STRANGE Part 1 (Short Story) – Sire Prince Jhay

STRANGE Part 1 (Short Story) - Sire Prince Jhay

STRANGE Part 1 – Sire Prince Jhay


One day, an old man told me that something strange used to happen in my room everyday at 2am in the midnight

At first, I didn’t get that statement into my skull, within me, I was like “what is this old man saying, he looked like a begger, It seems he wants to bēgg for money” the thought pondered my mind. I never believe what he said until he went further

“Michael, a lot of things used to happen when you’re asleep in your room but you don’t know, that’s why your head seems so heavy when you wake up in the morning. Hmm, you need to be prayerful” the man went further

“Whattt, what this man is saying could be true oo, at first, how did he get to know my name, secondly, it’s true I used to feel my head adding more weight when I wake up in the morning” the thought pondered my mind within the short while, and I started having interest in what the man was saying

“Do yourself a favor today by trying hard to stay awake till 2am, and something will be revealed to you, and whatever happens, you can get back to me, have my contact” the Man said, he gave me his card and left

“Really?, things happening in my room every 2am?, what could that be?” I started wondering within myself standing like a banana tree by the roadside. I found myself scared and worried.

Something bād ran across my mind and I rebuked it immediately “God, it shouldn’t be what I’m thinking” I said snapping my fingers over my head, with prayers in my mind and continued my journey

When I arrived home, I quickly went on my knees and I started praying

I determined myself to stay awake till 2am to see whatever it is that is going to happen in my room.

Night fell and I went on my knees to pray again, I prayed for couple of hours.

It was 11pm and I started feeling dizzy and sleepy already, I stood up and I went straight to the bathroom to rinse my face.

I started walking around with my eyes widely opened so that I wouldn’t sleep but my eyes kept closing despite my efforts, I started doing push-ups, squats and hopping in my room but it couldn’t help

I got tired and I went straight to my bed, I sat at the edge of my bed waiting for 2am to clock. I waited but didn’t know when I slept off

The following morning, I woke up, I started feeling a sharp pain in my body and my head seem so big, I quickly contacted the old man and informed him

He said I should come over to him and I did, he prayed over a bottle water and gave it to me with the instructions to rinse my face with it and splash it I my room too. He said I should pretend I am sleeping when it is about to clock 2.

“Okay sir, I’m very grateful, God will continue to bless you sir” I prostrated to appreciate him and left

I took the bottle water home with my mind full of prayers and disturbing thoughts.

I took my Bible, I read Psalm 23 till nightfall, I refused to prepare dinners as I had made it up in my mind to fast that night

the night fell, I did as the old man said. It was 1:45, I locked the doors and the windows, I said a short prayers and laid down on my bed pretending I was asleep.

When it was exactly 2am, I started hearing a strange sound. I was getting scared, my heart kept beating fast but still pretending I was still fast asleep.

All of a sūddēn, I started having the feeling that some people were entering my house, they moment they entered my room, the touch light went off immediately.

“Jesus Christ, holy ghost fireeeee” I shouted

To be continue on next post……..


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