MY PAINS Part 22


I raised up face, to look at her.
In order not to create another problem, I decided to go. I looked at the hijab, she just bought it, because
it looked new and neat.
Me and Ibrahim both looked at each other.
Oh! No oh Lord! I love you Jesus. I said in my mind as I entered the car.
Tears were dripping from my eyes, i whipped of my tears immediately, so they won’t notice I was
crying. The pains were just too much.
We finally got the mosque and came down from the car.
Seeing the mosque, it was very big I felt like turning back.
“Things are beginning to work well, don’t destroy things now”, Ibrahim whispered in my ear.
After all was done, we were heading to the entrance, to enter the mosque, fear filled me. I saw they all
pulled off their foot wears, but I couldn’t pull mine, as a Christian we are not to pull our foot wears
before entering any place, any place such was done we saw such as being diabolic.
“You have to pull off your sandal”, his mom said pointing at my sandal.
I couldn’t disobey her, i pulled it off slowly. I was about putting my leg in, I took it back, i did that like up
to three times. I held my two hands to myself looking all around in fear.
Oh Lord I’m sorry forgive me, I prayed in my mind almost crying. I wished I could just run away. His mom
looked at my face angrily. I walked in.
Oh no, what are they doing? What do I even know they are saying, I asked my self in fear.
I managed to do as they did. Some looked at me strangely, especially the children some didn’t even
concentrate well they kept on looking at me as I was acting weird. I acted weird truly, as I didn’t know all
what they were doing at all.
After it was over I came out. I pulled off the hijab immediately and folded it so it will look smaller, I held
it in my hand so no one would even notice it was an hijab.
Lo and behold, I saw sister Adejoke. I noticed when I was still attending church services, for months I
didn’t see sister Adejoke. Sister Adejoke was the sisters’ coordinator. I didn’t bother asking about her
when I didn’t see her, as I had a lot going through at that time.
Sister Adejoke! I called her.
She looked back surprised, she walked up to me and hugged me. She was on a longer hijab. What are
you doing here? I asked her, surprised.
“Have converted into a muslim, since I got married to a Muslim and in order not to have problems with
my husband and his family, I decided to convert o”, she said.
Wow! I said in surprise.
“After all it’s still the same God we are serving o”, she said.
Oh no, so Sister Adejoke, has forsaken Christ. I said in my mind. We both exchanged contacts, her
husband was calling her so she left immediately,
she didn’t even bother asking me, why I was there also.
Thank God she didn’t, I said in my mind.
Ibrahim, and his mom were waiting for me already.
“Who was that?” Ibrahim asked. Who? I asked, i pretended not to know.
“Who you just spoke to.”
A friend, i said, as I wasn’t ready to talk to him. “Where did you know her from?” He asked.
I looked at his face angrily, I didn’t answer him.
When we got home, his mom went in, me and Ibrahim stood in the veranda.
So that was your mom plan and you never told me, Ibrahim, i said crying.
He didn’t say a word, he kept on looking at me. Are you not the one I’m talking to! I yelled at him angrily,
He still didn’t say a word. I will get out of here, and no one would know, I said to him and walked away
In the night. His mom knocked my door, I ran to the bathroom washed my face with water and dried my
face quickly with a towel, so she won’t notice I had been crying. I opened the door and she came in and
handed over a Quran to me. Oh no Lord Jesus, I said in my mind. My hands were shaking as I collected
the Quran from her, it was my first time touching a Quran. She spoke to me and left, I locked my door. I
opened the Quran, I didn’t even know anything that was in it.
Lord I’m sorry, forgive me, I said. I throw the Quran angrily in the room, I took my Bible from my bag and
sat down on the floor, crying.
I slept very late as I had a lot running through my mind.
The next morning, I woke up very late at 10:45am i prayed,I asked God for forgiveness so much, crying.
After praying I got up to open my curtains like I always did when I woke up.
Lo and behold, when I looked down from my window, I saw some security guards guarding the place,
they were mobile policemen. I was so surprised. What could be happening? I asked my self. Without
brushing my teeth, I ran down the stairs to the living room, to know what was going on.
To be continued.
I ran down the stairs to the living room, to know what was going on.
I saw Ibrahim, seated comfortably in the living room watching TV. I looked at him, with a questioned
face. He got up and walked closer to me.
“You can’t run away without anyone knowing now, can you? He asked me. Oh no! He set those security
guards so I wouldn’t be able to run away, I said in my mind, I was so surprised. I wished I never told him
my plan, tears rolled down my eyes.
“I can’t let you abort my first child. You don’t just know what you are doing anymore, I never meant to
do all this, we are in this and we have to fight through. You have always been the encouraging me, I
know you to be strong, but I don’t know why you are not again, this days, i think it’s my time for me to
encourage you now.”
He placed his hands on my shoulder saying…
“We will scale through this, soon all will be very fine remember you always tell me to be patient in life
and this is the time you and i have to be, baby.” I removed his hands off my shoulders angrily.
He tried whipping my tears away, but I pushed his hand away. He looked at me for a while and walked
away to his room.
I sat down on the chair, crying bitterly. His mom and dad weren’t around at that moment.
After a while of crying I walked up to his room.
So you have kidnapped me now or what? Ibrahim! I shouted at him angrily, crying.
He didn’t say a word he just dropped down his phone.
Are you not the one I’m talking to! I shouted at him again.
But still he didn’t say a word he was still calm.
There was no need for me to keep on shouting, as I knew he wouldn’t say a word. The pains were just
too much for me.
I walked back to my room.
I remembered, I had a friend who also had a friend that was a DPO,
I took my phone and messaged her.
Thank God she is online, I said to myself.
We chatted for a while and I asked her for the DPO number. She asked me what was wrong, I lied to her
someone stole some goods at my boutique, he was caught by someone and I wanted to take the case
legally. She told me, she and the DPO haven’t been in good terms for up to a year, because she refused
to date him. She sent me his number and warned me not to tell him I got his number from her. They
don’t ask people how they get their number na, they are meant to be called for emergency I told her.
Before, she replied I went off immediately, i saved the number and dialed it. It rang and he picked up.
I told him i was not allowed to leave the house I had been kidnapped, by a young man named Ibrahim.
He asked me some questions I answered then he asked if I knew the address of the place. I told him,
and he assured me that his men will be there soon.
I stood watching outside from the window waiting for them.
Ibrahim will see my action today, I said in my mind angrily.
After about two hours I saw them. Oh gosh, Nigeria police, after waiting for two hours, at last I will be
free so I can’t terminate this pregnancy that had caged me, I said In my mind.
They spoke to the security guards and showed them their ID card, so they were allowed in. At this
time the gate man ran to Ibrahim’s room to tell him some policemen asked of him.
“Let them come in I am here!” He told the gate man. As the gate man was leaving I heard Ibrahim
say….”I am sure I didn’t do anything that is illegal.”
That had always been Ibrahim he never feared, he is always bold. I remembered back then in the
university he always told me If he sees me with another guy, he will deal with the guy. At a time I was
thinking he was a cultist, due to the way he spoke and he never feared. He drove even late at night then
at school. But as time went on, I was very sure he didn’t belong to any cult group. That is just the typical
Today I will be free from Ibrahim, I said in mind a bit happy.
The gateman directed them to his room. I stood closely to hear all.
“Good afternoon Sir, we are from the CID department.” One of them said showing him his ID card.
The other one stood in the living room looking all around like he had been to the house before.
“How may I help you?” Ibrahim asked.
Ibrahim, all will be over today and I will gain my freedom, i said in my mind, i was happy my plan was
“We were told you kidnapped a young lady here in this house…..
To be continued.
“We were told you kidnapped a young lady in this house”, the man said to Ibrahim.
“Wow, kidnap case, wow, wow, wow, I’m very sure you didn’t investigate well before coming down
here. What evidence do you have to proof I kidnapped a young lady in my house?” He asked him.
Their voices were loud enough to be heard in the room I was.
They came to the room I was.
Ibrahim, opened the door.
I will be out of this today, i said in my mind quite happy.
“As you can see the door wasn’t locked before we entered. Ibrahim said, telling the policeman.
“That’s who called you”, Ibrahim said pointing at me.
“Does she look like someone who is kidnapped? And before you came in, you saw security men out
there, so how did I kidnap her? Can we go back to my room?” He asked the policeman, who was just
nodding his head.
They left the room I was,
I followed them, to see what he was to do next. I knew Ibrahim to be very smart.
They walked to his room. Ibrahim took a picture of me and him and showed the policeman.
“Here is a picture of me and my wife, so tell me how I kidnapped her? He asked the policeman, who
stood still.
So I didn’t kidnapped anyone, make sure you investigate well next time”,Ibrahim said.
He walked down the stairs, the policeman followed him.
Oh, no what are they doing? I asked myself confused.
The other policeman, who was looking all over the living room, spoke.
“Alaji, house lele na.” (This is Alaji house na) He said, looking at the other policeman.
“Ta lo je Alaji?” (Who is Alaji?) He asked him.
“Yes, this his is picture”, he said pointing at a picture of Ibrahim’s dad.
It was an art work picture of his dad, hanged up in the living room.
He whispered something in the other police man ear.
“You must be Alaji son, and you are a lawyer.?” He asked Ibrahim.
He nodded his head, in affirmative, looking at them.
“Mo sor fu ehn na.” (I told you na) He said to the other policeman.
Oh, no what’s going on? what’s all this drama? I asked myself, confused.
“Mo mor man dada.” ( I know the man well) He said.
He whispered something to the other police man again, and they both nodded their heads.
“We are so sorry sir”, the policemen said to Ibrahim.
Sorry for what!!? I asked. I’m kidnapped here, am not free to go out! Don’t you get! And all you could
say is “sorry” to who won’t let me have my freedom! I shouted at the policemen angrily, I was crying.
“Sorry madam, you are not kidnapped”, this is a family issue, we can’t come in” the policeman who
knew Ibrahim’s dad said.
“Yes”, the other policeman who questioned Ibrahim earlier, said.
And so! I yelled at the policemen, crying.
One of them turned to Ibrahim.
“We are sorry Sir. We are sorry for not investigating well before coming sir.”
I was confused. I didn’t know what to say again. I stood crying. My tears were so hot.
Why did I get pregnant? Oh Lord why is all this happening? I asked myself, crying, as I walked to the
The policeman, who knew Ibrahim’s dad walked out, after some minutes.
“You no even happy, say you dey rich man house, u dey lie say dem kidnap you.” The policeman said to
I looked at him crying.
Nigeria policemen will never change, I said in my mind.
“I know Alaji well na, na my big daddy be that. How the man or he son go kidnap you? No be outside you
dey now. How dey con kidnap you.” The policeman said.
I just kept on looking at him.
Ibrahim and the other policeman walked out.
They were all heading out to the gate, as they were about to reach the gate, someone horned a car.
Which meant a car was at the gate.
The gateman rushed out to see who it was and he opened the gate immediately.
I saw Ibrahim’s dad car driving in. The driver, drove in and parked at the garage.
His mom came down from the car first, looking confused.
“Kiloshele?” Ibrahim’s dad asked looking at the two policemen confused.
“Ha daddy, ekansun Sir.” ( Ha, daddy good afternoon sir) big daddy! The policeman who knew Ibrahim’s
said, hailing him.
“Ba wo ni, kiloshele?” (How are you? What is happening?) He asked the policeman looking confused.
“Kosi o (noting o) Ha noting daddy. Everything is okay.” He replied.
Ibrahim gave a look to his dad, telling him he will tell him everything later.
They walked far to talk for a while. I didn’t hear what they talked about, but of course they really knew
each other.
They came walking back, when they were done talking.
The other policeman just stood still, looking around the house.
“Daddy na ,daddy anything for your son.”
He put his hand in his pocket, brought out his wallet, counted some money and gave him.
He thanked him, and they both left.
As they were coming in, I ran up the stairs to my room crying.
To be continued.
As they were coming in, I ran up the stairs to my room crying.
I was so confused, I didn’t even know what to do anymore. I was regretting why I ever came to see him
on that day. May be if I had known, I would have listened to my mom. I sat on my bed crying bitterly
with regrets. I wished I could just destroy the pregnancy myself. Life wasn’t going as the way I planned
and imagined my life to be. No one, could understand my pains at that time.
I managed to stretch my hand, to take my phone, I switched it on to call my mom, may be she might be
of help to my situation.
She picked up immediately,
I was shut of words.
“Hello, hello, are you crying, she asked.
I….I….am, I said.
“You are what? Talk to me”, she said.
I didn’t know what my mom was going to say, I had disappointed her, but it wasn’t my wish. I picked up
courage to tell her.
I’m pregnant, I said crying.
“Since when? for who?”she asked.
Ibr..ibrah…IbrahimI managed to say in fear.
” That cross is yours o! I don’t have any hands in it, since that’s what you want to go for, go for it o!
And ……”
She shouted at me on the phone angrily. Before she could complete her statements I hanged up
immediately and switched my phoneoff. What she said caused more pains to me.
I sat down on my bed still crying, when the door opened, I raised up my head to see who it was.
Ibrahim, walked in looking at me angrily.
You call yourself a lawyer and you bribed those policemen, I said to him crying. He still kept on looking at
me and later left.
I wished all was a dream, I wished I could change all that was happening.
Later that evening, his parents called me,
I answered and met them in the living room. I was expecting them to pour out their anger on me, but
they didn’t. They talked to me.
My mind was far away, I wasn’t listening to them at all. All I wanted was to get out of the whole
At night, I laid down on my bed still crying I placed my Bible beside me.
My door opened, Ibrahim’s mom walked in, I cleaned my tears immediately. It was dark so she switched
on the light looking at me. I didn’t say a word I just bowed my face. She walked closely to my bedside
took my Bible and quietly left.
I broke down the more again, crying as she left the room.
Religion was really a big issue indeed, only if I had known.
My mom wasn’t of any help, I was changed into being a Muslim, I had no freedom to commit abortion as
I wanted, I refused eating that night.
I tried severely to go out but the mobile policemen at the gate never allowed me.
One afternoon I figured out a plan. I thought of committing abortion with drugs. Their maid was about
leaving to go get foodstuffs at the market, when I approached.
Good afternoon, I greeted her.
She was surprised I greeted her, I had never spoken to her since I had being in their house.
“Madam, good afternoon o”, she replied.
Please I want you to get something for me when coming back please, I said.
“Madam, that one no be problem na, hanhan madam just give me money I go buy am when I dey come,
she said.
Ok, I don’t have cash on me now I will do a transfer to your bank account, give me your bank details, I
said to her.
“Madam, I no get bank o, I no dey use bank o”, she said.
I had no cash on me at that moment. I had to figure out what to do quickly.
Ok wait, I said to her.
I thought of what to do, I walked up to Ibrahim’s room, I saw him arranging some files.
A thought flashed to my mind,…
“what if she refuses to get the drugs for you? Then I will have to bribe her with money and I’m sure with
that she will go, I said in my mind.
Will you just tell those securities at the gate to let me go out, I need money and I want to use the P.O.S.,
I said to him.
“What do you want to get? He asked me.
” I want your maid to get me something at the market, and I need to give her money, I said.
“What do you want her to get for you?” He asked me.
Please, I’m not ready for your questions, will you give me or not? I asked him.
“How much do you need?” He asked me.
Just 5k, I said.
He opened his wallet counted out 5k and gave it to me.
I will transfer your money to you today, I said.
“I don’t need it”, he said.
I walked away. she was still waiting for me.
I’m sorry for delaying you, I said to her.
“Ha madam, no problem o, wentin u want make I buy for you?” She asked.
I looked around to be sure no one was watching especially Ibrahim, he is very smart, I walked closer to
her and told her. I got to know the drug as I had few friends who used it then, when I was in the
“Ha madam, na abortion drug be that na”, she said.
Please, don’t shout it, I said to her.
“Madam, I know say na u won use am o I no fit buy am o, if dem hear say I buy am for you oga and
madam go sack me o, I no won be bad person o madam” she said.
I had to persuade her, i told her i wasn’t going to tell anyone, I gave her the 5k, before she reluctantly
agreed to get it for me.
When she was back, she knocked at my room door, I told her to come in.
She gave me the drug. I promised her again that I wasn’t going to led anyone know.
“Madam, abeg o”, she said and left.
I had a bottle of water beside me.
I was about to take it when something kept telling me..
“Thou must not commit abortion, what if you die during this process?” It kept on ringing in my mind.
The fear of me dying scared me so much, I put the drug down. I broke down again crying. I came out of
my room, I was Ibrahim going to his parents room. I sat in the living room for about 30mintues before I
left to my room, I wondered what Ibrahim was s doing in his parents room as they weren’t around.
After about 30mintues I took up courage to take the drug. I walked to where I hid the drugs. I hid it in
my box where I kept my clothes, I didn’t arrange my clothes in the wardrobe in their house, as I kept
searching for it, Ibrahim walked in. I put all my clothes back in my box immediately.
“What did you ask her to get for you?” He asked.
Something, I said.
“Can I see it?” He asked me.
No, you can’t, I said.
He sat down on the bed quietly. I sat on the floor looking at him, wondering what was keeping him
After a while he spoke.
“You are very smart, you know”, he said.
I was confused. I kept on looking at him.
How? I asked him.
“You asked her to get you an abortion drug, right?” He asked me.
I was shocked, how did he get to know.
“There is a CCTV in this house, and I knew you were up to something, so I went to my parent’s room to
watch all you were doing”, he said.
I couldn’t believe it.
“You call yourself a Christian, you know abortion is a sin and yet you still want to commit such act.” “I’m
not going to allow you kill my first child” he said ….as he walked up to where my box was, searched it
well he saw the drug and took it.
I begged him not to tell anyone, for the sake of the maid…I forced her to get it, i told him. He just looked
at me and left.
Am sure he still went ahead to the maid to talk to her. I broke down again, crying.
After a while I accepted my fate. For peace to reign I fully accepted being a Muslim. I had become much
of a mosque goer.
Sometimes, I cried deeply when I realize I had forsaken Christ.
Things started going well, even though it was not as I wanted. I took up courage to be strong.
Almost two months later, I walked up to Ibrahim’s room. He was in his bathroom having his bath.
Anytime he goes out and come in he will always have his bath, that had been him ever since I knew him
in the university.
I saw an envelop on his bed.
What could be in it? I asked myself in my mind.
Well, I’m sure he will tell me once he is out, he never hid things form me ever since we knew. He only
hid things from me when things weren’t going well between us.
I still felt like checking what was in the envelope. I took it and opened it. What I saw shocked me deeply.
Lo and behold it was a………
To be continued
Lo and behold,
it was a weeding invitation card of Joyce and Abel. Joyce weds Abel, I saw a picture of both of them on
the invitation card.
Oh no! Joyce, betrayed me, I was shocked, I passed on there.
I opened my eyes, I was soaked in water, I must have fainted.
Their eyes were on me.
“What happened? Ibrahim asked.
I didn’t say a word, I just kept on looking at them. His mom was talking but I didn’t listen to her, she
asked me what happened, if I was ok, I just kept on telling her I was fine, I didn’t know what happened
to me.
His mom, his dad were thanking God I was awake. She assisted me to my room, I changed my clothes.
Later she left, when Ibrahim came in.
“What happened to you?” He asked me.
I don’t know, I’m fine, I replied.
“Are you sure?” He asked me.
Of course, you have noting to worry about.
He kept on looking at me, am sure he knew that I was lying to him, from his look.
“You are sure you are okay? ” He asked me.
I just nodded my head.
He placed his hand on my face.
“Talk to me, please”, he said.
I took his hands off my face.
I said I’m fine, I didn’t know what happened.
“Hmmmm, have known you for a long time, so talk to me”, he said.
I said noting! I’m fine!, I yelled at him.
He later left.
I felt the pains much more again, Joyce betrayed me. She deceived me to go see Ibrahim on that day,
and she went ahead to get married to Abel. I’m sure she must be the one who sent those pictures to
Ibrahim, i said in my mind crying.
Joyce ripped me of my joy, I was the one who was supposed to be getting married to Abel, because of
Joyce all this happened.
I regretted the first day we both met.
She betrayed me. The pains were just too much for me to bear. My body and soul was hurt.
Joyce, you will never find happiness in your marriage, I cursed her that night. I still kept on crying.
As time went on, I still couldn’t get over the pains. I cried all day.
I kept on looking at the invitation card almost everyday, crying.
I was holding the invitation card, crying a day, when Ibrahim walked in.
“Ohhh so this what makes you cry?” He asked me.
I whipped my tears with my hands.
“So because your friend, Joyce is getting married next week, you are crying?” He asked me.
Only if he knows that is Abel, I said in my mind, looking at him.
“I saw her, when I closed from office I stopped to get something, she saw me first and greeted me. She
asked of you, saying she had been trying to call, but your line is always switched off, and the few times
you came online you didn’t reply her messages. I told her you were fine, she also said she wanted to see
you. I told her you are with me. She handed her wedding invitation card to me, saying we must be
there”, he said.
I didn’t say a word.
He came closer to me.
“C’mon baby, I know how you feel, I know things didn’t work out as planned, but soon everything will be
fine, please be happy”, he said.
I kept quite.
He held me to himself.
“We are going for her wedding next week”, he said.
I am not going anywhere, I said to him.
“We must”, he said.
We are Muslims ok. Her wedding is to take place in the church, we can’t go, I tried to discourage him.
“Yes, we are not going there for a church service, after the wedding we will both leave, he said.
It was hard most times to change Ibrahim’s mind.
I didn’t say a word.
“Let’s go out and have dinner, he said kissing me.
We both left.
A day to Joyce’s weeding, Ibrahim took me out to fix my hair, and get gifts for her weeding.
I still couldn’t believe, Joyce was getting married to Abel, I wondered how on earth they both met.
Joyce betrayed me.
The next day was their weeding.
Ibrahim, forced me to get dressed. We both entered the car and he drove off.
As he was driving, he kept on starring at me.
Why are you starring at me like that, I asked him.
“It’s been a long time I saw you this way, you look more beautiful, this the girl I knew from the
beginning, he said smiling.
“Leave me jare, I said smiling.
We both laughed.
My mind later flashed to Abel and Joyce, I felt like crying but i held back my tears.
As we entered the church, I felt the pains more when I saw both of them seated in the front. I felt like
turning back.
“Are you okay”, Ibrahim asked.
I just nodded my head.
Only if Ibrahim knew, that is Abel, I said in my mind.
Just then as we were both seated, someone came and told us to come sit at the front, he said…. Joyce
saw us and told him to tell us to come to the front seats.
I wanted to stay behind but Ibrahim held my hand, in order not to create a scene I followed him.
Joyce, saw both of us and smiled at us, I gave her a devilish look and hissed.
“Is there anyone who won’t want this two to be joined as husband and wife today? Get up and talk now
or forever remain silent”, the pastor said.
I wish someone will just stand up, I said quietly, frowning at both of them.
Ibrahim heard me.
“What did you say?” He asked, surprised at what I said.
I didn’t say anything, I replied.
He looked at me for a while and later turned his face.
“Do you take this woman as your wife to be”, the pastor asked Abel.
At that moment I was really focusing on Abel and our eyes both met. No two ways, he saw me, I was
sure of that.
We maintained eye contact for a while, before he took his eyes away from me.
“Do you take this woman here as your wife to be?” The pastor asked Abel again.
Abel kept mute.
I could notice Joyce’s smile was almost fading away.
Abel sighed, i heard it, because someone held a microphone, close to his mouth.
Our eyes both met each other again.
“Do you take this woman here as your wife to be?” The pastor asked the third time.
Abel turned to look at Joyce.
To be continued.
Abel turned to look at Joyce.
“Yes I do”, he said calmly.
He turned to look at me again. Joyce was asked too, she happily accepted him.
At that moment I wasn’t feeling okay at all, I was almost shedding tears the pains were just too much to
see my best friend getting married to who I was engaged to before. She betrayed me. I felt like
destroying the marriage but I couldn’t.
Let’s go, I said to Ibrahim.
“Why? It’s not over yet, what about the gifts we got?”
I’m not okay, lets leave, I said.
“You just only being jealous”, Ibrahim said, looking at me angrily.
Take me home now I’m not feeling okay, if anything happens to your baby, just know you caused it.
“Ok ma let’s leave”, he said.
He stood up immediately as we left, some people were looking at us.
I came online on Instagram later that evening, I went through Abel’s page on Instagram I saw different
pictures of he, Joyce, his parents, family and friends. I saw different of their wedding pictures, they
were happily married. I couldn’t hold back my tears, I felt so much pains.
I just had to accept things the way it happened to become stronger.
Almost a month later. His parents both discussed with us and I told them I will inform my parents also,
it was about our wedding plans.
Preparation for our wedding was on.
I loved Ibrahim so much with my heart, just that I was sad things didn’t go well as planned, and what
hurt me most was that my mom wasn’t in support.
I couldn’t even call my mom or go see her to tell her, I knew she would have sent me back if I
approached her house. I sent a text message her to telling her about our wedding and where it will be
taking place, I forwarded the same message to my dad. I didn’t invite any of my friends, or any family
member, it wasn’t my joy our wedding would be done in a Muslim way.
A week to our wedding, his family members were all around, his sister from abroad too came. That was
my first time of seeing her. I was in the room when Ibrahim came in with his elder sister and introduced
me to her.
We both hugged each other, we talked, she was very happy on seeing me.
His cousin kazeem was also around.
Kazeem walked up to me admiring me.
“You look more beautiful”, kazeem said.
I just laughed, we talked for a while.
That night Ibrahim came to my room.
“I told you everything was going to work out well”, he said holding my hand.
I just smiled, only If he knew deep down in me that I wasn’t happy, I never imagined my wedding being
done in a Muslim way. Every since I was younger, I always imagined my self on a white wedding gown
sitting close to a man on white suit, in a church. My imaginations and plans never came true.
He hugged me and we both kissed.
The wedding took place, a lot of money was really spent. His parents friends from abroad were there
that day.
We received a lot of expensive gifts. There was a lot of different kind of dishes, fruit drinks, expensive
wines, alcoholic drinks, for Ibrahim’s friends mostly. I met a lot of his friends that day. It was really a big
My parents and siblings were there.
During the wedding, I could see my mom’s face she wasn’t happy at all, there was just no way she
couldn’t be present during her daughter’s wedding, I’m sure that’s why she came. She didn’t invite any
of her friends or our family members, she only came with her close sister.
Anytime I looked at her face I felt like crying, I didn’t make my mom happy but I just had to hold back
my tears.
When the wedding was over before I could go see my parents and siblings I heard they had all left, I’m
sure my mom was the one who would have said they should all leave immediately. I held back my tears
not to cry. Wedding day was supposed to be a day of joy, but to me it wasn’t, it was the saddest day
ever. I had just managed to smile in most of the wedding pictures we snapped. A lot of people both the
ones we knew and the ones we didn’t came to take pictures with us.
I heard a young lady say….
“I wish my wedding to be this way”, only if she knew I wasn’t happy, I said in my mind.
We both entered his car, a driver was in front to drive us to his house.
We were both starring at each other, he kept on smiling.
As the driver kept driving, I notice he was driving to a different place entirely, as that was not the way to
Ibrahim’s house.
Where is he driving to? I asked Ibrahim confused.
He just smiled.
This not the way to your house, I said.
Are you scared? He asked.
I looked at me.
He laughed out, loudly.
Stop it, I don’t like your laughter, it’s scary, I said looking at him, confused.
To be continued.
Stop it, I don’t like your laughter, it’s scary, I said.
“Just relax”, he said.
I did as he said.
We got to the front of a house, a gateman opened the gate and the driver drove in.
The house was so beautiful and mighty.
What are we doing here? Who lives here, I asked ibrahim, confused.
“You and me”, he said smiling.
I don’t get you.
“This is our new house”.
I looked around surprised.
Are you serious, I asked him.
He smiled, nodding his head.
“Do you like it”, he asked me.
Of course I do, I replied happily, hugging him.
That was how we became happy again.
I converted into a Christian, as we had both agreed in the university then that religion won’t be a barrier
to us, Ibrahim was the first to say that and I agreed. “We are in the twenty first century and I think
religion shouldn’t be forced on anyone” that was what he told me then. And he also made me know
from the beginning that he wasn’t going to convert to a Christian.
Although, I still kept on talking to him to change he would tell me…. “Your pastor is there collecting your
tithes and offerings, look at the church you are going very big, yet there are poor people there, the poor
ones still pay tithes and offering which they use to get money and yet the poor ones are still poor.” The
day he told me that I was dumbfounded, I didn’t even know what to say.
Sometimes, when we were together and I had to leave for church he would get a bit angry, but he won’t
stop me from going.
Few months after we got married, Johnson was born.
I want to tell you something, I said facing Ibrahim.
“What’s that”, he asked smiling.
I love you and I’m very happy you didn’t allow me abort this child we have here, I said with tears rolling
from my eyes. It was so much joy for me to behold Jonson.
” it’s okay baby”, he said whipping my tears.
“I told you everything will get better.”
Yeah you did, we both hugged each other.
His mom was the one who came to help me during that period, and I had to pretend to be a Muslim
again during those times she was around.
During his name ceremony, I informed my mom before the day. But she never came, only my siblings
and my dad came. I felt so hurt she didn’t come but there was noting I could do. Ibrahim’s family and
friends were all present on that day also.
I knew there was no way I could give my baby a Christian name on that day.
Ibrahim’s mom named him a Muslim name “Ahmed.”
I wanted to name him “Emmanuel.” I loved the name so much but I had to give him the English
“Johnson”, it was supposed to be ” “John” but since I won’t be able to name him that Christian name, I
changed it to “Johnson.” I’m sure you understand.
The ceremony went well, the next day people that slept over left.
Let me cut my long story short.
Johnson and I always went to church together, Ibrahim wasn’t against it, and I was happy.
I do leave for Church before 7am on sundays, I was a worker. On one sunday I decided to delay a bit and
talk to Ibrahim to follow us to church that sunday, I kept on waiting for him, If he would change his
“Is like you don’t want to go to church today”, he said.
I looked at him for a while and left.
When Johnson was two years, I talked to Ibrahim about registering him in a school I liked. My plan was
to register him in a particular school where children were trained in the way of Christ, it was a bit far
from our house, a church member of mine her daughter attended that school, she knew a lot about the
Bible, she would recite long Bible verses, her mom had told me it was the school she was going that
helped her more in those aspect.
Ibrahim, agreed. He turned to Johnson…
“Ahmed, you will soon start going to school”, he said.
“Yes”, Johnson answered laughing.
Johnson at the age of two he was smart, a fast talker, very inquisitive, and taller then any two years old
child. People found it hard to believe he was two years. I guessed because his dad was tall too.
Monday was the first day schools, just resumed for a new academic session.
We all had breakfast in the morning.
After breakfast, I told him I was leaving.
“To where”, he asked.
I told you about the plan na, registering Johnson in a school, I said.
“Ohh so I don’t need to be involved abi”, he asked.
I didn’t want Ibrahim to come along, was scared he might not want Johnson in that kind of school.
“So I won’t know the school you want to register my son”, he said.
No naaa, I didn’t want to stress you, you can come along, I said.
” Better o”, he said.
We both entered the car and left.
No, this not the way to the school, turn to your left, I told Ibrahim as he was driving.
He still kept on driving.
Are you not hearing me, that’s not the way, I said again.
“I know baby”, he said.
I kept mute and allowed him to continue driving.
To be continued.
I kept mute and allowed him to continue driving.
We arrived at a very big school I admired the school building, as we entered the school, Io and behold i
saw it was a Muslim school. I looked at Ibrahim angrily but he didn’t say a word. As we kept on going I
noticed the school had a very big mosque.
Oh Lord Jesus, I said in my mind, I was so angry.
“Mommy, I like this school”, Johnson said jumping up happily.
I smiled and stood still.
“Who are you waiting for?” Ibrahim asked.
I looked at him angrily, I didn’t want to create any scene so I walked up to him.
A woman was passing by, Ibrahim greeted her, he told her he came to register his son in the school, the
woman directed him to an office.
As we entered the office, we saw a young lady seated she was on a long hijab, typing on her laptop. She
greeted us we both replied. I saw pictures of things written in Arabic, I saw a picture of woman she was
dressed in a Muslim way, she was the owner of the school as it was written on the picture. I couldn’t
Imagine my son being in a Muslim school, I almost cried out.
After she and Ibrahim were done discussing, the young lady turned to Johnson.
“What’s your name boy”, she asked smiling.
“My name is Johnson”, he answered her immediately.
“Smart, are you Christians?” She asked.
“No, Muslims, Ibrahim replied her.
We both looked at each other.
“So what’s his Muslim name.”
“Ahmed”,Ibrahim replied.
“How old are you? She asked Johnson.
” I’m two years old”, Johnson replied her.
“Wow, what a very smart boy, but he looks taller than a child of two”, she said looking at me.
I nodded my head and smiled.
“Just like is dad,” Ibrahim said.
We all laughed.
She took us around the school, Ibrahim paid for all bills that day and told her Johnson would be
resuming the next day, he made arrangement for the school bus, he wrote down our house address, she
assured him the school bus will be at our gate as early as 7am the next day, to pick Johnson.
After we left he drove to a place where kids stuff were sold.
We entered the place.
“Get him what he needs for school, Ibrahim said looking at me.
I got Johnson a new school bag, a new lunch kit, school shoe, socks, and other things.
After we were done, he drove to an eatery we had lunch before heading home.
It’s time for me to pour out my anger, I said in my mind as we were approaching our gate.
When we got in, Miriam was in the living room watching TV, she got up to greet us. Johnson, quickly
grabbed his new school bag from me. I gave his lunch kit to Miriam to wash it, she took it and went
straight to the kitchen.
Johnson was jumping around with his new school bag.
Son, come and have your bath, I said, he ran up to me.
After I was done bathing him, I dressed him up, he was feeling sleepy already I laid him on his bed and
he slept. I left his room, walking down the stairs to the living room.
“So you deceived me! Right!, I yelled at Ibrahim angrily.
He turned to look at me.
“I’m sure it was an agreement between you and your mom to send Johnson to a Muslim school, I said
“I know well you love arguments, that’s why I do keep quite most of the times when you start, he said
looking at me.
“Ooh really, did you tell me that was your plan at first!!” I yelled at him again angrily the more.
“Enough please! Ahmed has been going to church with you since he was born did I complain or say
anything?” He yelled at me angrily too.
“Ohhhh, I see,” I said.
“Good, you can see now, or is he not the same child you wanted to abort back then and here you are
shouting. Please let me be, I also have my own right, I’m the man but you always want to control me like
you are. He is my son let me be”, Ibrahim said angrily and walked away.
Ohh wow, now you walking away from me, I said but he didn’t answer.
I sat down angrily, almost in tears. Am not bringing up a godly home in Christ, I said in my mind, tears
were dripping from my eyes. There was noting I could do to change the situation.
The next day, Ibrahim woke Johnson as early as 6am and prepared him for school. Miriam prepared
break fast that morning.
At 6:45am, they were outside the gate waiting for the school bus to arrive.
I need to see my son go to school on his first day, I said in my mind as I walked up to the gate to meet
When I got to the gate, I stood for a while looking at Ibrahim before I spoke to Johnson.
Take care of yourself son, listen well at school, I want you to be the best of all. I love you ok, I said to
“I love you too mommy”, Johnson replied happily.
You will be given a pencil and books to write on at school ok, I said to him.
He nodded his head.
Johnson was so happy on his first day to school he didn’t cry like most children did on their first day.
“Mommy, why are you looking at daddy like that” Johnson asked me when he noticed the look on my
Noting, I replied him checking his lunch kit to see what was in it.
“It’s fried egg and bread with yogurt drink”, that’s what Aunty Miriam put in it”, Johnson said.
That’s still ok, by 1pm you would have closed, at least you ate breakfast, I said to him as
I closed the lunch kit and gave it back to him to hold it.
The school bus arrived, Ibrahim whispered something in Johnson’s ear, hugged him and walked up to
the driver to talk to him.
I hugged Johnson also and kissed him. Johnson bade us Goodbye, till the school bus drove out of sight.
I hissed at Ibrahim, as I walked in.
Johnson was doing well academically. He always took first position. I was always happy especially when
I will be called during the school end of section party to come take a picture with him as being the first
position in his class.
Most of the times, Johnson would be saying sometimes in Arabic I didn’t understand. The first day I
heard that from him I shut him up and Ibrahim warned me not to shut him up when he is saying such
again. When Ibrahim wasn’t there I will shut him up immediately saying… Johnson remember you are a
One Saturday morning, I was holding some files in my hand, as I was about to pick my phone that was
ringing the files fell of my hands.
I answered the call it was my pastor, he called me to remind me of the program that was to hold on that
Ok Sir, I will be at church at 3pm, I replied him.
Ibrahim, looked at me when he heard me say “church”.
“Okay, God bless you” he said and hanged up.
Johnson picked up the files, arranged it well and gave it to me.
That’s my boy, give mommy a high five, i said. He did and we both laughed.
You are so smart and handsome, I said to Johnson smiling.
“Just like his dad”, Ibrahim said laughing.
I looked at him, who told this one he is smart and handsome, I said jokingly.
“You are jealous he didn’t take after you, I’m happy he didn’t, Ibrahim said jokingly also laughing.
So I’m dull,and I’m not fine”I asked him jokingly.
“Never, my wife is the most beautiful, and I hope we still have a daughter as beautiful as her”, he said
Of course, we will have a daughter, why did you say so? I asked him wondering why he used the word “
hope”..”I hope we still have a daughter…..”
“Have been wanting to let you know since”, he said calmly.
Know what? I asked him.
“Well back then an Alfa told my parent I was destined to only have one child and the child will be a boy,
one day also a celestial prophet approached my mom and told her the same thing”, he said and sighed.
I was very surprised.
“That was the more reason my parents and I weren’t In support of you going for an abortion then, that’s
why I took it seriously with you then, and also because my parents wanted a grandchild around them
because my elder sister is in aboard, her husband and her husband’s family do not allow her to bring
her children every year she visit’s Nigeria.I am sorry for not letting you know then, he said.
“So just Johnson we are going to have as our only child I said almost in tears, and you never told me till
today, I said.
“I’m sorry”, he said and sighed.
Well I believe noting is impossible for God to do, I believe God can still things, i said.
” I hope so too”, he said petting me.
It’s 2:30pm, I have to leave for church now, I said to Ibrahim, Johnson is sleeping now I won’t take him
along, I don’t want to disturb him.
“Church, every time, I can’t even have time with you again.” he said angrily.
I will soon be back, dear I said.
“You can go” he said still angry.
Don’t be angry na.
“Have heard you go”, Ibrahim said.
Thanks, I said as I got up to leave.
Ibrahim hardly went to mosque, may be once in two months he will just go to pray, but still he kept on
telling me he can never change from being a Muslim.
When I got home I was surprised to see my mother in-law.
I greeted her, she replied.
“Where are you coming from? I have been here since 4pm, and this is 7:35pm, she said looking straight
into my eyes.
My Bible was in my hand, my hair was covered, I couldn’t lie to her.
To be continued.
My Bible was in my hand, my hair was covered, I couldn’t lie to her.
“From church”, I answered her.
She looked at me and sighed. I thought she was going to do more than that. I saw the look on her face
like she didn’t care, all she cared about was her son and grandson. She and Ibrahim kept on talking as I
walked to my room.
Have been through a lot of pains I can’t let this bother me, I said in my mind as I sat on my bed, opened
my Bible to read and pray.
Ibrahim’s mom spent a week In our house, she made an arrangement with an Alfa to come take Johnson
every evening for Arabic lesson.
Ibrahim, told me that was her plan the day she came.
The first day he came to take Johnson, he cried refusing, but she petted him, I felt so bad but there was
noting I could do, Ibrahim was also in support, saying Johnson had been following me to church, it was
time for him to practice his own religion.
I stayed in my room crying that day, Oh Lord I’m sorry I wasn’t able to bring up a godly home, have
mercy on me it was all my fault, I said crying bitterly.
In less than four months, Johnson had loved going for the Arabic lesson “ilekewu” or so they called it.
Johnson made Ibrahim to start to go to mosque regularly, Johnson refused ever following me to church.
I was about going to church one evening, the rain was falling, Johnson was just getting better he had
been sick so the Alfa stopped coming to take him along.
Miriam had not return home and Ibrahim was still at work.
“Son, let’s go to church” I said hoping he would follow me as he won’t want to stay home alone.
“I’m not going to church. Have told you many times, I am a muslim”, he said.
Will you shut up! You are a Christian okay! I yelled at him.
“No! Because daddy is not at home you are forcing me to go to church now. I’m not going, he said.
I was very angry, I went closer to him and placed my hands on his shoulder.
“Johnson, why don’t you want to go to church again, why did you just suddenly hate going to church
with me? I asked him almost in tears.
“Mommy, why can’t you be a muslim too so you, me and my daddy we will all be going to the mosque
together, my friends Maleek, Quadri, Sekinat, their mommies comes to the mosque. Even in my school
my friends, their mommies and their daddies are all muslims”, he said.
I sighed as tears dripped down my eyes and I whipped it off quickly, I didn’t know what to say again.
So you alone, will be at home?, i asked him still hoping he would change his mind.
“Yes”, he said.
I became angry the more.
“Johnson, you will go with me weather you like it or not! I yelled at him angrily than ever.
He looked at me surprised.
“I’m not going to church”, he cried out.
I raised up my hand and slapped him hard on his face, that I heard the sound of the slap in my ear like it
resounded. After I slapped him I realized myself, Jonson laid down on the floor crying out loudly in pains.
I regretted why I slapped him as I watched him crying in serious pains.
“I …i…i… wi…ll te…ll my da…ddy, you slapped me, he said.
I looked at his face I saw the marks of my hand on his face, I walked to the veranda and sat down crying.
After a while, the thunder stroked very loudly. Johnson ran to the veranda to meet me, he was very
scared, I held him tightly.
I’m sorry for slapping you okay, I said to him.
He was still crying.
Johnson, I love you, I don’t hate you I’m sorry. I looked at his face the marks were still on it.
As I touched his body and chest I observed his temperature hot.
I took him inside petted him, bathed him with very hot water, fed him and gave him paracetamol, he
managed to sleep, I laid him on the chair In the living room. I kept on touching him but his body was still
very hot.
Oh Lord, have mercy on me, I cried out.
Two hours later, Ibrahim came in the rain had stopped.
Welcome, I greeted him calmly.
“Thanks baby. How you are?” He asked.
I sighed.
“Are you ok? Why is Johnson sleeping? I hope he is getting better? He asked as he walked up to where
Johnson was sleeping, he placed his hand on him.
“His body is very hot”, he said looking at me.
I kept on looking at him as I didn’t know what to say.
“You didn’t observe this since?” He asked.
I gave him paracetamol, I said.
“No, this is really serious, we have to take him back to the hospital”, he said.
I stood still looking.
“Ahmed, Ahmed, he tapped him waking him up.
” Da…ddy” Johnson said with a weak voice.
“What’s wrong again Ahmed, you were getting better before I left for work today, he asked him looking
very worried.
Johnson started crying again.
Ibrahim, noticed the mark on his face, it had not cleared fully.
” Ahmed, what happened to your face? He asked Johnson.What happened to his face, he asked me
looking very worried and surprised.
I stood still, almost crying again, I couldn’t believe I slapped my own son out of anger that way. I
regretted why I did.
“Mommy, slapped me on my face”, Johnson said.
Ibrahim, turned to look at me. My heart started panting.
“Is that true?” He asked me.
I kept mute, he turned to Johnson.
“Did mommy truly slap you?”
“Yes”, Johnson replied.
“What did you do?”
“Because, I didn’t want to go to church with her”, he answered.
“Is that true?” Ibrahim asked me again.
I didn’t really mean to slap him that way, I said with tears in my eyes, I could feel Johnson’s pain, I wish I
didn’t slap him.
“Wow, you didn’t really mean to, and now his body is very hot here”, he shouted at me angrily.
I touched Johnson’s body, it was even hotter.
“If anything happens to my son, you will see, he shouted on top of his voice angrily.
Don’t talk to me, like I’m wicked person, I’m his mother, I don’t know what came over me that made him
slap him up to that extant, I said with tears dripping from eyes.
“Yes, you are! This is more than wickedness, just because he refused to follow you to your church! Did I
ever do such to him when he was following you to your church? What you have done is child abuse and
if anything happens to my son, I will sue you to court for that”, he said with so much anger.
Johnson, I’m sorry okay, noting will happen to you I said, petting him.
I opened another paracetamol tablet, I forced him to take it, not up to one minute, Johnson wasn’t
breathing normally again, the paracetamol hanged in his throat or so.
Ibrahim was watching him, I walked up to him shouting “Johnson!, Johnson!!, in fear. Johnson please
talk to me, please, I said crying.
“So now you want to kill my only child?” Ibrahim said angrily, his eyes were red.
Please, do not say such okay, I’m his mother, I won’t kill my own child, God for bid! Johnson will not die
God forbid, I said crying, I rushed to my room to take my anointed oil before I came to the living room
Ibrahim had taken him to the car, I rushed to enter the car and he drove to the hospital.
Johnson, was admitted in the hospital. The doctor assured us he will be okay, after three days Johnson
was discharged, I went on my kneels thanking God.
I accepted things the way it were after that day, I allowed Johnson to practice his daddy religion freely.
There was peace after then.
One day something came to my mind saying…
You have tried your best to change your husband and son to Christians but it failed, you don’t have the power to do such unless God intervene
I thought of it, it was true i started praying to God to have mercy on me for not bringing up a godly
home in Christ and for God to also change Johnson and his father.
After a long while I made up my mind to fast for seven days, for God to change Ibrahim and Johnson, I
went on dry fasting, I took it very seriously.
On the fourth day of my fasting was when Ibrahim travelled for a business trip, he was into some
business. Me and Johnson both saw him up to the airport at Ikeja before he left that day.
One the seventh day I completed my fasting, was when harm robbers broke in to our house. That was
when I went into coma.
Now let me continue from where I stopped earlier in my story.

To be continued.


To be continued.

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