MY GHOST BOYFRIEND (High school Teenagers)? Episode 1 by Ruthie Lee


how did it happen, how did I become a ghost, my mom just passed through me, I began to panic this is not.. No no not good at all.. I need to go to my room and find Jeremy now I thought and immediately I appeared in my room, how did that happen
“whoa how did you do that” Jeremy said sounding very surprised.
“I don’t know, I don’t know at all!!” I yelled.
“well.. ” Jeremy said looking very surprised
“look J.r I think I have a problem, ” I said
“I just passed through my mom she couldnt See Me and now I appeared here with just thinking of it” I said and started to panic I tried to breathe but I couldn’t but it wasn’t a problem but still I can’t breathe and I’m a freaking ghost..
“you don’t think you’re a.
“yes Jeremy I’m a ghost am a Ghost like you ” I said and started to cry, I just can’t believe this, I can’t die now I haven’t even lived yet I’m still a seventeen years old teenage girl ..
“wait.. Wait.. Hold on there’s no need for you to cry just tell me when did all this start” he said and held my shoulders and his hands didn’t feel cold like before
“I.. I dunno, before going home from Gwen’s house they all saw me.. So.. I.. Think it was after you kissed me” I said and sniffed the air cleaning my tears
“so you think, my kiss changed you into a ghost” he asked and I nodded
“yeah I don’t think that’s possible ” he whined and licks his lips..
“are you kidding me Jeremy I know what am talking about ” I yanked and he sighed and said
“okay what do you want me to do about it” is he seriously asking me that.
“kiss me again” I said and stared into his eyes
“I’m sorry what now ” he said and leaned his ear closer to my face, “you heard me freak” I said and pushed his head away,
“okay I’m sorry I was just joking” he said
“you joke with everything” I tell him and rolled my eyes
“but I’m not just sure about this” he says
“well I do” I said and immediately my mom opened my door, and walked in
“Stacey! ” she called and looked around, “I’m right here mom” I say, but who am I kidding she can’t See Me , my mom shrugged and walked out closing the door, I gave Jeremy a look
“well let’s give it a try” Jeremy said and stood properly in front of me..
“I sighed and moved my hair back” okay, I closed my eyes and opened them and Jeremy was smiling..
“why are you smiling” I yanked
“nothing can you just quit being whiny and let me kiss you ” he said, he seriously seems to take everything as a joke I raised my middle finger at him And he laughed
“don’t think I’m doing this because i—
Before I could finish my sentence he kissed me, and yeah it was kind of.. Sweet.. smiles
I backed away from him and he just couldn’t stop smiling, I’m getting really tired of seeing that one sided dimple, ugh.
“do you think it worked” I asked
“go find out yourself” he said and I nodded I hurried downstairs and called mom..
“yes.. Where have you been I was starting to think you were still at your friend’s place” my mom said, oh my goodness it worked thank God.. Finally.. I smiled and said “no I wasn’t”
“well since today’s Sunday I’m taking Jack and Jace to the movies, wanna come with us ” my mom asked
“um.. No I’ll just stay home ” I replied
“okay” she said and walked away, I ran back upstairs and to my room
“it worked I can’t believe it worked Jeremy” I said
“wow.. This is getting more complicated than I thought, ” Jeremy said smiling “I wish I could see someone who’d kiss me so I’ll turn human” he added and gave me a look
“don’t worry, I have s feeling we’ll still get to the bottom of all this, to be sincere I want you to be human too” I tell him and he smiled and spread his hands to hug me but I backed away,
“don’t, do you want me to turn into a snake now” I said and he burst into laughter and his sweet voice filled the whole room.. I smiled and said “well I’m going take my bath now “
“why are you telling me do you want me to come with you” he said and arched an eyebrow
“eww gross Jeremy you’re a ..ugh just shut up” I yanked
“I wasn’t even talking” he said but I rolled my eyes and grabbed my towel before heading out and slamming the door.. I could hear his laughter from aside, it made me smile ‘why are you smiling, do you like Jeremy’ my subconscious tells me but I rolled my eyes at her but put a real thought to that question, “do I like Jeremy,no way he’s a psychopath and a creep freak . I said to my self and walked into the bathroom, I took my bath and head back to my room with my towel tied around my chest, as I walked in my room Jeremy wasn’t there I breathed a sigh of relief and got dressed, I put on a blue skinny jeans, and was about to put on my shirt when Jeremy appeard I quickly use my shirt to cover my body cause I’m in my bra only thank goodness I’ve put on some jeans .. Jeremy stood still looking at me this dude is crazy
“leave you freak!!” I yell and his eyes travels to my chest and I yell “get out! ” “oh sorry” he said and disappeared I quickly put on my shirt and breathed a sigh of relief, so much for being a ghost..
I walked to my mirror sat down opposite it and started to straight my hair, instead of curling it I want to try something new..
My door clicked open and Jeremy walked inside I rolled my eyes and turned back to my mirror…
“sorry about earlier” he said
“don’t remind me” I remarked angrily while he started laughing
I turned angrily and said “you’re crazy, what’s so funny that you have to laugh”
“okay okay I’m sorry Mrs Stacey” he said..
“honey, we’re off now to the movies take care of the house!! ” my mom yelled from outside
“okay” I yelled back.
I was done straightening my hair, so, i kept the device I used in my drawer and stood up
“how do I look” I asked Jeremy, gosh I can’t believe I just asked him that..
“you look, beautiful as always Stacey,but there’s one thing missing” He said and I rolled my eyes, “just shut up” I say and he smiled..
“you know Stace, for a seventeen years old teenage girl, yours are still pretty small” he said
“what are you talking about what’s still pretty small,” I asked and he smiled grew more wider and his eyes travels to my chest.. Again
“Jeremy you’re crazy ” I yelled and he burst into laughter, I walked out of my room and head downstairs


Stacey’s pov continues
Immediately I got to the living room I heard a knock, who could that be, I thought as I walked towards the door, when I opened it I was surprised to see Phillip, Daniel, Sophie and Tamara..
“hey stace” Phillip said
“hi.. What are you guys doing here” I said rubbed the back of my neck..
“we’re here to see you to spend the Sunday with you ” Tamara said and I nodded
“well come in” I tell them
“hope they’re no ghosts around here like the stories we’re hearing” Sophie said and laughed a little
“come-on I’ve been living here for two weeks or so and I haven’t witnessed any ghost” I lied, but it’s kind of true I see Jeremy as human
They all walked in and sat down on the couch, “so what do you guys, cause we have drinks and nothing else” I said and they all laughed..
“actually I think I’m okay ” Phillip say
“me too” Sophie remarked
Ditto” Tamara added
“well I think am a bit thirsty, I’ll have one drink please” Daniel said she Sophie hit him playfully
“so How was Gwen’s sleepover” Daniel asked, dang it. Why does he have to ask
“ was okay.. I guess” I lied
“hmm I can tell you’re lying by the sound of your shaky voice” Tamara said, shit. She caught me
“am not” I defended,
I sighed and turned to my side to see Jeremy beside me, he smiled at me but I looked away, I don’t want any of them to be suspicious.
“look, Stacey, you can tell us anything we’re your friends” Sophie said, the way she pounced the ‘friends’ gave my heart a warm feeling, I can’t believe I Stacey Turner actually made friends, I nodded and forced out a smile I can’t really tell them, Gwen kissed me two times and touched my boob’s it’s embarrassing and gross
“why are you all so afraid of Gwen” I asked
“like I’ve told you she kills” Daniel said
“I don’t get you, kills? how? ” I said and sat down.. “according to the stories have heard..
“you’ve heard stories but we’ve kind of witnessed it” Phillip interrupts Sophie
“Duh, just because I’m also new doesn’t mean I can’t tell the story” Sophie said and rolled her eyes
“gwen is a very dangerous person, she had killed like eight students in that school ” Daniel said
“actually it’s ten” Phillip tells Daniel and he nodded in agreement
“so these students, why did she kill them ” I asked very curiously
“she, doesn’t kill guys but girls, only there’s one of our friend Angie who started hanging out with her and her troops and two weeks later they had an argument, and then two days after Angie was no more we didn’t see her in school again or hear from her” Phillip explains and sighed
“and you guys were sure she was dead” I asked
“of course, we attended her funeral, weeks after her funeral Sophie started our school” Phillip said
“I missed Angie, she was just like you Stacey blond hair but blue-grey eyes, and wow I didn’t notice your hair looks straight and different it’s nice ” Daniel tells me and I smiled but was worried
“so you’ve gotta stay away from her ” Daniel tells me and my heart started to beat..
“do you guys know any reason why she killed those girls” I asked
“um.. A guy named Steve actually got to hear about their conversation one time with another girl , he said he heard them arguing about sex or something” Tamara said scrunching her nose..
“and the weirdest part is, she only hang out and kills girls with blond hair” Sophie said and they all nodded I glanced at Jeremy and he was staring at me I swallowed hard and turned my gaze back to my friends.. I guess..
“so take it from me Stace just stay away from Gwen, she’s a murderer” Phillip said calmly and I could feel my eyes getting hot..
“guys could this be.. I’m kind of thinking maybe Gwen is homosexual ” Daniel said
“of course she is ” Tamara and Phillip said at the same time..
Okay okay Stacey don’t cry, Gwen is not going to kill you, I tell my self but I couldn’t control my self, all this is freaking me out I’m going crazy, why me..
“Stacey are you okay” Phillip asked me, I touched my face and it was wet with tears, I nodded but who am I kidding..
“no I’m not ” I cried, my voice very shaky
“tell what’s wrong” Daniel said and I cleaned my tears but another set of tears fell Down my cheek, I sniffed and said with my shaky voice
“actually, yesterday at Gwen’s sleepover, Gwen.. She.. she kissed me,… twice” they all gasped with their eyes all open wide looking at me..
“she what!!” Daniel yanked standing up while my tears kept gushing out of my eyes like waterfalls..
“she really is a fucking lesbian” Phillip said angrily..
Tamara suddenly received a text message from her mom
“it’s my mom, guys I’ve gotta go” Tara said
“looks like I’ll be heading home too” Daniel said
They all stood up and approached me, “just avoid Gwen at all cost Stace, ” Phillip said and I nod
“don’t worry we’ve got your back bestie ” Tamara said and I smiled, at least I have friends who cares about me,
I escorted them all to the door, “okay see u in school tomorrow ” Stacey said and I nod
“don’t forget we’ll always be here for here and deal with that witch or whatever she is” Tara said and I smiled at her brave tone, Phillip waved and smiled and his blue eyes sparked and I smiled back.
“okay, then take care” Daniel said and hugged me, I hugged him back and when we disengaged he pecked me.. I hit him playfully on his stomach and he smiled and winked at me.. I waved to them goodbye and they all walked away, good thing they came here and told me about Gwen I know that now I’ll have to stay away from her at all cost.. I tucked my hair behind my ear and went to my room,
I met Jeremy pacing out beside my bed, he gave me a sympathetic look when I walk inside,
“what” I asked
“look I’m sorry I didn’t offer to help when you told me to help you get away from Gwen the other day, I didn’t know you were this hurt the way you cried downstairs made me feel bad, I only cared about seeing Natalie, I’m sorry” he said..
“it’s okay I mean it’s in the past now right? ” I say and he smiled, I walked over to my bed and sat down, I glanced at the time it’s already 1:30pm I haven’t even eaten and I’m nor hungry this story about Gwen is really giving me creeps.. That I loose my breath every second..
“are you sure you’re okay ” Jeremy asked me
“I don’t know” I tell him but couldn’t hold back the tears that kept falling, I’m just so scared I haven’t been scared like this since when I was born..
“it’s okay Stacey remember your friends said they’re here for you and I’m also here for you” he said and moved closer to me and cleaned my tears, goodness his hands are too cold..
I ate my breakfast in the afternoon, and my mom and my brothers came back from the movies around five in the evening my mom made dinner but I couldn’t eat, she kept asking if everything was okay that I can talk to her if anything’s wrong but I just told her I’m fine.. But hell no I’m not fine..
That night after taking a shower and changing into my pajamas, I snuggled up in my bed and folded my blanket around my body like a five years old child who needs her Mom, beside her to fall asleep..
All of a sudden Jeremy appeared, and I quickly sit up straight,
“haven’t you sleep yet” he said playfully but I didn’t smile ..
“can you stay with me tonight” I said and bit my bottom lip
“I always stay with you every night remember I’m your guardian angel” he said and smiled, his smiles always get me..
“are you still scared ” he asked
“yeah” I replied and nodded
“I’ve told you a billion times its okay, just go to sleep okay” he said and I nodded “but can you stay right here beside me” I said and he nodded and appeared beside me sitting on the bed..
I sighed when I close my eyes i had a glimpse of Gwen and her mischievous grin.. I quickly opened my eyes and sighed
“do you have feelings for Daniel ” Jeremy asked
“no” I say
“really? ” he asked and I nodded
“I can tell you’re lying ” he said and I rolled my eyes,
“I have to tell you something Stacey ” Jeremy said and sighed
“which is? ” I asked…wondering what he’s about to tell me..


Stacey’s Pov continues
“um. I think I like you” Jeremy tells me, he thinks..
“you think” I repeat my mind
“I don’t really think I do, but don’t get me wrong I don’t like you, the way you understand but I like you, I don’t know if you get me.. ” he explains panicking a little
“I get it, you like me but only as a friend just like the way I like Daniel ” I say and he nods
“but I have a feeling, Phillip likes you” he said and grins
“Phillip? He barely talks to me or look at me” I say and rolled my eyes
“you never know take it from a twenty eight years old man” he says
“oh you’re finally agreeing that you’re twenty eight ,but you’re not you’re still eighteen you douche bag ” I say sarcastically
“oh so you’re finally agreeing that I’m eighteen” he replied sarcastically and I rolled my eyes and smiled
“goodnight” I said
“good morning ” he tells me
“freak” I muttered and slowly close my eyes, before falling asleep..
The next morning I prepared for school and hurried To catch the bus and thankfully I did, I was surprised I got to school very early, no wonder the school bus wasn’t very few. I got to class and sat down alone feeling bored, Phillip and his troops aren’t here yet, my friends actually and Jeremy isn’t here with me, bummer.. I laid my head on my desk there was only few people In the class like three or four. Very few, I felt something cold on my shoulder, Jeremy, I turned and he sat on a chair beside me, “good morning” he said
But I didn’t give him a reply,
“what’s wrong ” he asked
“nothing” I said
“but you didn’t reply me” he said
“I know I’m just glad you’re here” I said and suddenly regretted
“you’re glad that am here” jeremy said and smiled, oh dang it. Why the hell did I say that he’s going to tease the life out of me,
“I didn’t mean to say that okay Just shut up” I replied, feeling shy and uncomfortable..
But his smile just grew wider “why we’re you glad I’m here, do you like me or something ” he said and moved his face closer to mine but not too close, “you’re crazy, ” I say
“no you’re the crazy one” he tells me “just admit you like me Stacey, why keep it to your self ” he added
“you’re the most annoying person I’ve ever met” I said and huffed
“who are you talking to” I heard Tamara’s voice behind me.. Oh geez , this is not good
“um.. Nobody” I lied, she’s definitely not buying that
“you’re lying to me Stacey I was standing here the whole time I don’t know who you’re talking to but you clearly said you’re glad he or she is here and that he’s annoying and he should shut up” Tamara explained and I swallowed my saliva I scratched my un-itchy hair and grinned widely and weirdly, how can I create a lie, ever since I’ve met Jeremy all I do is lie.. Seriously this dude’s second name should be ‘Bad influence’
“I… I…
I wanted to say something when Daniel,phillip and Sophie walked up to us,
Tamara moved closer to me and whispered in my ear, “I don’t want to drag attention and all but you’ll definitely tell me all this later ” I nodded not sure of my self and she sat down quietly maybe I can trust Tamara and tell her, she may be good with secrets who knows ,
“so Stacey how you doing ” Phillip said as he sat down and dropped his bag,
“I’m fine ” I say and glanced at Jeremy and he gave me a look and said “I told you Phillip likes you ” I wanted to reply him but I also don’t to be a weirdo and Tamara is already suspicious.. Jeremy left and we did morning class, before they rang the bell for lunch time.. Thank goodness, Jeremy appeared and for some reason I wasn’t glad to see him.
We all head out to the cafeteria together, laughing and talking, just to get to the other side of the building wasn’t so bad until, Gwen started walking towards us with barb on her right and Nancy on her Left her hair looks glossier than ever.. Oh geez, my heart has started to beat again.. “remember it’s okay” Jeremy and Phillip whispered to me the same time but it was awkward because it was only Jeremy’s voice that soothe me down..
“hi.. There” Gwen said to all of us
“what do you want” Sophie said
“shut up greeny, I didn’t talk to you” Gwen said calmly, she tucked some strands of hair beside her ears and looked at me..
“Stacey, can we talk, Alone” Gwen said …
“I don’t think we have anything to talk about ” I yelp without looking at her,
“oh really?” she says
“yes ” Phillip says before I can reply her..
“well we’ll see about that, you just wait and see, I don’t get disappointments but you just Gave me one, so you just wait and see” she said threateningly and Walked away, okay I think I’m about to pass out now, cause that girl is giving me creeps
“don’t listen to her Stacey we’ve got your back ” Phillip tells me and I nodded, so good to have friends who cares for you,
We got to the cafeteria and ordered our food and sat down on our favourite table and for the reason I think it is Tamara sat beside me.. And I bacame scared again, Jeremy was also beside me I wanted to turn right at him and talk to him so. Bad about how I feel about Gwen, so he can calm me down but I can’t, this time it won’t be Tamara who’s going to be the suspicious one but all of them
“Gwen’s a stupid freak” Jeremy tells me
“I know” I say and gasped
“you know what” Daniel ask me
“I know,what? What are you guys talking about ” I say
“you just said, I know, who were you talking to” Sophie said
“yes, Stacey tell us who were you talking to” Tamara added and dipped her chip in her little plate of guacamole,
“I… I.. Have to go to the bathroom” I said and stood up and quickly walked away and to the bathroom, okay I didn’t need to go to the bathroom but I had to escape from them, they’re all on me.. Suddenly Jeremy appeared beside me..
“thank goodness you’re here, they’re all on me they’re all gonna think am crazy talking to my self when am actually talking to you” o say and gesture my hands towards him..
“then just tell them” Jeremy remarked
“I….thought it was a secret, ” I yanked
“I never said it was a secret” Jeremy said
“but do you think they’ll believe me ” I asked
“I dunno, ” he said I sighed heavily and turned but was shocked to see Tamara, she’s spying on me, but she was looking at me weirdly with her hand folded across her chest..
“so are you going to lie to me again cause I caught you again, who are you talking to Stacey, you’re actually freaking me out, tell me what’s going on I’m your friend I deserve to know ” she said and I sighed heavily.. If she wants to know then I’ll let her know.
“it’s my friend, Jeremy ” I tell her
“are we friends ” Jeremy said playfully and I glared at him..
“well why can’t I see this Jeremy your friend” she soked.
“because.. Because he’s a ghost” I tell her and she smiled…
“and you want Me to believe you” she added, And I started to get angry,
“look Stacey you’re better than this do you really, —
“that’s the point and the reason I didn’t want to tell you guys you’ll all think that I’m crazy, like you just did, you know friends really believe each other, are we really friends If we were you wouldn’t be doubting me now ” I yell..
“look I’m sorry okay, but I just believe all those Are myt…. so it’s true, ghosts do live in your house the story is actually true but.. I.. Don’t believe this, I thought it was all make believe but it’s all true” Tamara said with a surprised face,
“actually I wouldn’t say ghosts, cause there’s only one ghost and he’s a boy and I can see him” I tell her..
She moved closer to me and said
“can you like prove it to show me If he’s here like right now ” she said and folded her lips together..
Thank goodness she has believed me..
I dipped my hands in my breast-pocket and brought out my handkerchief, “hold this” I tell Jeremy and he did..
“w..wwoww.. It’s floating your, your handkerchief, it’s floating ” she said happily and I smiled , Jeremy handed my hanky back to me and i mouted thank you to him..
“so sorry I doubted you ” Tamara said she hugged me..
“I think that hug is mine” I hear Gwen’s creepy voice behind us..


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Atitebi Hannah
4 years ago

What’s with this Gwen sef, I despise her already

Emem Adam
Emem Adam
4 years ago

I hope this Gwen doesn’t hurt Stacey. Jeremy please do something

4 years ago

Hey you gwen, the latest bitch in town ?
Watch out ??

Solomon Ade
Solomon Ade
4 years ago

This Gwen of a witch has become a thorn in the flesh to our girl Stacy. Something fast need to be done