MY GHOST BOYFRIEND (High school Teenagers)? Episode 1 by Ruthie Lee


Stacey’s Pov continues
“are you crazy how could you make me say that” I yanked at Jeremy
“I’m sorry okay, that was before I thought you wouldn’t help me ” he blurted
“you’re such an asshole a big one” I clerked and rolled my eyes
“I’m going to fix it okay” Jeremy said
“and how ” I said
“I’ll convince all the students that…
“I don’t care about what the other students think of me any girl could have said that, but what would Robby think of me, like I’m a slut or something” I yelled but not too loudly
“I’m so sorry Stacey I’ll try my best to fix it” he said with a frown and it got me more angrier
“no.. Don’t help me, you were only going to try your best, but I’m doing my best just stay away from me till the end of school” I said and walked back in the cafeteria, as I entered all eyes were on me but who cares as long as Robby doesn’t stare at me too..
But oh no. I was wrong he’s totally looking at me, but why is he smiling, oh goodness.. And why does he looks cute while smiling and why am I worried about that now..
I hurried to my ‘friends’i guess, and continued my food without letting out a word or saying anything to anyone..
“okay if you’re going to go with that, ” Tara said and faced her food,
After eating we all started to head back to class and Daniel awkwardly puts his hands around my shoulder and I just let him be.. On our way, Robby approached us, “hey” he said, and Sophie and Tamara started squeaking and smiling..
“hi Robby” they both said in unison and laughed..
“um.. Stacey, right.. “he said and I nodded
“can I talk to you like privately.. ” he said, oh no it’s happening my social life is over oh-vee-ee-arrr- over..
“s… Sure.. ” I said and removed Daniel’s hand from my shoulder and Robby smiled, Sophie and Tamara gave me a look I couldn’t read, I just followed Robby to quiet shady place..
“so… ” I said but my voice comes out very. Low.. Very very low..
“so about what you said today in the cafeteria ” Robby said, ah geez here we go again..
“yeah about that, I.. I didn’t know what came over me ” I said and swallowed hard “I really didn’t mean any of that” I added
“I’m ..i’m…not. mad at you or something, ” he said
“I know” I said
“but you’re acting.. Oh never mind, so are you free tonight” he asked
OMG it’s happening my social life is not over yet yippee
“yes I’m free like a tree” I said, oh goodness why did I just say that dumb joke, he’s not even laughing
‘but he’s smiling, focus Stacey a cute boy is talking to you’ my subconscious says and for once I listened to her..
“okay good, would you um like to go on a date with me tonight?” he said
“yes.. Of course” I said and smiled
“thanks,ill see at Lexy wind mill at eight ” he said and I nodded
“but Robb just so you know I really didn’t mean that sex thing I said ” I seethe
“yeah I know some girls just talk things they don’t want to when they’re with me ” he says proudly, talk about bragging..
“hmm-mhh” I nodded and walked away and so did her
I got to class and sat down quietly, “so, what did he say” Tamara said
“nothing, actually something but let’s not talk about it now ” I yanked
“you’re lucky you know you’re new and already hooking up with senior Robby” Sophie Said and Tara nodded..
“but we’re all seniors why are you guys calling him senior” I asked
“we just like being respectful to Robby ” Tara said
“could you girls just stop talking about Robby ” Phillip finches
“what are you jealous, ” Tara said and she Sophie laughed and I joined them
“of course I’m jealous, I’m more handsome than that dude” Phillip scorned
“yeah you wish” Sophie said and we burst into laughters..
School was over and I went home, on my way home Jeremy appeared beside me down the lonely road..
“what do you want” I tell him
“nothing, nothing at all I’m just so glad you finally have to help me” he said from grinning
“look JR do you really think that once you’ve solve all this mysteries about your ghostly stuff And all that you’re going to be human again ” I asked
“I’m hundred percent giving you a yes, cause don’t you get it, why would I have been wondering in that house for years, wouldn’t I have joined my family wherever they are, what I think is. I don’t think my time of death is close I think something’s getting more Fishy every day. And i have fifty fifty percent chance of believing that Natalie would know something” he says and yeah he does have a point..
“okay have you seen Natalie since then or now” I asked
“nah.. Still looking for her” he said
“well till then don’t bother me okay” .. I said
“why, won’t I bother you, you’re the only one who can See Me and the only one who I can talk too, so I can’t leave you alone ” he said and I rolled my eyes,
“heard you’re going on a date with Robby, hmm guess my possessing really paid off” he smirked
“you possessing me doesn’t have anything to do with Robby asking me out” I seethe
“yeah, right ” he said sarcastically
I went home feeling a bit tired but still happy, maybe I am lucky, Robby asked me out.. After eating dinner I went back to my room while Jack and Jace stayed downstairs playing..
I opened my closet and stared at my clothes, which cloth should I wear on our date. ..goodness I’m so excited about this date,.. I’ve never been on a date before. I picked out a blue moon dress and lay it on my bed “perfect” I squeak
I picked out one of my favourite black sandals and glanced at my table clock and it’s only 5:30pm and I still have like four or three hours to go.. I’m seriously freaking out cause Robby’s so hot.. Oh I can’t believe I just said that..
“Jesus Christ” I flinched as Jeremy appeared in front of me
“take it easy girl, I don’t bite” Jeremy said
“can you walk and not poof like a normal person” I yanked
“I’m not a normal person” he said and smirked
“whatever I need to rest to get ready for this date” I tell him
“really? About this date I have a really bad idea about this” Jeremy said, I moved my hair back dramatically and said “excuse me”
“I’m just saying Robby looks kind of.. I dunno.. Crude.. ” he snitched
“look Jeremy you better not sabotage my date or I’m going to kill you” I tell him through my teeth..
“oh.. I’m not sabotaging your date I think Robby is, do you even know maybe he’ll show up, what if he ditches yo why don’t you just stay home with me Robby might.
“just shut up Jeremy, shut up okay, Robby and I are going on a date tonight and no ghost, witch, magician or sorcerer is going to stop us ” I half yelled
“o. Kay” he said
“and just leave you make me mad” I say and he disappeared.. Good.. I quickly set my timer and took a nap..
At exactly 7:55pm my alarm went on and I woke up I quickly head to the shower and took a bath, I Ran back to my room and changed into my date dress I curled my hair again even though it’s super curly, I need to look good for Robby, I looked my self in the mirror and my subconscious tells me
‘gurrrrl.. You’re good to go’ smiled at my self grabbed my purse and head downstairs
“Jack, Jace!!! ” I call and they both came stumbling down the stairs
“why are you all dressed up” Jace said
“shut up, if mom comes home before me tell her I went.. on.. A date.. Okay!! ” I tell them and they twitched those identical eyes of theirs..
“okay” Jack said
“but who’s the lucky boy” Jace ask and laughed and Jack joined him, I groaned and walked out
“lock the door” I yell at I got outside..
I got to the place Robby said we should meet and there was no sign of him.. Oh god what if Jeremy was right, what if Robby ditched me, oh no..
I started to panic spacing back and forth but then I saw him coming, he looked cool as always nice and Robby-lish he smiled at me but his smile felt different but different in a good way, his smile seem very beautiful.
I smiled back and he walked closer to me.. “wow you look amazing” he complimented
“thanks” I said and and smiled,
He took me to a fabulous restaurant and the food to their was totes deli (delicious)
I could say The date went perfectly well if only Jeremy could appear so I can rub it in his too cute, face.. Okay for starters he kind of looks too cute for eighteen or.. Twenty eight.. I guess..
Robby started to walk me back home.. But stopped at a place, with a tall street light..
“so I’ve gotta go now, did you have fun” He said
“so much” I replied and he smiled
“that’s what I wanted to hear, ” he said, and started to lick his lips, his bottom lip!! The way Jeremy does which I hate like so much.. Oh my ghost.. Let it not be what I’m thinking..
“Jeremy” I called.. And he grinned nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.. It’s him.. I can’t believe he screwed this up for me too, he actually possessed Robby, what the hell..
“I knew it, I knew you’d do everything in your power to spoil my date with Robby cause you’re just too jealous” I yelled angrily my voice sounding very high since everywhere was dark and quiet..
“alright, you caught me but let me explain” he said
“dont explain anything to me ” I yelled, angrily, no wonder his smiles looked different and cute ugh..
“you’re just overreacting Stacey allow me to explain” he pleaded
“no Jeremy, I hate you ugh just get out of my life and just know my deal about helping you is off.. ” I said and started to walk away,
Robby or Jeremy whatever I can call him ran towards me and pulled me back.. And yelled
“could you just lemme talk, Robby wasn’t going to come so I posssesed him and came instead so he won’t hurt your feelings, I over heard him saying you’re to cheesy and gullible to his friends “..
Oh no I just heard the breaking of my heart..


stacey’s pov
Is Jeremy really telling the truth, was Robby going to ditch me..
“look I’m sorry..i eavesdropped on you and Robby conversation earlier and when he asked you on a date I couldn’t understand cause guys like him are hard to trust, so after escorting you back home from school, I followed him and he and his friends were going home and he was telling them how easy you were to deceive and how stupid you sounded like in the cafeteria, ..and I know it’s also kind of my fault and I’m so very sorry Stacey” he said, I wanted to slap him so hard, not Jeremy but Robby but if I slap Robby’s face I’m also slapping Jeremy..
“it’s okay, I was the one who fell for his dumb plans, I’m going home” I said and began to walk away, while Jeremy (Robby) just stood there and looked at me go
I got inside our house and met my mom sleeping on the couch peacefully, I moved closer to her and covered her blanket properly before turning of the TV, I glanced at the time and it was eleven o’clock on the dot.. I sighed and started to walk upstairs to my room
I’m a stupid girl, a very big one..
I got to my room and unzipped my dress before grabbing my towel from my hamper and tying it above my chest, I packed my hair in ponytail and folded it in a bun before heading to the shower to take a cold bath..
As the cold water dripped down my body, I closed my eyes and saw that bloody fool, that jerk.. Robby.. I opened my eyes and turned off the water before grabbing my towel and headed back to my room..
I changed back into my pajamas and grabbed my pen and diary, no matter how I think how stupid and childish Diaries are they let you express your inner mind, I started to write about what had just happened and I couldn’t believe I wrote six pages of why I hate Robby, I quickly closed my diary immediately Jeremy appeared and I placed it in my drawer,..
Thank goodness he appeared as the Jeremy I know not that big bad of fudge,..
“so I dropped him off at his house and came back home” Jeremy said quietly,
“okay, thanks anyway” I tell him
“so are you still..
“yes I’m still helping you find out why you became a ghost” I help him complete his sentence and he smiled, I think my only problem in this life is to listen.. I just need to stay cool and listen before making a move, and now that I have I’ve learned that Jeremy is the nicest guy i’ve ever known. Well Phillip too, so Jeremy is the nicest and only ghost I’ve ever known..
“thanks, ” Jeremy tells me
“you’re welcome.. And also I’d like to go to sleep now cause, it’s past my bedtime” I said and laid on my bed covering my self with my purple blanket..
“okay, then good night” Jeremy says and I guess he’ll be smiling now Even without looking about him I know he is,, he’s a smile addict… I stare at my ceiling before asking..
“do ghosts sleeps?”
“oh no no, no we can’t sleep and we don’t sleep,we are ghost what do you expect us, to sleep for ” He replied and laughed
“so you guys just stay awake like every single day, whoa that would be tiring and boring.. ” I seethe and smiled, “do ghost breathe” I ask, maybe I am asking a lot questions but I have to know..
“nope we don’t breathe, ” he tells me
“good night” I said before sleep took over my entire body..
My annoying alarm screamed, she is a total nuisance
I woke up and turned and Jeremy was still standing where he stood last night staring at me,.. What the..
“good morning” he said and I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed and got prepared for school, after a bowl of cereal with Jack and Jace, I left for school and thank goodness I caught the school bus today,..
I got to school and head straight to class, I met Philip and Daniel..
“hey pretty lady good morning to you” Daniel said
“and to you too ” I replied and waved to Philip who waved back.. Daniel looked at Philip awkwardly and smiled before heading close to me.. He smiled vividly and said
“Stacey dear, I want you to do something for me please” he Said
“what? ” I asked
“I just joined the drama club, and I’m playing Romeo for the school play and I have a problem with one of the scenes ” Daniel pouts
“well maybe I can help what scene? ” I ask
“kissing scene” Daniel said
“kissing scene!?? “I repeated and he nodded
“well I’m sorry I don’t kiss” I said
“what? ” daniel said sadly while Phillip laughed
“you could tell Tara or Sophie to help you” I said and he pouted more which made me giggle a little
“but they aren’t here yet”
“well look no further cause they’re here ” I said and Sophie and Tamara walked up to us..
“oh.. Forget it” Daniel said and walked away, during lunch time I didn’t go to the cafeteria cause I had to write some things down so they all left without me,
I noticed someone walking up to me and the few girls inside the class were murmuring, when I looked up I saw Robby, ugh.. He was smiling, who the hell is he smiling at, I hope it’s not me..
“hey Stacey” he said as he got up to me,let me just make this a little Corky here..
“hi there Robb ” I said with the most fakest smile I can force,
“so.. Look sorry Stacey, I didn’t mean to ditch you on our date last night” Robby said, he Thought he ditched me, oh this is good
“no you don’t have to apologize it’s okay, I forgive you okay” I said sweetly, wow I should really join the school play, cause I’m a great actress
“okay thanks” he said and leaned closer to me, is he trying to kiss me.. Oh no..
I quickly shifted my pen and it fell to the floor and I quickly bent my head to pick it dodging the kiss.
Seriously Robby is such an ass hole…
I got up instantly and I could see his embarrassed face..
“um..can you come with me I’ve gotta show you something ” Robby said
I don’t want to go but..
“okay ” I said and he smiled, he took me out and behind the school still smiling, where is he taking me too.. He took me to the school store behind one of the buildings and said “here we are” ,he opened the store and we both walked in and he closed the door behind us
“so what Is it you want to show me ” I ask..
“yeah about that” he said and started to move closer to me smiling deviously “what” I asked
“the thing you said you said yesterday in the cafeteria about the ‘S’ word I’m about to make it come true” he said, wait what..
“I.. What are you talking about” I shrieked.
Just then two other boys came out of no where and bolted the door.. What is happening
Robby smiled and touched my waist but I yanked his hand off, I tried to run but the two boys blocked.. Me
“let me make this easy and clear, take off your uniform” Robby said, oh my God is he about to.. I can’t believe this..
“look Robby just leave me alone” I said sacredly moving back, I can’t believe this.. ..
“no can’t do” he said and moved closer to me and held my waist firmly, “let go of me” I yelled and tried to remove his hand but he held them tight.. The two boys behind me held my hands, I tried to struggle but I couldn’t they were stronger, and slowly Robby started to unbutton my shirt.. Oh no… No..


**Stacey’s pov continues.. **
“let go of me you perverts” I screamed, and struggled to free my self but their grip were too strong, I closed my eyes tightly fighting my tears, no this can’t be happening.. Robby.. Why.. I opened my eyes and cried even more as he reached for my skirt and and touched my thighs, I angrily spat on his face and kicked him in his area… He shrieked and moved back, “you bitch” he said angrily and came closer to me he held my face in his palms and gave me when of his devilish smile, his reached lips reached for mine he forcefully kissed me but I bit him, he quickly backed away and there was blood in his goddamned lips.. Yeah I did that..
He came closer to me and gave me a slap, a hot sounding slap, I didn’t feel any pain, the only I’m going to feel is when he’s done with me, I really hope not, I cried more loudly as he began to carry my skirt up..
But then I’m in the dark room again, Jeremy, Jeremy’s here oh thank goodness, what is he doing now.. I cried silently as I waited patiently,.. Robby is so going to get it ..
I came back to my body again and my knuckles hurt like real bad, I didn’t see Robby or the two dorks that held me all I saw was Jeremy standing opposite me smiling with the store door opened..
“what happened” I asked
“lemme just say, you beat them up” Jeremy smiled
“you possessed me and beat them up?” I asked
“yeah, aren’t you happy” he asked
“I am, thank you so much Jeremy you just always know when to show up” I said and cleaned my tears, and he smiled
“Robby will be, scared of you for the rest of his jerky life,.. And hmm your um.. Uniform.. Your.. Um.. ” Jeremy said and coughed pointing at my chest and looking away.
I glanced down at my chest and my uniform button shirt was wide open and my singlet became visible also making my visible cleavage also.. Yikes..
I quickly buttoned my shirt, and tucked my hair behind my hair and sighed I cleaned my face with my hanky I found in my breast-pocket, “thank you once again J.R” I tell him
“don’t mention, ” he whines
“how do you know I was here” I ask him
“I’ve been um.. Kind of like stalking you” he said and grins awkwardly.. And I rolled my eyes playfully.. “so what are you my guardian angel or something” I scoffed and he laughed..
“if you put it that way” I say
“so I’ll be going to class now, ” I alarm him
“oh and make sure you warn your friends about Robby those poor girls deserves better” he said and I nodded and sighed, feeling heavy and sad
As I was about to walk out, he stopped me and said “remember Stacey just Be careful the ones that make you smile are the same ones that can shatter your heart” I
Nodded and he vanished and I walked back to class..
As I entered inside the class, i heard a girl say, ‘she’s the one Robby came here for she’s not even that pretty’ jealous freaks, I ignored her and walked to my seat I can’t believe all this girls are falling for that pervert who just tried to rape me.. Thinking about it made my eyes water, the way I screamed and the way he touched me rushed in my head and i couldn’t control the tears, I walked up to my seat, and Daniel, Phillip, Sophie and Tara were already back from the cafeteria, I just sat down on my seat quietly..
“OMG Stacey are you okay” Daniel said, and they all gathered me..
“I’m fine.. I’m just.. ” I cleaned my tears and sniffed..
“no. No you’re not fine, that’s not the voice I know you have and the tears explained already that you ain’t fine, so Just tell us Stace.. ” Tara pleaded they all nodded..
“it’s Robby, he came here minutes ago ” I say
“oh that jerk” Daniel breathed..
“I heard he came into our class, so he came to meet you what did he do” Sophie asks
“did he reject your proposal or something” Phillip asked
“no.. God.. No. I.. He took me to the school.. The school store and tried.. To… He tried to abuse me, he tried to rape me” I cried even more..
“oh my goodness, are you sure it’s Robby” Tamara asks
“of course it’s him am not a five years old ,he also had two guys who held me so he can have his way with me but thankfully I escaped” my voice cracks and I sniffed twice,
“I’ve know robby was a pevert, I can’t believe all those poor girls are falling for him. ” Daniel said with his teeth gritted together.
“Stacey am so sorry” Sophie said and hugged me..
“it’s okay should we not talk about it now or ever” I say and they all nodded “well I know what will cheer you up Stace” Daniel chipped in..
“huh” I said
“I signed you up for the school play Romeo and Juliet” Daniel said happily..
“why, I didn’t ask and I’m not even sure I know how to act” I yanked
“well I’m sorry but Mrs ginger said I should look for a girl who’s playing Juliet or else the play will be canceled and I decided what about you cause you have confidence, beauty, ego,power ,courage,.
“it’s okay.. Okay, I’ll do the play I’ll be your Juliet” I tell him, he just cut his whiny stuff about me, I’m not confidence I’m just a pile of unconfidence.. But I’m also a great actor..
“okay thanks and also audition starts after break which is exactly 30minutes from now ” he tells me and I nodded
“and Tessa be careful okay, you know the saying just Be careful the ones that make you smile are the same ones that can shatter your heart” Phillip said And I remembered Jeremy, he said it too, he’s such a smart ass
“yeah I know thanks, and you guys make me smile too” I said smiling,
“no, we’re not that people lemme just say we’re the one’s who’s there for you when those people shatter your heart. ” Tamara said and I smiled and nodded “well too bad no freak show will break my heart” I tell them and they all laughed
“that’s the bell, Stacey, let’s go” Daniel tells me and I nodded and followed him out, to the auditorium ..
I did the audition and Mrs Ginger was surprised she said I was the best she’d ever seen and Gave me the role of Juliet,and she said we’ll practice everyday till the day of the show which is on Saturday next week Saturday.. and I was happy, I also thanked Daniel as we head back to class, we talked about something’s.. And then I bumped into a girl with brownish blond hair, she took a good look at me I wanted to apologize but my subconscious told me not to and I didn’t
“she’s sorry” Daniel said scarily
“huh!” I ask..
“I’m Gwen and this are my two friends barb and Nancy, ” she said friendly and her grey eyes glimmer
Daniel looks surprised and I wondered why
“well I’m stacey and this is my friend Daniel” I say and she nodded and said “well see you around”..and then walked away, Daniel stood still not moving his lips parted open, “come-on Danny let’s go” I yanked his arm and he flinched
“well what dragon flew up your butt just now” I said and laughed “sorry I thought I was dreaming, that girl who just came here was gwen,, Gwen Sawyer, the most popular and let’s say beautiful girl in school who’s just ,so mean, egocentric and egoistical” Daniel said
“English please.” I said
“sorry she’s just so full of herself and looks Down on others, she hates everyone especially newbies, like you but I’m surprised she’s friendly at you what’s up with that” he said
“come-on let’s just go to class” I said I dragged him on his arm and we head to class, ..he told them about our encounter with Gwen and they were all surprised, what’s up with that..
I head home that day, I ate, took a shower and changed into my casual wear, before Jeremy appeared like seriously he knows the right time to appear..
“so heard you’re the new Juliet” he said
“and what’s it to you” I replied
“nothing! But just know you’ll be kissing daniel” he said and arched an eyebrow
“I know, or.. Are you jealous or something like that ” I said and he began to laugh nervously
What’s up with that.


Stacey’s Pov continues
“jealous! wish” Jeremy scoffed and I rolled my eyes, “whatever but anyway for the second time thank you for saving me from that pervert, today” I said and he smiled and nod..
“wait, you said you always follow me around right? ” I ask him and he nodded
“don’t tell me you even follow me when I take my bath” I yanked
“okay fine I won’t tell you” he added sarcastically
I gasped and said “oh my goodness you do stalk me to while I have my bath”
I stood up with my eyes all wide open..
“hold it right there blondie, I was just joking, I can’t stalk you to your bath that would make me no difference from Robby, and besides what do I need to see that I haven’t seen before” he yanked and my gasped became louder,.. “are you kidding me” I yelled and he Burst into laughter that a tear came out of his golden eyes.. “what’s so funny” I ask a bit angrily..
“I was just joking okay, ” he said and licked his bottom lips
“can you not do that in front of me” I tell him and place my hands on my hips.
“do what” he asked and licked it again.. Gosh..
“that.. That thing you just did ugh” I yanked
“I’m sorry I don’t understand” he said and licked it is he playing jokes with me or what..
“stop licking your lips” I yanked
“how the hell am I licking my lips Stacey, show me” he said and licked it with a smirk..
“like this” I said and licked it the way he did, and he stopped and laughed..
“what’s funny you freak” I yell
“you just licked your lips, see you get to do it with no one yelling at you to stop, so you can do it but I can’t ” he said and took a step closer to me..
“I didn’t lick it On purpose you made me do it, I didn’t want to do it but I had to show you, so now stop doing it I hate it” I yelled and looked away his eyes Is scary to look at.. ‘just say it’s charming to look at’ my subconscious hits and I ignored her and looked away,
“you can’t tell me what to stop, and what to not stop, you’re not my mom nor my girlfriend or my sister” he said and I rolled my eyes cause his cold mouth breeze Is all over my face,
I moved back, and laid back on my bed “why are you staring at me like that ” I asked.. “was I staring at you” he asked back. And I growled “you’re so annoying” he laughed and picked up my pillow I threw at him.. “you dropped this” he said and covers my face with it ,his hand touched my forehead and it felt so cold “get out I want to sleep” I said tiredly but he just smiled and backed away and before I knew it I fell asleep..
I woke up at exactly eight thirty on the dot and cleaned my face with my hands , I turned to the direction of my wardrobe and Jeremy was still standing there he smiled at me but I rolled my eyes
“don’t you get tired of just standing there and watching me” I ask and he shook his head negatively.. “suit yourself” I said and got up from the bed and head downstairs and Jeremy trailed behind me, I got to the living room and my mom was making an ice-cream sundae for my cranky brother’s I guess..
“oh honey you’re awake” she said and I nod
“I thought you’d say they’ll never eat ice-cream again because of last time” I yanked
“you know honey sometimes it’s hard to keep up with their troubles could you help me give this to them on the couch, ” she said and I rolled my eyes and took the two glass bowl with ice-cream In them to the couch. “lemme help you with one” Jeremy said
“you must be crazy” I whisper to him and he smiled, I got to the couch and gave each of my brothers one and Jack told me a thank you but Jace didn’t.. And I didn’t care..
“Jeremy!” Jack called, oh I forgot Jack sees ghost like me too
“huh so you mean the ghost boy is back” Jace whispered to Jack and he nodded
Jeremy waved to Jack and Jack Gave him a friendly smile..
“Jeremy can you hear me, if you can I want to let you know that you’re stupid” Jace said and burst into laughter.. And I growled and Gave him a knock on his forehead,
“dont listen to him Jeremy you’re the coolest person I’ve ever known” Jack said and I rolled my eyes..
“who’s this Jeremy if I may ask” my mom chipped in and walked over to the couch and sat down next to Jack..
“he’s this ghos…
I quickly use my hand to cover Jace’s mouth, and I laughed nervously and said “he’s um.. Well mom you see he’s, how can I put this,.. Jeremy is a guy in my class who’s dad.. Is um a magician and he is too trust me mom kids love Jeremy” my mom nodded buying my lie.. What a relief..
“oww.. ” I flinched and removed my hand from Jace’s mouth because he bit me,
“no mom Jeremy’s a ghost he lives in this house I can’t see him but they can” Jace said immediately
“huh” my mom said sounding confused that’s why I love Jack he’s trust worthy and gentle,.. Unlike Jace.. With his bad attitude and brown hair.. Looking all gloomy and secretive..
“what Jace meant to say was that, Jeremy next magic trick is Jeremy the ghost and only few people will be able to see it” I lied.. Again and my mom bought it..
“no mom Stacey’s a liar, Jeremy is a real ghost Jackson help me out here” Jace yelp and Jack and I made eye contact and his blue eyes showed me fear, but I gave him a look that said just-lie..
He swallowed hard and scratch his blond hair..
“I’m sleepy mom I’m going upstairs” he said and my mom kissed him on the forehead and he glanced at me before going back up.. “I’m sleepy too” I said
“but you just woke up” my mom said and.. Whoa she caught me.
“well guess what mom I just got the lead role of Juliet in school in our play Romeo and Juliet ” I changed the subject
“Oh that novel is fabulous it’s my favourite, Shakespeare Is pretty good back in my days..
Oh no my mom is about to tell me about her days as a child, this is not good, I’m not from the olden days so I don’t need to know about it..
“you know what mom i just remembered that I have a math assignment to do” I lied and hurried upstairs. .. I jumped in my bed immediately and breathed a sigh of relief…
Jeremy appeared and smiled at me
“what now ” I said
“Nothing” he smiled and for the first time I noticed his eyelashes were longer, way longer than mine.. Is he even a girl or a boy! Ugh.. I use my pillow to cover my face and when I removed it his face was infront of me
“are you okay” he asked
“get away ” I said and took one pillow and threw at him but it passes through him
“you’re just lucky you’re a ghost” I say and sighed.
..that night I slept peacefully and the next day I successfully caught the bus, with Jeremy beside me, I saw Daniel and Phillip and I sat inbetween them and Jeremy gave me a look that says really-inbetween-boys.. I gave him α tongue out αnd Daniel looked at me surprisingly..
“who who are you..
“I’m just tasting the air, ” I lied and he nodded strangely still surprised by my act.. Jeremy shook his head negatively and laughed and i smiled cause he looked cute..
We all head to class that morning, and went for art, yeah I’m really bad at drawing, but good thing Daniel helped me.. I noticed something about both Daniel and Phillip towards me.. Huh? .. .that morning well let’s say Daniel is still his sweet friendly and fun self while Phillip, Phillip seemed more gentle, and nice way too nice and he kept staring at me at every move I make.. Strange..
After art class we all came back to our normal class
“drawing is hard guys, ” Sophie said
“yeah I’m with you ” Tamara said
“me three” I chipped in and we all laughed..
“you girls are just being stupid and lazy” Daniel said and Tara rolled her eyes
“Fuck you daniel” Tara said and raised her middle finger at him..
“I think I’m with him” Jeremy whispered in my ear, his breath cold as ice.. “get out you from my ear you freak” I said loudly and they all looked at weirdly
I laughed nervously not knowing what to say and Jeremy laughed at me for some minutes..
“ticktock blue eyes let’s go for practice” Daniel says and I nod and stand up, we both head to the auditorium with Jeremy beside me..
“my name’s Stacey you know” I tell Daniel
“I know, have you seen those eyes of yours they’re so blue and lovely so blue eyes it is” he said and I blushed
“thanks” I said softly..
He held my hand and clutched our fingers together, as we walk slowly, Jeremy sighed and shook his head negatively and I gave him a look that said “jealous-much” he smiled and shook his head negatively.. Meaning no.. But I doubted it..
“oh geez she’s coming” Daniel said and tried to remove her clutched hands, I looked upward and saw Gwen walking up To us with a smile, “Is she the reason you’re Trying to unclutch our hands” I said and held him tight.. He looked down at me but I smiled, “she’s not going to bite” I said
“she doesn’t bite but kills ” Daniel said, closely to my ear, Jeremy was looking at Gwen awkwardly as she walked towards us, what’s up with that..
“hey Stacey it’s so nice to meet you again. ” she said as she got to us. And she looked down at our clutched hands.. Then back at us..
“who’s this” she said and gestured her hand towards Jeremy.. Oh my goodness, can she see Jeremy..


Stacey’s pov continues
Oh no this is bad, how can Gwen see Jeremy, this is so bad..
“I’m sophie” I heard Sophie’s voice behind us and when I turned it was Sophie she was behind Jeremy I breathed a sigh of relief, thank goodness.. I realised gwen wasn’t referring to Jeremy but Sophie.. “Stace, you dropped your phone back In the class” Sophie said and handed it to me she glanced at Gwen scarily before walking back..
“so where are you going” Gwen ask me
“to the auditorium, I I’m the lead role in the school play” I tell her and she nodded her hair bounced with the nod her glossy, thick and straight brownish blond hair and somehow I wished mine could be like hers..
“so.. I like you, and trust me I don’t like people that easily I’m having a sleepover at my house this Saturday you’re invited” she said her voice thick, scary and bossy, her lip gloss matches her outlined eyes.
“I’ll think about it” I said
“no you don’t need to think about it, it’s tomorrow which is Saturday you should be happy I invited you over” she said and I flinched, her voice gives someone heart ache..
“okay then I’m coming, can I invite any of my friends” I tell her
“no fucking way, tell me your house address and I’ll come pick you up at seven on the dot” she tells me
“I live at house L201, ” I say
“good” she replied and smiled, “see you around Stacey” her voice is calm but spooky that it sends chills to my body she pecked me smiled and walked away, okay that was weird, I cleaned my cheek and Daniel sighed
“please don’t tell me you’re going to that sleepover tomorrow ” Daniel tells me
“no you have to go ” Jeremy chips in
“huh!”I said to Jeremy but without looking at him.. “I feel like Gwen can lead us to something ” Jeremy said
“Gwen is a bottom beater and I don’t trust her, she might get you into trouble or worse make you the trouble” Daniel says
“look, I’m going” I tell Daniel am doing this for the sake of Jeremy.. I’ve already promised to help and also because I’m a little scared ,of gwen.. Hmm..
“but why, seriously Stacey I’m worried about you, I care for you, you know” he said and I sighed
“come-on Danny it’s just a sleepover what can go wrong and trust me on this one let’s just go rehearse our play and forget about this or just stop worrying, ” I said and dragged his hand forward so we can walk fast
The rehearsal was okay but didn’t know where Jeremy went to. She is , I had fun and also made new friends who welcomed me, heartly, also I made friends with this girl Yvonne who seems pretty cool at everything..
When we get back to class Daniel was quiet, and Sophie, Tamara and Phillip were suspicious..
I walked over to Daniel and whisper to him in his ear
«I know you’re worried about me but trust me I’ll be fine and lemme tell you a secret, I have a guardian angel» I said and he smiled while Phillip and Tamara just stared at me (us) weirdly, but I didn’t care..
“so guys I just got invited to Gwen’s sleepover ” I break the news and the three of them gasped
“wait you mean Gwen Sawyer ” tamara asked
“yeah” I replied
“are you crazy, that girl is a witch,” Tara added
“I told her that” Daniel added
“guys just relax okay” I say and flipped My hair backwards..”well I hope you come back alive” Phillip said she I rolled my eyes..
School closed pretty early beacuse it was Friday and I walked home simultaneously until Jeremy appeared by my side with a boo..
“yeah, so are we going to that sleepover or not” he tells me
“we are” I groaned and he smiled “thanks Stacey you’re the best” he says and I try my best not to smile but I couldn’t help it..
“and thank you also for being my guardian angel” I tell him and laughed a little
“yeah I deserve a hug or a kiss or something like that ” he said and smiled
“yeah not happening” I said and began to walk faster..
“oh.. We’ll see about that” I hear Jeremy say behind me but I ignored him anyway,
We we’re both finally home, but I went upstairs and took a shower and change.. I came back downstairs and met Jack and Jeremy talking while Jace was busy staring at Jack like he wanted to pop his out and look for that Jeremy, immediately they saw me they both shut up,
“so jack, have you guys eaten” I ask
“nope” he replied with his cute big blue eyes staring at me
“well what do you guys want to eat” I ask
“icecream” they both said and I rolled my eyes.
“real food” I yanked
“I dunno” Jack said
“we have Tuna noodle casserole ” I said And they both nodded..
We started to eat silently with Jeremy sitting beside me. “aren’t you eating” I ask and immediately Jace looked at me
“no.. Are you kidding me that food is going to pass through me” he said and I laughed out a “sorry”
“you know am starting to think you guys are making this Jeremy of a ghost guy up, because Jackson and I are twins, mom said the only difference is the color of our eyes and hair, but we’re identical how come I don’t get to see Jeremy you guys are liars ” he said and faced his food I glanced at Jeremy and he smiled at me and say “Can Jason read” ..i nodded and he vanished.. He came back with a piece of pen and paper.. “tell him to look over here” Jeremy tells Jackson and Jackson calls Jason, “look Jeremy’s about to show you that he’s real” Jace looked up and saw that the pen is moving on its own on the paper..
“it’s moving” he screamed
“I know right” I added sarcastically and his eyes grew wider looking at his brown eyes for a second made me remember my dad..
Jeremy handed Jace the paper, but Jace saw only the paper, but no Jeremy he took the paper and swallowed his saliva before collecting it.. And he read it.
“I’m.. I’m real” he dropped the paper and say “I’m full” and then he ran upstairs Jeremy Jack and I immediately busted into laughter..
During nighttime I laid on my bed thinking about Gwen and her spooky voice but I didn’t want that to get in my head so I stopped thinking about it, I wondered where Jeremy might be before I fell asleep.
I woke up by a light touch on my body, when I got seated it was jack..
“Jackson, what are you doing up so late” I asked and carried him up so he can sit on my bed
“I can’t sleep ” he said
“awwwn come here ” I said and hugged him “can you read this for me so I can fall asleep” he said and handed me a fairytale book he held and I took it and cleaned my eyes, ..
I snuggled him up in my body close to mine and opened the book to page one.. I love Jack so I’m not saying I hate Jace but Jack’s my favorite he’s my photocopy, blond hair blue eyes, pointed nose, and loving and caring attitude so I’ll do anything for him.. Assuming this is Jace waking me up In the middle of the night, I could have spanked his butt..
Getting to chapter three Jack starts to doze off and I close the book and lay him down beside me let him just sleep here for tonight..
“goodnight stacey” he said his tiny voice filled my room
“nighty night Jacky, ” I say playfully and give him a small kiss on the lips before turning the light off and going to sleep..
The next morning I woke up late cause it was Saturday, immediately I woke up, jack did..
“what am I doing here ” he said lowly and rubbed his eyes
“you came here last night and told me to read you a story don’t you remember ” I tell him and he gasped..”I’m not supposed to tell you Stacey but it was Jeremy ” he said and blinked rapidly
“what? ” I cried out.. “he begged me to let him use.. me to um ” Jack scratched his hair and suddenly Jeremy appeared
“I told you I’ll get my hugs and kisses “
“Jeremy!!!..” I screamed..


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4 years ago

Hmmm,this awesome

4 years ago


4 years ago

Wow ?
I’m just happy that Jeremy is harmless ? I’m so astonished by that ??

Stacey ?
Ruthie Lee ?
Mr Oprah ?