My Daughter Has a Ghost👻👀 – Saviour ibok author

My Daughter Has a Ghost👻👀 - Saviour ibok author

My Daughter Has a Ghost👻👀 – Saviour ibok author

I am shivering right now because I have two copies of my daughter starting at me, waiting for me to react.

Earlier in the evening–after dinner– I’d sent my daughter, Vera, to bed. She’d insisted on watching more cartoon shows, but I had to be tough on her.

My husband always said I was too loose with our daughter.

Vera became angry and went to her room. I told myself I didn’t do anything wrong despite the hurt I felt.

I have to be honest: it’s in my blood to pamper kids, because I had parents who pampered me.

Driven by this guilt, I went to Vera’s room to check on her (and maybe offer her some chocolate).

With the box of chocolate in hand, I opened her door but noticed the lights were on.

I frowned. “Why is the light on?” I ask.

Vera peeked out from under the covers. She was white and pale as a sheet and she was trembling too.

In her hand was one of her small umbrellas; she held it as if it was a weapon.

“Mom, there’s a ghost in my closet!” She whispered.

I was worried, but when it came to ghosts, I was a non-believer. This is why I’ve never allowed her watch scary cartoons.

Sighing, I went to the closet. One thing I knew was that it was more effective to prove that there was no ghost.

I pulled the closet open and said. “See? There’s no ghost–”

I stopped suddenly😱, shocked out of my mind.

Inside the closet was my daughter (or someone who looks like her!) She was trembling too, clutching a book tightly.

When this girl saw me, she said, “Mom, there’s a ghost in my bed!”

I turned and Vera was still in bed, shivering.

Then I knew one of them was a ghost, but which one?

The other climbed out of the closet and the other got out of bed. Both cornered me, asking for the ghost to be sent away.

Then, I screamed.

Up until this moment in my life, I’ve never believed in ghosts (my idea of ghosts went only as far as using it to prank people).

But, right then I was faced with two copies of my daughter–both incredibly frightened, calling the other a ghost.

Of course, I screamed again and backed away to the door; they followed me.

Terrified, I yelled, “stay back! Both of you!”

They didn’t stop. Instead, they fearfully yelled at the same time, “she’s the ghost!”

My heart was beating really fast and I looked from the pale Vera to the fearful one (both looked incredibly scared and appeared to be the real Vera).

At that moment, I had an idea of using a knife to cut them; the ghost wouldn’t bleed.

But, I quickly abandoned this idea because I was afraid of hurting my daughter, Vera. Another reason (the one I feared most) was that the ghost would do something terrible while I tried to cut it.

So, I went with the next idea: call my husband.

He had gone on a branch conference for his company three days ago. I have to tell him of this madness.

My hands were shaking when I took my phone (the two girls were still trying to get to me so I kept moving).

I called Tim, my husband, but the strangest thing happened.

The service told me his number didn’t exist on any database.

“Oh, God, not now!” I quickly tried to redial, but the phone screen went dark.

I tried to turn it on, but the phone seemed to have died totally.

The two girls circled around towards me and my fear tripled.

I hit the phone, but it stayed black.

Just then, one of the bulbs in the living room went off. Then another followed. And another.

Gripped by terror, I rushed to the door and tried to open, but it felt like someone else was pulling from outside.

The last bulb went off and I felt a cold hand grab me.

“Mommy,” a ghostly voice called.

My heart almost gave up on me.😱


Two things have made my bad day worse.

Today, I lost my job because I beat up my boss.

To be clear, I’m not a psycho who goes around beating up women at the office for pleasure. The situation surrounding my job loss is bizarre.

It began early in the morning when I woke up and saw two eyes👻👀 watching me. The eyes were attached to the air, but they blinked as if they were alive.

I’d been scared out of my mind and rushed out of bed. Soon, the eyes disappeared and I thought I’d imagined it.

I was wrong.

On my way to work, the company driver who drives me to the office came over and took me. Along the way, the man turned to talk to me, but he looked different–worse than a ghost.

You’ll think I’m crazy, but I know what I saw. My driver suddenly had no eyes, nose, mouth or ears. His face was just blank and white, but he was speaking to me.

I was terrified that I screamed and ordered him to stop.

I had to trek to work in confusion. When I arrived, I was late and my boss yelled at me. She’s a harsh woman. But I didn’t talk back.

During the day, I got visitors in my office. They weren’t human visitors.

The ghosts 👻tormented me. They had no face or shape and they talked about my wife Lucy and daughter Vera.😱😱

At one point, I became too terrified that I grabbed the ghost and beat it, hoping it would go away.

It didn’t. Rather, it turned to my boss.

That’s how I lost my job and everything. Frustrated, I tried to call my wife to tell her, but my phone went dark. My ATM cards malfunctioned and I couldn’t get anyone to help me.

I was stranded all day till night fell. The street lights went off after they came on and I couldn’t see anything aside from the white figures everywhere.

It was like a party for ghosts!

None of them had faces.

You can’t begin to imagine the fear I felt. Why was this happening to me? What did the ghosts want?

“Leave me alone!” I yelled at them as I ran along the dark street (I couldn’t see anything in the darkness aside from the ghosts).

The ghosts laughed, their voices sounding like hundreds of voices stacked together.

I fumbled with my phone, but it wouldn’t work.

After a while, I spotted a man walking towards me. He wore a hat that covered his face and carried a flashlight.

I ran to him for help (I had to get shelter).

“Sir, please help me. Can I use your phone?” I asked.

The man nodded. “Sure. Why are you shaking?”

I shook my head. “You won’t believe me. I’m seeing ghosts; faceless monsters without shape, and they’re following me!”

“Faceless ghosts?” The man asked. “They looked like this?”

The man took his hat off and pointed the flashlight at his face and I saw that he didn’t have eyes or nose or ears or mouth. His head was blank.

I stumbled and fell over, screaming.

Just then, eyes opened in the air (thousands of them) and they all blinked at once.

That’s when I knew I was done for. No amount of screaming would save me!



I was on the floor with my heart pounding like school drums beaten by the school bully. And I was looking at a man who had no face. Looking into the featureless face that lacked eyes, ears, nose and a mouth sent shivers down my spine and my stomach twisted in horror.

Then, I had a thought: I was dreaming. This whole madness had to be a dream. Maybe I was still in my room sleeping and soon, this nightmare would end.

“This is a dream,” I blurt out. I don’t know how I was able to find my voice with the level of fear I felt in my bones. Even when I spoke, I sounded like someone was squeezing at my voice. My heart was thumping harder and harder now and my head felt big.

The ghost leaned closer and aimed the flashlight at its face—maybe so I could see its blank face better. “You’re not dreaming, Tim. I’m as real as you are.”

I struggled to my feet and stepped back to put up distance between us. My legs felt like they didn’t have bones in them and my mind ran through series of thoughts. “What do you want from me?”

If this wasn’t a dream, then there had to be an explanation. The ghosts didn’t seem too eager to kill me so what did they want? I look around at the many eyes floating in the dark night. They blinked occasionally and I felt the hair on my neck stand up.

The ghost floated over. Before, I thought it had legs. Now that I looked closer, the things I thought were its legs were just two extensions of its long, white robe. “We just want to play with you, Tim.”

I shook my head, shocked. “Go away! Find someone else to play with!” I was shivering and I’m sure I was mere inches away from running mad. It’s funny how a man of my standard would suddenly lose his mind. What would my wife, Lucy, do? What would happen to our daughter?

The ghost floated closer and I stepped away. Behind me, another ghost appeared, and I dashed to the other side, trembling. “We can’t find someone else because you’ve been marked for today. You must entertain us. Tim, do you know how boring it is on the other side? We only get this one chance.”

I backed away. Three more faceless ghosts appeared and cornered me. My heart skipped almost five beats in a minute. I thought I would drop dead. But I didn’t. I yelled. “I don’t want anything to do with you. Leave me alone! Let me be!”

The terror I felt was what fuelled this sudden rage. What did I do to deserve this ghost haunt? Why was it me?

But the ghost suddenly became angry (I could tell it was angry because its white face became contorted and developed wrinkles). They loomed closer and I backed away hurriedly. I stumbled, but managed not to fall.

“You don’t want to play with us? It’s fine. We’ll have to kill you and make you one of us so you’ll see how boring it is being a ghost!”

Before I could muster the courage to run, the ghost threw off its robe and revealed a pale white skin. Then, the skin broke apart at sections and from each hole, a snake emerged.

I watched with wide eyes as its body broke and grew big snakes. The snakes didn’t fall to the ground; they hung onto the body and strained, hissing and twisting about as if they couldn’t wait to eat something.

For a while, I was frozen in place, unable to run. The other ghosts transformed too. I only came back to my senses when the snakes’ eyes suddenly became red like blood.

I ran. I was surprised that my legs could still carry me, but I didn’t stop to wonder how. If there was a chance that I could escape this and run till morning, I had to take it. I shouted as I ran, hoping someone would come to my rescue.

The street was silent and dark even though there were houses on both sides. No one came out, no cars passed. It was like the ghosts had shut down everything on the street and trapped me in their world.

More ghosts appeared with their ripped body and twisting snakes. Each of the snakes tried to get at me. I kept running, but a ghost jumped out of nowhere and grabbed me by the shoulders. Its touch was cold like ice and I felt as if death was touching me.

The ghost’s face broke and a huge snake whipped out and bit at me. I twisted myself violently and managed to escape its hold, but the snake grabbed on. Its teeth had bitten through my shirt, but miraculously, it hadn’t bitten me.

I ran and that section of my shirt tore away. I wouldn’t mind even if I ran naked this night. I was mad already. What I wanted was survival. More of them came out from every corner and every turn. Despite the fear, all I could think of was my family. They were at home, sleeping soundly not knowing what I’m going through.

“Oh, God, help me!” I shouted as I ran. My legs were becoming weak and the ghosts were catching up. I was panting and soon, I knew my body would give up on me. Still, I ran. I would run till I had no strength left.

Another ghost tackled me and we both crashed to the ground. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, but I quickly kicked the ghost aside, grabbed one of its snakes and ripped it apart. Blood sprayed into the air. Many more came and they were howling in a really bone-chilling manner.

I spotted a house and ran towards it. Getting inside shelter would help. I knocked, but there was no response, so I left and got back on the road. I was becoming slow and they were getting closer and closer.

Then, I fell down, exhausted. I couldn’t continue anymore so I lay there, heaving, waiting for death to take me. There was no point running. I had only one regret: I wouldn’t see my family. Would the police think someone murdered me?

The ghosts gathered around me, prepared to eat. I was terrified, and helpless. One of them fell on me and all the snakes opened their mouths, retreated and prepared to attack.

Just then, strong beams of light filled the dark road and the ghosts were confused. They turned and howled, but the light kept coming.

I looked over and saw that it was a car—an SUV—speeding towards us. I raised my weak hands and shouted. “Help me, please!”

The car sped by, then the door swung open and a man shoved out his hand and fired at the ghosts. Each bullet made the ghosts explode. The man kept shooting till nothing was left except pieces of flesh, blood and soft things that looked like bones.

The car stopped and the man said, “get in. I’ll get you out of here!”

I got to my feet and opened the back door. The man floored the accelerator and the car sped along the street. Heaving, I leaned back against the seat and whispered, “thank you. God bless you.”

“Yeah,” the man said. “Thanks.”

I exhaled and relaxed, but my relaxation was cut short when I touched something on the seat of the car. I frowned and picked it up. The car’s headlights reflected into the car so I was able to see what it was.

A human head.

And there were dozens of others in there. I screamed and threw it away. The man chuckled and turned to me. “Oh, sorry for the scare. Your head will join my collection soon and I’ll eat your body.”

A greater fear paralysed me and I jumped at the door, but it locked. I pounded at it, but there was hope.

“You know,” the man said, “those stupid white ghosts only scare people. We just kill and eat them.”

When the man turned to me, I saw that his face was decayed and filled with maggots and his eyes were only holes.

Oh, God, I’m dead.


To be continued in the next post below


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