out from Zity’s chamber and I listened outside the door as Okra told Zity that she has a heated argument with her husband after she told him she was leaving the marriage, she told Zity that she has some little problem which she want to sort out first, after which she will get a physician for her, Zity wasn’t happy but she accepted,

Vim came to visit his sister but Zity was having one of those her bad day and couldn’t really entertained him, he left and planned to return again.

her stomach was already protruding, pregnancy wasn’t looking good on her, early morning sickness, quick to anger, and everything irritates her, but I was happy that God engaged Okra with her own personal problem which made her not to be able to get the abortion man on time, by the time she came Zity was months gone and it was dangerous to perform an abortion at that stage, that was what I heard Okra tell her that day, and she cries and refuse to come out of her chamber for days, Adolfo has called me to his study, and it was okay to tell him exactly what was going on even though he was going to know one way or the other, Zity wasn’t willing to tell him herself, but Adolfo was definitely going to know whenever he sees Zity’s body changes and her small protruding belle, it was just okay to tell him without getting into trouble, God won over the wickedness of men, God’s plan for the child was going to stand without anybody destroying a live they did not create.

“Is your mistress okay, she has refuse to see me even after I went to her chamber to check up on her, I noticed she has not being well, do you know what is wrong with her,

“yea, she will be fine, she is going through one of those women difficult time, but is a good thing Adolfo, because you are going to be a father in few months from now, she is with a baby my lord,

Adolfo stood up from his seat in shock, he held his hand to his heart, he was surprise at the news and why Zity didn’t tell him all this while, he asked me how long she was gone and I told him is being five months already, he was totally astonished, he was so happy that he hugged me forgetting himself before running off to Zity’s chamber, he pleaded for her to open the door, and was not ready to leave until she does, Zity later opened the door, and I watched as he gently drew Zity into his arms, he was crying, just knowing that he was truly going to be a father again, Zity acted cold but she did not pull back from Adolfo as he held her, I watched with a smile as she later relaxed back into his arm, I left to the garden, I couldn’t seat because my heart was gladden, I just knelt down there and sing out my thanks to God, seeing how happy Adolfo is, made my heart so glad, all I could do in the garden was just thanksgiving, when Eura joined me, we praised God quietly so that we don’t attract attention to ourselves, and I shed some tears as I marvel at God’s mighty work,

Zity started acting fine as Okra stopped coming around her, I help her through every of her difficult moment, sometimes I will suck her swollen feet in a warm water and dry them up after sometime, The day Vim came again I was in Adolfo’s study, he was writing a new theory, and wanted me to tell him one of those biblical stories I do tell Zity, while I told him, he translate it into his own theory and write it down, he didn’t even know it was a story I got from the bible but he was impress with the story, it was one of those stories I was telling him when Vim came in, he greeted Adolfo, he avoided looking at me and focused on Adolfo, I stood up, bow and excused myself out,
I was at the garden with Eura when Vim came, he asked Eura to leave she bow and quickly left

“ I learnt that Zity is with a child, you should be looking after her not her husband, is he also marrying my sister and you too,

“my lord, Lady Zity doesn’t need me now, I checked up on her before leaving to Adolfo’s study, she also sometime send me to go and check on Adolfo, I was only listening to his theory and was telling him some of the little I know, I hav…

“enough, I saw you so close to him, and heard you two laugh, he seem to be taken by you can’t you see, or do you like him too…

I frowned at the question, and kept my head bow, it was an insult to Adolfo who has never thought of such, I wanted to reply but kept quiet, wisdom is profitable to direct as Abel will say, so I try to change the atmosphere

“Adolfo is a good man, my lord, and everybody likes him, I’m not exceptional, I’m glad to see you my lord, you look good, how is the master and the mistress, hope every one is in good health

“I’m…I’m glad to see that you are happy here too, I thank the gods for blessing my sister and Adolfo with a child, though not yet born but I’m happy to know that Zity will soon be a mother, mother will be thrilled at the news, father’s heart will be gladden, a child will keep Zity busy, I don’t like the kind of friends she keeps, I told her of it the last time I visited, especial one merchant’s wife, but now Zity will have better thing to occupy her mind, yes everyone is in good health back home, you didn’t ask of Abel, although he is fine, and he sent his greetings when I told him I was coming down here.

“I’m glad to know that my lord.

Vim wanted to say something but held back again, he looked at my hands and then back to my face and to my mouth,

“Look at me Tamar, stop bowing your head, we all miss you back home, maybe, i… Abel… miss you more…

“I miss everyone too, but I’m glad to be here, to serve my Lady, she needs me more now than before, my lord.

I looked up at him as he smile, I was fully looking straight to his face now, seeing the man sitting beside me, he was truly a handsome young man even more with those smile of his, he looks like one of those athletic men, I understand why Obia wanted to kill herself over him, and many of the kingdom maidens were dying to be with him before he started avoiding them, which nobody seem to know or understand why he suddenly changed,

He was looking into my eyes and then back to my mouth, he swallowed heard before standing up to leave, I asked him to extend my kind greeting to everyone and also to Abel and he promised to do that.

i was grateful to God must especially for Zity as i prayed that she will deliver like the Hebrew women when she is due, my heart is so joyful as i marvel at God’s wonderful works in my life.
i wish i can sit and talk with Abel, i want to tell him about everything that was going on around here, he will be so happy too.

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Deborah Ohachor
Deborah Ohachor
5 years ago

God, May Your Name Alone Be Praised.I’m Enjoying This Story. Kudos 2 D Writer And D Poster.

Chiemele Temple
Chiemele Temple
5 years ago

Wow, thank you Jesus, well I’m not saying anything now but am just predicting sha, Vim and Tamar, hmmm