SOMETHING MORE – Allison Hyacintho | Short Inspirational Story



This lesson is just going to be quick, you honestly need to take a second to read this before you scroll on…

When my best friend and I first met and collided in love?????, I thought, “oh, okay, I think I’m going to have to do this ministry call alone, but that’s fine anyway, since she supports my gift, and vision, and calling to ministry, so, no problem at all.”

What I did not know, was that while I was having those thoughts, God was looking at me like, “really? relax son, you haven’t seen the best of her own gift yet. I know you have the gift of the Word, Scriptures come alive in you, but she? – She is the storehouse where I have safely put all the miracles, signs and wonders that will accompany your calling, so just chill, you will see something in a bit.”

It didn’t take long before the evidence of her gift started manifesting in the lives of the people God has put in her life to mentor and guide.

Now to the lesson:
There is more guys, there is always SOMETHING MORE.

I never forget to say this to young lovers starting out; one of the STRONGEST evidence that convicts your spirits and proves that you are right for each other is not when your pastor or Bishop prays and confirms he saw her name in a vision, or he saw his face in his dream. No. One of the strongest evidence that convicts your spirit is what you two can produce when you put your spiritual strengths together.

It is so powerful, but unfortunately alot of people do not consider this as something important. We check for compatibility in every other area of our relationship except for spiritual gifts.

What are your spiritual gifts and strengths? What are your partner’s spiritual arsenals too? If you put them together, what fruits does it produce as a unit? Has this ever crossed your mind before? Or you just want to wait until marriage for drowning situations to reveal your partners spiritual strengths to you. Ahhh naaaa, marriage is a lifetime to take such a risk..

Do this guys, from this moment going forward, use the situations around you as a training ground for your gift testing. Are you hearing me?

I’m not just talking about the calling to be pastor and pastor Mrs, I’m talking about the situation at your job, the situation in your family, the challenges you’re both experiencing in your individual lives, put your spiritual strengths together and fight those huddles, fight it.

He can pray, I can sing.
He can sing, I can clap.
He can speak in tongues, I can quote Scriptures.
He can keep vigil all night, I am an early morning prayer warrior.
He can fast for a month without water, she prays better after eating shawarma.

Put these strengths together and declare war over that enemy. If it’s trouble with his office, put your spiritual arsenals together and battle it out. See the challenges in your relationship as an opportunity for training. If it’s a headache, try laying hands on it and see what happens, look, the headache might not disappear that instant but know that you’re training yourselves to be fervent and consistent in mastering your spiritual strengths.

Start experiencing miracles together, some of you, since you started dating you have recorded no testimony in your relationship, some even in your marriages. I’m not talking about things happening for you by grace, I’m talking about a red sea you saw, prayed and watched it give way for you to walk on dry land. I am talking about a situation you can say “Glory! it took us three nights but we prayed this into existence.”

See, Marriages and relationships are no longer mushy mushy anymore guys, the battle is real, realer, realest.

Written by Allison Hyacintho

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Read More Of His Inspirational Write up HERE

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5 years ago

God bless the author

5 years ago

this is real.
God bless you sir for inspiring us

5 years ago

Comment: Thats a great msg. Bles u richly Alinson n 0pradre

4 years ago

Amazing, so inspirational
Thanks a lot writer.