MY GHOST BOYFRIEND (High school Teenagers)? Episode 1 by Ruthie Lee


Stacey’s Pov continues*
I quickly disengage my hug with Tamara and turned, Gwen and her two stupid friends were standing beside her, .. Tamara looked uncomfortable and sacred but she stood her ground.. Jeremy came closer to me and said “don’t worry remember I’m always with you” I breathed a sigh of relief, wait why am I scared of this bitch in front of me, she’s the same fucking age as I am, other girls maybe scared of her, she may kill and all but I don’t give a damn, I’m not scared of her, not anymore..
“what do you want” I tell her..
“you, straight answer, you’ve been avoiding me aren’t you, Mrs Turner” she said her voice dim and calm
“yes I have ” I tell her and tucked my hair behind my ear, “well too bad, hope your friend here have told you about me” she said and smiled devilishly referring to Tamara.
“look, Gwen I’ve heard all the shits you’ve done but guess what, I don’t care” I said boldly
“wow I love your ego” Jeremy tells me but I didn’t reply,
Gwen started to move closer to me and Jeremy wanted to do something but I stopped him , Gwen finally got closer to me and glanced at Tamara behind me before staring back at me..
“you still don’t know me or get me Stacey , but bet me I can be very scary” she said almost in a whisper, her smile looked evil and unfriendly that I wanted to smack her head so badly …
“I ain’t scared of you gwen” I tell her
“oh really well let’s just wait and see then, just disobey me once and you’ll feel my wrath” she said
“what gives, you’re a freaking, fucking lesbian aren’t you ashamed of yourself ” I tell her feeling the anger burn in me
“stop talking or you’re going to get it” she threatened..
“do all you have to do cause I don’t care do you hear me I don’t fucking care “I stood my ground, wow I love the fire burning in me..
“you just got your self in a really big trouble young lady” she said and started to walk away, I breathe in and closed my eyes, come-on Stacey you’re not scared of her, I tell my self
“come-on Stacey you’re not scared of her” Jeremy says and I opened my eyes and turned to Jeremy
“I know ” I tell him and he smiled
“wow you’ve got gills girl, I haven’t seen any girl stand up to her like that, but To be sincere I’m kind of scared her words were kind of Trespassing, ” Tamara said and I sighed and said,
“let’s head back the others might be worried. ” Tamara nodded and we head back to the cafeteria with Jeremy beside me and Tara promised not to tell anyone about Jeremy and I thanked her, I think I just found my self a trusty friend,well am still not sure about..
“wow what were you guys doing in that toilet you guys have been there for like hours now ” Sophie said as we sat down
“I kinda bumped into Gwen” I say
“what did she say , did she harm, you , touch you or did she.
“it’s okay, Phillip it was nothing” I said and he nodded and I faced my food..
“Stacey guess what” Daniel said
“what” I asked
“just guess ” he said and smiled
“give me a hint” I said
“we’re doing the kissing scene today in Romeo and Juliet rehearsal ” he says
“well that was more than a hint but good call” I tell him and took a sip from my soda
“why would you ever want to kiss Daniel” Sophie said sarcastically biting hard on her sandwich, what’s up with that
“it’s just a play and it’s not like we’ll Be kissing for real” I say
“of course we are, we will be kissing for real” Daniel backfired
“see” Sophie scoffed angrily
“why are you being all angry, do you like Daniel or something” Tamara interrupted and Sophie nearly choked on her sandwich
“what??!! Eww no fucking way” Sophie says and Tamara gave her a look while Sophie gave Tara a glare..
“well it’s just a kiss” I say
“if there’s not any feelings attached to it” Phillip added and I nod
“just a kiss” Jeremy scoffed but I ignored him
“maybe by just a kiss you guys might end up ripping off each other’s clothes and then who knows what will come next, sex I guess ” Jeremy added and I gasped and spit back my soda
“you’re crazy Jeremy” I say, not knowing I said it out Loud.. Oops.
“Jeremy??!!” Phillip Sophie and Daniel said in unison.. Oops
“um ..did I say Jeremy, I mean sandwich” I lied.. Again.. Seriously..
“no we clearly heard you say Jeremy, you said you’re crazy Jeremy” Sophie said
“sometimes you don’t think before you talk and dint blame me for this” Jeremy said but I just ignored his words…… Suddenly we heard the bell
“that’s the bell Daniel we have to go” I say and breathed
“saved by the bell” Tamara whispered in my ear and I smiled and Daniel stood up and we head to the auditorium, I cant keep up with these lies anymore.. I’m fucking tired.. ..
We did the rehearsal and I kissed Daniel, and I didn’t know he was so happy about it, I wasn’t even happy and Jeremy kept smiling at me through the whole rehearsal, distracting me with his cute smiles and dimple, ugh..
After the rehearsal we went back to class, but during art class I took excuse to go to the bathroom and went out I wasn’t really going to the bathroom or toilet I was just uncomfortable and anxious, Gwen’s word started to trigger in my body and I couldn’t control my fear and it took me over..
“why are you outside ” Jeremy appeared and tells me
“just get lost” I tell him
“I know you’re still scared about Gwen but that girl is mental you have to stand your ground and fight for your self don’t be a chicken okay” Jeremy tells me and I suddenly became angry for some reason I don’t know
“don’t you dare call me a chicken and I’m not scared of her, I can fight for my self and trust me I don’t need you and I never did you are the one who put me in all this shits, I was leaving my life normally until I met you” I half yell
“so you’re telling me that I was the one who messed up your life” Jeremy said angrily
“of course you did, you’re just a ghostly freak looking for someone’s life to mess up so you can mend yours” I yell..
“maybe I underestimated you Stacey, maybe you’re not the girl I think you are,” he said angrily and sadly
“well get lost ghost boy” I said angrily
“I will and bet me you won’t see me anymore, I’ll look for another helper ” he said and disappear
“I dont need you” I muttered under my breath and walked away
Finally school was over and I carried my backpack and head out without telling anybody good bye, I was kind of sad Jeremy’s gone but who cares.
I was nearly to the gate when someone from behind covered my nose with a handkerchief and I suddenly passed out.
I woke up and saw my self tied in a wooden chair, I looked around and realised I was in a wooden dark room, but not too dark..
“well well well what do we have here” I hear Gwen’s evil voice behind me.. Oh no..


stacey’s Pov continues
I turned around and Gwen was staring me with her stupid grey and evil eyes, “seriously, you again” I grunt tiredly
“yes it’s me again” Gwen replied and walked in front of me
“what do you want” I yanked and struggled to free my self from the tight rope around me , you’ve got to be kidding me..
“stop asking me that and you know what I want, and don’t fight it that rope’s ten times stronger than your arm. Gwen said angrily
“I don’t know what you want Gwen just let me go” I yell, I’m seriously tired of all this, why did we get to move here anyway, I hate this place and this freaking foolish girl..
“stop lying to me Blondie, you know, I seriously have feelings for you , you’re pretty and you know that, I told you I liked you but what did you just do, you just ignored me, and avoided me but do you know what happens to girls who starts to avoid me when I tell them I like them.. I’m sure you do, I hurt them and you know what I mean by hurt?.. I mean death” she said, seriously does she mean it. her words irritate me.
I didn’t reply her I just turned my face away and started to think of Jeremy, I don’t really think he’ll come and save me cause I don’t actually need him I was being a real jerk to him I just took my anger out on him and I feel so bad about it I actually miss him,he’s just the best guy ever I have to admit
“are you even listening to me ” gwen yelled snapping me out of my thoughts about Jeremy, I didn’t reply I just stared at her and she grunts..
She moved closer to me and touched my face, trying to bring her face closer to me again, she’s trying to kiss you, my subconscious tells me and I mushed my lips together.. Gwen stopped, bat her eyelashes and smiled “oh you poor thing I wasn’t going to kiss you, yet.. ” she said and smiled removing her hands from my face,
“okay look Stacy let’s make a deal” she said and I gaze at her ..
“have sex with me and I’ll let you go” Gwen said, and I almost choked because that word disgusted me that I started to cough..
“easy dear, I know it’s hard to decide but you have to” she said smiling devilishly
“you’re an asshole you bitch ” I manage to say
“I know right a lot of people call me that, so am used to it now, so is it a sex or a no” she said picking at her fingers
“over my dead body ” I said and she burst into laughter ,
Why is she laughing, this girl is a lunatic,
“you know Stacey I just can’t let you go like that I’ll have to get what I want before exiling you” she said and smiled,
“Nancy, barbie get in here ” Gwen ordered and barb and Nancy came in I can’t believe they’re helping this wench. Gwen stared at me strangely,smiled and said
“girls strip her naked and fast as possible “..
What? I closed my eyes, tightly, no not again, Robby once did it and now she wants to do it.. No God please not again.. Oh good Jeremy.. Jeremy.. I seriously need him..
I appeared home and sat on Stacey’s bed, Stacey is really pissing me off, I can’t believe she accused me of ruining her fucking life, she didn’t even appreciate it that I claimed to be her damn Gaurdian, I’m not a nice guy but I had to be nice just for her to help me and another reason I don’t know and don’t wish to know…
I sighed and moved my hair back with my hands, Stacey might be an annoying jerk sometimes by cussing annoying words as me but I just let it slide, I mean I like her, she’s nice, pretty sensitive and smart, I can’t believe I’m thinking about that right now, she totally pissed me off today and told me to get lost that she doesn’t need me, she may not need me but I know I do need her I’m not giving up on her cause I don’t know if I might get lucky again and see someone who might help me netherless See Me.. I sighed and licked my lips, all this sucks, and Gwen or whomever she thinks she is, she is totally going to get it from me , I just couldn’t wait for Stacey to come home so I can apologize to her even though she’s the wrong one, she’s my only hope I have of becoming human again, I’m tired of all this shits tired of not getting to eat breathe and sleep, it doesn’t affect me in anyways but I have to be human again, I’m damn desperate so no matter how many times Stacey get wrong I’ll always apologize so I can fix it..
It was fifteen damn minutes past three and Stacey wasn’t back from school I know school closes like three o’clock but she’s suppose to be back like three minutes ago.. But the hell isn’t she back yet.. I controlled My patient and waited.. And later it was three thirty, shit.
Looks like I’m going back to that school.. As I was about to go (to disappear) I heard Stacie’s voice calling me, she was in trouble I felt it..
And boom I appeared in her class but it was empty, I had a feeling it had to be Gwen that girl have been on Stacey for too long ,
I head behind the school I didn’t know why i was going there but it was like I was being drawn or called my someone or something, finally I got to a wooden place that looks somewhat like a cabin and I could here Stacey’s voice from inside she was yelling “let go of me ” I quickly appeared in and found out she was shirtless, oh my goodness, I can’t believe I’m seeing her in just her skirt and bra again.. This is so raw, is Gwen trying to rape her or what.. This bitch is crazy, a crazy little lesbian,if she wants to have sex,she should do it with her two foolish friends but not with my Stacey, I moved behind Stacey and untied the rope her friend who witnessed an the rope untied itself gasped..
Stacey realising that she was free quickly turned and saw me she wanted to smile but she didn’t..
“how did you… Gwen tried to say but Stacey grabs her uniform shirt on the floor and immediately put it on
“Gwen the rope untied itself ” one of her friend with big green eyes said who’s name’s seems to be Nancy
“what? ” Gwen yelled confusingly
I quickly posses her other friend barb and Stacey saw me do it .. I (barb) walked up to Gwen and held her in her neck
“b. Bar.. Barb you” Gwen said trying to breathe..
“stay away from Stacey and I mean it and for your information I’m not barb and trust me I can be very scary” I said and let go of her neck
“barb what has gotten into you” she yelled
“I’m warning you barb stay away from Stacey ” I yelled and she flinched I got out of barb’s body and she fell but immediately got up
“what happened” barb said
“you just, don’t remember what you just did” Gwen yelled at barb and she looked confused.. Thought so..
“are you okay” I tell Stacey and she nodded, she was sweating Real bad and some part of her hair was glued to her face and it made her look pretty.. I think.. she also looked tired and scared ..
I found a dusty old chalk behind Stacey, time to make things more scarier..
I took the little chalk and started to write on the wooden wall,
“Gwen look that thing is writing itself ” Nancy exclaimed and Gwen flinched maybe seeing the chalk writing itself but I wrote..
After that Stacey and I walked out, “hold my hands” I tell her and she sighed and did and I made the both of us disappeared and appeared in her room..
She looked surprised but sad and then started to cry,
“Jeremy I’m so sorry once again I didn’t know what got in to me.. I did really need you.. I just
“it’s okay ” I tell her and smiled
She immediately hugged me and cried even more..


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4 years ago

Good, serves Gwen right

4 years ago

Serves you right Gwen?
Stacey don’t disappoint me again, Jeremy is your guardian angel ?

4 years ago

Gwen must be punished

4 years ago

Next please