The next morning we both walked to my room to see the broken windows but the windows seemed fine. My uncle laughed and concluded that it was just a nightmare.

The next night, I was pressing my phone so I began feeling sleepy. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my mouth.

When I was done and opened the bathroom door I noticed that the floor of my room was covered with mist(smoke).

I tried to walk to my bed but the ceiling lamp holder which was placed directly ontop of my bed fell to the floor.

“Richard! Run to your uncle’s room” a voice said to me.

I turned to look at the door to my room and some one opened it and walked out, although I didn’t see the person but I could tell it was my younger self due to the size of the person.

“Wait for me ” I said to the person and rush to met him.

As I stepped out of the room the person was no where to be found. The only thing I noticed was that the whole hall way was dark no lights and the floor was covered in mist or smoke.

I blindedly walked towards my uncle’s room. Getting closer to my uncle’s room I saw some one on a dark hoodie gown walking inside the room with some instruments.

The person left the door ajar, so I stayed at the entrance to spy. At first the person held a dark pot over my uncle’s body and was making incantations.

Few moments later the person dropped the pot and brought out a knife. I got scared and began searching if I would see something to use against the person. Mistakingly I pushed a metal rod so it fell to the floor.

Immediately the person disappeared and my uncle woke up, but the shocking part was that as at the point the person disappeared I heard my aunt’s door closing.

Seeing my uncle walking closer to the hall way I took to my heals back to my room. When I entered my room I then saw the little boy( my younger self) sitting at the corner of my bed.

“Richard Remember! Richard Remember!” He said before disappearing into thin air.

The next day as usual I normally get my little cousin prepared. When I wanted to go wake him up in his room I saw him walking into his mother’s room so decided to go back to my room.

After a while I went back to his room but he wasn’t there, so I concluded that my aunt was maybe getting him ready for school.

Some hours later I heard a big bang on my door. I went to get the door only to see my uncle questioning me about the whereabouts of his son.

I was about telling him what I saw when his wife walked in and asked him to call the police .



My pen don’t bleed ❣️❣️❣️❣️ it writes…..

©️ Missing pen

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