MARY Season 3 Episode 4 A Dragon Queen By Danny Walker

MARY Season 3 Episode 1 A DRAGON QUEEN By Danny Walker

MARY Season 3 Episode 4 A Dragon Queen By Danny Walker

“I said sit down!!!” she yelled and immediately his buttocks was glued to the chair and he couldn’t move a muscle and he was shocked “What is happening here?” he asked with surprise and suddenly he started coughing seriously and he fell on the floor coughing out blood and before you know it he was coughing out razor blade from his stomach, he was scared after seeing what is happening to him he felt he would die; blood started coming from his nose and his mouth, his eyes were red; all his tongue was wounded by cuts from the blades he was vomiting. Maria sat down and crossed her leg on the other and carried a glass of wine and even her guards were not even concerned with what was happening to the Governor “Arrragh (he gasped for air but it was painful down his gullet) Plea… (Vomits more bloody blades) Please help me, stop I beg” he cried out and it suddenly stopped, he was breathing heavily “(Breaths heavily) What are you” he asked with fear; he was weak and his eyes and throat was hurting seriously and he felt pain as he spoke; he was all messed up in his suit and had saliva and blood all over his jaw down to his neck “(Laughs) What am I? I am a woman like no other” she replied but he was silent and still catching his breath “I don’t know why you all prefer the hard way when it can be easy” she said with a sad face “You have the guts to mock me after enjoy me. It’s not like I offered it to you on a platter of gold, you begged for it. I remember coming to you for the estate and you said you wanted my body not the money. And you enjoyed yourself or didn’t you; you pig” “Please forgive me” he begged “Shut up! Don’t speak; I don’t forgive, I lost that attitude long ago” “Please don’t kill me” he begged “No why would I kill you? I just wanted to show you that the dragon on my arm isn’t just a stupid tattoo, it’s a representation of who I am” “Now you are going to give me the estate and not just the estate you are going to pay me 2billion” “Haaaa, please I don’t have such money” he said kneeling down and she angrily threw her champagne flute at him and it missed his face narrowly and he was seriously scared “You bloody liar, you think I don’t know the billions you politicians steal? If you do not do as I have said I will make you watch rats eat your stomach open” she threatened “I will do it, I swear” “And finally, you must pay the sum of 50million into my account every month” she said and he was staring at her “Why the hell are you looking at me like that? Your allowances are much more than that” she said smiling “And don’t fail me” she said and he nodded “Anna?” she called and a cleaner walking after 10 secs “Yes madam”

“Please get some water, soap, salt and a mop” she said smiling at Anna who went away and came back with it “Get your dirty self of my floor” Maria said to him and he got up and wanted to sit on the chair “Don’t touch that chair, you stupid idiot” she shouted and he didn’t. he was standing like a dweeb. The cleaner didn’t mind what was happening as she focused on the cleaning “Anna, stop that” Maria said and Anna stopped “Give the mop to His Excellency, let him clean up his mess” she said and Anna handed the mop to him and he started cleaning. This was indeed the highest level of embarrassment for a man of such status “Call me his personal Advisor in the other room” she said and Anna walked to the other room and came back with him “Jesus! Your Excellency, what are you doing?” the advisor said and wanted to collect the mop but the Governor looked at Maria and saw that she was staring directly at him with an evil straight face and he immediately understood the writing on the face “No no no, leave it, you won’t understand” “God, what happened to you? Why do you have blood all over you like this? What did you do to him?” he asked Maria but Maria didn’t even mind him “I am calling the police, what is this rubbish?” “Stop that! What is wrong with you? Am I complaining?” the Governor was angry with his P.A “What happened to your voice? Your Excellency, please what happened to you?” Maria stood up to leave the place “When you finish cleaning get your dirty self and this confused man out of here and I will be waiting myfor my papers” she said walking away ‘And less I forget, I am an indigene of Imo state” she said smiling and walked out “Onye Oshin” she said laughing as she went out…

SUNDAY, 9:00am Maria and Maxwell are seated in their garden at the front yard. There was a rectangular stone table and six chairs round it like a dinning table; Max sat at one end and Maria at the other. There were having break fast; there was a big bread on the table and a plate of butter with a jug of Lipton, a pack of sugar and liquid milk. “Babe when last did we go to church” Max asked and she smiled “Maybe 7months ago” she said “(chuckles) I think it’s a year” Max said and they both laughed “Lord have mercy on us” Max said looking up. A black Rolls Royce phantom black bison entered the compound “Are you expecting anyone?” he asked “I don’t remember” she said as they looked at the car “Waw, that’s a nice car” Max said and then Mr. Damien Blood stepped out of the car as the driver opened the door “Mr. Damien?” Max said “O yes I remember, I’m sorry; he called my yesterday and told me he was coming” Maria lied; Lucifer walked to the table “Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Martins” he said smiling “Morning Mr. Blood nice to see you again” Max said and shook him “Please have a seat” Max said “Thank you” “It’s been a while Mr. Damien” Maria said “Yes indeed” he replied “I believe you two have business to discuss, I’ll just excuse you” Max said and left them but not without setting up his phone recorder and left it on the table “Nice car you have there” she said “I bought it in London” “You bought it?” she said with disbelief “yes I did, do you have a problem with that?” he asked “No I don’t? but I was think maybe you just took it from someone subtly like you always do” “(chuckles) Sometimes I love feeling like a man” he said smiling “So tell me why are you here? What’s new?” she asked “Well, I should be asking you that. What’s new?” he said “Well, so far I have created the relationship you talked about and I have made my way into the hearts of celebrities; I want to start the cult so as to seal everything and put them under my charms and also I have people to kill” she said “Really, tell me about it” “One is a state’s minister, another is an actor and finally a business woman” “Maybe I can help” he said “No thanks, I have my powers too. I want them to see insects creeping out their stomachs while they are alive and then get eaten by demons” “You are becoming more evil than myself” he said smiling “Should I take that as a compliment” she asked “Whichever way you choose to take it” “So what is the plan with Yvonne” Maria asked “Yvonne? I thought you had forgotten that” he said “Thanks to you I don’t forgive people; she killed myhusband so I will take her life over and over and over again” “Don’t worry about her, we’ll deal with her later” “I can’t wait to control the world” she said “There is something else you must do to gain your position as world leader “What’s that?” “Drop Max” he said “What? I can’t do that” “if you can’t then forget about it” “I thought we had a deal” she said “Of cause we still do but you will have to do everything you are told and take sacrificial decisions to prove you’re worthy of the throne” he said and she was silent “Will you do it” he asked “I’ll think about it” “We do not have time for slow thinking Maria. Think fast” he said and stood up then kissed her cheek and left…

MONDAY, 9:40pm Yvonne and Rachael were watching a wrestling match on the TV when Beth came into the house “Hey Beth, where have you been all day” Yvonne asked “Arnold took me for a quick world tour” “And where’s he?” “Outside” she replied They continued watching their match; Beth was standing behind a sofa as she watched the fight “Why are they fight?” she asked “They are fighting for their money” Rachael said “Is it not foolish to fight for money?” Beth said “Actually, they are fighting for championship not just money” Yvonne said “It’s all the same; why fight to be a champion when they are not” Beth said “Come on, it’s just entertainment” Rachael said “You entertain yourself by fighting each other?” she asked “O God, can you stop talking like Metatron” Yvonne said “Come on Beth, it’s just for fun” Rachael said…

PHANTOM HOTEL 9:40pm “I knew you would come” Arnold said “I came because I believe you can answer some confusing questions” Max said “Let’s go to my house” Arnold said and they entered Max’s car and drove off. Max was surprised to see such a beautiful house in such a thick forest “Do you stay here alone?” Max asked “No” he replied; they stepped out of the car after entering the compound and went into the house Beth and Yvonne sat down watching a movie, Rachael was in the kitchen and Uzor was in his laboratory “Arnold where have you been all day” Yvonne said as she walked to him and kissed him, she then saw Max “My God, Max is it really you?” Yvonne said ‘Yes it’s me” “I can’t believe this” she said “No, I should be the one saying that Yvonne. It’s been 2years and you just vanished, even Rachael and we never heard a word from you and you missed Audrey’s burial. Did you even know she is dead?” he said “Yeah I know” “Then why were you not there?” he asked “It’s a long story” “I’m really surprised to see you here” he said and hugged her “Look, this guy came to my office and told me some crazy stuffs which I shunned him but I later discovered some crazy stuffs he said and I find it difficult to believe, that’s why I called him” “Come and sit down” Arnold said and he walked down to a seat ‘Hello” Beth said “Hello there, you are beautiful” Max said smiling “You stay with these white folks?” Max asked Yvonne “They are not just white folks” Yvonne said smiling “Then who are they?” “He is a Leviathan and she is an Angel” Yvonne explained “(Chuckles) For real?” Max said with disbelief “Yeah” Yvonne said and the Rachael came out of the kitchen and saw Max

“Max” Rachael said with surprise “My God Rachael” he stood up and hugged her “Max is this really you?” she said “yes its me” “My God” “What happened to you and Yvonne, the both of you just disappeared without a word and even Maria didn’t talk about you guys, what’s going on” “I need you to tell me what she said to Mr. Damien” Arnold asked “Well it s crazy I don’t understand what they were saying” he said “Just anything” Arnold said “Well she talked about creating a cult” “Yes that is true” Arnold said “Also, she said she had people to kill, can you believe that?” Max said “She has a lot of people to kill” Yvonne said “Why?” Max asked “Continue” Arnold said “She said Yvonne killed her husband” “Yes” Arnold said “What husband? Am alive” he asked “Actually Yvonne did not kill anyone you Max were involved in an accident 2 years back and you died” Arnold said “What ? This is crazy I don’t understand you” “You died but your wife was so hurt that she had to make a deal with the devil to bring you back” Beth said “This is crazy what are you saying?” he asked “Tomorrow I will take you to the hospital to see the doctor who confirmed you dead” Arnold said “No I will take him back in time to when he died so he can understand” Beth said “(chuckles) are you a time cop” Max asked “Don’t worry take my hand” Beth stretched her hand & he received it and suddenly a white light surrounded Max& Beth and the disappeared “Wow, where did they go?” Rachael asked in surprise “Back in time to when he was going to die” Arnold said “Are they going to change it” “No they won’t” Arnold said “How long will it take” Yvonne asked “It’s just a review it won’t take 24 hours”…

Two Years Ago…

Beth and Max appeared in Max’s house two years back “We have gone back in time” Beth said “What? For real” he was surprised “Yes, look at Maria” Beth said “Maria!” he called her “She can’t hear or see us” Beth said “I can’t believe this’ he was surmised as he moved around “I brought you hear to watch” Beth said…

“Honey it’s 9:00am” Maria said loudly from downstairs “Yeah I know” he replied loudly…

“Waw, I remember this” he said smiling “Yes, it’s the day you died” Beth said…

“Honey breakfast” “Baby am late sorry” “Come eat a little” ‘Ok” he said and sat down; Max watched himself eating and then Maria’s phone rang “Hello Yvonne” “Am good” “What? What happened?” “Ok no problem” “He’s fine” ‘Ok dear bye”, those were Maria’s words “Baby what happened?” Max asked “Audrey almost got killed” “What? What happened?” “I don’t know yet but I’ll go see her later” “Ok, thanks for increasing my lateness” he kissed her and ran off “you’re welcome”…

“Now let’s go to your accident scene” Beth said and they both disappeared and appeared at a cross road “This is where you died” Beth said Max’s car was coming from south and a trailer with failed break was coming from east on a high speed and suddenly there was a loud sound like thunder as the trailer hit Max’s car and the car almost tore in two with Max hanging from the seat and brutally wounded and partially alive… “O my God, I can’t believe this, so I died, how did I come back?” “Let’s go forward in time to the hospital”…

The doctor came out of the operation room “Doctor, where’s he?” Maria asked “Is he alright?” Yvonne asked “Unfortunately, he had a serious fracture in the head, both his legs were destroyed and one of his arm but he didn’t make it”…

“So that is how I died” “Yes you did but Maria brought you back” Beth said “But how” “let’s go see” Beth said and they disappeared…

They were ahead again to when Maria was crying beside Max’s body. Max saw himself lying dead on the bed with different wounds on him and Maria crying “Max, why have you done this to me? How do I live without you? Where do I go from here? I can’t live alone without you, I’ll kill myself” she cried

Max felt sympathetic “She was really hurt” Max said

“Please come back” “Please Max don’t do this to me I beg you, we have so many things we should do together, why Max? please come back, I swear I’ll never talk back at you again” She cried bitterly “Nothing hurts more than this” a voice said behind Maria

“Is that not Mr. Damien?” Max asked “Yes and he’s Lucifer” “What? Lucifer” “Yes, now listen”…

“You scared me, who are you?” Maria asked “Nothing hurts more than seeing the one you love die” “I know what you must be going through now” “It’s not your fault he’s dead” “It’s your friend Yvonne who caused it” “What? How can you say that?” Maria said

“What’s he talking about? Why does he blame Yvonne?” Max asked Beth “Listen” Beth said…

“Do you remember that ealier today Yvonne called you and told you that Audrey almost got killed” “How did you know that?” “Yvonne actually went to save her life because Arnold told her” “I don’t understand” Maria said “Arnold is a very powerful creature and not human, you know that but he told Yvonne that Audrey would die today and Yvonne said she would save Audrey but Arnold said she shouldn’t that if she did your husband would die but she didn’t listen” “Am getting it” “If Yvonne had left Audrey to die definitely that would have stopped Max from going to work as the both of you would be at the mortuary with Audrey” “How can she do this to me”…

“So Yvonne caused it” Max said “No. Lucifer lied; Yvonne never knew that it would affect you” “Then why did he say so” “Because he is Satan and Satan lies” she replied…

“Listen I can bring your husband back but you will do something for me” “You can bring my husband?” she was surprised

“So Lucifer brought me back” “Yes he did but he took your wife’s soul in exchange and made her work for him and today your wife is evil and possesses dark powers given to her by Lucifer himself” “I cant believe this is happening” “Yes it is” “Please take me back” he said and they disappeared…

Mary Season 3 Episode

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