MARY Season 3 Episode 3 A Dragon Queen By Danny Walker

MARY Season 3 Episode 1 A DRAGON QUEEN By Danny Walker

MARY Season 3 Episode 3 A Dragon Queen By Danny Walker

ONE WEEK LATER… Yvonne was in the kitchen preparing breakfast, Uzor and Rachael sat in the sitting room watching TV and Arnold reading a newspaper or just looking at the pictures as he sat on the dinning table Uzor and Rachael were laughing as they were watching a comedy movie and suddenly there was a strong knock on the door. Uzor and Rachael were startled by the knock, even Arnold was concerned “Who could that be?” Rachael said “I don’t know, maybe a hunter or some lost folks” Uzor said going to the door “Be careful” Rachael said “Come babe, it’s fine” he said and opened the door and saw a very beautiful white lady; he was speechless and stared at her uncontrollably and she stared back without smiling “By the gods, don’t tell me someone so beautiful is lost around here” he said “Babe who’s that?” Rachael asked “An Angel” he said but he didn’t know who she was “An Angel?” she repeated “No babe, a lost white girl” he said “Am not lost” she replied ‘Cute, who do you seek” Uzor asked smiling “Where is Metatron?” she asked and he knew she was indeed an Angel…

Uzor moved from the way, allowing her to come in and Arnold immediately recognized her and he grew angry and dashed towards her with the speed of light and grabbed her neck and lifted her with one arm of the ground “Wow, Arnold relax” Uzor said but he ignored him “What are you doing here?” Arnold asked her “Arnold that’s no way to treat a pretty guest” Rachael said “It looks like you have your powers complete” she said to him “I will break your neck in 5secs if you don’t if you don’t tell your mission here” he said “Father sent me to you” she said “To do what?” he asked “To help you” she said and he was surprised; he dropped her “To help me?” “Father didn’t send you to purgatory because you rebelled but because you are is favorite son who stood against him. Now you are on earth and he has indeed seen your heart and has decided to forgive you” she said “Forgive me” he repeated “Yes” “Why did he send Michael against me” “When you first arrived, he didn’t want you amongst men but he has seen your heart” “He wants you to do something” “And what is that?” he asked “He wants you to send Bazel back to purgatory” she said and he was silent “Is that all?” he asked “father has a reward for you if you can do that” she said smiling “What reward?” “That I do not know” “What’s going on here?” Yvonne said as she came closer “Who’s the cute lady” Yvonne asked “An Angel” Rachael said “An Angel? No doubt” she said “Hi am Yvonne” Yvonne said stretching her hand for a shake but she just stared at Yvonne and then smiled “So this is the woman who drew you to the earth?” she asked Metatron “I didn’t draw him here” she said “Is that what he told you?” she asked “Even father knows you are here because of her” “So God knows me?” Yvonne said smiling “Yes he does but hasn’t spoken much about you” “Ok, but what has he said about me” she asked smiling “Heart that needs cleansing” she said “What? What does that mean?” Yvonne asked “Maybe a filthy heart” Rachael said “What? Filthy what? I don’t have a filthy heart? Am a good girl” she said “Don’t justify yourself before God” the Angel said “At least what’s your name” Uzor asked “I am Beth Kol, the voice of my father” “The voice of God” Rachael said “God speaks to people through her” Arnold said “I like her” Rachael said smiling “Tell father I have taken the offer” Arnold said “He has heard you” “Please don’t go” Rachael said “She’s not going, she’s here to stay for sometime” Arnold said “Thank God, ok come with me” Rachael said pulling her to a chair and they sat down “Wait, where are your wings?” Rachael asked “I am in the mortal plane so they are invisible” “Mortal plane? What does that mean?” Rachael asked “Mortal plane is the physical world of man” Beth said “But I remember seeing Angel Michael’s wings and the others when they fought Arnold” Yvonne said “They are warriors but am not; only warrior have the ability to make their wings visible in the mortal plane” she replied “Cool, are you God’s favorite female?” Rachael asked “Rachael leave the pretty creature alone” Yvonne said walking to the kitchen “I wish I could” Rachael replied…

1 YEAR LATER Maria’s fashion is trending locally and internationally; her plans have been made to establish internationally in America, Europe and developing African countries. She’s working really hard to make sure she takes control of the entertainment and so far there has been success; bit by bit she is taking it under her control she is the owner if Concord Record label; one of Nigeria’s trending music label and at the same time she is sponsoring others in the musical industry. Maria had just given one of Nigeria’s movie director #200million for a movie which is to be shot in south Africa. The powers Maria has, has already gotten deep into her heart and she wants nothing more than authority over all (that is what power does). Many do not know that the money they receive from Maria doesn’t come for nothing; it is laced with Magic that will make them unable to refuse her and keeping thirsting for more of her money then she will stop feeding them and ask them to join the society for full support; this will make them come running to her cult for membership. Presently, Maria has just brought in two new artistes into the label; upcoming artiste who will be doing their first release by the weekend at Maria’s studio and one of the songs is titled “Maria Queen”. The lyric of that song was written by one of Lucifer’s employees called Edward Croft, a young south African. Another advantage Maria holds is on writing of musical lyrics; most of our Nigerian Artistes are lazy when it comes to writing their lyrics, they prefer buying them, as long as it’s good. Maria has a lot of musical Lyrics writers who are ready to sell the lyrics to artistes but this can only be done if they join the society. In politics, she ain’t left out also; she has created a good rapport with politicians like Governors and Senators. The entertainment is blinded to Maria’s evil plans but everyone is just happy to have such generous lady who is investing in entertainment

Maria and Max just moved into a new house built by Maria; a mansion in Lekki gardens. This mansion has over 15 rooms, one beautiful large sitting room and other attachments; there is a big swimming pool in the front yard and a large car park, also a beautiful garden in the front yard. Maria has two new artistes who live with her; a male and female. Austin Chinedu, 24years known as Hit man and Damilola Restore, 25years known as Misis Money. “Good morning, Mrs. Maria” Damilola said as she walked by the pool; Maria was sitting on a plastic chair and a table in front of her as she read a book “Good morning dear, how was the night?” she asked “Was great, thank you” she replied “You’re going out” Maria said “Yeah, I wanna go do a little freestyle at the studio” she said “Alright then, but where’s Austin?” Maria asked “He went to the club” she said “Club again? Austin and clubbing” Maria said “Alright dear have a nice day” Maria said “Thanks” “Wait, I’ll have one of the guards accompany you in your car” “No thank you, I just wanna drive alone” she said smiling ‘Are you sure about that” Maria said ‘Sure” “Alright be careful” Maria said…

Not long Max came out of the house dressed in a white round neck and a blue jeans holding a laptop “Hey babe” he said kissed her “Are you not going to work?” she asked “Am on my way to the office already” he said “Like this?” “Of cause babe, its Friday?” “O I forgot, sorry” she said “I have to run” he said moving “Yeah you better run; you are a sworn late comer” she said smiling ‘Thank you” he said running to his car… Not long her phone rang “Hello” she said “The Governor will soon arrive the airport, it won’t be a good thing to keep him waiting” “Ok, I’ll send someone to come pick him” she said and hanged up “Patrick!!” she called “Madam” he replied as he came closer “Get a driver and accompany him to the airport to pick up Governor Donald” “Right away madam” he said and left…

Max was very fond of lateness; he arrived the bank and went to his office after greeting some persons. As he entered his office he met a white man waiting for him “Good morning sir” the man said standing up “Good morning, nice to meet you” Max said and shook him “You may sit” Max said “Thank you” “So how can I help you?” “Well, am not here to waste your time but am here for something very important” “Ok sir, am listening” “It’s about your wife” “My wife? What about her?” “Your wife is highly dangerous’ “Excuse me?” ‘Yeah I know am not good at breaking down thing mildly but it would be hard to believe that your wife is a full time partner with the devil” ‘I see, what’s your name?” Max asked “Call me Arnold” ‘Ok Mr. Arnold I have a lot to do now so with due respect Leave my office” “Yeah, I know it sounds crazy” “Please get out” ‘Alright I’ll leave” he said getting up “Next time when Mr. Damien Blood comes to your house maybe you should listen to their conversation” “Wait, how did… do you… please just leave” Max said and he walked to the door and stopped “When you find out the truth you’d be scared but if you need help, you must have to journey to Owerri and go to a town called Mbaitoli and log in a hotel called Phantom and call the number on your table” he said and Max looked on his table and saw a card with just a phone number and as he raised his head, the man was gone. He picked the card and looked at it “What’s all these nonsense this morning?” he said to himself and threw the card at the corner of his office and picked up his phone and called his secretary and she came in “Who was that man you let into my office” he asked “Which man sir” she looked confused “The white man, who just left here now!” he said loudly but she just stared at him with surprise Why are you staring at me like that?” “Because no white man came in here” “Are you okay? The man who just left my office now, just now” “Am sorry sir but no one, I mean no one has entered this office today except you and the cleaner who came to clean around 6:00am today” she said but he was confused “What? You mean no one came here?” “Yes sir” she replied; Max wasn’t think straight anymore because he was very certain he talked to someone here now. “O God, am I going mad or what? What’s all these?” he said holding his head; the secretary just stared at him with surprise because he had never acted like this before or maybe he was suffering from hallucinations “Ok, please go” he said and she left. He opened his fridge and brought out a pack of pineapple juice and poured some in a glass and swallowed it all in one push. He then sat down and placed his head on his desk and after sometime he raised his head and saw the paper on his desk, he was surprised, he then looked at the corner where he threw it but nothing was there “How did…” he was angry and confused “Damn it!!” he yelled and picked up his car keys and went out “I need a break”…

“How did he take it?” Rachael asked Arnold “He took it like a man by asking me to get out of his office” he said “I knew it, I knew he wouldn’t believe it” Yvonne said sitting down “She must have used magic on him” Uzor said “No, I couldn’t sense any form of possession, it’s just love” Arnold said “There is nothing to worry about, he will be in Owerri before the new week runs out” Beth Kol said “Ok let’s hope so; what about Bazel” Rachael asked “Bazel is not on earth” Arnold replied “Where could he be?” Rachael asked “I believe Lucifer would know that” Uzor said “He’s in the Y-dimension of the universe” Beth Kol said “Sorry, what’s that?” Yvonne asked “The Y-dimension of the universe” Arnold added “I don’t get it. What does it mean?” Yvonne asked “I know that, I did that when I was studying Metaphysics in Europe” Uzor said “Did what? What are you saying?” Rachael asked “I mean, I studied Universal dimensions and like a graph the universe also has Y and X axis known as dimensions” “Uzor shut up, no one asked you about your wizardry studies, she meant, what’s the meaning of Y-dimension” Rachael added “It’s complicated” Uzor replied “”Y-dimension is the vertical part of the Universe” Arnold said “Exactly” Uzor said tapping Arnold on the shoulder lightly “Forget it, not interested anymore. So how do we bring him back here” Yvonne asked “Lucifer holds a quantity of your blood” Beth Kol said to Yvonne “My blood? What the hell is he doing with it? Isn’t he satisfied yet?” Yvonne asked rhetorically “With that blood, there are 3 things he can do which he would have to choose one over the others” Beth said “And what are they?” “He can summon and control the sea Leviathans or he can summon all the marooned leviathans in the universe or he can send Bazel back to purgatory” Beth said ‘Hmmm, which do you think he would choose?” Arnold asked “He’d probably summon all the universal Leviathans” Rachael said “No, he wouldn’t dare” Beth said “And why” Uzor asked “They would destroy him and this world because he has no power over them” Beth said “He is keeping the blood for Bazel” Arnold said “Yes, he keeps the blood so he can use it against Bazel after their dream victory” Beth said ‘I see, so Lucifer plans on using the blood against Bazel” Uzor said ‘Exactly”

“What a cunning bastard he is” Uzor said smiling “We must get the blood from him” Beth Kol said “Where do we find him? Uzor asked “In Hell” said Rachael “he’s not in hell” Arnold said ‘He’s on earth and he lives amongst men although he can appear in different faces but we can recognize him” Beth said “You know I can’t believe all these are happening” Rachael said “Why do you say that?’Yvonne asked “Come on Yvonne, we all know that things like these happen only as fictions and not real; I have heard of the devil but never believed I would be seeing him for real although he’s cute I must say. And Leviathans… Waw, who the hell are they? No one knows such creatures ever existed but today I am believing my disbeliefs. I thought it was just God, Man and Angels” “Why are you saying this?” Uzor asked “I don’t know? I just know that I’ve got to say it someday, somehow or somewhere” “The holy books talked about Leviathans but as sea monsters; the holy book never spoke of the real Leviathans because God had already banished them billions of years before he created man, which means Leviathans were never part of the plan. They are almost as old as time; they know God better than Angels but they fail our father and his wrath fell on them” Beth explained “But how and why did God make them so strong even more than Angels?” said Uzor “When our father created Leviathans, he started by creating Metatron whom he made very powerful with elements only found in heave except for sand which is on earth and then father added one thing that made him so powerful and this was the Elixir-Dor-el of the 24 elders and father did same for Bazel which made them extremely powerful. Then father created other Leviathans but he gave them 12 Elixir-Dor-el but there was something father gave to Metatron that he didn’t give to Bazel and this was our Father’s love; a special kind of love and forgiveness” Beth spoke and Arnold listened carefully “Father never told us this, how did you know this?” Arnold asked because he was surprised “I am the voice of our Father, his most beloved daughter and the only daughter he allows to come to his throne. He told me your story” she said “Waw, that’s a beautiful title you have there” Yvonne said “Interesting, I never knew daddy had a sweet princess he tells bedtime stories” Uzor said and Yvonne and Rachael laughed out loud “It’s not a bedtime story because father later believed that he made a mistake by making them so powerful but he didn’t take back the powers from Bazel but he took them from Metatron and threw it in time” “Why did he do that?” Arnold asked “He knew this day would come when you would realize the mistakes and come back to him and he would be ready to forgive you” “O how sweet” Rachael said “Shut up” Yvonne said “And father never used the Elixir again, not even on Lucifer or Michael” “But wait, if the Leviathans were so powerful how did the Angels defeat them? According to what Lucifer told me some time ago” Yvonne said “Yes they were defeated but Even the Angels don’t know how but we all know that it was father’s hand work” Beth said “Interesting” “You three are the first mortals to here this story” “Why have you told us this?” Yvonne said “Because Uzor asked and it is history and not secret” she replied “So is there any other story you’d wanna share?” Yvonne asked “Any other thing that happens in and out of heaven doesn’t concern humanity, I only shared this because you asked”…

Governor Donald Okorocha just arrived at Maria’s mansion in a Range rover sport that picked him at the airport. And with the look on his face he was happy to have arrived and hopes to gain something from his visit “Welcome Mr. Governor” she said smiling as he stepped out of the car ‘Haaaa, Mrs. Maria it’s so good to see you again” he said and hugged her and then kissed her cheek with his ‘And you to sir, please come with me” she said and he followed her; he arrived with his personal advisor who was behind him as they moved into the house “This is a beautiful place, Mrs. Maria” he said as he got into the house “Thank you sir” she said as they all sat down “How was the flight?” she asked ‘Comfortable and safe” he said smiling “Good to hear that” she said “So I believe you have what I came for” he said and she smiled “Can we talk privately” she asked “Ok no problem; please excuse us” he said to PA who was then taken to another room by one of Maria’s guards “I was suppose to receive all documents concerning the estate in your state but I was told but I was told you refused to release the papers” she said in a straight face as she crossed her legs “I thought we discussed this already” he frowned “No we haven’t” she said “So you mean you called me to Lagos for this” he said “No” “Then hand the money and you get the estate” “First of all, why have you refused to release my documents?” “Look here young lady, the reason I travelled all the way down here was because of our close friendship; don’t get me angry or you will regret it” he said angrily but was still calm for the while “We had an agreement” she said “What other agreement if not the money?” he said “We never had any money agreement; so you have forgotten our agreement” ‘Young lady you are wasting my time or don’t you think I have other things to do? Give me the 2billion naira and the estate is yours, simple” “If you wanted 2billion, then you shouldn’t have eaten the food meant for my husband’ she said and he understood “(laughs) is that what this is about? So you think you beautiful body is worth 2billion (laughs)” he mocked her and now she was angry “Listen up Mr. Donald, there is no woman on earth who has what I have and there are only two persons who have tasted my body to the full and one is my husband, do you want to know the second?” “(Laughs) me of cause” he said “The devil himself; Lucifer. I only gave you this body to play with because we had a deal that you’d give the estate I am requesting but it seemed you have failed or do you think if it wasn’t important, I would give my body to you?” “How do you think I would give you an estate worth 2billion just to sleep with you? Mrs. Maria, there is no much talk; the rules have changed” he said “The rule changes when I say it does!!!” she said angrily and banged on the arm of the sofa ‘You dare raise your voice at me?” he said ‘So you wanna play dirty politics with me” she said smiling “So you wanna see things go dirty right?” she asked and stared at him for sometime then said “Look at my arm” she said and he looked at her arm “Do you see the tattoo on my arm? This tattoo explains who I am because I do not need to tell you what a dragon is and right now Mr. Donald you have gone past the limits of stupidity by trying to cheat me” ‘I see, you called my here to insult me; you will regret this” he said standing up ‘Sit down now” she said with a commanding tone ‘Are you talking to me?” he asked “I said sit down!!!” she yelled and immediately his buttocks was glued to the chair and he couldn’t move a muscle and he was shocked

Mary Season 3 Episode

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4 years ago

This episode is actually repeated ?