MY GHOST BOYFRIEND (High school Teenagers)? Episode 1 by Ruthie Lee


(The sleepover)

**Stacey’s pov continues**
“you’re such a.. ” I kept my negative words to my self because jack is sitting beside me.. Jeremy is such ..ugh I don’t even know what to call him.. He should be glad he’s a ghost
“Jackson can you excuse us for like an hour, or go and brush your teeth, ” I say and he nodded and walked out.. Jeremy was busy laughing, “you know you’re easily tricked” he tells me and I roll my eyes.. “well just know I didn’t kiss you but jack” I said and stood up from my bed..
“whatever all I know is you kissed me” he yanked and smile, I sighed and walked over to my hamper and grabbed my towel.. “just get lost ” I say and walked to the bathroom..
I took my brush and added some toothpaste and immediately Jeremy appeared beside me. “get lost” I tell him
“no until you admit I tricked you and you kiss me” he said
I looked at my self in the mirror but Jeremy wasn’t beside me and when I turned he was there,
“you know for twenty eight years old man you come up with the dumbest thing ever” I say
“you know am eighteen so don’t make this weird and admit it” he said
“not happening old man” I tease and started to brush my teeth, “well I’m not leaving this bathroom until you admit it” he said “not a problem with me” I say,..
After brushing my teeth, I roll my hair into a bun and said to Jeremy “get out I wanna have my bath” ..
“I thought you said it’s not a problem” he teases and smiled
“oh.. Really, so you want to watch me take my bath right” I said
“I told you I’m not going anyway until you admit it Juliet.. and yes I will stay here and watch you have your bath” he smirked, he’s just being dramatic
“okay suit your self ” I said and touched the hem of my shirt pretending that I want to pull it over my head ..”stop” he alarmed and I turned “I thought you said you wanted to watch” I said
“I was just joking okay, geez Stacey ” he said and disappear I couldn’t help it but laugh. I took my bath then changed and head downstairs for breakfast, my mom was making it, she goes to work late on a Saturday ..
After eating a buttered toast bread with tea I thanked my mom and told her about the sleepover..
” a sleep over, honey am not sure about that” she tells me
“come-on mom” I whined and pouted.. “are you the only going?” she asked
“no.. I’m going with my other friends at school” I lied well at least I’m going with Jeremy..
“okay honey be careful” my mom said and grabbed her purse, “be careful” she tells me again and I nodded and forced a smile, she left for work and I breathed a sigh of relief..
I went back to my room and saw Jeremy sitting on my bed, “get your ghostly butt off my bed” I said as I got inside.
“do you know you have a problem” Jeremy said and stand up, I rolled my eyes and walked up to my bed to sit down..
“you’re just like my mom always blabbering about this and that you’re like a complaint freak” he said and I shot him a glare..
“like they say you can’t be pretty outside and still be pretty inside you’re inside is the opposite of your outside ” is Jeremy indirectly telling me I’m pretty? ‘of course he is you moron’ my subconscious tells me and I rolled my eyes..
“well too bad your inside and outside is the same they’re both. Un-pretty! ” I yanked at him even a two years old could guess I was lying,
Jeremy licked his lips and narrowed his eyes, I sighed and laid my head on my pillow okay today is so boring, too boring, I hate it like so much,.. I suddenly flinched cause something cold touched me, Jeremy..
When I opened my eyes it was him. “did you feel that, ” he ask me
“yeah I did you’re too cold ” I say
“yeah that’s how could your heart is ” he teases and smiled making his dimple appear.. “just get outta my life you’re making today alot boring” I said and used my pillow to cover my face..
I later fell asleep peacefully
And woke up In the evening at exactly ,I looked at the time 7:30pm wow I did I sleep so long, I turned but didn’t see Jeremy, OMG the sleepover I almost forgot about that and Gwen said she’ll pick me up at exactly Seven and now it’s seven thirty, I quickly ran downstairs and Gwen was seated on the couch with Jeremy staring at her.. Awkwardly, she was drinking a cup of coffee my mom also was back home early
“oh honey thank goodness you’re awake” my mom said and Gwen turned and seeing me she smiled,
“your friend have been here for like thirty minutes go get ready” my mom tells me and I nodded and glanced at Gwen who kept smiling at me..
I quickly head upstairs and folded my pajamas and blankets before heading downstairs..
“I’m good to go” I say and Gwen stood up “thank you Mrs Turner” Gwen said her lips red from her lipstick, her eyes shining grey under our shinny white light..
“I’m in my car outside” she say and walked away, her voice is so calm and gentle but yet so thick and scary..
“ohh that girl gives me cramps, honey be careful tonight” my mom said and Gives me a kiss on my forehead I nodded and when I turned I couldn’t find Jeremy where I saw him.. I shrugged and walked out .. I saw a black BMW car outside our gate, wow Gwen’s parent might be selling gold
“hop in” she tells me and I did..
“wait are we the only one who’s going to be at your sleepover like just the two of us” I asked
“maybe” she said and started the car and drove to her house,..
Her house was the same as other houses In the estate but the inside was wow.
I saw two of her friends barb and Nancy, both of them blond hair, like mine, welcome to the sleepover Stacey ” nancy said and I flashed her a smile.. We head to Gwen’s room and it was also wow,
“okay girls our sleepover starts now everyone change into your pyjama and now” Gwen said and Nancy and barb smiled happy, I did as she said and changed into pajamas and so did the other girls and so did Gwen, her pajama’s shirt was amazing and so was the pant, I could wear it to a party instead of using it to sleep..
“so our first activity is watching a scary movie” Gwen announces, seriously this sleepover is going to be the boriest one ever I haven’t been to a sleepover before but I’ve heard about it and this one is not like the one I have heard..
I sat on the floor quietly while Barb Nancy and Gwen sat on her bed,..
“girls go and make the popcorn while me and Gwen waits” Gwen said and barb and Nancy hurried out slamming the door,
“don’t sit there stace, come sit here” she said and tapped the bed I stood up slowly and as I was about to sit down two children rushed in.. A boy and a girl
“aunt Gwen I’m hungry” the boy said
“do I look like your mom, ” Gwen said rudely
“no but mom’s busy” the girl said
“seriously, Natalie’s crazy just get out whatever she’s busy with must end don’t disturb me okay or else you don’t want me to get my special gift from grandma” Gwen threatened and the Two children hurried out and suddenly Jeremy appeared.. Finally
“Stacey, I found her, Natalie, turns out she’s Gwen older sister no wonder they look so alike, so buy me time I’ll see what I can do and if I need your help I’ll let you know” he said and vanished.. I didn’t even get a chance to say anything well good thing I didn’t don’t want Gwen to think I’m crazy or something..
I sat down on her bed beside her and she smiled and faced me..
“you know you’re one pretty girl” she tells me
“thanks..” I said not looking at her, cause I’m now scared of her like crazy cause of the way she threatened those kids and the way her voice sounds..
“and guess what I like pretty girls who are pretty like me to” she said and moved back a tiny strand of hair that fell on my face.. “okay” I said and looked at her but quickly look away cause she looks too scary… But pretty..
“so that means I like you too” she said okay what is she trying to say now cause I’m getting like so fucking bored ..
She moved closer to me, and what now?.. She touched my cheek and brought my face closer to hers before I could realise what she was trying to do.. She kissed me.. What the hell?


Stacey’s pov
I quickly backed away from Gwen what the hell, why did she kissed me.. Is she..
“what’s wrong” she asked
“why.. wh..y did you kiss me” I said as I moved my hair back..
“what.. Is it a crime, are you going to call the cops on me, I told you I like you and what? Oh my goodness she’s gay, she’s a lesbian..
“I.. I.. I don’t work that way” I tell her,
“well I do.. ” she said and moved closer to me but I moved back a little.. “look Stacey, I invited you to my sleepover because I wanted to and I like you and I’ll do whatever I want and you don’t know me but just know I get whatever i want” she said her voice thick and scary like always but very calm and low.. also
I swallowed my saliva and said
“well.. I.. I have to go to the bathroom” I lied ..
“well it’s over there just open that door there” she said and pointed and I nodded.. She smiled but even now her smile looks scary,as I stood up she stopped me and stood up too
“don’t keep me waiting Turner” she calls me by surname, okay this girl is crazy, she is freakingly crazy.. Why did I say yes to this invitation in this first place, for the first time in eight days I needed Jeremy like so bad..
I nodded I couldn’t even find my voice cause all this took me by surprise.. “good” she remarked and places a light kiss on my lips.. Eww..
I hurried to the bathroom and locked the door, I cleaned my lips, feeling irritated I haven’t even kissed a boy I like yet, than my fellow girl that is so not good.. I turned on the sink, and as the water rushed out I took a little and splashed on my face I must be dreaming..
Immediately I turned off the water Jeremy appeared, I didn’t see him in the mirror but when I turned I saw him.. I got close to him to close
“Jeremy you have to help” I whispered
“everything seems fine here” he said
“no Gwen’s a freakish lesbian, she kissed me” I whispered
“wow.. She did, I haven’t even gotten a chance to do that ” Jeremy said playfully
“don’t start with me J.r I know what I’m talking about” I said threateningly
“okay.. What can I do” he asked
“I dunno save me from this place” I whisper..
“look I need time, I want Natalie alone but her two kids are just pestering around, and if you know how bad I want to talk to her you’ll get back in there and stick to what Gwen does” Jeremy said
“are you crazy, are you even sure she can see you maybe you need me” I say, I need a way to escape this Gwen of a girl..
“no she can See Me” Jeremy said
“just get me outta here ” I command
“I can’t, look I’ll be back just try to avoid any kisses” he said, smiled and disappear, he must be kidding me..
I opened the door a little and peeped through the tiny space and thank goodness her friends are back, I walked back inside and closed the door,
“finally you’re back” Gwen’s voice filled the whole room I nodded and we made eye contact and she smiled. Oh kill me.
I sat on the floor with barb and Nancy, with a big bowl of popcorn in front of them..
“so we’re watching Twilight Saga right” barb asked
“yeah” Gwen said and moved her hair back..
“come sit with me Stacey ” Gwen said, oh no, not again
“no thanks I’m comfortable in the floor here” I lied , this girl is totes crazy,
“no you’re not, now do as I say or you don’t want to make me angry” Gwen said and barb and Nancy gave me a look that said “please-go” I swallowed hard and shook my head negatively..
Gwen scoffed and laughed “are you trying to put up with me Stacey Turner” how did she even get to know my surname I don’t remember telling her that and the way she’s pronouncing it is giving me creeps..
“please just do as she says” barb who was close to me whispered in my ear, and I wondered if they know about her being homosexual, of course they would they are her best friends
I sighed and sat down on the bed but at the edge ..
“aww Edward Cullen Is so cute” Nancy said while Gwen and barh rolled their eyes, I glanced at Gwen but she was focused on the movie.. Thank goodness, the movie was interesting but I couldn’t believe I actually miss Jeremy and his funny behaviour and words..dang it..
As the movie went playing, Nancy fell asleep and barb was dozing and so was i my eye lids were getting weaker and heavier I glanced at her wall clock and it’s already 10:05pm ..
Gwen came down from the bed and switch off the TV, she brought out blankets and pillows and laid them on the floor, barb laid on one while she woke Nancy up and Nancy laid on the other one,
“you.. you are sleeping on the bed. With me ” she said and grins.. Fuck u.. I wanted to tell her but I just shut up because I was very sleepy, i nodded in agreement and laid my head on one of the pillow laying properly, I closed my eyes finally I can sleep
But I felt someone’s hand on my waist.. I opened my eyes and it was Gwen.. What kind of sorcery is this.. Why me!
‘would you complain if it was Jeremy’ my blabber beak subconscious tells me and I ignored her.. I tried to remove her hand but she held my waist tighter and said “don’t push it ” in my ear she gosh her voice sends chills to my body… I let her be but I couldn’t sleep, I was worried about Jeremy and my self I can’t believe I’m worried about Jeremy, I could hear as Gwen’s breathing got heavier she’s asleep, thank goodness.. I gently remove her hand from my waist, and go down from the bed, I opened her room door and walked out, where is Jeremy! I ask my self, I started hearing someone groaning from the one room, and it sounded like Jeremy’s voice, I moved closer to the door and peeped and I saw Jeremy standing still beside the wall he was trying to move but he couldn’t he was also groaning in pain, what’s up with that..
I opened the door more wider and walked in the room was scary as hell, there was no couch, no-nothing only just a small statue of an old woman lying in the middle of the room and a burning paper, beside it.. I think..
“oh thank goodness you’re here Stacey” Jeremy said, his body was starting to become translucent
“what’s happening to you Jeremy” I asked
“Natalie, she.. Just help me out ” he said his voice sounding very far,
“how what do I do” I asked
“quick help me turn off that burning paper” he said, thank goodness I was wearing slippers, i quickly stepped on it before and turned off.. Jeremy quickly fell to the ground and sighed heavily..
I walked up to him and helped him up… And helped him up He looked so weak and tired
“Are you okay” I asked
“no” he replied
“what happened anyway” I asked.
“Natalie.. She can see me , I tried to talk to her, she pretended like she wanted to listen to me but led me to this room, and then trapped me that burning paper was loaded with some kind of voodoo shits, I don’t understand but it got me I couldn’t move and I was starting to become weak and transparent also. She told me to go to hell and then she walked out” Jeremy Explained
“I don’t understand is Natalie a witch or something ” I asked
“I don’t know but I’ll keep trying to get to the bottom of all this, I want to be human again ” he said
“well you have to go Home cause you’re not safe here” I tell him
“I know, but I’m afraid I can’t disappear I’m too weak to do so, I’ll have to walk home” he said and for the first time I had sympathy for Jeremy , “OK but I’m coming with you ” I say
“no you have to stay here or else gwen will be suspicious” he said
“no buts Stacey just do this for my sake okay” he said and arched his eyebrows ..and I sighed “okay” I agreed and he smiled and walked away from me passing through the door..
I went back sadly to Gwen’s room and laid back on the bed finally falling asleep, the next morning I was the first to wake up and Gwen’s hand was on my boobs eww.. I removed it and packed my stuff, they all woke up after me and we all head home finally..
As I got to my room I met Jeremy on my bed.. “Jr ” I call him and he turned and smiled
“are you okay” I asked
“I’ve never been better ” he said and stood up his voice sounded normal his eyes shining golden as normal and he looked okay..
“well thank goodness ” I said and dropped my stuff,he approched me and said “thanks for saving me once again looks like I’m not the only one who has a guardian angel ” he said
“quit whining it was nothing” I said, I could feel the swelling of my head..
“it was something how can I repay you lemme think.. ” he said and I smiled and rolled my eyes and was surprised Jeremy kissed me I reciprocated happily, his lips felt cold but OMG I’m kissing Jeremy, I quickly pulled over and said “I’m.. I have to go..
I have no where to go..
I quickly ran downstairs but bumped into jack.. “sorry Jack” I tell him but he just nodded and walked upstairs he was still sleepy
I met my mom coming out from the kitchen, “good morning mom” I greeted her, but she didn’t reply or glance at me..
“mom! ” I call
But she didn’t reply, she started walking towards me and then passed through me,, oh my goodness, my mom just passed through me.. What.. What happened to me.. I’m.. I’m. A ghost..


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4 years ago

OMG. This is unbelievable ?
Why becoming a ghost all of a sudden ?
WTF is wrong ?
Jeremy kindly help her out.
It can’t be possible ?

Emem Adam
Emem Adam
4 years ago

Haaa….. how can she become a ghost just know? Is it because of the kiss or is it the after effect of Natalie’s act?

Odelola Oluseyi
Odelola Oluseyi
3 years ago

Nice story.

3 years ago

I can’t find episode13 to 15