MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 – Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 - Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 – Ayo Omolayo

“Oh God what is wrong with this woman!” I said in frustration.

“Why can’t she understand me for once?” I said as I paced around the room.

“What’s the meaning of all these? Why can’t she understand? I can’t take this anymore! I can’t!”  I screamed as my tears poured out in frustration.

“Am I the only one that she’s so busy wrecking my life? Oh! Just because I’m so loyal, she’s taking advantage of me. I’ve been such an idiot!”

I had given my life to Christ under the powerful ministration of Mrs Juliet Thompson. She’s a firey and passionate minister of the gospel. She’s well known all over the country.

I had been having this spiritual attack for a long time. Before I went to that revival meeting or should I say was carried there, my case had gotten worse.

Whenever the attack came on me. I became super human. I mean, I became so strong that ten men cannot hold me down. I could break anything that stood in my way.

I became so violent that my family had to lock me up in chains. I had to keep this from my younger sister. She had no clue of what was going on in my life. But my secret could not last long.

Anyway, that’s a long story I would not venture into.

Mrs Juliet Thompson was not the one invited but her mentor, Mrs Toyin Abayomi. But she wasn’t disposed, so she sent her mentee to represent her.

While Juliet was ministering, the power of God hit me in the congregation and I began to manifest.

She had to confront the personality in me in that meeting. At last, I was set free and surrendered to Jesus.

After my conversion, I had a dream two weeks later and decided to see the man of God to share it with him.

What did I see?

I saw thousands of people holding my dress, pleading with me withe tears in their eyes.

“Give us the bread! We are dying of starvation!” They cried out.

“What bread?” I asked.

“The bread! The bread! You have the bread! Don’t keep us in hunger! Give us the bread!” They kept repeating those words.

I was confused. I had just given my life to Christ a few weeks ago. So what could this bread possibly mean?

I was still in my confused state, when Mrs Thompson walked up to meet me and tapped me on the shoulder from behind.

I jerked and turned to see who was standing behind me. Recognition set in immediately and I smiled.

“Mummy! I don’t know what’s going on here! They are asking me to give them bread. I’m the C.E.O. of my late father’s company. I don’t sell bread. I don’t know why they are demanding bread from me.

And ma, why do they keep calling it the bread?” I asked.

He smiled and looked at me.

“Daughter! The bread is the word of God. They are asking you to feed them with the word of God. They are hungry for God’s word and you are to feed them with it.

This is your calling my dear. You are called to be a minister of God’s word. You are to teach his words to his people and guide them through the word”.

I looked at her. The fear of the work assigned to me was seriously overwhelming. I was scared, seeing I did not have much knowledge on the word of God. I was completely scared of what laid ahead of me.

“Mummy! I don’t know what to do! Please help me! Teach me all I need to know. I’m just a baby in the Lord. I was born two weeks ago. I don’t know my left from my right.

Please Mummy! Teach me more about God!”

That was how the dream ended.

I had to look for Mrs Thompson and tell her all I had seen.

She listened with rapt attention, nodding at everything I said.

When I was done saying what I had to say, she explained everything to me. She made me understand what the dream meant and what I needed to do.

Then I knelt down and begged her to mentor me, just like I did in the dream.

Reluctantly, she agreed after my incessant pleas.

So, I began my mentorship program under Mrs Juliet Thompson. Well it wasn’t much of a class actually. She kept checking up on me and asking on how my quiet time went. Then sometimes she would teach me something in the Bible, something completely new to me.

She would explain the Bible and say things that made me marvel.

I was gradually becoming a lover of God’s word. I studied the Bible everyday and reported back to her the revelations I received during my Bible study.

By the way, my name is Cristina, but I changed it to Christiana. Christiana Kolapo.

This is my story……….

To be continued………..

Young lady! Young man! What is your destiny?

Who are you created to be?

Have you discovered your purpose?

Do you think all you were created to do was to get married and have children?

Has the one who created you spoken or revealed to you what he designed you to become?

If he has, what steps are you making towards preparing yourself for that assignment you were destined for.

MY BABY HUSBAND is going to be a journey you wouldn’t love to miss.

Get ready to journey into the life of Christiana.

A lady with the calling of God upon her life.





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