Dear Young Minister, You speak softly like papa Adeboye when you are ministering.
You ask keyboardist to play keyboard underground as you minister so your ministration can be like that of Apostle Joshua Selman.
You sing and force yourself to cry and forcing people to cry so that your ministration will look like that of Pastor Paul Enenche.
You roar like a lion when ministering so that your ministration will look like that of Papa Oyedepo and in the process you lose your voice in our single ministration.
As a lady minister, you wear a very flowing gown to the altar to minister so that people can say, you are the Kathryn Kuhlman of our time.
You are ministering by saying ‘Point 1″, point 2, Point 3 so that people can say , you are the Kumuyi of our time.
How long will you deceive yourself; dear minister?
See eheenn , there is something this men and women touched that is making them command the results you see. You can have all those packagings you copied from them, yet, no life around you!
While it is not bad to emulate genuine fathers in faith, don’t be satisfied with their external displays. There is something they carry INSIDE of them that you might not get until you get back INSIDE and allow the Holy Spirit to work on you as He is working on them.
Why fake it when you can have it real? You don’t even need to minister like anybody. God would not have called you if He wants you to be a mere duplicate of another minister. There is no ‘photocopy oil’ upon the heads of those God truly called. It might look alike, but never the same!
Seek God personally. Let’s get INSIDE daily till He is done putting something INSIDE of us that our generation will seek for and that will bring men and women to the feet of the cross and that will cause our generation to experience greatest dimension of God’s power and Spirit.
No photocopy machine for the anointing!