I was so excited.
I got to Federal university of Agriculture, with my dad. I was so happy and amazed about how big the
university was. It was my first time in the university I couldn’t stop smiling. I met some of my online
friends. I also made some new friends also.
I called Juan’s number he told me he will arrive by 4pm. My battery was low then, before the time he
said he would arrive my phone had gone off. I felt so sad.
At around 5pm my dad came to where I was and we headed to his friend house, to spend the night
there in Abeokuta.
The generator was turned on lately. I plugged my charger to socket to charge my phone, later, I
switched it on. I came online to chat with Juan but he wasn’t online. He called me at 11pm, i explained
to him, he said no problem, we will meet the next day. I was happy.
The next morning at 6am, me and my dad were at the school gate. I called him he picked up, I told
where I was. He said he will come there in some few minutes. I kept on waiting and calling. Later he
called me back and said he was sorry he wouldn’t be able to come out because it was too early, that we
would meet after our exams. I felt sad. My exam was to hold by 7am, as I was about walking in a security
man told me phones were not allowed in. I walked to my dad and gave my phone to him. I boarded a
cab to go in.
After my exams I kept wondering how I would meet him. My phone wasn’t with me. I sat down outside
Yakub hall if I could still recall the name of the hall,I was waiting for him watching everyone that passed
by if I would see him.
After hours I lost hope, I decided to leave. I went to the garage and boarded a cab to the school gate.
When I came down from the school gate, i felt so sad. This day won’t pass without me seeing him, I will
go back in. I said to myself.
I heard aspirants saying they didn’t let them go in again once they came out and they were done with
exams. But I took up courage to still make a move.
I was about entering the school shuttle bus to go in , when a man stopped me and said “show your exam
pass” I did. My exam pass showed I had done my exams already in the morning. “What are you still
going to do in school? Students who have done their exams are not allowed to go in again.” He said. I
smiled and said, Sir I just feel like still going round the school. He smiled back and agreed I should go in. I
was filled with joy. When I got in I kept wandering around the examination centres if I would see him, i
was tired.
At that time some securities asked me what I was still doing in school when I was done with my exams.
One of them told me to enter the shuttle bus. I did. And after some minutes the driver drove off. We got
to the school gate. A lot of parent were waiting. I was still in the bus when I saw my dad and i shouted
daddy! daddy!! daddy!!! he turned and saw him. “Success my daughter, how was your exam?.” Fine dad
I said. I took my phone from him. We were already on our way home already. I saw 6 missed calls from
Juan, I called him back. He answered. ” where are you? I tried my best searching for you today I said. To
cut the story short I explained all I went through to him. Tears were dripping from my eyes but I tried to
clean it up quickly so my dad won’t notice it. He said ok and hanged up.
The next morning I received a message from him saying ..”I’m so sorry I made up my mind if I didn’t see
you I will end everything between us, I have a girlfriend but we stopped dating when I met you online,
she loves me so much but i love you more than i love her. But there is noting I can do now I just have to
go for her, I know this will hurt you but I’m sorry try and understand.” That message he sent hit me so
hard in my chest that day. I was never expecting such from him.
My eyes were filled with tears after reading the message that made me heartbroken and depressed for
four months before I could get over it I went through pains during those times.
I was feeling those pains again, when Ibrahim wasn’t replying my texts or answering my calls.
I flashed back to when me and Ibrahim first met, times we had together and the day he proposed to me.
I also flashed back to the time he fed me when I was a sick a day.
So all those memories will be a waste I cried. As I thought to myself.
At this time, it was 2:32am I picked up my phone to see if he had replied my message, his last seen was
2:31am he hadn’t replied my messages. I felt hurt the more as I laid down my head on my bed to rest.


I felt hurt the more as I laid down my head on my bed to rest.
It was 8:53am, in the morning break fast was ready. My mom prepared my favourite meal rice, turkey
with salad. I knew she did that just to make me happy. My kid sister came knocking on my door. “Wake
up big sister mommy prepared your favorite food.” She said. Am not ready to eat, I’m not hungry. I said.
She must have been surprised at my reply she kept mute for a while and later said, “I want to see you,
come out!” Leave me alone ha! I shouted at her. I knew she felt bad the way I replied her, I felt bad for
shouting at her also. But I just wanted to be alone.
I came out of my room at 11:30am. I didn’t bother checking my phone, I knew he won’t reply me when
he was angry. I saw my mom sitting in the veranda, I went straight to her with tears in my eyes and said.
You don’t ever care how I feel, all you care about is how you feel. I was still crying breathing in and out
heavily. “My daughter, i’m your mother and I want what is the best for you, I don’t want you to suffer in
marriage the way I did. Marriage is a life time something, not like boyfriend and girlfriend you can just
break up and leave, you can’t marry a Muslim my daughter.” She said.
Mom he is good, caring, loving , understanding, giving, honest which some Christian guys can’t even be
like him, it’s not about one being a christian it’s about one knowing God. I said. “Does he know Christ?”
she asked. My siblings were watching me and my mom. I was still talking, she got angry and said “shut
up.” Before I could say anything again she slapped me on my face. “Since you know better than your
mother go ahead and marry him, you are free, only your father will sit for the marriage, because I won’t
be there.” She said and walked away to her room.
My dad was in his room listening he didn’t like to interfere anytime my mom was angry talking to any
of us. The pains were just too much. As I was crying, i walked away too.
Later that day my sister came to my room, petting me not to cry. I just kept saying okay, as I was still
crying. She ran to mom’s room. I heard my mom shouted. “That is her business if she doesn’t eat, let
her keep on crying.” I am sure my sister told her I haven’t eaten and I was still crying.
Later my bro came in and said… “you too sef why do you want to marry a muslim”
I shouted at him to get out, he did.
An hour later my dad came in standing in front of my door, after some few minutes of standing seeing
me crying he said. “Don’t cry okay, don’t cry it is well.” He said and left.
My dad is a gentle easy going man.
Ibrahim, was really the hard type to beg when he was angry. it’s been two months now I had sent over
an hundred messages to him, when I checked my call logs I had called him over an hundred times also.
The pains were just too much to bear in my heart and body. I was depressed. If you had been in my
position before you will understand what I meant. If I could give all I had to have happiness back I would
have done that. Then i remembered the saying….. “happiness is one of the most vulnerable things in life
money can’t buy.”
I cried out so loudly. My parents and siblings came to my room, they saw noting was wrong with me I
was only crying. My mom looked at me and left, then my dad and my bro also. My kid sister came to sit
near to be on my bed petting me.
Three days later, i still kept on messaging him. Then I decided he had given up on me, no need to keep
on disturbing myself over spilled milk .
I deactivated my Facebook account, Instagram account and I deleted his numbers also. I managed to
walk down the street to go get a new sim card in less than 30minutes, I was done with the registration
of my new sim. I got home and sat on my bed. It’s time to start a new life again I said to myself, as I put
on a sad smile, i removed my two sims broke it, and inserted the new sim I got.
Later in the evening i went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for myself. They were all surprised to see
me in the kitchen especially my mom for the past two months I had not entered the kitchen I just been
managing to eat what was prepared. Food had no taste in my mouth. I had grown so slim. My mom
came in to the kitchen she assisted me with what I was preparing but we didn’t say a word to each
After i had eaten dinner I went to the veranda to sit down, I was still in serious pains my heart still felt
like it was just broken yesterday, I could feel my health wasn’t in the right state I needed to go for a
check up.
I saw Ibrahim coming, I was shocked and dumbfounded I started crying again. I saw him with my favorite
expensive soft drink and something wrapped with a gift wrapper on his other hand. We kept looking at
each others eyes. My parent and siblings were in the living room watching TV. Our love song we do
listen to always, even when in his car started to play, it was playing from the TV channel they were
watching in the living room. The song made me had many flashbacks of the times we spent together. He
took a step and walked closer to me, he hugged me saying.. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’m sorry. He held my
hands softly looking at the engagement ring still on my finger. “I’m very sorry , you know I will never let
you go, baby please, accept me back.” I started crying. He stood holding my hands waiting for my reply.


He stood holding my hands waiting for my reply.
I opened my eye looking around. Oh gosh it was all a dream.
Why?, I asked myself crying.
I felt like going back to my dream.
I rushed to my room, i tried forcing myself to to sleep may be I would dream of him again but sleep
wasn’t coming. I sat down on my bed crying, I flashed back to all the good times we had and my dream
also even though it was just a dream i wished it didn’t end. I’m not a person who is good at explaining
my emotions, i write them down as songs. I got up I took a pen and a book from my wardrobe. Since no
one understands the way I feel I will just write it as a song. Then i started to write.
Baby I get devotion for you o Na only you full my dairy .. I dey demand for your love o Why you won depart bring demarcation ... Baby don't go, don't go please stay, e ma lo ooo
I couldn’t continue as my hands were shaking terribly. I managed to rest my head on my bed to sleep.
It was 10:05am on a saturday morning, when my bro came to wake me up that some people were
waiting for me in the living room.
Who are they? I asked.
But he had left already. I brushed my mouth quickly and washed my face, I dried my face with a towel
and changed my cloth before I came out of my room.
My head was aching me badly. Oh no I said to myself, there sitting there was my pastor and his wife and
other of my choir member. I was in the choir department in my church. I greeted them all, they replied.
“Is there anything wrong? We haven’t been seeing you in church for a long time. Are you tired of serving
the Lord? You used to be part of the vibrant youths for Christ, but now you don’t even attend church
services. Is there anything wrong you are not telling us, share it with us”
No sir, just that my business had really been giving me a tuff time sir, i get home very late this days Sir, I
still love God.
“And is that why you also left the church group chat?” Oh I remembered I must have left the group chat
when I changed my sim.
“And you also refused picking your calls later on your number wasn’t reachable.” I’m so sorry sir I said,
work really takes a lot of my time, I hardly have time for my phone, so I just had to switch it off anytime
I’m at work so I could concentrate, I said.
I could see the look on my mom’s face wanting to tell them the truth but she didn’t may be she felt pity
for me or something.
My pastor and his wife talked to me. Later we all held hands together and they prayed and they left. I
had to lie to them, I asked God for mercy. Although i had a business I imported shoes, wears,
wristwatches, to be sold but ever since the day he left I had not been okay to go check my boutique. My
brother was the one in charge, helping me and I had others working under me me also.
Later in the afternoon I heard a knock on the door. My mom got up to answer. Lo and behold he was the
one. I stood up, I looked quietly at my mom’s face she didn’t say a word. He greeted my mom but she
didn’t reply to his greeting. We kept looking at each other as he was coming closer, I woke up.
No!!! I screamed when I woke up , no this dream won’t end. Why is all this happening I cried out. The
pains were too much to bear. I had flash backs of the good times we had together in the university.
There was a day he came to my house at around 10pm, I left my room door open to get something in my
friend’s room, when I entered my room the light was off. But I didn’t off the light I thought to myself.
As I was about going to the switch to switch the light on, a hand grabbed me and held my mouth, i
couldn’t shout. I was so scared i started crying. The person was tall and and big I could feel it because he
held me tightly to himself.
“You must do as I say” the voice said, I nodded in agreement. The person said I must not talk and he
tied my eyes with an hanky. Then suddenly I felt my room brightened up a bit, my eyes were untied. To
my surprise I saw a very big cake on my table , on the cake was written ” happy birthday to my darling “
the cake was big and well decorated beside the cake were two of my favourite drinks and a gift also
which was wrapped. I turned around I was shocked to see Ibrahim, I didn’t know what I say, I jumped on
him and hugged him tightly.
“I’m sorry for the way I surprised you baby” he said.
I was just smiling.
” I’m sorry I didn’t wish you happy birthday earlier today I had been so busy. You know I always love you
baby.” Thank you so much sweetheart I said happily. I locked my room door so no one would pop in. I
later thought of the cake only me and him couldn’t eat all. I called other of my friends upstairs and down
stairs, they all came to my room to have a share of the cake.
“You have a good boyfriend, treat him well” someone whispered in my ear before leaving my room.
After they have all left, I thanked him so much. He then asked me to open the gifts he got for me lo and
behold it was an expensive neck lace , earring and a very nice perfume also. Thank you so much
sweetheart this must have cost you a lot the cake, the gift, the drinks. ” “Everything for you darling you
are worth more than that.”he said.
I hugged him we both started kissing, after some minutes he put off my clothes we both had oral sex
that night like we always did.
We spent the night together in my house. Early the next day he left, he had works to be done. I waved
him good bye as he drove off that day. I was in my third year in the university then.
The good memories were just too much to be gone. I laid on my bed crying.
The next morning, I woke up at 10am. I heard my friend’s voice Joyce greeting my parent in the living
room. Joyce was my only closest friend. She just came back, she had been out of the county for a while.
The pains were just too much I was feeling unease, I wasn’t feeling well at all, I wasn’t myself at all.
I opened my eyes to find myself in the hospital. Joyce was seated by my side.


I opened my eyes to find myself in the hospital. Joyce was seated by my side.
What happened to me, I asked her, surprised?
She told me she came to my house, after she greeted my parent, she asked of me and they told her I
was in my room. When she got to my room she called my name, tapped me but I didn’t respond. She
said i was unconscious, so she and parents rushed me to the hospital.
Where is my mom and dad? I asked.
“They just left few minutes ago they will be back soon” she said.
I saw someone coming in front of me it was Ibrahim. I didn’t feel like seeing him, upon all he rejected my
calls refused to reply my messages. What does he want now I asked myself. A part of me wanted to get
closer to him because I still loved him, another part of me did not.
” I’m sorry dear. When all this happened I called him. I guess I should leave now so you both can talk”,
Joyce said. Ibrahim sat on the chair close to my bed, i turned my face to the other side. He came to the
other side of the bed. He held my hands and he placed his other hand on my forehead.
“How you feeling?” he asked. I didn’t answer him. We kept on looking at each other for a while. Later he
started to kiss me. I didn’t react back. At that time I just wished everything will be fine with us. Just then
I saw my mom coming in with two policemen. I was shocked.
“You are under arrest young man for for not staying away from her daughter since she warned you.”
One of the policemen said. Policemen could be so stupid sometimes, am sure she had given them
money for this, I thought to myself. I was crying again, the pains were just too much to bear.
Ibrahim quietly took out his phone from his pocket, called a DPO spoke to him and gave his phone to
one of the policemen. I didn’t know what the DPO told the policeman, he apologized to him and they
My mom was surprised too I saw the look on her face.
“Stay away from my daughter i won’t allow you marry my daughter” my mom said.
Pains filled my heart so much with that statement she made.
Two days later I was discharged my parent drove me home.
5months later since all that happened.
I was sitting on my bed when I remembered of a guy who asked me out then when I was in my first year
in the university, hiss name was Abel. He was more than a church goer, he attended church programs
like the world would end tomorrow, he was the pastor of a student campus fellowship,
he kept on pleading me to date him one day I reluctantly said yes to him. After like 3weeks I said I
wasn’t interested due to the fact I only liked him as a friend and he never had time he was always busy
with church activities too much, we hardly talked on phone or chatted. He felt so bad the day I said I
wasn’t interested to him. He was on his kneels begging me but I had made my decision.
“I know you will come back to me one day” he said on that day. I felt pity for him but I didn’t love him.
He already had a ministry of his own I saw that as I was scrolling through my Instagram account. It was
my Instagram account I opened 7months ago when I got a new sim. I didn’t waste time I started
following him. In less than 5minutes I received a notification, he was following me back. I guess he
recognized I was the one from my DP. I saw many videos of him preaching, healing the sick, delivering
people, I was so surprised and impressed. I also saw many pictures of him and a particular lady. May be
he was married I felt bad a bit. Ibrahim must have finally moved on too I said. I wanted to cry but I held
back my tears, but i couldn’t hold back my pains.
A week after Joyce came to my house we talked about guys, relationship , sex and all. I also told her
about Abel. She asked about Ibrahim. I was angry but I didn’t show it.
“The will of God will be done” I told her.
“He still loves you ” she said.
I loved him too. “So you don’t love him anymore?” She asked. I…I…I…. I still do tears started to drop
from my eyes.
“I’m sorry” she said. It’s okay Joyce I understand you .
I introduced Joyce to Ibrahim two years ago when we were still dating.
Later in the evening I came to the living room to watch TV with my family. My phone rang. I left the
living room to my room to answer the call. “Hi this is Abel” he said.
Ohhhhh I was surprised he called. I gave my number to him 2days ago when we were chatting on
Him: So, it’s been long, how you doing?
Me: yeahhh, I’m doing well and yourself?
Him: I’m very good, i thank God.
Me: I can see that.
Me: your pics and videos on Instagram na.
Him: laughing.
Me: yeah.
Him: So where are you now ?
Me: I’m home and you?
Him: I’m at church now, a program is to start by 9pm, I just decided to call you before it begins.
Me: Awww, thank you.
Him: Thank God. It’s really nice hearing from you again.
Me: Awwww, yeah.
Him: My greetings to your husband. Good bye now, take care.
Me: I’m…..
Before i could complete my statement he had hanged up. I tried calling him back but he had switched
off, it was 8:40pm, I guessed he was preparing for the program already.
The next day I went to Joyce house.


To be continued…

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