MARRIED TO A WiTcH Part 2 – Daniel k David


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I was thinking about what to do when I saw rose trying to come out from the room… immediately I set my eyes on her,it was as if some strange powers started controlling me…frankly speaking, Rose was a very beautiful girl….i quickly walked towards her and helped her out…

I never knew you are this so beautiful; I said while we sat on a bench!
Really!?she asked!
Yes you are very beautiful;I replied!
Thanks oo;she said!
So tell me, were you born blind or how??I asked!
Hmm yes ooo I was born like this;she replied!
I’m really sorry for that;so from here where are you heading to?I asked!
I don’t know,I will just be roaming about and I believe someone will accept me;she said!

“I felt like crying after hearing her,and the feeling I had for her was also strong despite the fact that she was blind !”

What if I want you to stay with me,will you??I asked!
Hmm I will since I don’t have anywhere to go and I will be very happy;she said!
Ok,you will stay with me here,and I will take very good care of you;I said!

So i accepted Rose to stay with me just because of the love I had for her, though I was a little bit uncomfortable with her because I couldn’t understood why I fell in love with a total stranger! I tried to resist the love,but the more I tried,the more I was falling for her…

I couldn’t even wait for number of days before proposing love to her….she stayed with me for three days and I finally proposed love to her and without hesitating,she accepted as if she was looking for it…it was like something was controlling me by then,a very strong force was pushing me….that very day in the evening,I had sexua.l intercourse with her… after i was done, something just left my body!

One week later,strange things started happening in my house!
I’ve lived in my room for about five years and I have never seen lïzärds in my room before not even a cockroach! I started seeing them in my room the very first day Rose slept in my room.


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