MEANT TO BE Episode 67 – 68 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 43 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 67 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

?Elva’s POV?

I stood in front of the mirror and adjusted my hair, after I’ve finished putting on a pair of blue jeans with a pink tank top.
‘ should i let it flow down or pack it in a ponytail?’ I contemplated, wrinkling my nose.
I better had it packed so it won’t slow me down where we are going to work.
I opened the drawer and scanned my set of hair packs before settling for a pink hair pack with little diamonds attached to it.
I used it in packing my hair into a ponytail and YES I look more smart.

I smiled and turned back to my bed.
I clicked my tongue at the items on the bed and sighed.
There, is my purple velvet gown and black stiletto,black handbag and diamond necklace with diamond earrings.

Yeah !!

We are starting our Modelling work to today..
We were awarded a direct modelling contract…we don’t need to depend on the modelling companies and I’m so happy for that.
We would be modelling for more than three companies today… yeah !!
They’ve started calling us the first time we arrived here in Mexico.
I’m damn sure we will be busy throughout this week.
Mig is a charmer…if not for him,i won’t get jobs like this… Although i get a lot of jobs on modelling but Mig being here made in increase and I’m glad.
Dad is back to his feet…he has left for work early this morning and I’m very much Happy about that.
Fleur has gone to her prince charming’s place and Dianne is in her room watching the moves of Mrs Winters.

My make up artist is already waiting downstairs at the living room and i can see the mini-van of the B&M perfume company parked outside in the parking lot.
That’s the first company we will model at today,we are gonna help them advertise their perfumes and all.
I got to know through Fleur that Braun Mortimer owns the company and also the delivery company who delivered the camera to me.

He’s very wealthy and i can’t help but smile at the pay we are getting for this particular modelling….he didn’t even negotiate,he just gave us the price we charged which is quite much…I thought he was gonna negotiate,that was the reason i raised up the price but to my surprise,he didn’t and i even tried to bring down the charge but he didn’t agree saying he’s okay with the first price we mentioned.

I wrapped the items on the bed neatly and packed it in a box.
I carried it and slipped my feet into my foot wear..
One more glance at the mirror..I made my way out of my room.
I got to the living room and met Mig already dressed. chatting with Vanessa my make up artist.
I smiled and walked slowly to him then pressed a kiss to his cheeks.
He smiled on noticing my presence and dragged me down to sit with him.

“How was your night?” He asked.
“Fine…and yours?”
“It was not fine” he said and i furrowed a brow.
“I couldn’t sleep…I just kept thinking about you” He said and i blushed letting out a chuckle.

“Good morning Miss Vinnie,so nice to see you again…I’ve missed working with you” Nessa said before standing up to pull me into a hug.
I smiled hugging her back.
“Good morning Nessa …you have no idea how much i missed you also and you’ve grown more full and beautiful” I said checking out her now-beautiful figure.

She smiled ” thanks Miss Vin..I knew you were back cause i watched the news…. ‘ the show you both performed at the airport was ‘wow’ and to be sincere you are both cute and perfect together” Nessa said.
Mig and i glanced at each other with a gleam.

“I had thought you won’t call me back but i was wrong… thanks Miss Vinnie for asking me to resume as your make up artist” Nessa said with a smile.
“It’s nothing Nessa …you’ve been my make up artist for years and you are the best I’ve ever known”
“Thanks Miss Vinnie”

“So B&M perfume company’s mini- van are outside,can we leave now?” He asked and i smiled at his eagerness.
I’ve taught him the little things he needs to know about modelling and being a smart being,he grabbed everything fast so I’m sure we won’t have a problem.
“Do i need to take someone.. like a maid?” I asked.
“Mhm…you think?” Mig asked and i shrugged.
“Selena” I called loudly.
“Yes boss Vinnie” She said hurrying to the living room.

“I need you to go with me now,so go have a change of clothe, and make you inform Dianne…if she grants you the permission to come with me then you can…we will be waiting outside” I said.
“Okay boss Vinnie”
“And…what of little Dan?” I asked.
“He has gone to school” She replied.
“Woah…so can leave” I said and she bowed hurrying away.

‘My mind flipped back to the other kids at the hospital…they are not up to six,won’t it be better if i bring them all to Mexico,so they can school and live together with Dan… staying there without a proper education is bad for their future. After all there are a lot of rooms here’ I thought as we walked outside.
That will be later and i will inform Mig about it first.

The driver of the company’s van came out and bowed.
“Good morning…” He greeted collecting our boxes, putting them in the car trunk.
“Good morning” we replied.
He opened the door to the van and we entered.
It’s a nice mini-van with comfortable seats.
He got behind the wheels about to turn the ignition.

“Can you please hold on…I have someone coming with me and she will be outside soon” I said and he nodded.
Selena came out few minutes later,now dressed in a pink short gown and white shoes…her hair is packed in a bun.
It has always been like that, she loves dressing smart and beautiful anytime she’s coming with me on my modelling jobs.

I smiled as she joined us in the van.
She joined Nessa at the back seat.
The driver turned on the ignition,and drove out of the gate, speeding away.
Selena and Nessa chatted at the back while Mig and i kept stealing glances at each other.
We will chuckle when we catch each other’s glance.

This continued till the driver pulled the mini-van into the company’s parking lot.
“Wow…the company is so huge” Nessa muttered with a glow.
“Yeah it is” Selena added.
We stepped out of the mini-van breathing in fresh air.
“Wow this is beautiful” I said referring to the company’s building.
“Yes it is” Mig said.

Three huge guys came out to usher us in.
We entered the company and the workers stopped dead in their tracks on seeing us.
You should know the reason ?
They stopped all they were doing the moment we walked into the company,their mouth opened.
I’m not surprised some of the ladies have started loosening the buttons of their shirts down to their cleavage, sending Mig naughty looks.
I smiled as Mig held my hand in his.
“Can you all stop embarrassing yourselves…I’m taken” He said raising up my hand.

A disgusting look fell over their faces immediately Mig said that and i heard Nessa and Selena chuckled behind us.
I smiled, blushing hard.
We continued moving,and some of them were already taking pictures of us.
“So this is what a celebrity feels like?” Mig asked with a smile.
“Of course…you will still experience more than this and trust’s fun” I said to him.
“We haven’t even started modelling yet and we’ve started getting the public attention” He said.

“Yeah…it’s because of you” I said and he shrugged.
“It’s not only because of me…it’s because of us” He said.
“You think so?”
“Of course yes…if you hadn’t been with me,i won’t have been recognized,so we are both in this together” He said and i smiled.

We got to an elevator.
One of the guards stepped forward.
We entered and he pressed the floor’s number we are heading to.
It started lifting us up, making the creatures down look small.
“Wow…it’s my first time in an elevator” Mig said with a smile.
“Yeah…there is always a first time for everything” I said.
He wrapped his arms around my shoulder kissing my hair.

“Mig” I scolded with a firm look.
“Who cares” He said with a chuckle.
The elevator stopped and we all stepped out.
A guard led the way while the two others were at the back.
I turned and smiled as i saw one of them hitting on Nessa who kept on blushing.

We walked into a corridor and turned left, following the direction of the guy in front.
He finally stopped at a door,twisted the knob and walked in…we walked in behind him.
“Wow !!” Mig,Selena and Nessa exclaimed.
I should have also exclaimed also but I’m used to seeing this.
This place is wide and beautiful just like a private office cause there is a room has in it..the bed is well spread,the shelf is containing some cosmetics…there is also a mirror conjoined to the shelf just like the one in my room.

There is a wardrobe, couches with a sparkling glass table in the middle.
There are office equipment well arranged at the other side of the room.

“This is Mr Mortimer’s Private office,he asked us to bring you here once you arrive…he’s still at home but will be here soon…
Your make up artist can begin the process and i will go out now and call the make up artist we hired for Mr Miguel cause once boss is here we will start immediately” The guy hitting on Nessa said with a bow.
“Okay then…call up Mig’s make up artist cause i want the make up process to start at the same time,so there won’t be delay” I said and he nodded walking out with others.

Nessa opened her make up box and started bringing out the make up tools.

“Elva…you mean i was hired a make up artist?” Mig asked.
“Yeah…” I replied.
“You mean i will also make up like a female” He asked with horror and i laughed.
“Of course no… don’t you know there are make ups for male,it’s gonna make your face brighter and cuter” I said.
“Oh… really?..then why is the company in charge of hiring one for me?” He asked.
“Yes…all the companies we want to model for will be in charge of everything,clothes,make up and all..they should have hired a make up artist for me but i informed them i already have a personal make up artist” I explained and he nodded.
“Wow..That’s nice” He said with a smile.

Selena opened the box containing my outfit and began spreading it all on the bed.
Just then…a lady walked in with a big box.. Mig’s make up artist i guess.
She gasped on seeing Mig and smiled later on.
“Good morning…I’m Morris,the make up artist assigned for Mr Miguel Sydney” She said.
“You are welcome”
“Thanks…so Mr Miguel,your make up, outfit and all is here” She said pointing to the big box in her hand.

“Have your seat let’s begin”


“Wow… Nessa this is the best make over you’ve ever made for me” I said glancing at myself in the mirror after Nessa is done with my make up…
She smiled…” I went further into make up during the time you were not around”
Nessa has improved greatly.
I’m now clad in my purple velvet gown with the necklace,and earrings.
I look..i look..stunning…
“You look beautiful Boss Vin” Selena said.
“Thanks Selena” I said with a smile.

Mig has been done with his a while ago,he’s looking more dashing now dressed in a new outfit,his hair styled in a super way making him more cute.. he’s backing me, reading a fashion magazine.
his make up artist has left immediately after his make up .
Nessa also began packing her make up tools back into the box.

I stood up from the dressing table with a smile “Mig”
He turned back and I saw a look of admiration cross his face.
“OMG Elva is this you?” He asked surprised.
I chuckled slightly..
“Wow…you look stunning” He said dropping the magazine before walking towards me.
“Thanks Mig and you look dashing” I said.

He pecked my forehead repeatedly and i couldn’t help but grin.
“Come here let’s look at ourselves in the mirror” He said holding my hand,we walked to the mirror and stood in front of it.
A gasp escaped our lips…”OMG..we are so cute” I said.
“No we are not cute” Mig said and my face fell immediately..
“Really?” I asked sadly even if i knew we were stunning.
“Yeah we are not cute but dashing” He said to my relief and i hit him playfully on his shoulder.

We both laughed…”Selena get me my second Android phone from that bag..we need to take some cute selfies” I said with a smile.
Selena handed my phone over to me.
I clicked on the camera app …” My selfie stick please” I said to Selena who hurried to my bag to bring it.
I collected it and set it up with my phone, lifting it up.

Mig pressed his lips to my cheeks and i smiled clicking on the ‘shot’
We took several shots and later sat on the bed to take a look at the ones we’ve snapped.
I clicked on the gallery app and our beautiful pictures came into view.
“Wow…we are so cute” Mig and i muttered with a happy face as i kept swiping it.
“I will use this as my screen saver ” I said happily, referring to the pic of Mig pecking my cheeks.

He pecked my lips this time and i gasp.
“Mig, the lip gloss” I said almost laughing at the colour his lips has changed to.
“I’m gonna wipe it off,i just can’t resist your lips” He said and we chuckled.
Nessa passed him a wiper and he used it in wiping his lips off.
“I hope my lip gloss isn’t smeared?” I asked Nessa.
“No, miss Vin it’s looking more beautiful,i think the kiss did a great job” She said and we laughed.

The door opened….Mr Braun Mortimer strode in with a smile and a gasp on seeing us.
“OMG…did two angels descend from heaven?” He asked jokingly and we all laughed.
“Good morning Mr Mortimer” We greeted.
“Good morning…and you both are looking stunning” He said and we smiled.
“Thanks Mr Braun”

I noticed there is someone,a lady behind him.
She stepped out and stood beside Mr Braun.
“Fleur” Mig and i called together in surprise.
“OMG…is this Elva and Mig?… definitely not,I’m going back to check them at home” She said playfully turning back.
We laughed…she ran towards us and pulled us into a hug.
” I almost didn’t recognize you guys” She said.
“You came with him to his company?” I whispered to her.
“Yeah he asked me to” She whispered back with a grin.
“Yeah…im gonna gist you at home” she whispered.

“It seems I’m the only one confused here” We heard Mr Braun said.
“My bad !!” Fleur exclaimed “Braun,meet my elder brother and my sister, Elva/Vinnie and Mig” She said.
*Whoa…she calls him Braun now*
“Ohh… really?” Mr Braun asked.
“Yeah” Fleur said with a smile.
“Wow,i never thought you both are family with Fleur..” He said.
“Yes we are” Mig Said.

“Okay we will get back to the chats later…the photographer is waiting…come with me please” Mr Braun said.
I slid my feet into my black stiletto…Mig took my hand in his and we followed Mr Braun out of the room.

We all got to a silent open place…there are loads of perfumes in two boxes.
The photographer is truly waiting.
“As models…you both should know what to do right?” Mr Braun said and i nodded.
“There is a big banner attached to the wall with the company’s logo on it.
That’s where we are gonna stay while the photographer take shots and hope you didn’t forget the poses i thought you” I whispered to Mig.

“Of course not” He whispered back.
I nodded with a smile and walked towards the boxes of perfumes.
Mig and i picked two perfumes each and headed to where the banner is.
They all watched us as we were about to begin.
I’m an expert in this and I’m we are I’m gonna wow them with this.

“Hey are you ready?” I asked the photographer who nodded setting his camera right in front of us.
“Mig the first pose i thought you” I whispered to him and he nodded.
We started posing with the perfumes in hand and smiles touching our cheeks.

I quickly remembered some of the pose used for perfume companies and quickly applied it…Mig also followed my step and got it perfectly..
There were shouts of ‘wow’..
We put in all our efforts as we use the beautiful rare poses to the admiration of everyone.
I smiled when i saw that we are progressing.
We continued posing….we are paid for just 15 shots,so we are almost done.


Claps followed wows immediately we are done with the shots.
“Wow I’m so impressed… thanks so much” Mr Braun said with a happy face.
“You are welcome Mr Braun” We said.
“Will you stay for a little chat?” He asked.
“No we still have two companies to model for today” I said.
“Really?” He asked.
“Yes Mr Braun”
“Okay then,we will see some other time… thanks so much for the work you both performed…it’s wonderful” He said.

We smiled and began walking back into the private office.
“It felt so good” Mig said to me.
“Yes it did” I replied with a grin.
We entered the private office and began packing up.
“OMG…your performance was wow” Fleur said coming in.
“Thanks Fleur” we said.
“Can you believe that just now that Braun sent the modelling pictures online… people have started ordering in packs” Fleur said.
“Yeah…you are both beautiful and that was what attracted the people… right now you don’t have to change cause the press
are outside” Fleur said and my eyes widened.

“What !!” I exclaimed.
“Yeah…just hurry and find your way out of here…I need to go meet Braun..Bye see you at home” Fleur said walking out.
“Damn…this press are so annoying” I said and picked up my bag.
“We just have to pass through them” Mig said as we walked out of the private office with Selena and Nessa at our back.

Braun told his bodyguards to distract the press so we can have easy access to the car the second modelling company sent over.
The bodyguards did so and we quickly passed through them.
We entered the car and the driver drove off.

I breathe out in relief…I smiled looking forward to the second company we will be Modelling for.




We got home late in the night after we finished modelling for the last company.
We’ve dropped Nessa off.
We walked into the house a little bit tired…
Selena carried the box into my room.
I sat on the couch immediately we walked into the living room.
Mig sat beside me and just then,I saw Fleur and Dianne rushed down the stairs with an unhappy face.

“What’s wrong” I asked worriedly.
“Vinnie…Mrs Winters,Ryan and Sasha were the criminals who partook in the plan of ending your life”

“What !!”

MEANT TO BE Episode 67 - 68
MEANT TO BE Episode 67 – 68

MEANT TO BE Episode 68 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

?Elva’s POV?

What’s wrong” I asked worriedly.
“Vinnie…Mrs Winters,Ryan and Sasha were the criminals behind your kidnap”

“What !!” I exclaimed loudly…tears gushing out of my eyes.
“Really?” Mig asked.
“Yeah…C’mon Elva,you don’t have to cry,they don’t worth your tears,they are betrayals…let’s also look for a way to put them to book… crying won’t solve a thing” Fleur said and i nodded amidst tears.
Mig rested my head on his shoulder and stroked my hair softly.
I’m feeling so hurt…who could have thought my family will partake in the attempt to end my life.

“It’s okay Vin…I was as shocked as you are,even if Sasha Lee partook in the plan… it’s still okay but Ryan and Mrs Winters who are or rather were our family also partook in the plan…it’’s just so sad” Dianne said.
I wiped off my tears and sat up.

“I’ve always known Mrs Winters to be desperate and i don’t see the cause to cry over what she did to me even though im hurt right now.
Let’s go on with the plan of bringing her to book” I sniffled.
“Yeah that’s what we are gonna do but was it through the secret camera you found out about all this?” Mig asked.

“Yes…you both should come,you need to watch it” Dianne said.
Mig and i stood up and walked with them to Dianne’s room.
We got there and she and sat on the couch. Dianne placed the laptop on my lap and replayed the video for us.

On the screen is Mrs Winters, seated on the couch with two maids massaging her feet.
Her phone suddenly rang and Maisey brought it to her.
?It’s Mr Ryan ma’am” Maisey said.
?When did you start reading put my callers for me?” She barked at Maisey who flinched back.

I know Maisey did that to indirectly inform us of the caller ID.
I smiled at her intelligence.
?Hey you both should scurry away now” She blurted out to the two maids massaging her feet.
They scurried away as told,closing the door behind them.

She hissed and shot Maisey a look..
She placed the phone on her ear.
?Hey Ryan…have you come up with any plan?” She said into the phone.
Her face suddenly turn pale.
? Maisey get out right now” she said to Maisey,the phone still placed on her ear .
Maisey bowed before walking out of the room.

Mrs Winters stood up and pace to and fro the room with an unsettled look.
?What did you say you will do Ryan?…you mean you will tell Vinnie we were the one who kidnapped her and also dumped her at the countryside right?” She said into the phone.

She councidentally paced to where the camera is and now she looked more bogus from the laptop.
?Oh… really? Because she beat up Sasha right? Remember Sasha is also involved in the plan…we all planned on how to kill Vinnie so if you dare tell Vinnie a thing…I will make sure your skin scrap off from your body” She threatened.
Based on the loudspeaker on the phone and how Mrs Winters is close to the camera,we heard what he also said.

?Oh … So you think your threat is gonna scare me… impossible..why the hell didn’t you call us immediately that Mr Winters is not dead instead of making us come there to make a fool of ourselves….
Do you know Sasha’s face is disfigured and she can’t go for any modelling show for now” Ryan yelled into the phone.

?They were beginning to suspect me and they would have caught me if i made any move that day…you don’t have to reveal anything cause we will all suffer for it…let’s just hatch another plan” She said.
? Okay then.. come over to my house now,cause Sasha keep crying saying she want Vinnie dead and i also want that guy Mia or Mig or whatever his name is dead” Ryan said.

? Okay give me few minutes to get changed before coming over to your place…our plan is gonna be more strong this time” She said.
?Of course…see you soon” Ryan said before disconnecting the call.

The video stopped and i sighed ..”they are about making another plan,what are gonna do?” I asked.
“Never mind…we’ve given Maisey a tape recorder to record all what they are gonna say” Fleur said.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah…you should trust us” Dianne said.
“High five girls” Mig said and they exchanged high fives.

“C’mon Elva,cheer up .. we are getting to the end of this” Mig said holding my shoulders.
I smiled a bit.
“Once they are back from Ryan’s place ..we are gonna collect the tape from Maisey and listen to it…then we will know the next step” I said.

“When did they leave for Ryan’s place?” I asked.
“It was since afternoon…I guess the plan they are hatching is gonna be a hard not to crack” Dianne said.
“No matter how hard the nut is…trust me,our team is gonna crack it” Fleur said and we all smiled.

“So…we are gradually having more evidence to use against them…I can’t wait to see their terrible faces locked up behind bars” Dianne said and we laughed a bit .

“Let’s let go of Mrs Winters and co…how was your day?…I’ve started seeing your modelling pictures online and damn… people are already going crazy” Fleur said and my face brightened up Immediately.
I smiled happily looking at Mig.

“Our day was good…we impressed the three companies we modeled for today and they all treated us like a mini god..the press kept going from one place to another just to see us…
We got more direct contract booked for tomorrow and next, right now our account is buzzing with money while my phone is buzzing with message followers on instagram has increased by three million…Mig has also gotten an iPod and he’s also opening an Instagram tonight and i can boldly say he will get billions of followers by tomorrow.

Surprisingly the sales of the companies we modeled for increased and more companies called us..I think Mig and i need to get personal assistants or manager cause the rate in which all this is going…we won’t be able to handle it alone” I said proudly.

“Wow !!” Fleur and Dianne exclaimed gazing at us with jealousy ..
“Seriously I’m jealous of you guys…,the progress you made just is what people can’t make in a year” Dianne said.
We grinned happily.
“Yeah…you already got a lot of fans just in a day…you made us proud” Fleur said hugging us tightly.

“Thanks guys” Mig and i said.
“It was also like magic to us” I said with a grin.
“We need to celebrate this” Fleur said.
“Yes we need to and we’ve prepared the things for celebration…you guys should just go in,bath and have a change of clothe then come meet us in the garden” Dianne said.
“Whoa…I can’t wait” I said getting up.
“Neither can I” Mig said standing up beside me.

“So hurry off,go and change,we will be waiting in the garden” They said scurrying off.
I shook my head with a smile.


I turned off the faucet and stepped out of the jacuzzi with my body dripping wet.
I picked a towel from the bathroom closet, wrapped it around my body before walking back to my room.
I walked to the bed where my fresh outfit is waiting for me.
A short blue designer gown with silver stones attached all over it… it’s tight on my body jumping above my laps but i wasn’t bothered cause we will be the garden.

The gown was gifted to me by Mrs Smith,the owner of the second company we modeled for today..

I faced the mirror to look at my reflection and the gown looks very beautiful and shiny on my body.
I picked my body lotion and applied it smoothly on my skin.
I brushed back my hair and let it flow down to my tiny waist.

I checked my shoe rack and settled for blue flats..
I stood in front of the mirror and grinned at my reflection.
I walked out of my room and headed to Mig’s.
I was about knocking when his door opened.
He stepped out,clad in a blue jeans and white T-shirt,his carved muscles almost ripping off the T-shirt,his hair in a beautiful mess.
I breathed in the scent of him in my nostrils.

“Damn…Elva you look beautiful and sexy” He said and i nodded.
“Thanks babe…let’s go join them at the garden” I said tucking my arm in his.
“Yeah…I can’t wait to see the surprise they claim to have for us” Mig said as we walked to the garden hand in hand.


We stepped into the garden and gasped at the sight in front of us.
There is, lit candles surrounding a picnic rug,a picnic basket in the middle containing different types of fruits.
A beautiful medium sized cake decorated with whipped cream and cherry stood beside the basket and then wines and glass cups.
It looks so beautiful and and… romantic.
CONGRATULATIONS is inscribed in a silver lining,laid flat on the grass.
The brightness of the candle made us see Dianne and Fleur at the very end,each with a board written ” We love you”
“Thanks for making us proud”
My eyes watered at the sight and i sniffled on Mig’s shoulder.

“Mig this is so beautiful” I cried.
“Yes it is” He whispered in a calm voice.
“Surprise!!” Dianne and Fleur exclaimed rushing to us.
That was when i noticed they were clad in the same pink gown looking radiant and beautiful.
They pulled us into a hug…
We all engaged ourselves in a hug pecking one another’s cheek.

We heard a camera click and turned to see Selena.
“I’m sorry,i just had to take a shot of you guys cause the sight is so beautiful and emotional” She said before rushing off.
We smiled.
“Now let’s go have a picnic” Dianne said and we all walked towards the picnic rug.

We sat round it,the lit candles surrounding us.
“Thanks so much guys” Mig said.
“Thanks dearies…you made me feel elated” I said and they nodded.
“You both deserve more than this…it should have been something bigger than this,just that Fleur and i planned it this evening” Dianne said.

We sat for a while in silence before Fleur cleared her throat and i knew she has something interesting to say..
I sat up to listen to her gist.

“Elva.. remember i said i will gist you guys at home when we were at Braun’s office” She said and i nodded eagerly.
“Well…do you wanna hear the gist?” She asked picking up cherries then throwing it into her mouth, chewing them gladly.
“Yes we want to” We all said,also picking fruits of our choice chewing them delightedly.

“Well…Braun and i had gotten closer,we’ve started the project of helping the poor and i noticed he already took a liking to me…I was surprised when he told me to accompany him to his company today…even when we were in the car,he kept telling me about his child hood days and also asked to know more about me..guess what?” She asked with a blush to her cheeks.
“What?” We asked in anticipation.

“He said he’s gonna go with me to the countryside next week,he said he’s gonna turn the hospital into a more advanced hospital and supply us with enough equipment,he also said he’s gonna provide for the poor people in the countryside, he’s gonna get the youth jobs here in Mexico and he’s gonna make sure he make a great impact in the countryside” Fleur said.

“OMG really?”
“Wow…he’s a nice dude”
“OMG…he’s benevolent” We all chorused surprisedly.
“He’s so nice and it made me love him more” She said.
“Do you know who made him change?” Dianne asked and we all shook our heads.
“It’s Fleur that made him change,Braun has never been that benevolent and to be sincere it seems he’s also in love with you” Dianne said.
We nodded in affirmative.

Fleur sighed with a chuckle…”Anyways..I can’t wait to get to the countryside with him..I will show him our garden and the waterfall conjoined with a lake..I’m sure he’s gonna be amused” She said with a grin.
“Wow…I’ve missed all that” Mig said.
“Me too”
“Me too”

“Wow… we’ve eaten the fruit halfway let’s turn over to the cake and wine” Fleur said setting the basket of fruits aside.
She cut the cake into slices and placed it in a little tray.
Mig popped the wine open and we all shouted in excitement.
He poured a reasonable portion into our glass cups each.

“Let’s toast to our forever happiness” Dianne said and we did.

We ate our cake and gulped our wine in,chatting and laughing in enjoyment.
It made me remember when we were still in the countryside,the night we also celebrated my first salary.

Damn..I’m starting to feel dizzy..
“Is this wine alcoholic?” I asked.
“Yes” Dianne replied.
“It’s not affecting me” Fleur boasted pouring more into her cup and gulping it down her throat.
I noticed she’s starting to get dizzy as she kept swaying from left to right.
She yawned and laid flat on the rug.

My eyes widened when i saw the candle light starting to burn her hair.
She screamed out in pain, getting up instantly shouting.

“I don’t want to be bald like Sasha’s” She screamed with her eyes wide like a frog’s making us all burst into laughter.

Hahahaha…. Drama queen indeed ???

MEANT TO BE Episode 67

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4 years ago

I don’t want to be bald like shasha…..hahahahahahaaaaaaa

Emem Adam
Emem Adam
4 years ago

Congratulations Mig & Vin

4 years ago

Post the next episode we promise to comment

4 years ago

Pls make our day more interesting by sharing more episodes.

Mayowa temitope
Mayowa temitope
4 years ago

Maisey is such a smart lady….

4 years ago

It’s really nice can’t wait to read the next episode please drop it today

4 years ago


4 years ago

i just love fleur

4 years ago

This is very hilarious ?

Thank you Mr Opradre ?
Don’t know why it’s hard for others to comment ?
116 Readers
WTF is wrong ?

4 years ago
Reply to  Mukktty

Dont mind them jare.thanks 4ur support..really appreciate u

4 years ago

Can’t wait for the next episode.
Congrats to Might and Elva/Vinnie

4 years ago

congratulations to Fleur,Mig,Elva

4 years ago

congratulations to Fleur
, Mig and Elva

4 years ago

Really a drama Queen, go Vinnie and mig

4 years ago

Interesting.. Please update soon. Can’t wait for Sasha, the old witch and Ryan to pay for their crimes

Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
4 years ago

Lolxxxx Fleur I don’t want to be bald like Shasha lolxxxxx drama queen

4 years ago

Please can u drop next episode

Komolafe Oluwatimilehin
Komolafe Oluwatimilehin
4 years ago

Sasha APARI hahaha

4 years ago

So lovely

4 years ago

Please o comment so we can read next episode. Kilode. Be fast o I’m getting tired of waiting.

4 years ago

Ewoooo…..bald like Sasha…..
See offing

grace nambeye
grace nambeye
2 years ago

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww fleur am so happy for her…but how did she come to know her prince charming before they met??? she saw him on pics or what???