NOW I’M A LIVING DEAD! Part 2 – Onuoha Kelechi

NOW I’M A LIVING DEAD! (A True Life Story) - Onuoha Kelechi

NOW I’M A LIVING DEAD! Part 2 – Onuoha Kelechi

After the church incident, I varnished into thin air. ‘Ghost mode’ as Gbenga’s wife ‘Abimbola’ wud call it.

Yes, I felt fulfilled to an extent tho I was just getting started. I’m coming for them all that had a hand in my death.

Later that evening, while I was at the hotel which is now my niche or hideout to manipulate, execute & share high blood pressure on those that killed me. Those that I once loved and took as family and never believed cud do anything to hurt me. Truly, “na who know man dey kill am”. My case was that of a man’s enemy from his own household. This hotel is now my home and according to Gbenga, it’s my spirit Lodge. Lol….. I try to laugh and endure this unbelievable moments of my life unfolding right before my eyes like a movie, I became drowned in thoughts with tears rolling down – “God, where did I go wrong?”😑

Next I heard was “Gbam! Gbam!!!

A knock at the door of which I was not sure of the person. I whistled and he responded. it was a sign we made to recognise our presence. I opened and he came in and called me “Mr Ghost”, we laughed. It was Mr Gbenga my good neighbor.

“Kacy, he called out to me. “Your story has become the talk of the town. The pastor and congregation suspected the act of your mother-in-law as they were so curious to know what really happened, but your mother-in-law refused to say anything”.

I smiled “Gbenga don’t worry about the truth. it will be revealed soon. Lest I forget, how is your beautiful wife Abimbola?” “She’s fine, full of her troubles”, he replied.

I opened a bottle of wine as we share to discuss on the next move I will take as a ghost.

It was now it came to my knowledge that my wife and mother-In-law took shelter in my best friend’s house Chike, cos of their fear and alarm. Chike stays at 5th avenue, M close Festac town. He was my best man at my wedding and supposed to be my best friend. Who ever thought chike could connive with my wife and mother-in-law to kill me?? Now, Chike who wanted to be convinced of wat my wife had told them about my ghost, asked my mother-in-law out of fear and curosity if she actually saw me with her two eyes. The woman was speechless cos of her shock. My wife chioma with her sweet voice cried out to Chike and asked him to do something about this before the worst happens.

OK, it’s about to kick off…. Chike took his car key and drove off to Akanshi’s shrine. As he narrated the whole story to Akanshi the babalawo, whom was shocked and did some incantation and ordered Chike to go to my house and get one of my clothes.

Hollup..! Hollup.!! Hollup..!!! This gat me wondering, Wat does the babalawo need my clothes for?? While I’m still alive??

The babalawo requested for it so he can perform some ritual to chain my ghost. And Chike summoned courage and left for my house?? 😨

Issoryt, I’m equally ready!!!

FLASHBACK: In my plans with Gbenga, we agreed on going to my house to pick some of my cloths as I can spread them in places my wife and her mother will always see them, just to torment them the more. Then after which Gbenga and i will go to chike’s house by same midnight to sprinkle the feathers and blood of a dead cock at his entrance. It wasn’t a simple task but am a ghost..


What a quirk of fate.. As Chike arrived to my house at midnight to complete his task, Lo and behold, the ghost appeared. Chike! Chike!! Chike!!!, I called three times from my sitting room as it echoes in my bedroom. Chike shivered as he took to heel out of my bedroom to the door and behold he saw me sitting down on my sofa. Me in a thunderous voice

“Chike, u were supposed to be my best friend. Why did u conive to kill me?” As he shiver and panicked, he begged and try to use the door as he ran, but unfortunately I locked the door before I sat down earlier on the sofa. As i approached him slowly with my hands stretched while fume was coming out of my mouth, with my face rubbed with Abimbola’s powder sainting like a woman who came for a child’s omugwor.. Lol….I can feel the adrenaline pump evidenced by chike’s vibration and disorganized actions of flight mode. His blood pressure was up as he used the window and fell from upstairs, sustaining a dislocation which I wondered how he ran with it….but eh, Africans can fear spirit sha!!! Lol… I went downstairs and took the backyard.

Will i spare them or continue to torment them?

“I watched at a distance with a stone look, plastered on my face,I don’t want to be nearer to an evil woman my mother in law was”,”but I don’t give a d–n”,she had fainted like twice at the pulpit of the church,some women maybe they should be her friend in evil,c@m£ to surround her, pressing her che-st calling her to wake up,but chioma’s mother just lie flat on the floor of the church, closing one of her eye,and using one eye to look at me by the corner of her eyes, forming dead,but I can see her clearly,she was trying to check if truly I had died,or I was a ghost.

“Been me,I wanted to add salt to injury and more especially for everyone in church to see am not dead but fully alive ,but was cornered by my wife and mother ,just to see me dead.

I cleared my throat,”See people don’t be afraid or surprised that am a ghost, actually am still the kelechi you use to know,the able bodied man,am not dead am much more alive”,I said.

The congregation who were alre-ady eagar to hear what I had to say, started murmuring among themselves,some were cursing un-der their breath,some were shaking their heads especially the men,the pastor was speechless on what to say,he was just staring at me with disbelief. It showed on the people’s faces that they wanted to know the real truth,but here is the real truth.


“Three years ago,after I met chioma,I had a little problem with the company I was working with,i searched for job and did not see any but luckily for me I saw one oil and g@s company,I submitted my credentials in the company and was told they will get back to me the next day,I was so happy even when I had not yet started the job but I had faith the job was for me,when I c@m£ out from the company I met my old bestie right from uni,we hvgged and greeted each other,he asked me where I was coming from,I told him I was coming from the company,and was told to drop my credentials that they will get back to me soon,when he heard that his countenance changed in a twi-nkle of an eye,

I asked what was wrong and why he was not happy to hear that,he said he as well was just coming from the company and was told that the space was taken,but he did not know who,but was surprised to know it was me.

We talked for some minutes before dep@rting, right from that moment my friend never come close to me again,he started given me bad attitude,but I did not know he was ma-king plans of hurting me cause of jeolousy filled in his heart, using my wife as a bait for me,my wife started coming home late from work, complaining it was traffic and so,but been the caring husband, I never bordered ,cause I loved her.

There she started demanding more money from me than usual,she started charging me if I make love to her,and when she comes home,she complains of b©dy and w@!st pain,which I will humbly m@ssage for her,not knowing my friend was busy b!owing her walls,while am there empty headed.

But after I heard the phone call,and her calling my best friend I knew I was done for good,all this years,no child from my wife, always telling me she was not re-ady to carry one,not knowing she wanted to finish me first before running away with my friend and my properties,but today their cup is full.


The people shouted when I told them every thing, they started raining insult on chioma’s mother,and cursing chioma as well,but that was not what I c@m£ for,I need them to pay for what they had done to me,and she must pay all the money I spent on her for all those lying years,though I forgive her,but my money must be returned.

I made some phone calls, immediately three men c@m£ in ,each had a very big broad che-st,the men spre-ad their hands,and their che-st were held high up,and their br£@st were shaking with a none smilling face, chioma’s mother nearly fainted again,the people were shouting on her,cause I told them the phone conversation with her daughter against me,and the poison charm,some pushed her ,she was alre-ady crying and pleading,I put on deaf ears,I even took out my ear piece and inser-ted it in my ears, listening to some jamz music in high speaker,so I won’t hear the evil woman’s voice.

I had made up my mind already…

It’s Payment time.

Chioma’s mother was busy begging but it fell on deaf ears, one of the men lifted her from the ground easily,she was busy screaming and shouting ,while the church members were accusing and blaming her,some called her an evil woman, some called her a deconess pretender,the pastor tried to settle the matter but I told him I don’t want anything from the old woman,but I need her to explain what I did to her,which made her conive with her daughter to kill me,the pastor just nodded his head,cause he knows I won’t take no for an answer .

If you want to know who those hefty men are, well, they are a secret police men which I paid to carry out this job for me,not that they are bad guys as any one might try to put it.


Well our next target is to bring Chike to the picture we alre-ady organized a secret meeting with some of my family members and my wife’s family members,some volunteered to follow me to chike’s house to bring him,and my wife as well,but according to her mother she said chioma was in the clinic ,I collected the address of the clinic and put it in my back trou-ser pocket,then me and the secret police men with two of my family members and two of my wife’s family members went together to chike’s house to bring him along with us. I know he will be shocked to see me,cause he never knew I know about his affair with my wife, well I am about to see the reaction he will make when he sees me in his house as a living ghost,but not a dead ghost.


Chioma did not go to the hospital,she went to the native priest and told him everything,then he told her to bring kelechi’s clothes for some night ritual to the spirit. So she c@m£ to chike’s house and told him about it,so they planned on going to the priest place when the day was dark,one thing led to another and they fell on the be-d together.


there,yes there,oh chike has killed me o o o chaiii o,chimooo!!!!”, chioma was screaming and m0@n ing with plea-sure, while chike was busy plugging his wire pole in her electric socket,??

“oh yes yes!!!!oh baby you are sugar,you are honey sweet, should I give you more”,chike said to chioma in an hoarse voice, enjoying the ball he was pla-ying in chioma’s football field,while the sound of the ball and the field were ma-king some sounds,???

As sweat was flowing from his head down to his eyes and mouth, he did not care to clean it off,cause the heat and plea-sure he was enjoying at the moment did not let him hear that there has been few knocks on his room door,which had been for like ten minutes.

The knock continued,so i decided to check throu-gh his window if anyone was in the room,when i peeped throu-gh the window I heard some sounds and voices,so I went back and told the people i c@m£ with that he was around,but I didn’t’t know why he refused to open the door,so we decided to try if the door was open,to our amazement it was opened,the two CID’s entered first,then I next then lastly the four family members entered the room.

The room was big like a flat,but throu-gh the outside one will think it’s a room,but until you enter there you will know it’s a flat,we called Chike’s name but got no response,so I decided to go into the inner room to check if he was slee-ping or so,I excused myself,,and went inside the ap@rtment,when I got inside the room and was about knocking on the door,I heard sounds and m0@n s and it sounds like my wife voice,”ha chike pl@yit h@rd,kill me now o,chike o o,chimoo!!!, ?

when I heard my wife’s voice,I did not want to believe it was her,and I did not want to interfare in my friends business,but the curiosity that was holding me,and the voices in my head that was telling me,kelechi open the door it’s your wife,open the door it’s your wife,led me to open the door,lo and behold it’s was my wife,chike was giving his h@rd wire throu-gh the back of my wife,

I shouted chimmmoooo!!!! my wife and chike who did not notice my pres£nt in the house,sprang up like a zombie that is trying to disappear,the shock on their face was unexplainable,the annoyance in my heart and the pains in my heart was as if I should just strangle my friend to death,but I kept my cool.

The shout I made,made the people to come running into the room to see if am hurt or something, but when they saw my wife n-ked who was trying to use the be-d spre-ad in covering her b©dy,and chike whose b©dy was vibr@ting in fear ,as they were looking at me as if truly am a ghost,

my wife was shouting “ghost ghost ghost o, someb©dy help me,there is a ghost in the house,you are dead and a ghost,her eyes were becoming dizzy then she fell due to the shock she had when she saw me,with my bulging eye ba-lls and the pose I made standing at the door.

Her family members went in to carry her b©dy,while the two CID’s I brou-ght went to carry chike and my family members were trying to console and encourage me.


To Be continued …

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