MY UNCLE AND I Episode 8 – Funny Lad





After my arrest, I spent days in detention. At this point, I knew I was not going to escape. The saddest part of it was that what life was bringing before me was more than what I could manage. Mr Victor chose his family over me. He forgot all the promises he made to me after he heard the news that his brother had died in an Hospital in Ghana. I became a murderer for the Second time. The first was my Uncle’s wife which I escaped the wrath of the law because of My Affairs with my Uncle. I knew I was not going to escape the current one. The situations are different.

I was charged to court. I had no family in Ghana that I could call to help me hire a lawyer. Thank God for Mrs Temeh. A Ghanaian Police officer who heard my stories and decided to help me. She didn’t do it on her own but she contacted a woman. Her name was Mrs Joy. Mrs Joy was a Nigerian. An advocate for Girl child and Human right Activist. It was Mrs Joy that helped me with a lawyer to defend me in court.

Mrs Joy Really tried for me. On the day of the trial, I have been told by my Lawyer to explain my story before the Jury and what led to the situation that brought me to the law court. As I have been told, I did everything my lawyer said I should do but Mr Victor wanted a death sentence for me at all cost. He forgot everything I told him and His promises for me.

Thank God for me that day, the Judge presiding over my case was a woman. I pleaded Guilty for my offense and I explained that it happened under tight Circumstances; it wasn’t intentional. The Judge termed my offense as self- defense. Hence, instead of a death sentence or Life imprisonment, I was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment. It was one of the help I had received in recent time. Although, I still ended up in prison.

I served my Jail term duly. During this period, Mrs Joy never left me. She would always come around to cheer me up and advise me. Life in Ghana Prison was a tough one. I will never wish my enemy to be in such situation. Apart from The Ill treatment from the warders, there was no provision of good food for inmates, improper Health care facilities, Bad condition of those prison rooms, I met a lot of innocent people and apart from this, Inmates/prisoners most especially the female always face sexūal abuse and molestation from both Warders and Fellow inmates/prisoners. There was no proper organisation within the Prison System. Life in prison was hell. It wasn’t easy; a place I will never want to go again.

Years later, I completed my Prison term and Mrs Joy came to pick me up. Mrs Joy was my Angel during these horrible period. She helped me and Took me back to Nigeria. She had no business in Nigeria, But All she wanted was to get Justice for me for all I have been through.

I and Mrs Joy arrived Nigeria safely. Mrs Joy had a friend in Ikeja Lagos state. Her name was Dr. Faith. Dr. Faith was Mrs Joy’s childhood friend. She was a medical doctor; a woman in her mid-,fifties. It was her house we went to.

Dr. Faith was a very nice woman. She took me to the hospital where she work and gave me proper medical care. Life in Dr. Faith’s house was like living in paradise. She and Mrs Joy also promised to get Justice for me against my Uncle and send me back to school that’s if I still have interest in Education. I couldn’t thank them enough. But the sad part of it was that Dr. Faith husband wasn’t alive. He died years back. I do see his photo frame on the wall in the sitting room.

Dr. Faith had a Son. She called his name Promise. Promise was just 8 years old. Dr. Faith loved the boy so much. She would do anything to make him happy. Although, Promise was a cute and smart boy so everybody likes him. He do call me Aunty.

Few months later, Promise fell sick. It was not a mere sickness. That period was terrible for everybody. Dr. Faith tried her best to treat him but it was beyond her power. She had to take Promise to a specialist hospital for proper care. She almost spent all her salaries on the boy.

I began to think I had a problem. Why must it be when people are ready to help me that evil things happen to them? I began to think of myself as a witch. I began to think that my case was spiritual.

In this same period, the doctor told Dr. Faith to donate bløod for the boy because he had lose a lot of blood as a result of the sickness. Dr. Faith donated bløod for Promise but their bløod was not a match. I have never heard that kind of a thing before. How will a mother and son’s bløod not be a match? The search for a bløod donor continued but donors’ bloød wasn’t a match for the boy. I told Dr. Faith that I would like to donate bløod for Promise but she didn’t allow. It was when the doctor told her that the boy was going to dïe if action is not taken. Then She agreed that I should donate bloød. The test was conducted and My bløod was a perfect match for the boy. I couldn’t believe it. Even Dr. Faith and Mrs Joy couldn’t believe it. After several tests, the results came out to be same.

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