MY MISSING GRANDMA 6 – 10 Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

MY MISSING GRANDMA 1 - 5 Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

MY MISSING GRANDMA – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

She gripped me so hard by the neck and lifted me up with it. Her face shone as bright as the sun.

‘Melody! ‘ My dad called.

She immediately flung me aside and looked at my dad, then her slaves.

‘How come? How the hell did it happen?? ‘ she queried.

‘I don’t know, I’m innocent ‘ They chorused, shivering.

She raised her hand in anger towards her slaves and they all turned into frogs. She turned again and started walking towards my dad when Casper appeared from nowhere with a cup of water and poured it on her. She fell directly to the ground screaming.Casper must have gone through the secret book cos I had left it in the room. My dad ran towards me trying to help me up and saying something but I couldn’t hear him. His lips were moving but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. I tried telling him I wasn’t hearing him but I could neither speak nor hear. The lady witch had turned me into a deaf and dumb. I got up, ran into the castle to look for a rope and luckily I found one.I went into the room and took Mira , brought out the rope and gave it to my dad and gave him signs that the lady witch should be tied up.We looked up and saw the other witches approaching on their horses from far away. I ran back into the castle and lit it up to burn. By the time I got outside the other witches were already very close. Then Casper had already assembled everyone, they stood forming a circle while Casper stood in the circle with the secret book in his hand.My father was giving me signs for me to hurry up.As soon as the witches rode into the compound Casper and the rest vanished,including my dad and the lady witch,leaving just Mira and i.

The witches came down from their horses and walked up to me.One took me by the hand and tied my two hands together and held the rope.He sat on his horse including the rest of them and they made me walk after them while they rode on their horses.I looked back and saw the castle on fire and I smiled.

We journeyed for hours and finally arrived in a small town.The man who held the rope took me to his house and locked me up in a room with Mira.

The following morning the man came into the room and started talking to me but I couldn’t hear him still and also could not speak.He went back and then returned with a pen and a paper.He wrote on the paper ‘Welcome to the land of witches,everyone here is a witch.The only thing that can save you is for you to become one so,are you ready?’

I wrote ‘Never’.

Then he wrote ‘You have 36 hours to make up your mind.By the time I’m back here and your mind is not made up,you’ll be sl@ughtered publicly.’

He went out of the room slamming the door.

After like 24 hours a servant finally brought food.I ate a little and also fed Mira.After the 34th hour a little girl of my age opened the door.She was with a piece of paper and a pen in her hand.I wondered how she knew that I couldn’t speak.She handed me the piece of paper and the pen..

She wrote ‘we are all witches here but I’m not proud to be one.I can help you escape if you want.There’s an old woman very close to our town who can help take care of you and also lead you home.She also does a little magic,you can stay with her’

I wrote ‘I’ll be very grateful’

‘She helped me up and I carried Mira in my palms.We made it out of their compound and soon arrived on a very lonely path.Before we knew what was happening some men dressed in black with birds sitting on their shoulders appeared.One approached, gripped the girl who helped Mira and I out of their house by the neck so hard,she immediately started ble eding from the nose and mouth and became life less in few seconds..

To be continued!

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites



As soon as they saw a woman sitting on a white flying bird all dressed in white and flying towards us, they fled.She stopped, made me sit on the bird and we left for her place.

When we arrived her place she made me feel so comfortable. She quickly made something for me to eat, I had a bath and then a change of cloth.

Later at night she came into my room with a piece of paper and a pen.

She wrote : ‘I know you can’t speak, but what’s your name? ‘

She handed the paper over.

‘My name is Melody ‘

She wrote : ‘Where are you from? ‘

I told her.

She wrote : ‘I’m Bernice.’

I wrote : ‘Who are you? And why did you save me? ‘

She wrote : ‘Well like I wrote before I’m Bernice. I live here all alone but I’m not a witch. My father used to do magic but I learnt some from him before he passed.’

I wrote: ‘How come the witches saw you and they fled? ‘

She wrote : ‘Well, when you flash a light into the dark it disappears’

I wrote : ‘OK. You do magic? ‘

She wrote ‘Just a little ‘

I wrote : ‘Can you please make me speak and hear again? ‘

She wrote : ‘I’m sorry, that’s going to be a little difficult. Only the lady witch who made you deaf and dumb can heal you. Even if I try it’s never going to work’

I wrote : ‘But.. She was taken away by my friend  and the people she once turned into zomb ies,I don’t know if she’s still alive. So what do I do? ‘

She wrote : ‘The lady witch is dead, she was behe@ded by her husband the King’

I stood up.

I wrote : ‘what? So what is my fate? ‘

She wrote : ‘I really don’t know. She’s the only one who can undo the spell she casted on you ‘

I wrote : ‘I have her book of secrets. Can I use it? ‘

She wrote :’What? How did you get it? ‘

I explained everything to her.

She wrote ‘Yes you can use the book but you need to be very careful with it cos that book habours all their secrets’

Then I brought Mira out from my breast pocket.

I wrote : ‘Meet Mira. She’s my best friend. She used to be a horse till the lady witch turned her into a rat’

She wrote : ‘It’s beautiful. But I can do this one, I can turn her back into a  horse’

I looked at her with excitement written all over my face. She collected Mira and put her on the floor. She then raised her two hands into the air with her eyes closed. After like 5 seconds I watched how Mira transformed from a rat into a horse. I  grabbed  Mira by the leg, kissed her and held her head very close to my heart with tears rolling down my face . I walked up to Bernice and gave her a tight hug.

She wrote : ‘I’ll show you your way home tomorrow ‘

I hugged her again, smiling.

I wrote ‘Thank you Bernice, you’re a Godsent ‘

The next morning we set out. I rode on Mira Bernice rode on her horse too. We reached somewhere very close to my town, we stopped.

Bernice wrote : ‘I’m going to turn back now Melody,thats your town over there’

‘Thank you ‘ I wrote.

We left waving at each other. I finally got to my town then went straight home. But on my way before I got home my town was looking somehow deserted and when I got to my house, it’s been burned down. What happened?  I thought.

I rode to my aunt’s house it was also burnt down. I went from there to my friends house same thing. I was seeing the palace from where I stood then I rode there. When I got to the palace there were no palace guards, no maids, just the king sitting on his chair looking so frightened when he saw me. I walked towards him and he got up. he was trying to say something but I couldn’t hear him.I gave him a sign to write down whatever he had to say. He went into his room and brought a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote down all that happened.He told me how he behe@ded the lady witch and that a new witch had come into  town, terrorising people and had k1lled some of them and took the rest away.  I was so shocked and surprised. I took Mira and rode straight to where the king had told me to go in search of my family members. It was a very beautiful castle, newly built. I couldnt wait for the king to tell me who built the castle cos I needed to see my family and whoever it was that held my family and the rest of the people captive.

When I got to the castle my family members ran towards me, all looking so lean and pale including my dad. I had a piece of paper and a pen in my pocket. I brought it out and asked my father who the new witch was. He pointed at someone standing far away, backing us. I was trying to walk up to him when my mom dragged me back but I proceeded.As soon as I arrived his place the witch turned swiftly and looked at me. Behold, it was Casper…

To be continued…

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites



That moment when I saw his face I wished I could speak,i wished I could tell him all I had in mind. I wished I could just rip him apart with words.

‘See who we have here, Melody! Glad to know that you made it out here Alive’  He said.

I brought out a piece of paper and a pen..

I wrote : ‘Casper what are you doing? I don’t understand. Are you P0ssessed or something?  Why are you k1lling the innocent and burning houses? Who gave you such powers to destr0y? ‘

I handed the paper over.

‘Oh, you can’t speak? The lady witch must have costed a spell on you.Well while locked up in her castle before you came I always admired her powers secretly. I was always wishing I could someday possess such powers you know, command the high and mighty, make people do things my own way, be in charge, it’s so sweet Melody. The day I saw the book of secrets with you I started devising a means to either steal it or forcefully take it. Well if you don’t mind, I can help cast out the spell so you can be able to talk and hear again just for old times sakes. ‘ He wrote with pomposity.

He disappeared and reappeared with the book of secrets. He opened it and then read out something, I felt this very hot air inside my ear.

‘You’re free Melody’ He said.

‘I can talk? ‘ I asked.

I was so excited to be able to talk again  but I wasn’t OK with the situation on ground.

‘Casper I’m so very disappointed in you. Hand me over the book please, I found it first ‘ I said with a commanding tone.

‘Join me Melody, let’s rule together ‘ He said

‘May God forbid. I would rather d1e than join you in perpetrating evil Casper’ I thundered.

“Very well then’ He said

Then he sent for my little sister. He gripped her by the neck and twisted it, my sister fell life less to the ground. I ran to him and grabbed his shirt but he gave me a thunderous slap and I fell on my back.

‘You’re a m0nster Casper, I shouldn’t have trusted you ‘  I said amidst tears.

He commanded a rope from nowhere and I got tied up to a tree inside the castle.

‘Just join me let’s rule, and be free ‘ He said

‘Never! ‘ I replied.

He left and went into the castle. I watched as some people c@rried my sister away to be bur ied. Grandma was right, I shouldn’t have started this journey the first place. I thought to myself. Mira was standing beside me. I looked at her..

‘Mira I know you can hear me. Can you please go back to Bernice? I don’t even know if I’ll make it out alive. Once she sees you she’ll understand ‘ I said with teary eyes.

Well Mira heard me. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her out of the castle. Later at night I was locked up in a room and then brought out after two days. Mira returned but without Bernice. Maybe Bernice didn’t understand the message when she saw Mira or Mira couldn’t find her way,I thought to myself. I was tied to that same tree two days after, Casper was standing before me.

‘I’m so sorry for all you’re going through Melody, please join me let’s rule. ‘ He said.

‘Over my de@d body. You disgust me Casper’ I said.

Then an old woman entered into the castle through the gate,we could see her from afar. She approached us and knelt before Casper.

‘Please my child, Allow me stay Here in your castle.I lack food and shelter. I can stay here and do just anything as long  as I have a roof over my head’ The old woman begged.

‘I’m sorry old woman, you can’t stay here’. Casper said

‘Please I beg you, don’t push me away ‘  The old woman begged again

‘OK then. But, as a cleaner’ Casper said looking away.

‘Thank you my child, I’m grateful. ‘

‘I’m not your child, simply say yes my lord ‘ Casper instructed.

‘Yes, my lord ‘  The old woman said bowing her head.

Casper called two of his slaves and the old woman was taken away into the castle.

Some three days later, the old woman came into the room where I was locked up for clean up.

‘All will be well dear Melody’.  She said backing me.

‘Amen. But who are you? ‘  I queried.

She turned and then removed the thick veil over her head.

‘Bernice!!! ‘ I called, in shock..

To be continued…

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites



‘I can’t believe this. Oh Bernice I’m so glad you’re here’ I said giving her a hug.

‘I know you must have gone through a whole lot, so sorry for all you’re going through ‘ Said Bernice.

‘He wants me to join him in k1ll1ng and tortu ring innocent people but I just can’t ‘ I told Bernice

‘You won’t OK? But you’ll need to do Something for me. When next he asks you to join him in ruling the town just pretend like you’ve consented. Then we’ll know how to start making our own plans’ said Bernice

‘OK then’ I replied

The following day I was brought out of my room and I went straight to him and told him that I was now interested in ruling with him. That day he threw a mini party, treated me to a nice meal and gave my family a better room to stay. I was now having something good to wear, nice meals,and one of the best rooms to stay.

On the third day he sent a message across to the witches and told them that he had a new person who wanted to join them and that they should be around for the initiation. When he told me about it I almost fainted cos at that point I totally ran out of ideas, then I ran to Bernice’s room. I told Bernice about Casper’s plan.

‘I have a plan. They don’t initiate any woman who’s on her monthly flow. So what we’ll do is, We’ll make it look like you’re on your flow on that day. ‘ Said Bernice

‘I wonder what I would have done without you ‘ I said, giving her a hug.

They brought me out on that day and I stood before them while One of them addressed..

‘We welcome you to this family. Today is your initiation and it may interest you to know that we do not initiate any woman on her monthly flow… ‘

I didn’t even wait for him to finish his speech when I cut in.

‘I am on my monthly flow. I’ll be very glad to become one of you but you need to give me just few days.After few days I’ll tell my lord here (pointing at Casper) to summon you all again. ‘ I said bowing my head.

They looked at each other and then made me excuse them. After few minutes I saw them leaving the castle.

Two days later Casper called me into his chamber and told me he wanted to elim1nate the king and take over the whole town,i was shocked but I had to pretend as if I was in support of it so as not to make him suspect anything.

He summoned the King and he made him stand before everyone present. He brought out a very shiny sword and then behe@ded the King right before us all.Then he announced that he would be taking over as the King the next day.

On the next day he sent for the King’s throne. That throne had been passed on from generation to generation. If a new King is selected in my town he would be made to sit on that same throne first so as to confirm his rulership.His Co witches were present too. Then he came forward to give a speech before sitting on the throne. I was standing next to Bernice. She whispered..

‘A child who is not up to 18 does not sit on the throne of a King, especially if he is responsible for the de@th of that same King. It is forbidden ‘

‘How do you know this? ‘  I queried

‘My father was a kingmaker. I’m very sure that these witches are too busy with their ev1l deeds to know what’s forbidden and what’s not. Let him sit on it, it will mark the beginning of his downfall’ Bernice replied

After Casper was done giving his speech, he sat on the throne..

To be continued..

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites



As soon as Casper sat on the throne, he was struck by lightn1ng and could no longer get up. At first he was forcing himself up but after few seconds he started shouting for help.

‘Help!  Please help!! He begged

One of his Co witches who had already noticed what was already happening hurried to him and started conversing with him silently. He tried all his powers to help him get up but nothing seemed to be working.People were already mumbling and murmuring.

Then Bernice went forward from the crowd and stood beside Casper. The witch that was with Casper raised his head and looked at Bernice.

‘How dare you come forward and stand beside him? Now get out from here before I pop out your both eyes’ He said.

Bernice who always dressed in white had been wearing all black ever since she came around cos she was disguising. She took off those black clothes she had on and then removed the thick veil over her head. The witch with Casper was the first that saw her.

‘No! No!! Run!!! Bernice, Bernice is here. He took off and the other witches on seeing her, took to their heels while some vanished.

Everyone was in shock.

Casper turned and then looked at Bernice.

‘Are you Bernice? I’ve heard so much about you. Please help me get out of this throne.

‘No Casper, your time is up. You betrayed Melody that once helped you.She trusted you but you betrayed her trust. Melody please come’ Said Bernice.

I went to them. Bernice asked me to tell her the kind of judgement I wanted for Casper. I asked Bernice to help him get up from the throne but he should immediately be tied up. After Casper was tied up, I asked him where he had kept the book of secrets. He was reluctant at first but later surrendered. He had hid it in a rock. We went with him to the rock, broke it and then brought out the book.

The following day Bernice went with me to the land of witches. We destroyed everyone of them and everything with  the help Of the secret book.

‘May this whole town be cleansed and devoid of pain, sorrow, hardship, torture and everything bad for the human race ‘ I said then Bernice lit up the book and got it destroyed.

We came back home and I got Casper publicly behe@ded.

Then I became the new ruler and I ruled with Bernice and we lived happily ever after.

Today is my 50th birthday and we are also celebrating the peace, tranquility, the serenity, and the development.

A moment of silence for Bernice whom we lost few years ago.

The end!

Thanks so much for reading.


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Lady May
Lady May
1 year ago

Great and courageous story!!! Keep up the great work. Blessing-Enejo