MEANT TO BE Episode 50 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 43 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 50 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

?Elva’s POV?

We cried silently in Mig’s ward, mourning the death of Daisy.
Mig is looking gloomy,so as Fleur and I.
I was in the children’s ward telling them story when Fleur and Mig rushed in saying Daisy wants to see us.
I rushed out with them and we headed towards Daisy’s ward.
We entered and the condition we met her was terrible.

She asked for forgiveness and we gladly forgive her.
She was saying something before she died but i couldn’t actually get what she was saying.
Daisy is dead, she has been packed up and sent to her parents.
Her death was slow and painful.
I sniffled using the handkerchief to dab my face as more tears kept flowing.

“Let’s go home” Mig said slowly.
“You are yet to be discharged” I said.
“I want to go home,i don’t want to stay here any longer” Mig said.
“Ok you are fit enough to go home,i will go meet Doc. Steph to sign your discharge form” Fleur said with an unsmiling face before walking out.
I felt Mig’s hand on mine and i shifted closer to him,resting my head on his shoulder as i cried.

Fleur walked in some minutes later.
“Let’s start getting ready to leave” She said and started packing up our things. I stood up to help her while Mig pulled off the hospital wear changing into his house wears.
We finished packing up and walked out of the ward.
We met Doc. Steph at corridor.

“Hey Mig,i was told you wanna go are fit enough though” He said and Mig only nodded.
“Ohh .. I’m so sorry about your friend’s death..the police are investigating who went into her ward to shoot at her..we’ve provided them the things they need to know and i assure you the killer will be brought to book soon” Doc. Steph said in a comforting manner and we managed to smile.

“Thanks Doc. Steph,we will leave now” Fleur said.
“You and Miss Wilson can have tomorrow off” He said.
“Really?” We asked.
“Of both deserve it” He said and i gave a little smile.
“Thanks Doc” We said.
“It’s alright Bye” He said.
“Bye Doc” We said before walking away.
We bid the nurses at the reception goodbye,but they didn’t respond well,instead they were looking at Mig who didn’t even spare them a glance.
We walked out of the hospital and headed home in silence.


“Wow it’s snowing” I said as soon as we got home.
“’s Winter period” Fleur said with a smile while Mig opened the door.
We walked in and Fleur locked the door firmly.
We sat on different couch,staring into space.
It’s obvious Daisy’s death affected Mig, he has never look this sad.
I started dozing off and i soon laid down comfortably on the couch to satisfy nature.

I slept off..


I woke up few hours later with a rumbling stomach.
I sat straight and saw Mig and Fleur already asleep.
I yawned loudly,resting my back on the couch.
Whoa !!..I’m feeling cold.

I gazed blankly for a while before standing up.
“I need to prepare lunch..I’m starving,and i know Mig and Fleur will also starve for food once the wake up” I thought as i made my way to the kitchen.

I entered the kitchen and thought of what to prepare, i finally settled for Pasta with fried chicken.
I walked to the sink and washed my hands before picking up and apron with hair net.
I placed the ingredients on the kitchen cabinet,lit the gas cooker and started cooking.


I dished out the pasta in three dishes and placed a fried chicken on each of them.
I placed them on a tray and walked to the dining.
I walked back to the kitchen for three glass cups of water .
I returned to the dining and started arranging the dishes.
“I will go wake Mig and Fleur as soon as i finish doing this” I thought.
“Wow !! this aroma is tantalising” I heard Mig said and some footsteps followed.

Mig and Fleur entered the dining and smiled on seeing the meal.
“Elva how did you know i was starving?” Mig asked in his jovial manner and I’m glad he’s more approachable now.
“Of course I knew,have you forgotten my heart is connected to yours” I said playfully and we laughed.
“Gosh I’m starving” Fleur said already sitting down,smiling at the plate of pasta and chicken in front of her.
“Thanks Elva” She said and i smiled.

Mig and i also sat down and we all started eating.
We chatted and laughed during the meal but one could still sense the tension of Daisy’s death.
“This is delicious” Fleur exclaimed after emptying her plate..”is there still more?” She asked.
“Yes..the remaining is in the food warmer” I said and she jumped up rushing to the kitchen.
Mig and i laughed..
“Damn !! Fleur loves food a lot” He said and i nodded in affirmative.

She returned with her plate filled and started eating, giggling happily.
“Wow..I want more but I’m filled up right now,and besides i don’t want to be a food monger like Fleur” Mig teased and Fleur sent him a glare before hitting him playfully.
I laughed before gulping down my water,I’m also done eating.
I sat down for a little while to before standing up.
I started picking up the empty dishes but Fleur stood up and collected it from me.
I gave her a questioning look.

“You made lunch,so i will do the dishes” She said.
“Ok then let’s wash it together” I said.
“No i will wash it alone,go and have a rest” I said.
“No i insist” I said and she huffed before giving in.
We both walked to the kitchen, while Mig walked back to the living room.


We finished washing the dishes and walked back to Mig in the living room.
We sat down on the couch.
“Geez !! I’m feeling cold” Mig said hugging his body.
“I too” Fleur and i said together.
“Are there still some logs of wood left for the fireplace?” Mig asked Fleur.
“No have you forgotten,they finished the last time” Fleur said.
“Ohh.. that’s true,let me go take search for some” He said and was about standing up.
“No Mig,you can’t go. You are still recovering and going out in the snow might endanger your health” Fleur said.

“ this how we are going to remain cold then?” Mig asked and Fleur shook her head.
“No Elva and i will go in search for some woods,just stay behind and watch over the house” Fleur said and i nodded.
“Okay..” Mig said.
“Elva come with me,let go put on some thick sweater” She said and i stood up and we both walked to her room.
She selected a pink thick sweater for me while she selected a red one for herself.
We wore it on top of our clothes before stepping out.

“So Mig,look after the house,we will be back soon” Fleur said when we got to the living room.
“Okay..stay safe” He said and i waved at him before we walked out of the house.

We headed into the woods…


It’s getting dark and yet we keep walking deep and deeper into the woods.
We finally found some woods,we packed them together and shared it into two.
Fleur carried one part and I carried the other part.
We started heading home back.
We were actually talking when Fleur suddenly screamed.

“Snow monster” She asked pointing to one direction,I looked there and also screamed on seeing the snow monster approach us.
We held tight to each other and screams in tears.

?Mig’s POV?

It’s getting dark and Fleur and Elva is yet to be back.
I paced to and fro before going into my room to pick up a thick sweater.
I quickly wore it,walked out of the house and locked the door firmly.

I walked into the woods cause that’s the place we normally go in search for woods .
I walked deeper and deeper but couldn’t find them.
I was starting to get worried until i sighted them coming from afar with some logs of woods.
I sighed in relief and walked towards them but suddenly stopped when Fleur shouted;

“Snow monster” pointing in my direction.
The both of them dropped the woods in their hands and held tight to each other in fear and i laughed loud walking towards them.
I made a growling sound which made them scream louder as i got closer.
I laughed,laughed and laughed.

“Omg it’s Mig” Elva shouted.
“What !!” Fleur exclaimed.
They both got up with a mean look and i know what I’m up against.
They picked one log of wood each and i started running before they could hit it on me.
They chased me with the big woods in their hands and i laughed as i ran.



MEANT TO BE Episode 50

Snow monster…haha? those that read the mystery of revenge will understand.

It seems they’ve forgotten about Daisy’s death sef.

20 comments from you guyz and two more episodes will be posted today?

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4 years ago

? snowmonster hahahahahahaha

Emem Adam
Emem Adam
4 years ago

I pray everything falls back in place with Elva n the culprits brought to book… Thanks for this episode

4 years ago

Wow.. Thanks opera nd. Zeemah.. Next episode plz

Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
4 years ago

Oh Daisy may your soul rest in peace

4 years ago

Hahahaha! Snow monster indeed..

I can’t wait for Elva to regain her memory

4 years ago

Am sure Dan is Elva sister’s son

4 years ago

Good riddance to Daisy, I wish she had confessed though.
Good work Azeemah!!!

4 years ago

Rip for Daisy o
And you Elva,have you forgotten what Daisy told you? About your name?

4 years ago

This is captivating. I hope the both of them won’t harm my Mig

Ogboye Samuel
Ogboye Samuel
4 years ago

Thank God it was fake snowmoster
Interesting ?

4 years ago

It doesn’t get better than this ??

Mig should better propose to Elva before it’s too late ??

Akorede fatimah
4 years ago

Wow this is interesting
Good deed attract good reward while evil deed attract bad reward daisy death should be a lesson

4 years ago

Snow monsters?
Lazy girls

4 years ago

Thank God daisy died