My Ugly husband😈(An Inspirational Short Story) – Ifeoluwa Oyewole

My Ugly husband😈(An Inspirational Short Story) - Ifeoluwa Oyewole

My Ugly husband😈 – Ifeoluwa Oyewole

” Why did you kill your husband ? The officer asked facing me.

“I have told you several times , i didn’t kill him , i don’t know how it happened ” i said glaring at her.

“Oh oh, adeola you know i am gentle with you, that is why i have not manhandled you, you better start confessing now , before i deal with you” she said angrily.

“What do you want me to say? You want me to say that i killed my husband right? I said.

” yes, you killed him , just confess , you are the one that poisoned your husband, just confess i will help you ” she said gently , i wouldn’t say anything until they find john, i will keep my mouth sealed. What happened to me? What happened to my husband? How did he die? I am going to tell you my story.

My name is adeshewa adeola , i am a very beautiful girl , i have a perfect body, everything was so perfect, i am a graduate, i am working at a very big company, the only problem i have was that i am single, i am not in any relationship, i am thirty two years old, is not that i don’t meet men the problem was that we don’t last, they don’t love me, except david, talking about david he has been asking me out for more than seven years now ,

but i kept refusing, he was rich , nice trustworthy, but why i kept refusing him was because he was too ugly, to ugly for my liking, i am so beautiful i am supposed ro get married to a handsome man not a ugly person.

“Adeshewa, adeshewa, adeshewa ” my mom called my name .

“Ma, mom i am listening ” i said.

“You know i won’t deceive you” she said.

“Yes of course” i said nodded.

“Okay , who is getting married tomorrow ? She asked.

“My younger sister , now maria , she is the one getting married? I answered.

“Yes your younger sister not your older sister, adeshewa are you not ashamed , your two younger sister are married the third one is getting married tomorrow and you are here, you are not even thinking about your life , you are trying out the dress you will wear tomorrow are you not ashamed” she said angrily.

“But mom, it is not as if ,i want to remain unmarried ,those boys they are ready for marriage they just want to chop and go” i said.

“So you don’t have any body that is ready for marriage ” she asked suspiciously.

“Yes ,i dont they are not serious ” i answered.

“What about david? My mom asked.

“Mom, i have told you several times to stop talking about david i am not interested in things that are not beautiful, mom don’t you see that he is ugly” i said squeezing my face.

” ha, you are very foolish, so you have been turning him down just because he is ugly, children of nowadays, so you are looking at his outward apperances not his heart, as if you are even beautiful pele miss nigeria ” she said as she hissed.

“Mom you know na, you gave birth to a beautiful damsel” i said teasing her.

“Beautiful damsel that doesn’t have husband even those ugly damsel they have married and even give birth in their husband house, pele keep searching for a handsome man, till you stop menstruating , till you turn to old damsel, that is when you will have sense” she said angrily as she stood up and walked out. Am i at fault, wont i choose a man that befits me.

At the wedding venue , everything was going on smoothly, see my younger sister and her husband perfect macth, the guy is so handsome and my sis is beautiful, their children will be beautiful, i said in my mind, someone tapped .

“Adeshewa,what are you thinking about? David said.

“Oh i see that you are here” i said nonchalantly.

“Yes sweetheart ” he said. The way he called sweetheart with his broken teeth is so annoying.

“My daughter in law , so you are with your husband, i have been searching for you” David’s mom said. I reject that in jesus name i will never be your daughter in law , holy ghost fire, i prayed in my mind.

“Ha mom, good afternoon ma” i said as i forced a smile on my face.

” good afternoon my daughter, this is your sister wedding we are attending oo, please you and my son make it snappy, i can’t wait to back my grandchild ooo” she said smiling. What is this woman saying? If she has a beautiful daughter like me will she be happy if i marry someone like son.

“Ok ma” i said smiling.

“Ok, let me leave the two of your, i want to see my in law” she said as she walked away

😒🙄😒 which in law,your wish will never come true. I said in my mind.

“David, did you lie to your mom , that you are dating me” i said glaring at him.

“Yes of course, see adeshewa, i have been with you for like eight years now , and many people think we are dating, so why don’t we try dating, and see maybe things would work out” he said. I am not giving him a chance at all.

” see david , let me think about it” i said.

“What are you thinking about? you have known me for eight years adeshewa eight good years, your answer is always the same, you are always thinking about it, please give me an answer right now, if you had given me an answer before maybe we could have gotten and married with kids, please shewa , you are also getting older,please ” he said sadly.the reason why i haven’t given you an answer is because you are ugly too ugly for my liking i said in my mind.

“I will really think about it this time ” i assured as i lied to him.

“Okay, please, i will be waiting for your reply, bye” he said as he waved and walked away.

” sis adeshewa , thanks for surprising me on my wedding day , i really appreciate ” my younger sister maria said .

“What are families for dearie , dont thank me that was compulsory ” I said smiling.

“But sis, there is something, i must discuss with you” she said.

“What’s that? I asked.

” it’s about david , sis he saw me last week at the shopping mall and told me you promised to give him reply last time but you haven’t given him, since last month , sis this boy really love you , please give him a chance, see sis i must say the truth you are getting older” she said .

” that’s good, that 👏👌 very good , so you came to abuse me right , so you are saying i am old and still single , so you came in here to mock me” i said as i clapped my hands.

“No sis,i didn’t say that, i only said you should give bro david a chance” she said .

“Oh , now i understand, let me ask you a question , if your husband was ugly like david , would you have married him? I asked glaring at her.

“No sis, i mean yes sis, see been handsome or beautiful doesn’t matter, the thing that matters is whether he or she loves you or not” she said.

“Maria, you are just wasting your time, this girl she will never listen” my mom said as she walked in.

“But mom” i said.

“What? what? See adeshewa you will have to marry david whether you like it or not, the guy really loves you , but you are blind to see it, dont worry i will be your eyes , i will make sure you marry that boy ” she said as she walked away.

“Sis adeshewa ” i didn’t let her complete her sentence as i interrupted.

“Please go to your husband house don’t advise me here” i said as i hissed.

“Sis don’t worry i will go to my husband house, but when will you also go to your husband house” she said as she ran out.

“Maria dont let me cacth you oooo, i must not see you in this house” i said angrily.

“Yes sis, go to your husband house, you are in another woman husband house” she shouted from where she was, if i cacth this girl her husband won’t recognize her again 😠😠

” mom what are we eating this night? I said as i hugged my mom . But she removed her body.

“Some people are still in their father’s house, asking for what they will eat,eeeeehhhhh, they wont get married and cook for their husband oooo” my mom began to sing , i decided to go away , cause i am not ready for her wahala☹☹.

“Good morning mom” she didn’t answer she just kept mute.

“Daddy , i have been greeting mom for like two weeks now and she is not answering ” i said , but my dad also kept mute, why is everyone behaving strangely in this house, i had to leave for work like that without anyone answering me.

“Musa musa open the gate” i shouted at our gateman.

“Madam, your mom said i shouldn’t open the gate for you that you should open the gate yourself “musa said looking down.

“You mean my mom said you shouldn’t open the gate , are you stupid?i shouted angrily.

“Hey don’t shout on that boy oooo, if you want to shout ,go and shout in your husband house okay” my mom said as she came out.

“Musa , don’t mind her ooo, how old is your wife? She asked facing musa.

” big Madam , my wife is twenty years ” he said smiling.

” Adeshewa , can you see your life, twenty years old girl is already married ” she said.

“We have even given birth to two kids” he said smiling. 😒😒 e be like say this musa dey craze.

“See mom we will talk when i come back, i am late for work” i said as i moved.

“It is only work , work you know ” she shouted. But i wasn’t interested , i drove off.

“Adeshewa mi atata, what are you thinking about? My colleague at work asked, my freind.

” gold, see i am not happy, i am not happy about the way my mom is treating me ” i said sadly.

“What is it feel free to tell me” she said. Then i told her everything that happened in my house, and david.

“See adeshewa i will have to advice you as a good friend, i really think that david loves you please give him a chance , just date him maybe things would work out, try dating him abeg ,so you would rest, and your mom wouldn’t disturb you” she said.

“Okay i will think about it , thank you sweetheart ” i said smiling.

“You are always welcome dearie” she said as she walked out.

Some weeks later, i got tired of my mom behavior, so i decided to give the ugly boy a chance, he was so happy when i agreed, he is a very caring person , he is always calling me , asking me if am good, the boy is sweet sha except his face .

Then oneday, his mom told me to come to their home so i went, i met his younger sister in the sitting room.

“Sis adeshewa , my brothers every day crush, how have you been? She asked hugging me.

“I am fine , look at you , you are now more beautiful ” i said smiling. 😁😁😁

“Common, sis adeshewa we all know you are the most beautiful one here, if i didn’t know my brother i would have said he charmed you, i didn’t even imagine that you can date my brother” she said smiling .😏😏

so you also know your brother is not up to my standard , that he is ugly, i said in my mind…………………..

I and David’s mom talked about marriage, the woman loves me , i have already accepted to be her daughter in law 🙃 , because i have no choice, my mom’s attitude towards me changed to normal, she started laughing and gisting with me, i and david , our relationship was going smoothly, the families has met and chosed the day for wedding, both introduction, engagement wedding everything in one day, chai my parents really want me to leave their house quickly. Then one day i and david went on a date.

“Good evening sir” david shouted as he sighted one man.

“Good evening david how are you? He said smiling.

“Am fine, dear meet my boss” he said as he introduced his boss.

“Don’t tell me this is your fiancee ” his boss asked because he was suprised seeing the beauty and the beast.

“Yes sir” he answered smiling. hmnnn oga don’t be so surprised even me i am suprised about , how i became his fiancee 🥲 .

Days and weeks passed, our wedding day finally came , it was a beautiful day,the most suprising thing was that my mom was crying 😏😏 you will think that she wasn’t the one that almost sent me out of her house because of marriage.

Our marriage was a peaceful one , even though i don’t love him, he knows and he was always gentle with me.

“Please stop calling this number, don’t even bother, i will block this number like i blocked the previous one ” david said angrily as he cut call.

“David what’s wrong why are you shouting ? I asked .

“Oh babe am sorry oo, it is one stupid girl that keeps disturbing me ooo, telling me to be in relationship with her and i told her , i was married, but she didn’t relent she even collected my number from my freind can you imagine? He asked facing me. some girls don’t even have taste at all, imagine that stupid girl toasting my husband.

“Babe what are you thinking about? Or are you jealous ? He asked smiling. Jealous ke, i can never be jealous over you ,if your were handsome that would have been a different case

Our marriage clocked four months , everything was going fine ,except that i don’t do anything in that house, i dont cook ,clean , i don’t do any work at all, except going to my workplace, it is david that is always cooking and our housemaid will clean, i only permitted our housemaid to come in the evening when i am home, because i dont want anything to happen between my housemaid and my husband, is not that i love him oooo, but i pity the innocent children ,if my husband impregnates our house maid , our house maid is also ugly, their children will be 😨😨 so i am helping them .

Everything was fine until , i met john a very handsome boy at a

shopping mall.

“Hi, i must say you are a very beautiful girl” he said.

“My name is john what’s yours? He asked.

“My name is adeshewa” i said smiling. Then he stretched is hand , i also took his hand and shaked him.

“OH you are married ” he said smiling when he noticed the ring on my finger. at that time i wished i wasn’t married.

“Yes i am” i said forcing a smile on my face.

“Oh , that not a problem , we can still be freinds, can you please give me your number, so we could talk more ” he said as he winked. I gave my number then i walked to my car and drove away.

I and john started communicating, we started calling ourselves, he was a nice guy, he was only a freind nothing more, we use to gist talk and do so many other things.

“Adeshewa , who have you been talking to on your phone ? David asked, one day when i finished speaking with john.

“His name is john , he is my freind ” i said smiling.

“Babe , is not that am jealous , but limit the way you talk with him, i have been noticing you since last week, anytime your phone rings , you will have a happy smile on your face, you don’t smile for me, you are smiling for another man” he said sadly.

“So what are you implying ? I asked facing him.

” i said you should limit your conversations with him” he said.

“David, so you don’t want me to have freinds again? What’s all this na, this isn’t what you said when you want to marry me, you said , that if we get married, i am free to do anything i want except cheating, this only a freind naw and you are complaining ” i shouted angrily.

“Babe am sorry, see you are free to talk with anybody you like, i won’t disturb you again, come and lie down let me cuddle you ” he said smiling.

“No i wont come, you made me angry tonight” i said as i squeezed my face.

“I have said i am sorry , babe i am sorry, please ” he said as he took my hands, that was how i forgave him, then we slept. If only i knew i would have heeded to my husband advice that night.

” Adeshewa that your name really fits you, i have never seen a girl so beautiful like you” he said smiling.

“That’s a lie,i know you are teasing me” i said blushing.

“No, That’s the truth , you are very beautiful, infact i wish you were my wife” he said sadly. Oh i also wished you were my husband, i said in my mind.

“Shewa, or is my eyes deceiving me” someone shouted i looked at the person and it was my mom.

“What are you doing here?eating with another man in a restaurant” she said angrily.

“Mom he is my friend john” i said.

“Good afternoon mommy” john said smiling.

” please save your greetings, who is your mom? I know the children i gave birth to ,except this one that doesn’t have sense ” she said angrily.

“Mom please, please he is just a friend” i said angrily.

“Oh , now i understand, he is just a friend right? What if your husband family anyone, sees you here eating and gisting with another man , what are they going to say? She said.

“See they should say anything they want , i am less concerned ” i said. But my mom dragged me and took me outside.

“Mom , leave my hand na, i am not a kid” i said angrily.

“But you behave like one , shewa you really behave like a kid, don’t you know you are married ” she said angrily.

“Mom, so if am married ,i shouldn’t talk with any man again? I asked facing her.

“No dear, that is not what i am saying, you can talk with them , but following them to a restaurant gisting and laughing with them, my dear that is really bad, i trust you, is not that i don’t trust you , but you see people are gossipers, they will talk , and it can destroy your marriage ” she said as she held my hand.

“Ok mom , i have heard you, let me tell john goodbye ” i said as i moved, but my mom held me back .

” Don’t worry there is no need for you to go back inside, i am having a bad feeling about that boy, please limit your conversations with him stop following him all-around, let me go and tell him bye, don’t worry i will bring your bag, stay here” she said as she went into the restaurant, this my mom her wahala too much.

“Ok ma, i replied . That was how my date went with john, my mom ruined it.

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