STRANGE TWINS Final Part 3👬 – Sire Prince Jhay

STRANGE TWINS Part 1👬 - Sire Prince Jhay

STRANGE TWINS Final Part 3👬 – Sire Prince Jhay

They pushed me to their vehicle and drove immediately.

I was taken to the police custody and I was convicted for a crime never committed

A picture of me was shown to me but I knew instantly that it was the work of Desmond himself

I tried to explain to them but I was just being cut off by t3rrōr and m3rciless beating

Few moment later, my parents appeared, the DPO explained how I have been involved in a criminal act and escaped through few months back

My parents tried to explain that I wasn’t the cūlprìt but definitely my lookalike (replica)

Despite the explanations, they couldn’t believe us but proof or evidence were asked to be shown if possible

“Yes, we took pictures and videos together,” I said to them and my phone was given back to me

I tried to check out our pictures, on my phone and to my greatest shock, all the pictures and the videos had been deleted, I quickly login into my social media platforms to check out those I posted, lo and behold, my account had been d3åctivatēd and all the media were fl@shed off.

My mom went home to get all the hardcopy pictures I and Desmond took together but lō and behold, my mom realized they were no where to be found again. They were all būrnt. 

These is when I knew I was in a big prøbl3m already. I couldn’t believe myself sū.ffering for the crim3 I never cømmitt3d

My Mom came to the police custody with a lot of people that could testify and witness, but according to them, I can’t be released except my lookalike was later found.

My mind flashed back to the day I met Desmond, he looks innocent to me just the same way I am always told look innocent. Tears rolled down my cheek

Few days later, I was charged to the court, we had hired a lawyer to defend us

The case were dragged for a while in the court and our lawyer suggested for the footage since the culprit was caught on camera.

The case was adjourned purposely to check the CCTV footage. My mind were full of prayers and thoughts

“Would I just end my life in prison like that, could Desmond intentionally did this to me?” I started having some disturbing thought and tears streaming down my cheek

When the CCTV footage was enventually viewed, they realised it wasn’t me but someone else, the culprit happens to be our neighbor.  When he realized he was being recorded by the CCTV in the mūrd3r act, he quickly transformed himself.

The cū.lprit (Paul) was later arrēsted and prosecuted, then he later confessed that he was the culprit and decided to escape through by transforming himself to someone else

The news got wide that a lot of people kept wondering and surprised. My parents was happy.

Paul was later charged to court and was sentenced to lìfe imprisõnm3nt

The end…


Read this Awesome inspirational Story > THE CANDLE IN THE WIND


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Vera Dan
Vera Dan
1 year ago

How did he transform himself