MY WIFEπŸ‘°πŸ‘° IS A GHOST πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ’πŸ’ FINAL EPISODE 13 – Samson Dreama


πŸ’πŸ’ EPISODE 13πŸ’πŸ’

β€œWhere are you taking me to, you people should tell me what the thing here, and don’t take me to anywhere because I don’t even trust anyone here,and beside my babies are very tired of all this” Mr Martins said to the women that offered to show him why the old woman was crying..

β€œ Mr Martins, you have to follow us to see what we are about showing you, it's very important and it's going to make us understand very well that what you are talking just calm down and follow us, for your children, they will be fine, because if what you are talking is real, that means you are in the right place, no need to be scared my son" one of the elderly women told Mr Martins...

  β€œ Okay, wait, let me call my manager in the office, so that if anything happens to me, my parents will be able to know where to find me, because I can't trust any of you". Mr Martins said to the women... 

They told him that there’s no need of such, because no one is going to harm him nor his kids, so he should calm down and follow them, but Mr Martins insisted, instead he typed a message to Mr Pablo, since it seems there was a network issues in the village…

 After he sent the message and received a notification that the message went successful, he then followed the women to the direction that they were leading him to.. when he found out that it was that same direction that Flora was standing when she came down from the car, he wanted to stop following them, thinking that maybe they wanted to play with him, but he decided to keep on following them, to know what's really important that they wanted to show him, instead of them to help him try to locate his wife..
 But something caught his attention, immediately they got closer to the grave, he cleaned his eyes and looked again, lo and behold.. it was the picture of his wife laying closer to the grave he had seen her stood by when they entered the compound...
 β€œ Wait, hope you people are not trying to prank me, what is my wife's picture doing here, why is placed on a grave" Mr Martins asked the women that took him to the grave....

β€œ Here is the grave of the lady, Flora that you said is your wife, so why are you surprised, is it not the same picture like the one you used on your phone screen?” They asked Mr Martins who felt his legs weaken at the sight of his wife picture on the grave, and when she appeared and stood closer to the dawned on him that his wife has been the one tormenting him all this while, because when she appeared at her grave side, she was putting on the very cloth that the strange lady that was cleaning his office that morning wore.. and her hair was in a mess, and her gown was stained with blood and it looks very rumple, like some had forced himself on her and she was struggling to get freed from the person and even on her face, there was a shape of hand, like the person beat her up while trying to force himself on her,
Mr Martins couldn’t stand again after seeing all this thing’s, β€œ SO MY WIFE IS A GHOST?” Mr Martins said to himself..he sat down on the floor, it looked as if he’s going nut, and it was only him that was seeing her, she was standing looking at him with anger in her eyes..
β€œ some one should tell me that am dreaming, some one should wake me up from this night mare, how can you people tell me that I have been living with a ghost for almost four years now, it’s unbelievable.. some one should wake me up” Mr Martins was screaming..
The men that was around held him to stand up, they took him to go and sit down, they took the kids to their grandma, but Mr Martins was still very confused, he couldn’t believe what was happening is actually real, he has been hearing and watching in a movie where some one can die and come back, but he never thought that it’s real, he thought it was just a normal folk tales that people do tell and act… The people that gathered was sympathizing with Flora mum because she just remembered what she has tried to forget for some months now, while others were also sympathizing with Mr Martins because it wasn’t easy to realize that after four years, you later discover that the person that you have been dating and later got married to was dead, Omg, it’s very terrifying and heart breaking, so people were just trying to calm him down.. but they don’t know one thing about the man that they are feeling pity for, they don’t know that he was the one that caused them, especially Flora’s mum the pains she has been nursing for closed to seven years now, it’s not easy to loose one of your child when you have like four or five, talkless of loosing the only one you have ever had and you sacrificed everything you have for her to be good child, which she was, but death just came from no where and take her away when she was already grown up and ready to start putting food on your table, when she was ready to repay all that you have done for her, its an everlasting pains to bare…

Later that night, Mr Martins explained to Flora mother, how everything happened and how he ended up marrying Flora not knowing she was dead, he also told her that the twins babies he was carrying are Flora children which made the old woman who had lost hope of having children again in her life, because she was old and can’t married again, but she has gotten another children to call her mother again, but Martins didn’t tell Flora’s mother that he was responsible for her death, because the woman has explained how her daughter was killed by an unknown person, when she was coming back from work, and the person was said to be caught by the force men, but he was released before she could come from the village to Know the person that decided to take away her only hope in life… When she told him how everything happened, it dawned on Martins that Flora the ghost girl that he got married was the same girl he forced himself on, in his office and she collapsed on the process, and had it been that he took her to hospital or try the normal means of reviving some one who passed out, she would have lived, but rather, he locked her up and left to attend to the other schedules that he had that very day, thinking she will later get up, but when he got to his office later that evening, Flora was already stiffed on the floor…
Mr Martins couldn’t tell the old woman that he was responsible, he decided to keep it to himself…
The woman prepared food and served Mr Martins because he couldn’t go back that day to the city, but Mr Martins wasn’t having any appetite, he even refused to take his bath, he was wishing that if he could turn back the hand of clock, he wouldn’t have done all that he had done then.. but the deed has been done. There’s nothing he can do about it, he will have to face the consequences..
Later in the night, when they all have retired to bed, Mr Martins was inside Flora’s room, with his kids, while Flora’s mum was in her own room sleeping….
As Mr Martins was sleeping, he had that same night mare he usually used to have, seeing a man forcing himself on a lady and the lady was screaming, but the man was still doing what he was doing, Mr Martins got up with speed, but the screaming was still very high in reality,Mr Martins looked around, but he wasn’t seeing anybody, he was frightened that he didn’t sleep again till the next morning…

Two days later, Mr Martins decided to leave the village to the city, he would have left the next day, but there was an emergency in his office, and his presence was needed, while he was packing up his things and his children own, the children didn't agree him to touch them since they started staying in the village, the are always clinged to their new found grandma.. Mr Martins decided to open the bag that his wife brought to the village, he was thinking it was her belongings, but when he opened it, it was clothes for her mother, ..
Mr Martins took the clothes to her, but the later that fell out from the bag was surprising him the read..

β€œ Make sure you take my mother to the city with you, ask my hotel manager to hand over all the documents I gave to her to my mom, she is going to train my babies when I have gone back” Mr Martins didn’t know what to do but to adhere to the other, atleast he will have chance for the office..

When they got to the city, Mr Martins welcomed Flora’s mum to his house,he was scared if he will still hear the screaming but every where was quiet.. he showed her to her room and showed her his kids room…

But when he got inside his room, he noticed the vacancy that was in his room, he checked very well and found out that his wife’s clothes, all the pictures they took together was missing..her box of clothes were also missing.. Mr Martins was broken, he fell in his knees crying, he was wishing he was just dreaming, but he couldn’t blame anyone, he brought everything that is happening to himself.. but he decided that it’s just between him, he’s never going to confess to anyone that he was the killer of miss Flora Gabriel…

Two months later, everywhere has been quiet and Flora mum and the children are bonding every day, while Mr Martins was also trying to accept his fate, also trying to get familiar with the Flora's mum's presence in his house, but everything was good, not until the day he was coming back from work, only to see Flora sitting down at the gate front, he wanted to run, bit she stopped him and told him not to run..she has been tormenting him for so long now, to confess but he knows the consequences and refused to obey.. he has been trying to pretend that he's okay, but looking t him closely, Mr Martins was going through terrible experience, his wife is everywhere he is going to, showing him a write up.. 

β€œ CONFESS AND HAVE PEACE OF MIND, OR IM GOING TO FRUSTRATE YOU” and he has gone to many churches,but no solution..

Two weeks later, a lady directed him to a pastor who came to the house and consulted a deliverance, but as the pastor was praying..

Flora was seriously holding Mr Martins on his throat trying to kill him..
β€œNo, no, no.. don’t kill me don’t kill me, am begging you please” Mr Martins was screaming..
β€œ Why are you disturbing my peace, go and prepared to work, you are getting late for office” martins brother yelled at him while Martins jumped up from the bed…
Only to find out, it was all a dream…

 β€œ thank God it was a dream" martins said, but something caught his attention, it was an application from his Gmail account.. he checked it and the first name he  Saw was Flora Gabriel.. he threw his phone away.. and shouted..
  β€œ The devil is a lier'..... He picked up his phone and deleted the application that one Flora Gabriel sent...

  THE END.... Hope you enjoyed the story?

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1 year ago

Wait the death , marriage and everything was all a dream πŸ€”πŸ€”,oh I hate Happy endings πŸ‘οΈ