MAKE ME WALK🦴🦴 – Missing pen

MAKE ME WALK🦴🦴 - Missing pen

MAKE ME WALK🦴🦴 – Missing pen

I wasn’t born crippled but the fact is when I was 3 years old my community people used a charm which made me a cripple till now .

Due to the fact that I was a cripple I never got a girlfriend nor a crush, although I was handsome but looks on the face doesn’t deny the fact that I was crippled.

I learned how to study real hard since there was no girl to distract me, and I managed to be the smartest even till now, my final year in the university.

It was a hot afternoon when Betty my best friend walked up to me with a News, she seemed so excited but the truth was it doesn’t seem so to me .

what Betty came to tell me was that she found a dating site and she thought I could use it to fish any girl at least try my luck to have a girlfriend.

surely I didn’t dread it but it seemed like a good idea so I gave in but what I made sure was that I only uploaded selfie as profile and I never used a full photo.

when I registered a girl named “Betty James ” massaged me although she had no profile pic on her account, but she was pretty romantic.

Betty asked for my picture but I only sent her selfie and when I requested her’s she said I shouldn’t mind that I already knew her in person so no need.

that was when I became anxious and all the girls in school answering Betty stole my heart, like I crushed on all the pretty ‘betties ‘.

One day in chemistry class I noticed that the most hottest and prettiest girl in campus was lust staring at me but when I turn to her direction she will immediately look some where else.

After the class I went to see my best friend, ooh sorry I rolled to see her rather.

when we met I began explaining my experience with pretty Betty but she didn’t believe me because she was beautiful enough to command any guy to love her so why will she be using a dating site.

truthfully I began rethinking about what she said and I believed her, so i asked him to role me to my hostel and on our way we passed where Betty and her friends where.

As usual all of them laughed at me but Betty tends to focus on something else preventing her to laugh and she even asked her friends to stop but they teased her instead and she left angrily…

During the night when my online Betty logged in and we began chatting I asked her to go on a date in other for us to see each other physically.

At first she refused but later with me begging, she accepted to come out but the problem is how will I know her when she refused to tell me what she will be wearing.

the day for the date is here ‘but am anxious of her seeing me as a cripple? ‘ I asked my best friend

‘but she assured me that the Betty in question already knows me real life so I shouldn’t bother ‘

I got to the place and thirty minutes later she wasn’t there I was afraid she wouldn’t come, I was still contemplating if I should go or not when I got a text on my phone which reads

: Don’t think of leaving, all I want you to do is to turn around am right behind you:

when I turned my mouth opened in shock and I screamed b……etttttttyyyyyyyy

I was surprised to see my best friend standing before me dressing so attractive but I can’t love her I mean she is like a sister to me.

Betty tried to hold my hand but I removed her hands and rolled home with tears and heart break.

when I got to my hostel I called my dad and explained everything to her but he encourage me to go on with her instead of supporting my first reaction.

He convinced me but still I wasn’t ready, so he reminded me of my condition and any girl who loves me like that is in for real, after he was done he asked me to go see her and hear her part of the story.

the next morning I got to class only to figure out that Betty didn’t attend any lecture that day so I rushed to her room after my final lecture for the day.

when I reached her house she was drowned in sadness I cuddled her and ask her why she loved me.

“ it all started from me pitying you on the day of our matriculation but sooner when I got to know you, I found out that you have a beautiful soul and heart than those with complete body shape, so my feeling of pity turned to love, and she couldn’t resist me even though I wasn’t completely made “.

As Betty said these words tears rolled down my check I began regretting my action of turning her down at the bar and I began pleading for her forgiveness.

and she shuuush me with a kiss and I fell down from my wheel chair and she lifted my to the bed.

it’s now two years we Graduated and Betty now works at shell , while I work as the CEO at my dad’s company and we are still together only that she is 4months pregnant.

I guess am a cripple with good bullet by the way our wedding is next tomorrow and your invited .



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