Four years of my marriage…..
I was in my room with my four years old son Johnson. Johnson hadn’t slept , he kept jumping all around
the room playing. He asked me to buy him something i can’t remember. Johnson is a boy, if you don’t
reply him he won’t let you rest, so I told him I didn’t have money because I wasn’t ready for his talks.
Johnson, ran to where I kept some money took part of it and said “mommy is this not money.”

I took it from him, put it back and carried him on the bed to sleep. Not up to five minutes armed robbers broke
into the house. They came into my room where me and my son where. I was told to keep quite. I was
very sacred.

They took most of my expensive jewelries , my husband expensive wrist watches and the
money that was in the room. It was as if they knew where we kept most of the expensive things in the
room, because they went straight to those places without asking question. Their faces were covered,
they were three .

All this was happening around 1:10am, on a sunday.I kept mute as i was told to do so
lying on the floor. I saw Johnson running out of the room, son! son!! son!!! I shouted even though I was
told to keep mute, but he didn’t answer me. In a twinkling of an eye I didn’t see Johnson, before I could
shout ‘son’ the fourth time, on of them came rubbed something on my arm and shot me on that spot, i
passed out there.

My blood brother, who was in the house at that time but in a different room, was the one who took me
to the hospital.
I went into coma for three days.


The world of coma was a different world, as I found myself in a land full of green tress. “It was a green
pasture indeed.”

I kept on walking, then I found a swing and i sat on it. I heard beautiful voices singing , could this be
heaven? I thought. I was so immersed with all I was seeing until I later realized myself. I remembered
Johnson. Where is my son? I shouted. I kept running, I must have been running for twenty minutes
when I heard a male voice.

“Hello dear, where are you running to? This is a place of peace, who is pursuing you?
“I want to see my son” I said. The male voice laughed.
I started to cry.

“I want to leave here”, I kept on saying. The male voice said “don’t cry young lady be calm you will love
here.” “I can never love here” I said, “I want to go and see my son” I cried out. The male voice said if you leave here it’s weather you go to heaven or you return back to your body. Where is my body? I asked.

The male voice said look left and down. Lo and behold I saw my body in the pool of my blood, supported
with life machine, I saw my parents, siblings, loved ones, church members, at my side praying for me.
I screamed, “mommy!”The male voice laughed and said “they can’t hear you, you only can hear and see

Please take me back, i said. But he laughed and said “I can’t, am happy you are here I won’t be
lonely” . I turned around to see if he had come out from where he was hiding or talking from but he

“Hey man, come out from where you are so i can see you” I said. The male voice replied saying
“No, I love to be where I’m, I have been here for the past 7 months now”. I was shocked. Is this how I
will be here for a long time? I sat down, crying. The male voice said ” you don’t need to cry. You can go
to see anyone you wish to but you will still return here.”

I want to see my husband and son. Where is the way out?
The male voice laughed and said, “just think about where you want to be and you will appear there.”
Hmmmmm, i said.

I thought of my son, Johnson. Lo and behold I appeared to where he was. He was sitting quietly on a
sofa chair with a man, sipping his favorite soft drink . He looked so calm. I thought Johnson was going to
shout “mommy” on seeing me but he didn’t, then I realized I couldn’t be seen . son! son!! son!!! I kept
shouting but he didn’t hear me.
The next day,


The next day, I was in my house. I walked into my room I saw my own blood on the floor. I took a
picture of me, my husband and my son placed on the wardrobe. I sat on my bed crying. “Will I still see
you Johnson? where are you? “. I cried out bitterly. Then, I heard two voices, male and female. The noise
was coming from another room -Mariam’s room(A relative of my husband). I walked into the room, i
saw Maraim and our gateman having sex. I was surprised. I cried the more. “Could Maraim be
responsible for all that’s happening”? I asked myself.

I left the room still crying. I heard someone
knocking the gate, the person must have been knocking for long, before Musa the gateman heard and
came out “who dey there?, you won break my oga gate?, why you dey knock like that, na your house
you dey?” He opened the gate angrily. It was my father in-law.

Musa went on his kneels begging-“oga I
take God beg you no vex, oga abeg, I dey lie down for ground for you”- My father in-law didn’t reply.

He just went back into his car. Musa opened the gate for him to drive in. His driver drove the car in and
parked at the garage in the house. At this time, I saw Maraim walking out, she was shocked on seeing
him, but he didn’t notice it.”Daddy mi ekasan”,she said. “Ba wo ni”? He replied. “mo wa ok, daddy”,she
said. He was heading in, when she said, “ah daddy anuty mi oti travel o “.

“Really! where did she travel
to?” he asked. ” o losi ehnn……. She tried speaking english.

“She go her parent house with her son” she
said. “oh mi o m. Why is her number not reachable too?” He asked.
“Ha Aunty mi she los her phone before she travel, she tell me when she buy new one she go call me.”
She said.

“Why is your number not going through also?” he asked her. “Battery phone mi o ti baje.” I could see my
father in-law relieved of tension, as he counted some amount of money and gave it to Maraim. She
collected it happily. “Oshey sir, modupe sir”,she said dancing.

“I know she is fine, thanks to Allah”, he said. He entered his car and the driver drove off. I cried bitterly, I
wished I could tell my husband all that happened at that moment. What Maraim did shocked me. She is
someone i was so nice to.
I kept crying. Then i saw Musa grabbed Maraim at the back and they went in.

I went back. I heard the male voice again.
“Where did you go to?” I didn’t give an answer. “I am not going to answer you until I see you.” I said. I
looked far away, I saw a tree , the leaves were falling. “Wondering why it is?” The male voice asked.
People are praying for you to wake up and once all the leaves have fallen, you will return back to your
body. I kept mute surprised.

After a long while, the male voice said sadly, “Look at that tree over there it is still full of leaves.” Only
few people are praying for me to wake up. Many do not know I’m in coma.” I felt pity for him. “Sorry for
that”, I said .

I appeared in front of my body in the hospital crying. I wanted to enter my body but I couldn’t. Lo and
behold, when I lifted up my head, i saw Maraim. What was she doing here? I asked myself. How did she
know I am in this hospital? I asked myself. Although she knew about the incident but she did not come
out of her room on that day. Maraim was trying to switch off the life support machine. Once that Is off,
I will not be able to return to my body.

Don’t do that please!!!!!!! I kept on saying-crying. But she was
still looking for where to switch it off.

Please Maraim don’t please!!!! I was crying bitterly. Don’t end my
life completely Maraim please, what have I done to deserve all this from you?. My tears were flowing
like a stream of water.


My tears were more than water already, dripping from my eyes. May be if I knew I won’t have married a
Muslim, may be all this won’t be happening now. I said. Was this a punishment for me? I asked myself
crying. Am not dead. I will wake up one day I know, I said . Don’t end my life Maraim. At this time she
was about to switch it off.
I accepted my fate.

Then I heard some people coming in. Maraim stopped and and sat down on the chair beside me
pretending to be praying for me.

My parents, siblings and other church members walked in, it was time for another prayer session for
me. Maraim greeted my mom. They first saw during my wedding. I kept looking around as Maraim left,
and they started praying. I could see my mom and sister crying. I left .Then, I heard the male voice
again. “Welcome.” He said. I didn’t reply to his greetings.

I sat down on the green grasses calmly looking all around, wondering when I will get back to the world.
Everywhere was so calm, i looked up, the sky looked so beautiful.
I saw a woman walking on a river, I also saw a boy of my son’s age or older than, just walking around.
My mind flashed back to my son, Johnson.

I must have stayed on that spot I was sitting for hours, when I heard a loud voice say, “Daughter go back
to your body.” I felt a force pulling be back. I was going, when the male voice who had always been
hiding talking to me came out. “Don’t leave only me”, he said. Thats all I could remember.

I coughed, my eyes were opened I first saw my mom. I could see the Joy on her face as she held me tight
to herself, thanking God I was awake.

Where is my son? Where is my husband? She didn’t answer me.
Even though she didn’t voice it out, I could see the look on her face saying, “so u still want to go back to
that family after all that happened to you?” I didn’t care I love my husband and my son.

For the past 4 Years, my mom was still against my marriage, she never came to visit me even when i
gave birth to my son Johnson. I was so depressed, only my sister and brother came, she never for once
visited my home.


That’s to tell you how my mom never loved the fact I am married to a Muslim family.
Let me tell you how it all started, before I continue from where I stopped.
I met my husband Ibrahim, when I was still in the university. I was a church goer and love Christ so
much. I never for once thought of getting married to a Muslim. I wanted to to marry a man who is a
Christian and has the fear of God in him. My dream was to raise a godly home and godly children in

Then as fate will have it, Ibrahim came my way one day, offered to ride me to school, we exchanged
contacts in his car.
We started seeing each other, going out, I was already falling in love with him already when he asked
me to be his girlfriend and I accepted happily. He was in his final year in the university, I was in my
second year.

When I finally graduated, he proposed to me and I accepted happily. He had been wanting to know my
mom and dad since but I never introduced him to them, because I was scared, I knew my mom
especially won’t want me to marry a Muslim at all.

Although I had met his parent like up to four times,
they believed I was a Muslim, as that was the lie Ibrahim told his parent so they could love me. Those
times I visited his parent I was always on the hijab, which he bought for me the first day I was to go see
his parent.His parent loved me so much , especially his dad.

I had to put up courage to introduce him to my own parent after he proposed to me.
We were both in the car, he was driving to come see my parent after like 3 hours or so we arrived at my
parent’s house. We both came down, walking in to my parent house. A lot of things were running
through my mind at that moment.

First person who we saw was my mom. She turned back to look at him. He greeted her well she replied
to his greeting well also.

My mom knew he is my husband to be, as I had informed her a day before we came that I will be
introducing my husband to be to her. She was so happy seeing him.
“You are welcom. Have your seat”, she said.
We both sat down on the same chair in the living room.
I saw my mom was okay by him, as he is a very well to do man.

First three questions my mom asked was his name, his religion and his state. My mom had always
warned me many times when I was still younger never to marry a man who wasn’t a Christian. Her face
changed when he told her he is a Muslim. what’s my mom going to do now, I asked myself, as I feared.


What’s my mom going to do now. I asked my self, as I feared.
“Boy, leave my house! I can’t let you marry my own daughter, the darkness can not comprehend the
light, my daughter i of the light, she is a Christian.

” I was so shocked at my mom statement. My mom
always referred to anyone she could give birth to as a “girl” or “boy.”

I was dumbfounded, in all my life I
had never seen my mom spoken that way to anyone. That’s to tell you how much she didn’t want us to
be together.

Ibrahim was kind of a proud person, he didn’t have pride though he hated insult or embarrassment. And
whenever he was angry it took time for him to forgive and forget. I remembered times when I was still
in the university then if he picked offence at anything I did he won’t call or chat me for days sometimes
even more than two weeks.

Don’t be angry, don’t be angry I said to him, but he kept on walking away from my parent house. Please,

I didn’t even know what to say as I was crying. He entered into his car. “Leave so I won’t hit
you.” He said. And before I could say a word he drove off with a high speed. God save him don’t let him
have an accident. I said in my mind. I stood crying, recalling what my mom always told me then. “Don’t
you dare go into any relationship with any man if he is not a Christan, and even though he is, make sure
he is a worker in the

God will direct you to the right man. I know what I’m saying you may not understand now.”
My father wasn’t a devoted christian when he and my mom met. When they got married he started to
go to church every Sundays and evening services also. My dad stopped going to church when I was
fifteen years old I think, yes. My mom faced a lot in her marriage, she didn’t want the same for her

I decided to go in. I heard my dad questioning my mom why she sent the young man away. I didn’t
bother listening to the rest of their conversation but from the few things I over heard them saying my
dad wasn’t really against me getting married to Ibrahim.

Later that night I still could not stop crying, my pillow was soaked in tears like water was poured on it I
kept on blowing my nose on my bed sheet.

I came online on WhatsApp, I messaged Ibrahim he was online. I waited for like five minutes before I
checked my WhatsApp but no reply. Ibrahim will never reply my message when he was angry. I decided
to call him, I called up to fifteen times but he kept on hanging up.

He deleted the picture on his DP, it
was a pic of me and Ibrahim, we snapped the picture together he in the university on our first date. He
was reminding me of times we had together then two nights ago before he came to my patent house,
that was why he used the picture as his DP. Was he going to post another lady’s pic as his DP ? I thought
to myself. I also deleted my picture on my DP, I uploaded a pictures which said

"when love comes you love, but when love leaves you hate the love " .

I uploaded many sad pictures on Facebook.
Many people who saw my status were asking me what’s wrong but I didn’t reply any.
I decided to sleep at 11:53pm, but I couldn’t sleep. I was heart sick, i was love sick.

I hated the pains of
being heart broken. I was first heart broken when i just graduated from secondary school.

I was processing admission into the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta to study microbiology, my dream course.

My dad chose the university for me the day I brought my jamb form home for him to fill it
for me, being it my first time I didn’t really know what to fill in it. My mom was the one who took me to
where I registered for my jamb, because my dad wasn’t really in support of me sitting for jamb that
same year I graduated from secondary school.

To my dad surprise I made my first jamb my parent were so happy. Later on my waec result was out I
made it also, my parents were so happy. I joined the aspirant group chat on Facebook. I met this
particular guy online, we were both aspiring for the same university . He added me and I accepted. He
asked me if I had the past questions for post jamb, I sent the ones I had to him. He introduced himself
to me as Juan.

As time went on we kept on chatting. I always replied to his messages late due to a lot of guys I do chat
with online both the ones I knew and the ones I didn’t. Let me say like 80% of them asked me to be their girlfriend but I kept rejecting them. I wasn’t the type who loves easily.

Things started to become different between me and Juan as I noticed I started liking him. To cut the long
story short we started dating. He was so caring, loving, nice, romantic, lively good at giving advice
,responsible, sensible, a church goer and quite wise too. I noticed all that online.

Tell me who will see that kind of guy and won’t love him? I loved him, I made it known to all, mostly
other guys that I had someone. There were times when some will tell me “stay away from him he is a
player” I felt they said it out of jealousy because I refused to date them. I would forward all the chats to
him he will tell me ” don’t worry they will be the one to attend our wedding.”

I was so much in love with him. Juan made me trust and love him so much and I did love him. We had a
lot of fights during the relationship due to trust issues I didn’t know why but I didn’t trust him fully. Juan
told me of how he spent months in the hospital when his ex girlfriend broke his heart. I felt pity when
he told me all what he passed through.

“I know how it feels to be heart broken I can never break your heart. I love you.” He said that after he
narrated all to me. That made the trust increase more as I felt since he had felt what to be heart broken
is, he would not break my heart .

But I still had some doubt about him. Anytime we had
misunderstanding then he will always tell me “don’t talk when you angry, talk later when your anger has
gone off, don’t always assume things when you weren’t there to know if it happened or not, always be
patient in life.” He always said then.

We dated for 3months online.
We kept on chatting a day before our post jamb how it will be seeing each other the first time.
The next day was our post jamb the first time for us to see.
I was so excited.



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