MY UNCLE AND I Episode 12 – Funny Lad





I got home that day around 7:30pm. Katie asked me where I went to and I lied to her that It was Mrs Grace that sent me on an errand.

Katie being Katie, She believed me. I joined her in the kitchen as we prepare the food we ate that night.

The following morning, we woke up early and went straight to the Hospital because Mrs Grace had informed us that she would be going to the office that day.

We arrived at the hospital, Mrs Kollie was still in Coma. I even heard that the Doctor suggested they transfer her to a Specialist hospital because her condition wasn’t improving.

I blamed myself once more. I already knew everything was happening because of me: because of the syndrome in me. Hence, I was praying to God to deliver me.

Few Hours after Mrs Grace Left the hospital for work, i spoke with Katie. I lied to her that Mama B (our Boss) asked me to come. Katie agreed.

I promised to come back as early as possible. I left the hospital and Rushed back to the Church to see the Pastor.

When I got to the church, I couldn’t see the Pastor. I was delayed for more than 2hrs before I was called to come meet him where he used to receive visitors.

The Pastor told me that Immediately I left the previous day, He saw a Revelation that the person responsible for the problems in my Life was someone Very close to me. In a Nutshell, My blood relation.

He said The person uses girls to renew his Wealth weekly and I fell into his net in the past. My mind went straight to my Uncle.

He was the only Family Relation that had intercourse with me while I was in his house for holiday. I wasn’t even the only one, He also slept with his only Daughter (Rachael)back then.

Does that mean he was also using his own Daughter (Rachael)to renew his Wealth? Wow! My Uncle must be a beåst.

I explained to the pastor how evil things has been befalling those that tends to help me. I also told him about Mrs Kollie who was in Coma fighting for her life because of me.

I asked the pastor for a way out. The pastor said We would Pray. Especially for Mrs Kollie that God should bring her back to life.

Hence, I have to look for my Uncle and locate him. He Said MY UNCLE AND I must see face to face and that was the only solution he gave me apart from the fasting and prayer he suggested.

I thanked him as I left the Church after spending 3hrs. I went back straight to the hospital.

On getting to the hospital, I saw everyone smiling. Including those that came to see Mrs kollie (Her Colleagues in her office). Yes, God did it. Mrs Kollie has started responding to Treatment.

The doctor confirmed that she was going to be okay. I was so happy. The excitement on our faces even made Katie to forget about asking me why I stayed long.

It was a season and period of Jubilation. The excitement on everyone’s faces showed that Mrs Kollie was a woman loved by everyone; both young and old, male and female.

Few hours before evening, she spoke. The first word she mentioned was that she was hungry she needed something to eat.

Mrs Grace was around at the time. She Instructed us to go home and prepare toast bread and Rich tea. The doctor suggested that she needed something light not a strong meal because her Recovery was gradual.

We left the Hospital and went home to prepare the meal. Hence, my happiness was just 50%. The pastor told me earlier that if I want solution to my problems, I must locate my Uncle. He said MY UNCLE AND I must see Face to Face.

On getting home we cooked the meal she told us to cook.

After cooking, we went back to the hospital with the food.

On getting to the hospital, it was another different story we met. Mrs Grace told us that of a truth Mrs Kollie was going to be fine hence, the Doctor told her when we left that The Accident affected Mrs Kollie’s brain.

So, she was battling with brain tumour and disorder. She also said Mrs Kollie will take time to recover. No wonder she was looking at everyone like a dummy.

Her treatment in the hospital continued. Medically, she was responding to treatment but there was no improvement in her mental condition.

She behaves like she doesn’t know anyone. Even those that came to check her from work; She couldn’t recognize them. I guess it’s something they call Memory loss.

Hers came with Mental disorder. At times, she would play with the food that is being given to her as if she was a kid. All these depicts that she was becoming insane.

This time, I was praying, using every chance and opportunity to look for my Uncle. But My Uncle lives in Gbarmga, City. Although, I haven’t seen him for years.

We resumed back to Mama B’s Saloon to continue our apprenticeship program. Mrs Grace had explained to her why we had to stay away for quite a long time and that was because of Mrs Kollie.

More so, Mrs Kollie was one of her Top customers. Therefore, Mama B wasn’t angry at us. We continued our usual activities.

The following day, I and Katie went for lunch in an eatery in 10th Street area. While we were heading back, You won’t believe who I saw.

It was my Uncle. He drove past us with speed but I still recognized his face so well. He wore his favourite senator style dress.

I told Katie about who I saw and Katie Suggested that we should Trail the car to know where he was driving to. As she suggested, we traced the car for more than 20 minutes before a distraction from other motorist made us lose sight of the car.

It was painful. I was very angry. Apart from being angry, we knew what was waiting for us when we get back to the saloon. We had spent more than the lunch time allocated to us.

Instead of 30minutes, we spent more than 1hr.

When we got back to the saloon, Katie had successfully sneaked into saloon. As I was about to sneak in I received a Dirty slap from nowhere.

Oh! It was Mama B; her slap used to be very painful. It can make you go deaf for years.

She complained about us spending more than the stipulated time for lunch.

The painful thing was that she didn’t slap Katie. I was always at the receiving end of blame and pain.

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