Sister Grace In The Choir Department has Just lost her Virginity | Very Deep

Sister Grace In Che Choir Department has Just lost her Virginity | Very Deep

Sister Grace In The Choir Department has Just lost her Virginity

Sister Grace in the choir department has just lost her virginity to one of those guys who claimed they are Naira Marley’s fan.
Next Sunday in Church, a meeting was held to address all the Godly sisters…

(Clears throats)

“After all the ‘daughter of Deborah’ Conventions and ‘Daughters of purity’ Revival Camp meetings, Sister Grace still went ahead to defile herself. Now, she has brought shame to her family and this church. Well, it has happened. It has happened. Let’s be praying for her. No one should get close her for now. Let’s be careful so that we won’t get entangled with her worldly lifestyle. Be prayerful and watchful. These are the end times. We don’t know when Jesus will come. In fact, let’s pray for her…”

As the prayer session for ‘defiled-sister-Grace’ was going on, the Holy Spirit whispers to Sister Esther,

“Daughter, when you finish from church, GO STRAIGHT TO SISTER GRACE’S HOUSE.”

That was a strange instruction.

“But they said…”

“Shhh… You ought to obey God rather than men. Go Daughter.”

“What if they catch me there and discipline me?”, she thought.

“My daughter, dignity is not a fruit of the Spirit. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. You may lose dignity in the church but the JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH.”


Everyone looked at the direction of Sister Esther who just shouted, “Hallelujah!”

“I hope all is well with you Sister Esther?” The Pastor asked.

“Yes Saa…. Yes Sir… I’m… I’m fine… I’m fine Sir.”

Sister Esther normally shouts “Hallelujah!” unconsciously when she receives rhema from the scripture or from the Holy Spirit. Her close friends know her for that. She either shouted, “Glory to God!”, “Hallelujah!” or “Praise God!”

“All right. Let’s share the Grace in fellowship.”

Sister Esther spent some time to pray for Sister Grace and to listen to all the messages the Holy Spirit had for her.

“Daughter of God, we’re locking the church o.”

That was the gateman, trying to beckon on Sister Esther to hasten up.

She bent down slightly to pick up her red shoe that had some white rose flower design. She quickly wore them. Pastor’s wife has warned them not to wear the ‘koi-koi’ shoe again.
“If I catch anybody wearing such shoe again in this church, you will pray for two hours after service!”
No one joked with Pastor’s wife. She was an action mama.
Well, this red shoe she wore was an easy wear and it was a bit flat.
Sister Esther was not a controversial sister.

“I’m coming, Sir!”
Sister Grace lives in a ghetto area with her family members close the market square. It was about 1km from the church. Sister Esther passed through the market to her house.
“Hello o… Anyone in?”
After several knocks, there was no response.
“Dem go village since last week o.” Iya Sikira said, as she passed with some clothes to wash.
“Happy Sunday Mama. Really?”
“Na so we see am. Dem give me one tuber of yam with one red oil for 7up gogoni (bottle) before dem comot. Na so the woman go carry…”
The gist from Iya Sikira seemed like forever.
Sister Esther just smiled all through as Mama kept talking and talking.
“But what will make the Lord lead me to come and see somebody that has travelled?” She thought.
Sister Esther was confused.
As she stepped out to leave the compound through the rusted black gate that had almost fallen off inside the gutter,

Sister Esther knew that was the Holy Spirit whispering to her. She put her white bible inside her bag, walked gently with her hands slightly on her waist as she went behind the house.
“Hmm… This must be her window.”
It was quite dusty, as she peeped through the window, she saw someone trying to tie a rope around the ceiling fan to commit suicide.
Guess who it was? It was Sister Grace!
“Ah! My sister, please don’t do it. I’m here to help you.”

Sister Grace had lost so much weight. She looked wan, skinny and haggard. Her eyeballs were red due to the unending tears that came out from them. Sister Grace started weeping all over again.
Sister Esther knelt down and kept rubbing her two hands together and continued, “Beloved, I love you so much and that’s why I am here. In fact, is not only me that came… I came with… I came with ehmm… Jesus. Yes. Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Even the angels followed me…”
Sister Esther was short of words.

She continued, “Jesus Christ still loves you and he has great plans for you. As I was in church, he gave me a lot of messages to give you.”
Sister Grace increased the volume of her tears as she dropped the rope. She fell on the ground as the sob heightened.
“Oh! Jesus, she has dropped the rope. Thank you Father.”
Sister Esther was still on her kneels.

“Babe, please can you open the door for me? I bought some fruits with some plantain and eggs to fry for you. You know I can cook very well. Hehehe…”
Sister Grace started looking for laughter in her mouth to cheer her up.
Sister Grace remembered some precious memories she has heard with Sister Esther.
Sister Esther is that weird and funny sister. She barely had enemies in her life. Everyone was her friend. Her winsome attitude coupled with her strong faith in God’s Word attracted so much people to her.
Sister Grace gathered the little strength left in her, stood up and went straight to open the door.
“Oh! Thank you Jesus. She answered me. Kai! God, I’m coming to praise to you specially.”
Sister Esther stood up, dusted off the sand on her kneels and like a lightening, she dashed for the front door.
“Oh! My bag!”


Just like Sister Grace, there are some anointed Samsons in our communities who after sleeping with Delilah, they never died on the spot. They lost their vision, their purity and their power but the devil is pumping their minds with greater sin and calamity.
There are some Dinahs who have lost their purity to the Shechems in our environment. They were once vibrant for righteousness but now, they have forgotten whether God can forgive them. The weight of their sin and the unwanted pregnancy has blinded their minds from the mercy and the love of God.

Immediately they saw cutlasses and guns, some Peters around us denied Jesus Christ without blinking! Right now, they are so weak and sinking in despair and despondency.
Beloved, let’s not join the multitude to sing, “How-are-the-mighty-fallen” lyrics or to fold our hands to start the “so-even-you” conversation.
Let’s have the mind of Christ.Let the Holy Spirit use us to comfort the fainting and restore the weak and weary. Let’s begin to envision how we can bring them back to the fold.
Let’s not allow the devil to take advantage of their vulnerabilities this last minute.
If a righteous man or woman falls, he/she shall rise again.

All hope is not lost.
Let’s not love in words alone but in DEEDS.

© Idiagi Emmanuel


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5 years ago


5 years ago

I love this..I’m so blessed

5 years ago

This is thoughtful, God bless you writer.