MEANT TO BE Episode 5 – 6 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 4 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 5 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

?Elva’s POV?

My throat is getting dry so i got up from the bed and walked out of my room with the novel in hand,i want to go get a glass cup of water from the kitchen,i was reading the novel while walking to the kitchen..

I wasn’t aware there was a stool in front of me,i tripped falling loudly to the floor,i gripped my hand hand on the table to steady me but the table tumbled on top of me with a loud bang,the flower vase hitting my head..I screamed out in pain…

I pushed the table off me and i felt a sharp object piercing my ankle, i cried out as i saw my ankle,it’s bleeding with a deep cut and the worst of it is that the novel is torn..
His favourite novel !!
I should have just kept it in the room but i was engrossed in it,it was the cause of my fall cos i was read-walking and didn’t even notice the stool in front of me and now his novel is torn.
He had warned me not to allow it get torn.
He’s so gonna be pissed at me..Arrrrgh.
I heard footsteps and quickly his the novel in my back..The door opened and Mig rushed in.

My heart beat faster as he go closer to me.
“OMG you are bleeding,what happened ?” He asked worriedly crouching in front of me.
“I wanted to get a glass cup of water from the kitchen,i didn’t notice the stool in my front so i tripped over it and fell..sorry for making you worried,you can go resume what you were doing,i’m okay” I said staring at his worried face.
‘Oh…God…His novel’ I thought in fear.

“No you aren’t okay,your bandage is soaked in blood and you also have a deep cut on your ankle..I have to call Fleur” He said worriedly,he stoop up walking towards the telephone placed on a shelf.
“No don’t call her,i’m okay..She might be busy” I said but he ignored me punching some numbers into the telephone.
If only he knew his novel is torn,he will kick me hard rather than calling Fleur to my aid.
“Hey Fleur” He said into the receiver..Elva is badly hurt “

“Ok be quick,i will take her to her room” He said before dropping the call..He walked back to me .
“Sorry,i know the pain is probably unbearable” He said and stretched his hand to me wanting me to take it but i can’t cos that’s the hand i’m using to hold to novel tightly behind my back.
“Is your hand hurting also ?” He asked and i quickly nodded.
“Oh..Sorry let me see it” He said ..I shook my head,my fears increased..He may not take it lightly.

“Hmmm” He sighed..”Let me carry you to your room then” He said and my eyes widened…God !! He’s really getting close to carry me..He’s gonna see his torn novel and yell at me.
“No” I said afraid…Bringing up my hand to disagree,i didn’t realise that was the hand i was using to hold the novel, the novel spilled out and i felt my body vibrate,he took a long surprised look at it then buried his face in his palms,his hands pushing through his soft hair.

He’s pissed at me !!

“I’m sorry..I promise to get another copy for you,please i’m so sorry,it wasn’t intentional,it got torn when i tripped over the stool..Am so sorry” I said feeling bad,wishing he would just look up at me.
He did and it was with a smile.
What !
He smiled !
He isn’t pissed at me !
He chuckled and said “Was that the reason you didn’t want me to take your hand”
“Yes” I said surprised at his cool behaviour…I mean i just tore his novel..He’s supposed to get mad !
” Ofcourse I’m not pissed at you,it wasn’t intentional,i can always get another copy from the book shop,you don’t have to feel bad about it okay” He said and i nodded with a smile, i’m glad he didn’t yell or get pissed at me.


“Thanks Mig” I said..beaming.
“So can you take my hand now ?” He asked and i nodded stretching his hand forward,i took it and he pulled me up..
I yelped in pain when my ankle touched the ground.
I had sprained my ankle during the fall.
“Sorry Elva” He said and i nodded.

He crossed his arm round my shoulder using it to support my body,my hand was at his back.
Sharp pain tore though my ankle at every step i take and i kept panting.
Mig suddenly carried me in a bridal style..I gasped.
He carried me like i weigh nothing,he didn’t show any discomfort but smiled instead.

“I thought it will be easier and faster this way” He said grinning and i smiled resting my head comfortably on his chest closing my eyes..
His broad chest is far more comfortable than a pillow,i felt warm and safe in his hands..All my pains gone.
I didn’t know he had gotten to my door until he used his leg to kick it open and walked inside towards my bed.
“Oh..Noo i don’t want to be released from his arms,i want to stay there forever” I said inwardly..
Huh ! Did i just say that.

I felt him lowered me into the bed and i opened my eyes,the warmth and comfort is gone..The pains have returned..He sat beside me and took my hand in his,i felt good but not as good as i felt when i was in his arms.
It’s better than nothing though..
The door opened and we saw fleur rushed in.
“What happened ?” She asked worriedly dropping her shoulder bag on the bed.
“She tripped over the stool and fell” Mig said.

“Ohhh…Sorry Elva” Fleur said.
“Thanks Fleur”.
“Mig can you please get me the first Aid box in my room,i have to change this soaked bandage and also apply some antiseptic on her ankle injury” Fleur said and Mig stood up to go get it.
“Sorry for making you worried and disturbing you from work” I said to Fleur.

“No it’s okay” She said.
Mig returned with the first aid box,fleur took it snapped it open and wore her gloves,then she loosened the bandage and placed it in a disposable nylon…She cleaned off the
blood on my head and ankle with cotton wool before applying antiseptic,i winced at the stinging pain.

She rolled out clean bandage and wrapped it round my head severally before clipping it.
She cut out a new cotton wool,placed it on my ankle,she brought out a plaster,placing it on the cotton wool to prevent it from falling off..

“You won’t be able to walk fine for some days” Fleur said..She dropped the blood stained things in a disposable nylon before removing her gloves.
She took a pack of medication from the first Aid box then poured some brightly coloured pills in a small saucer.
“Mig please a glass cup of water” Fleur said with pleading eyes..Mig walked out of the room to get it.
He returned with the water and Fleur handed the pills to me with water.
“It will make you sleep and relieve your pains before you wake up” Fleur said and i nodded..

I dropped the pills on my tongue and washed it down with water.
Fleur pumped the pillow behind my head making sure i’m comfortable.
“Thanks” I said.
I’m starting to feel sleepy,the medication works real fast.
“Mig let’s leave her to sleep,i have some things to discuss with you” That was the last thing i heard before falling into a deep slumber.


Episode 6

Zeemah writes?

?Mig’s POV?

“Mig let’s leave her to sleep,i have some things to discuss with you” Fleur said walking out of Elva’s room.

I took a last glance at the sleeping Elva and smiled,she had felt so small and warm in my arms,i walked out of the room,closing the door gentle. I walked to the living room and met Fleur sitting on a couch.
I jumped beside her and she flinched sending me a glare,o chuckled stretching out my legs on the couch.
“Mig i’m thinking of something” Fleur said.

“Ok what’s that ?” I asked.
“Hmm…I’m thinking if we should announce Elva on the T.V and radio station,her family might come around” She said.
“What !” I exclaimed…Why do you want to do that ? don’t you like her or what ?” I said,surprised Fleur could say such.

“No i didn’t mean it that way..Her family would have been worried sick about her and i also thought she may badly want to return to her family but she might just be shy to say anything” She said.
“I know but we can’t do that..Not yet and besides she didn’t say anything about her family,she’s enjoying her stay here and we also like to have someone around” I said .

“Yes i like her company but we have to be considerate,her family might be out there looking for her and we won’t announce that we found a missing person just because we like her company..That’s very selfish of us then” Fleur said and i also thought about it.
“It’s true Fleur but we have to let her heal first and get back to her feet before we can do that” I said.

“Ok it’s settled then,i have to get back to work my shift isn’t over yet” Fleur said getting up.
“Ok Fleur Bye” I said.
“Bye” She said and walked out.
I stood up and walked to the kitchen,i brought out ingredients needed to make meat loaf..
Ofcourse i’m a very good cook.
Elva needs to take something when she wakes up and the meal is also medicinal.
I started cooking,walking to and fro in the kitchen.


Meat loaf is ready !!

I dished it out in a big plate,covering it..I kept it in the freezer,i will microwave it for Elva once she wakes.
I washed the pot and other cooking utensils used to prepare the meal.
I finished doing that,dried my hands with a napkin and walked out of the kitchen..Heading to Elva’s room…

I opened the door and she was still deep asleep,i know it will take some time before she wakes. Why don’t i get another copy of “The mystery of revenge” I thought and scurried out of the room.
I walked to my room and took enough cash before walking out of the house,trekking to the Bookshop down the street.


Luckily,i purchased the last copy of “The mystery of revenge”,I paid the lady behind the shelf and was about walking away when i sighted another novel.
“The lone eagle by Danielle steel” I read it out and walked towards it,i picked it up and read the summary and i was ‘wowed’..

I walked back to the lady,she kept sending glances i don’t understand. I paid for the novel and walked away grinning.
“I should be fast,Elva would have been awake by now” I thought and started running home.
I entered the house,dropped the novels on the couch and walked straight to Elva’s room.
I opened the door and walked in and;

I was right !

She’s awake,sitting up on the bed,her lips curved in a smile as i walked towards her,i smiled back.
“Hey how are you feeling now ?” I asked.
“Much more better, thanks. Where is Fleur ?” She asked.
“She has gone back to work” I said and she nodded.
“Hmmm” She sighed.
“What ?” I asked.

“I’m thinking if i can just get a little meal,my stomach is rumbling” She said shyly.
“Ohh…Okay,come with me to the dining,i just prepared Meat loaf” I said.
“Really ?” She asked.
“Yes” I said and she smiled standing up from the bed.
I walked ahead her.
“Ouch” I heard and turned.
She’s holding on to the bed for support.

My bad !!

I’ve forgotten she had sprained her ankle.
“Sorry Elva i’ve forgotten you sprained your ankle” I said and took two long steps towards her before scooping her into my arms..She gasp and i smiled walking to the dining room.


I lowered her into the dining chair and she muttered a ‘Thank you”.
I walked to the kitchen and quickly plugged on the microwave,i slipped the meal into it and closed it back,leaving it to heat up i walked back to the dining room.

“The meal is in the microwave,we just have to wait for few minutes so it can heat up” I said and sat across her.
“Ohh..Okay” She said.
“I went to purchase another copy of “The mystery of revenge” while you were asleep” I said and her face lit up.
“Really ?” She asked.
“Yes” I said.
“The novel is so interesting and i can’t wait to continue reading it…What of the torn copy ?” She asked.

“Uh..that ? I’ve shoved it in the library shelf” I said and she nodded.
“I also purchased a new novel” I said.
“Really ? Is it also one of Zeemah’s novel ?” She asked and i shook my head.
“It’s Lone eagle by Danielle steels” I said.
“Wow,the name tells it all,its sure gonna be interesting” She said.

“Yes,the summary made me pick it” I said.
“Where is it ?” She asked.
“The living room” I said and stood up,walked to the couch where i kept the novels,i picked it up and walked back to Elva.
I dropped it in front of Elva and sat,she picked it up and look at the two novels checking them out with a smile.

“Wow as soon as i finish “The mystery of revenge”..”Lone eagle” is next” She said smiling.
” And who says i will borrow you the novels” I teased.
“Huh” She said nervously,scratching her head..”Sorry i didn’t know you were not gonna borrow me” She said with a pale face dropping the novels back on the table.
I laughed.
“Elva come-on,i was only joking” I said still laughing.
“Really ?” She asked.

“Yes i was only joking,you can continue reading “The mystery of revenge” while i also start reading “Lone eagle” then i will give it to you after i’m done” I said.
“Thanks Mig” She She beamed.
“Let’s set the novels aside for now,we will continue after lunch” I said dropping the two novels on the chair before walking to the kitchen to check the meal.

It’s well heated,i switched off the microwave before bringing out the meal,i placed it on the kitchen counter and dished it into two plates remaining some for Fleur.
I placed the two plates of meat loaf in a tray and carried it to the dining room.

I placed Elva’s meat loaf in front of her and also placed mine on the table facing the chain i’m gonna sit.
I walked back to the kitchen and took four striding steps back to the dining with two bottles of water and glass cups.
Elva has started eating,i placed a table of water with a glass cup in front of her.
“Thanks Mig” She said and i nodded before sitting down to start eating.


We’ve finished eating and i’m now in the kitchen washing our dishes, Elva offered to help but i declined.

She’s waiting for me in the dining room…I gotta hurry.
I finished washing the dishes and placed them in the drain board.
I dried my hand with the napkin and walked back to meet Elva.
“I’m done with the dishes” I said.

“Ok” She said and stood up,she flinched in pain but quickly cover it with a smile. She doesn’t want to bother me by carrying her again but i don’t care,i carried her in my arms and headed to the living room,i placed her gently on the couch before sitting beside her.
“Thanks Mig” She said and i nodded.

I picked up “Lone eagle” and Elva picked “The mystery of revenge” we started reading.
We were obviously enjoying the novels by the smile on our faces.
Sitting here with Elva, each of us engrossed in the novels gave me an undescribable feeling.


MEANT TO BE Episode 5-6

Hey sweeties..Please don’t hesitate to comment,

try to encourage me on this episode..
Kisses from your lovely Author Zee?

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4 years ago

I’m having fun here ??
Thank you Miss Zeemah.
Not living out Mr Opradre.