It was at exactly 12 am at my uncle’s house, when I heard whispers of my name from the lobby. The voice sounded like that of a boy of 7 years.

I was terrified because I was the youngest in the house and I was 16, I also had the tiniest voice, so who could that be? I asked myself severally as I contemplate if to answer the call or not.

I was about stepping out of my bed when another fearfull thought, that the voice might belong to an evil spirit came to my mind, so I covered my ears with my pillow and coiled myself on my bed.

I stayed for like two minutes before a heavy breeze blow my Window open and the voice of the boy got so loud that I had to get up and walk to the bathroom.

“Richard, why are you resisting me? Atleast come out of the room and look at my face, I am sure you would remember me.” The voice of the boy said in my head.

“Please go away, I don’t want to have anything to do with you” I said to the voice.

“Please! they are about to kill my parents, come help me save them.”the boys voice said to me.

“Save them your self, let me be” I replied shivering.

“Please! Please ! We are running out of time” this time the voice seemed to be crying

At this point I couldn’t resist anymore so I wore my pigamas and walked to the lobby. When I opened the door of my room and piped into the lobby I saw no one.

“This way!” The voice said at the other end of the hall.

I turned towards the direction and saw a very young boy who seemed to be injured with a ripped cloth on. From the look of things I could tell that he was involved in a fatal accident.

I walked speedily to him and asked him to show me his face and to my greatest surprise it was the younger version of my self.

I quietly followed him until we got to my aunt’s room where I saw her dressed in a dark gown and a clay pot was placed in front of her. She was making some incantations.

At this point my younger self fell to the ground and began shading tears.

“What is it, why are you crying?” I asked him.

“It’s too late, she has already died. She has succeeded in killing my mother” my younger self cried out.

I tried to attack my aunt but from no where I heard this big bang in my head which led me to collapsing.

My pen don’t bleed ❣️❣️❣️❣️ it writes…..

©️ Missing pen

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