MY MISSING GRANDMA 1 – 5 Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

MY MISSING GRANDMA 1 - 5 Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

MY MISSING GRANDMA – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

There was a lady witch in my village, she used to be the wife of our king but she was introduced into witchcraft by God knows who and ended up kill1ng our King’s elder sister all because she challenged her. And once you k1ll someone in my village you get k1lled in return but being the wife of a king, he couldn’t watch her been k1lled so he banished her instead.

She went far into the forest, built her castle and started to live there all alone together with her bird. She started terrorising our village, she comes around every 12 pm with her bird sitting on her left shoulder then leaves around 3pm.Whenever she comes around she takes along with her whoever or whatever she sees, be it a human or an animal. All the villagers are always locked in their houses whenever she’s around and the few people she has taken away with her are never found or returned.

My name is Melody. My family consists of my aged grandmother, my two siblings,my mom and my horse Mira. My dad was taken away by the lady witch a year ago on his way back from work.

We all had dinner together one night and we all bade each other goodnight.The next morning my mom woke my siblings and I for school but grandma was still asleep when we left. We usually leave for school around 7:30am to be back by 10 :30am and all return home before the lady witch strikes. We returned home after school same time with my mother who had gone to the market but couldn’t find grandma. We searched everywhere for her but still couldn’t find her then we returned home few minutes to 12 pm.

Few minutes past 3pm when the lady witch had gone we continued our search but found her walking stick and her glasses somewhere in the woods we immediately knew that the lady witch had taken her. That night my mom couldn’t eat, she was drowning in her own tears. I laid on my bed thinking about the whole thing. The lady witch took my dad away, am I going to just sit here and allow her go away with grandma again just like that?  Hell no.

The next day very early in the morning I took Mira and we went in search of grandma. We got to where we had found her glasses and walking stick, called on her severally but no response. Mira and I were in the woods for hours searching for her, then all of a sudden there was this loud ‘neighhhh ‘ coming from Mira, she was shouting at the top of her voice.

‘Mira will you just keep quiet and allow me concentrate?  What is it?? ‘ I thundered.

Then I looked closely at Mira and discovered that she wasn’t even looking at me, she was looking at something behind me. I turned slowly and there she was, the lady witch standing behind me.

‘What are you Ant doing here at this hour? Have you forgotten it’s my time?? ‘ She said calmly, smiling and  romancing her index finger.

‘I’m here with my horse in search of my grandma.You took my father a year ago and there’s no way I’m going to allow you take my grandmother too, no way! ‘ I said looking at her.

‘You are here to challenge me? ‘ she said bursting into laughter.

‘You think I’m afraid of you? You’re just a silly witch who knows nothing but to destroy others joy and happiness ‘ I said in anger.Mira couldn’t believe her ears at all I said to the lady witch, she kept staring at me while her jaw dropped.

‘I see. I will teach you never to disrespect an elder ever again.And to think that you have the audacity to insult me? ‘ she thundered.

She raised her hand into the sky and

everywhere became cloudy all of a sudden.Then a rope from nowhere appereaed in that same hand. She pointed it at me and the rope tied me up itself. The lady witch carried me up with just a hand, up above her head. Then she started walking to God knows where. She looked back and saw Mira who was still standing and trying to comprehend all she had just witnessed. The witch snapped her other finger and Mira followed in no time, we proceeded again..

To be continued!

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites



Finally, we arrived at her castle. She opened a room and dumped me inside untied,then she left Mira outside under a tree close to the window to the room where she had dumped me then she shut the door.I got up as soon as she dumped me in and started banging the shut door without mercy.

‘Melody? ‘ A voice called.

I looked back and Lo and behold, it was my grandma. ‘Grandma’ I said.I ran to her and gave her a hug.

‘How did you get here? ‘ I asked

‘I was taken a stroll yesterday when you guys left for school then got lost in the woods. I tried all I could to get home before the lady witch came hunting but couldn’t find my way home.Then she came and forcefully brought me here. And you, what are you doing here? ‘ She asked with fear written all over her face.

‘We couldn’t find you so Mira and I came out into the woods to look for you but only found your walking stick and your glasses. We were there when the witch came hunting’ I replied.

‘Melody, you shouldn’t have risked your lives to go out there in search of me, I’m a 92 year old woman for crying out loud. What if something happens to you and Mira? You’re just too young for this’ she lamented.

‘Grandma, nothing is going to happen to us. We are all going to get out of here’ I said to her. Then I noticed a boy of my age sitted by the corner of the room. I looked at grandma and asked ‘Who is he? ‘

Grandma smiled ‘His Name is Casper, and he’s such a good boy ‘.

I walked up to him and stretched forth my hand for a handshake ‘ Hey Casper, I’m Melody’ I said.

He shook my hand ‘Nice to meet you Melody’ He said.

‘What brought you here and How long have you been here?’ I asked

‘Well I went home to my friends house after school one day and couldn’t make it to my own house on time. The lady witch came hunting, saw me and then brought me here.I have been here for 11 days. ‘ He answered.

’11 long days?  How do you intend to get out of here? ‘ I queried.

‘Well I have since quenched my thirst for freedom. Let her do whatever she wants with me just like others ‘ he replied.

‘Others?  What does she do to them and where are they?’  I asked curiously.

‘Well she has a special place where she keeps those people, they come out every four days .Every four days is when her Co witches come to her to buy humans to be used as slaves, once she has brought you out more than 5 times and you don’t get a buyer she k1lls you immediately and use you to prepare her concoctions and if she likes you, she won’t k1ll you but you’ll be helping her prepare those concoctions and put them in a tiny bottle while she goes out to hunt for more humans ‘ He explained.

‘So, what about you and grandma, why did she separate you guys from the  others? And me? ‘ I asked.

‘Well, I have been the only one here since and I still don’t know why she separated us but her Co witches will be coming around tomorrow to buy humans.’ He replied. 

That night I sat close to grandma wondering what to do next when the door opened and a lady walked in with a plate of just three slices of bread and a cup of water for the three of us. It broke me when grandma told me she hadn’t had anything to eat since she was brought here, had to give out my own bread to her But she rejected it initially, had to force her to eat it. It broke my heart seeing Mira through the glass window lie down out there all alone in the cold. I shouldn’t have involved her in all of these.

The next day her Co witches came just like Casper had said. They were all dressed in black with a Black bird sitting on each witch’s shoulder and each witch rode on a black horse. The humans in the other room were all paraded and the same lady who had brought us bread the previous night opened the door to usher us out. I held grandma’s hand as we made our way out.

The witches checked the humans one after the other and two witches ended up buying two ladies.They walked up to us, my heart was nearly in my mouth. They checked us one after the other and left to be with their horses.

‘The boy and girl are two young, and the woman is too old. You can keep them for use ‘  One of them advised. Then one of them pointed at Mira .

‘I want that horse’ She said.

I watched as she and the lady witch started bargaining for Mira, the witch finally paid to have her. Grandma looked at me and gave me a signal to keep calm. But how possible is it to keep calm in all of these?  He walked up to Mira, and then commanded Mira to come with her and she obliged.If horse’s could shed tears Mira would have cried a full bucket of tears,she kept looking at me as they took her away.

‘Noooo ‘ I screamed and ran after the witch and Mira, but the witch stretched forth her hand and then a force suddenly hit me, carried me and slammed me on the ground.Casper came running to me and tried helping me get on my feet but I was so in so much pain. My grandma too hurried up to me and held me in her arms with tears rolling down her face.

‘Melody, you shouldn’t have started this journey the first place ‘ She whispered.

Then I raised up my head and saw the lady witch staring at me,then she turned her back and entered the castle.  I looked at those humans still standing outside without uttering a word and saw someone that looked like my dad from afar.

‘Dad? ‘ I called

To be continued!

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites



‘Dad? ‘ I called again.

Then my grandmother looked up to see who I was referring to.

‘Logan’ She called but he didn’t respond.

Seeing that person that looked so much like my dad made me regain my strength. I got up and grandma and I walked up to him and Lo and behold, it was him but looking so unhealthy.

‘Dad is that you? ‘  I said with my teary eyes then I gave him a tight hug. My grandma reached out too and gave him a tight hug but he didn’t even respond, utter a word or move an inch. He didn’t even look at us. Then someone  walked out from the castle and gave my dad and the rest a signal, they all turned, marched after him like little dummies.

‘Logan’ grandma called but he still didn’t respond while they marched into the castle. Grandma and I stood there dumbfounded then the same person who led them in came back and asked us to go into our room too. Then grandma and I left with Casper.

I sat in the room quietly,drowned in my own tears.Grandma too was in tears. Casper reached out to console us but we were too deep in thought and saddened to be consoled. That night the lady that brings dinner opened the door with a trey of God knows what. The food was looking so irritating with just a cup of water. After dropping the trey she turned back to leave but as soon as she opened the door I pushed her aside and ran out,i wanted to go in search of my dad.

‘Melody nooooo!!! ‘ I heard my grandma scream from afar but I proceeded.

There were so many rooms in the castle I didn’t even know where my dad would be kept. I heard footsteps then I hid under the stairs, then three ladies walk past me with treys of food. Could it be that they are on their way to dad’s room?  I thought to myself then I tiptoed and followed them. They arrived somewhere and then opened the door ajar and started dropping their treys, I sneaked in. I  sat on the floor quickly before they could notice. The ladies served my dad and the rest and me then they left. I noticed that my dad and the other people locked up in that room had their gazes fixed on just a place, all they did was scoop their food and straight into the mouth without even looking at it. I got up and walked to my dad, held his hand and said to him with tears Rolling down my face.

‘Dad, whatever they did to you you need not worry, I’ll surely get us out of here’.

He and the others didn’t even look at me, they continued eating.I was in that room for two nights cos there was no how to get out. Then in the night of the second day they brought dinner, opened the door ajar again and I sneaked back out.

I tiptoed through the corridor,raised my head and saw two men coming before me but there was nowhere to hide. I looked beside me, there was a door to one of the rooms. I opened it and went in. I was marvelled at what I saw. I  saw mighty shelves of plenty concoction bottles in different colors arranged in them. I went towards one of the shelves and I saw that the bottles also had tags on them. One Was written ‘destruction ‘,another ‘pain’,  then another ‘Command’… I went towards the door and opened it and walked out towards the main entrance of the castle. I was about opening the castle main door when I heard a voice.

‘How dare you? ‘

I looked  back and it was the lady witch. She held one of my ears and lifted me up with it, my legs were suspended. Then she slammed me on the floor. She immediately summoned all the people working there as slaves and pointed out the lady that served us in the room the night I escaped.

‘How did she get out? ‘ She asked her

‘My lady I’m so sorry, I was too scared to come tell you that the girl had escaped from the room. I was so afraid of your judgement, please forgive me ‘ she begged.

But the lady witch commanded one of the slave men to take her out to be made into different concoction bottles. Then I became so scared cos I didn’t even know what she would do with me. I really felt for the lady. She ordered another man to take me into my room.

‘Take her out of here till I think of what to do with her’ she ordered.

As soon as he opened our room door I saw grandma lying down with Casper sitted beside her crying. I ran towards her and then carried her head in my arms.

‘what happened? ‘ I asked Casper

‘She passed out and never woke up ‘  he said

‘She’s de@d’  The man who brought me in said, turned back and then went out of the room slamming the door.

I wept bitterly.

The next morning we were all summoned by the lady witch, I stood there weeping and staring at my dad. Grandmas lifeless body was then brought out.

‘Go dump the body somewhere Let the birds feed on it’ The lady witch ordered.

‘Never! ‘  I thundered. ‘My grandma must be buried ‘

‘oh really? ‘ she said turning to one of her slaves. Go bring her a shovel then, let her bury her de@d’ the lady witch ordered.

They brought a shovel and handed it over to me. I  collected it and looked at grandma lying lifeless on the ground. Then I looked at my dad who wasn’t even looking at me. Then the lady witch ordered the slaves to take my dad and the rest inside the castle but Casper refused to go in. He came to me and collected the shovel, we dug grandma’s grave together in turns, Just Casper and I.We dug from morning till late in the night, no food no water. We ended up digging a shallow grave. We dragged grandma on the ground into the grave and then covered it up. That night I made up my mind, if I don’t destroy this castle then my name is not Melody, I said to myself.

To be continued…

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites



Casper and I were led back into our room after we buried grandma. I told Casper about the concoction bottles I saw in that room I hid. I told him I needed to go back into that room that I had an unfinished business there.

‘But how do you intend to escape from here again to do that? ‘ He queried.

‘Somehow’ I replied.

‘Can I come with you, please? ‘ He begged.

I looked at him with a very broad smile on my face.

‘OK’ I replied.

The next morning we were all summoned and assembled by the lady witch again, it was her slave buying day. We went outside and her Co witches arrived in no time. They paraded as usual, ended up buying a man and two ladies. Then one of them walked up to us and grabbed Casper by the neck.

‘I want this one ‘ He said marching towards the lady witch and dragging Casper. They bargained and finally, Casper was taken away with them. At that point I felt like a part of me had left. I wept bitterly and couldn’t even swallow whatever it was that they served as food.

I was sitted by the corner of the room the next morning when I heard movements by the window outside. I peeped and couldn’t believe what I saw, it was Mira. I was so excited to see her. When she saw me too she started jumping up and down and started doing stunts of all sort.

‘Mira, you came back to me’ I said with teary eyes.

She started ‘neighhiiing’ (horse’s sound) even louder and louder out of joy. I kept on staring at her with smiles all over my face. I felt like breaking the window and run to her at that moment.

Then I saw someone walk out from the castle’s main door, it was the lady witch and this time she flew to Mira without walking. She looked at me and then at Mira.

‘Stup1d horse, You came back ‘ she said calmly.

‘Please, don’t do anything to her. ‘ I begged again Through the window.

She looked at me,and then at Mira. She raised her hand and pointed it at Mira.Before I knew what was happening she turned Mira into a rat. I screamed… I just don’t know why the lady witch chose to be so cru el.I should have made this journey alone without Mira, I thought to myself. She squatted and carried the rat in her palm and went back into the castle. I stood by the window drenched from my own tears.After few minutes a man opened my room door and dropped the rat on the floor then left. I hurried to it and carried it in my palms.

‘You’re still my Mira’ I whispered to it and it nodded.

That night for the first time I finished the food that was served cos I ate with the rat, my Mira. After dinner I sat with Mira in my palms and I narrated everything that had happened when she left and how I’m planning to rescue my dad so we can all go back home. Mira looked at me again and nodded. I wouldn’t be surprised if she understood all I narrated cos when it was a horse I used to speak to her and she would nod or do the ‘neigh’ sound.

I woke up the next morning and Couldn’t find Mira. I searched everywhere in the room, called her name but no response. I went hurriedly to the window and looked outside but Mira was no where in sight. I sat on the floor crying again. Should I just give up this fight and accept defeat? No way! I thought to myself.

After like an hour I heard a screeching sound by the window. I hurried up to check and it was Mira dragging a key. I quickly collected the key and carried Mira in my palms.

‘What key is this? ‘ I asked looking at her but she kept staring at me.

I still stood there wondering where Mira must have gotten a  key from. Then I walked towards the door and inserted the key into the keyhole, twisted it and the door came open…

To be continued!

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites



I closed and locked back the door immediately. I held Mira close to my chest and gave  her a very tight hug.

Later in the night I quietly opened the door again and I stepped out of the room with Mira. We walked gently on the corridor towards the room where those concoction bottles were stored.We finally arrived there,tried opening the door but this time it was locked. I stood before the door and tried to force it open to no avail. Then I looked behind me to tell Mira that we should go back and make another plan but I couldn’t find her. I looked everywhere she wasn’t there. I got scared and confused at the same time then I heard footsteps. I quickly ran under the staircase to hide and was there for few minutes. When I finally made up my mind to leave Mira ran past me, I tried calling her to come back but she ran towards that door again and stood there. I followed her there to carry her so we could go back into our room but I noticed that the concoction room door was slightly open. ‘How did Mira do it?’ I wondered.

We went in and I walked towards one of the shelves to properly check those tags written on the bottles.After spending close to two hours and couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for I looked at Mira and told her to help me find any bottle with the tag ‘antidote’ maybe we would see it. And if there’s nothing like that we would search again if there’s any bottle with the ‘freedom’ tag. Mira climbed the shelve and after few minutes I saw her struggling with a concoction bottle, then I whispered to her to throw it. She did as instructed and when I checked the tag it was written ‘spell breaker’. I gave Mira a thumb up and asked her to hurry down let’s go but she was still busy.

‘Mira, would you please climb down let’s get out of here before we get caught? ‘ I begged.

She started struggling with a book again.

‘Mira get out of there’ I said

Then she pushed down the book and it landed right before me. It was boldly written ‘My book of secrets ‘

I grabbed it, Mira climbed down and we left to our room. I checked the contents of the book and found the topic ‘how to break a spell’. I went through it and saw that I needed to put just a drop of the content in the concoction bottle I picked into the mouth of whoever is under a spell. And just as I was going through the book I read where it says ‘if I needed to free someone from the coven of witches I needed to make some written incantations in the book’.. I immediately thought of Casper then decided to try it out. I sighed, looked at Mira and closed my eyes. I stretched forth the book and started making those incantations to free Casper and few seconds after I was done Casper appeared.

I looked at Mira ‘It worked’ I said

Casper looked around ‘Melody? How the heck did you do that? ‘ He queried.

I smiled ‘well, my name is Melody’ I said.

I explained everything to him right there and asked him to wait in the room and Mira and I went towards the room where my dad was kept. When we arrived there I opened the book again and made some incantations and the door popped open. I went towards my dad, opened his mouth and put a drop of the content in the bottle in his mouth. After few seconds he turned and looked at me.

‘Me.. Me… Melody’ He called. ‘What are you doing here? ‘

I smiled and gave him a hug with tears rolling down my face. I explained everything to him, how grandma died and all. He wept bitterly and asked if I could also give the content in the bottle to the other people around. Then I started putting it in their mouth but my dad kept telling them quietly not to say anything.They were so happy they were going to be free. We made a plan, I told them in case the lady witch would summon everyone the next morning, they should all pretend as if they had not regained their freedom and they complied. I then returned to my room with Mira.

‘So what next? ‘ Casper asked.

‘Just watch’ I replied.

The next morning we were all summoned and assembled. I had read in the book where it says if you needed to destroy her, you spit in water and then pour it on her, it would render her powerless.Well I went Outside with a cup of water I had spit in and hid it behind me. I marched forward and stood before her with the cup water in my hands behind me.

‘You brat, your time is up’ She said with that scary voice of hers.

‘Not so fast, your own time is up. Well my name is sweet Melody, not a brat’ I said.

Then I brought the cup of water forward to pour it on her but the cup fell off my hand..

To be continued!


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Lady May
Lady May
1 year ago

Bravely and Courageous that’s Melody’s other names….

Good job Blessing-Enejo