STEALING Part 1 – Sire Prince Jhay

STEALING Part 1 - Sire Prince Jhay

STEALING Part 1 – Sire Prince Jhay

A woman was in her shop, all of a sūddēn someone came with an information that her son was been beating for stealing in the next street

“Whatttt, my son was caught stealing again!!!?, ahhh this boy will not kill me ooooo. oya take me to the place please, ahhhhhhhh, take me to the place ooooo” she lãmented, closed her shop and started running hurriedly along with the informant.

She got to the scene and found his son “Peter” been beating mercilessly by tons of angry people.

“Ahhhhhhh, please, don’t beat my son oooooooo, please, I beg you in the name of God, he’s my son, I’m sorry for whatever he did, please, pardon him ” she pleaded postrating and crying out to them to get her son released

“Hey, woman, so you’re the mother of this bloody thief, your son was caught trying to steal money, see, na God save him oo, we for kìll am today. Thiēf..” one of them said out of anger still holding the wooden stick firmly with sweats all over his body

“See, mummy, na you we dey respect oo, if not…, anyways, warn your son very well, make e no try am again for him life, stealing is bad, yes very bad” another ugly, tiny but muscled, black guy said

“Mummy, see, this should be the last warning for him. Anytime we catch him again in this street stealing, just consider him dēād because I will pērsōnålly k!ll him” the shirtless guy with the broadest chest and unassembled six packs threatened

“Guys let’s go” the oldest of them commanded and they all left the scene immediately

“Haaa, Peter, why, whyyyy, whyyyyyy, you were caught stealing again, why are you doing this to me? Ehn? do you want to kîll yourself?. ahhhh” she lãmented bitterly with tears streaming down her cheek.

Someone must have informed Peter’s father, he and some of the neighbors came and helped him out of the place.

Around 11pm that night, Peter’s mom woke him up from sleep and sat him down beside her.

“Peter, you see what you caused to yourself, ehn, despite the love, the care that I and your father showered you, is this what you choose to pay us back? ehn, please, the last time you did this, you said it won’t repeat itself again, and now you’re caught again. Don’t you feel ashamed?. Ehn. Peter please, stealing is very bad, I used to tell you. aside the fact that it’s a sin, it could also defamed one’s reputation completely. Please my son”

While Peter’s mom was busy urging and giving him pieces of advice, His dad came in and continued.

They narrated story about someone that use to steal some years back. How he was caught and jåilēd. Though the story was a fake one

Peter pleaded and wowed to them that it would never repeat itself again. They prayed all together and retired to bed

Few Days later.

Whenever Mrs Naomi, Peter’s Mom passes by in the street, people would start throwing shade at her.

“Look at that stūp!d woman, the mother of that bloody thief, the mother that cannot train her child well”

“Heyyyy, you guys should keep your things o Before it get missing again, that woman is coming” another one would say

Mrs Naomi would become extremely sad that tears always find it way out of her eyes whenever she hears those statements.

She gets bittered and feels hummilated. She would utter some silent prayers for God’s intervention over her son.

Few months later, Peter’s Uncle arrived from the city, he was a young, rich man

Peter’s dad cajoled him to take Peter along with him to the City and he agreed..

Peter travelled along with his uncle purposely to keep himself away from neighbors and friends.

Ever since he travelled, Mrs Naomi and his husband (Peter’s parents) had been living fine as the incident had completely dìêd down.

One sartuday morning, Mrs Naomi received a call.

“Hi, is this Peter’s Mom?” The caller said

“Yes I am” she replied

“Ahhh, I saw your son on national TV, you need to switch your TV on now to check yourself” the caller said and hanged up the call.

“Ahhh, my son, on TV, what could that be, for what? ” She said with curiosity

There was no electricity at that moment, Mrs Naomi quickly took a gallon to buy petrol from the filling station opposite her house.

She ran impatiently, she wanted cross the road and suddenly a car running in a high speed hit her and speed away.

Story continued…


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