Mother Why? Final Part 4 Tishania Ginikachi


Mother Why?

Part 4

Final episode.

We went ahead for the inspection of the property, we arrived at the destination, to my greatest surprise I couldn’t believe the house I wanted to buy was my ex-husband’s house, Timi.

Why would Timi want to sell out his house? I asked myself within. We finally inspect the house but I didn’t find Timi inside the house, it was a different person I saw.
The person needed money urgently and want to sell the property out, I totally understood and I bought the house. We signed some documents and I was handed the files and documents of the house…I was ready to leave when I decided to asked the person about the former owner.

“Please what about the main owner of this place, his name is Timi”, I asked eagerly waiting for a response.

“Oh I really don’t know where he is, his wife sold this place to me without his notice. When he came back from work one-day the place was locked, I was the one that locked the place because I bought it already but I had no idea that his wife sold this place without his consent,” the man replied.

“What? That’s terrible”, I replied in shock.

“Yes it is, I really felt for him but there was nothing I could do. I heard his wife travelled out of the country before he arrived home from work. The guy was so frustrated, the wife clear hia account and sold other properties leaving him with nothing.
His family couldn’t help him, because they also went bankrupt too. His wife clear the company account and sold the company to a white man,” the man added.

“Jesus! How did he get to this point?” I said out of shock, Dija and the man looked at me.

“Ma how did you get to know this man?” Dija asked.

“It’s a long story,” I replied.

“Thanks for your time,” I said as I felt the place.

Getting home, my mind was filled with so much thought. How the love of my life turned into a total stranger and kicked against my right as his wife by marrying a teenager, someone he barely knew.

I miss him so much, I miss how good he was to me. Shortly I arrived home, preparing to go out for a walk to clear my head, when my phone rang. It was my father calling, I was busy so I promised to call back when I have chance but my father constantly called, then I knew something was wrong.

“Hello daddy what’s wrong? You have been buzzing my line nonstop”, I asked.

“It’s your mother she has been rushed to the hospital”, my father replied.

“What? What happened to her?” I asked in fear.

“I really don’t know she has been screaming that someone is flogging her non-stop, she has something to say but you have to be here”, my father added.

“Alright am coming, please be close to you phone”, I said as I quickly dressed up rushing to my car.

Few minutes I arrived at the hospital, my mother’s body was swollen and red as if she has been flogged non-stop. She was in pain and i could feel it, I hugged my dad to comfort him.

“Thank God you can early”, my father said.

“Mom what’s wrong with you? What’s going on?” I asked trying to examine her body closely.

“My daughter I have something to tell you, I know you won’t take it easy but please forgive me”, mother muttered.

“Please talk to me what’s wrong?” I asked.

“So many years ago before I was born my grandmother use to serve a deity and it’s a tradition that needs to be passed on from generation to generation. My mother inherited it and severed the deity, the deity will bless her with so many things but she will never get married that was my mother’s nemesis and she obeyed the deity. My mother had me out of wedlock but she never married my father even when he proposed to her but she bluntly refused. It was my turn to serve the deity, I served the deity but my nemesis was my daughter will never have children or her own if I don’t serve the deity it will take my life so I had to serve.
It’s because of me that’s why you could not conceive in your marriage, I kept eating your unborn children and watched you suffer. Please forgive me am really sorry”, my mother said.

I couldn’t believe my ears, my mother has been the sole problem of my childlessness. At that point I didn’t know what to say or do, how could my mother do this to me?

“What Rita so you are behind our daughters problem and you have been acting like you know nothing about it”, my father said looking at my mother in disgust.

“Ahhhhh mother why? Mother why did you do this to me?” I asked continuously.

“Please forgive me, am in pains”, my mother replied.

“You should roit in hell, you deserve to die. After all the pains you caused our daughter, she was kicked out of her home and used. You where there watching all of it and now you want her forgiveness, Rita you are very wicked”, my father said standing up from the hospital bed where my mother laid.

“Mother why? Why did you do this to me? You destroyed my life, I had to pick up my pieces and place them right. You made the love of my life to hate me, I was kicked out of my marriage because of something I knew nothing about”, I said walking backwards away from my mother.

“Please come, Hannah please come to me, please forgive me Hannah am really sorry”, she said.

I ran away from the hospital, I couldn’t drive home. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind, I walked on the road crying and thinking about what my mother had said to me. Why will she hurt me this much? I walked into a church, I seated there crying and looking at the cross neatly hunged on the wall.

I cried bitterly, praying in my heart for peace and happiness. Then I felt a cold hands resting on my shoulder, the man smiled brightly at me. I haven’t seen him before and I don’t know who he was but I was at peace as smiles at me.

“My daughter all will be well, remember to love, live and be happy. Once you do all of this you will be at peace and all you have lost will be restored”, he said warmthly while I buried my face on the legs. I raised my head up to acknowledge his kind words but he was gone and no where to be found.

Hurried to the hospital to see my mother, I forgive her I just dont want her to be in pains anymore. I want to be free from the bondage of pain and suffering, when I arrived at the hospital my father told me she was no more.

My mother died just the moment I felt the urge to forgive her, it hurt me so bad. I went straight to her corpse and apologized, I cried so much that my eyes were red and swollen.
I forgave her and she was buried some days after, things wasn’t easy for my dad since he now lived alone. I felt his pain and I made sure I always visited him when I had spare time.

Few months later I was invited to a charity reach out, were I gave out clothes, food and other items out to people who could not afford them. I saw Timi, he was looking so dirty and weird. He was looking like a mad man, he couldn’t recognize me but I had to speak to me for a while.

“Am so sorry Hannah, my families wicked act got me to this stage of my life”, Timi said.

“I wish i could undo all I did in the past, and take back all the horrible things I said to you”, Timi said.

“It’s fine Timi, such is life”, I replied.

“I heard all that happened to you and am sorry about that”, I said to him.

“Clara took all I had and sold my house, my family couldn’t help me because of the company Clara sold, my dad had stroke and couldn’t move after hearing what Clara did”, Timi said.

“Don’t worry all will be fine, I will help you and your family”, I said.

“What you will do that for me? After all the pains we caused you, you wanto to still show kindness”, Timi said as tears rolled down his eyes.

“Yes Timi, I will help you and your family beside we use to be lovers and i can’t throw all those loving memories away because of the bad days”, I replied to him as we walked down to my car.

I helped Timi’s family to get back on their feet, I strong connection with some people. They where finally able to buy there company back from the white man and things began to fall in place again for them.

His father got the right medication and he was on his feet in no time, Bina was so ashamed to even look at me. She could barely talk, her family treated her poorly because she behind the evil plan of tell her friend to seduce and marry her brother.
I had to forgive her so I could be free, everything was back to normal. I surprised Timi with his house, he never know i bought his house and I gave him back to him.

Clara was later deported from Canada for illegal smuggling of weapons and drugs. was arrested and set to jail, I wanted to help her out of the that terrible position but it was too late to interven. It was so painful seeing a very small girl go through such at an early stage but it is what it is.

I and Timi fell in love for the second time and he proposed to me and I had no option but to say yes to the only man I have ever loved. We got married and finally became pregnant, he was so happy. I gave birth to set of triplets, the joy in my heart and that my my husband knew no bound.

My life became easier, happy, peaceful and I live the life I had longed to have since I first got married to Timi. Never give up on yourself, on love and life, somebody out there is praying to meet someone like you.

The end.
© Tishania Ginikachi

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