MAD IN LOVE Final Episode 20 By Tisa Phiri

MAD IN LOVE Final Episode 20 By Tisa Phiri

MAD IN LOVE Final Episode

Written By Tisa Phiri


Seeing Clara in handcuffs being led away in a police van, I would agree gave me a good feel of peace. Although I had hoped she would tell me where my son was.

I could see her facial expression as she screamed ” he’s in hell” wondering if she was just faking it or she really hated her own child.

I sighed making a note in my mind to make it my priority to look for my son as soon as Jennifer was released from prison.

Hours before, I went direct to the lawyer I hired for Jen and played the recording for him after having her spit out her plans. I sent him a copy and another one I forwarded to my friend just in case something happened to me.

” This will definitely have your wife set free without doubt” the lawyer smiled at me.

” Yeah, she’s not my wife yet but I intend to make her mine as soon as possible.” I smiled back at him.

” You must love her so much.” He nodded his head.

” I adore her, she taught me the meaning of true love and there is no one who has ever sacrificed so much for me like she has done man, and for that I will always be indebted to her” I said as a matter of fact.

” Let me get going now I have some other people I would want to see ” l stood sighing.

” I know the drug issue right?” The lawyer chuckled.

” Sure, I can’t just wait for that Clara to get in jail were she belongs. I don’t feel okey with her outside just a couple of days from the trial. You know how she is” I shrugged as the man saw me to the car.

From his office I went straight to the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) to report the drugs Mulenga told me about.

They seemed concerned about how I came to know of such but Couldn’t tell them who gave me the information. After some minutes I convinced them to give it a short and ambush the company premises that night to see if my report had some steak to it.

I offered to join the squard, more like I wanted to be sure, she was there and apprehended. The outcome of which pleased me so much I felt relieved.

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I couldn’t wait for morning for me to rush to the Prison and tell the good news to Jennifer.

As I murmered to a song driving back home I saw a man standing close to the house.

My heart leaped a bit as I stared at his image.

As l approached him he moved away pretending to be going forward. A thought told me I was being stalked and I couldn’t think of anyone else but Clara’s right hand man.

I parked the car and rushed inside locking the door immediately.

Switching on the living room lights I rushed out through the back door and called on the police as I ran to the house in the next yard.

In less than 20 minutes a police car parked in my yard and I ran to tell them about the stalker. To confirm my report the police realised the front door was broken implying someone had attempted to break in.

Unfortunately the sirens must have given him a warning and he ran off before the cops could get there.

I had to sleep on the couch for fear of being caught unprepared , by the same thug that night.

The following morning I quickly cleaned myself up and drove to the prison my heart rejoicing at the news I hard for Jennifer.

I watched her as the warderess led her to the visiting room. My mouth grinning I couldn’t hold the happiness I was feeling in my heart.

” My love!” I exclaimed pulling her in an embrace as the warderess shoot me an eye of watch out.’

” I missed you” she smiled looking at my face. ” lt seems some one is happy today” she sighed as she sat down.

MAD IN LOVE Final Episode

” Guess what ?” I held her hand.

” Come on love, please don’t let the suspense kill me spit it out already. Am I free to go?” She responded impatience written all over her face.

” Soon enough my love. I wish it was today but unfortunately we have to wait for the trial for you to be released” I told her

” What happened? ” she asked seemingly not convinced with the news I was just telling her.

I went on explaining how the case was. Telling her I had recorded Clara’s conversation where she spoke of her plan of wanting us to pay. How she plotted the murder of my mother and all the things she had ranted out.

” The lawyer has just confirmed the case will be a walk over with a line of charges Clara has lined up against her. It’s all over soon and you are coming back home” I smiled.

She was quiet for a minute and I saw her sobbing. Tears rolling down her face.

” What is it love?” I asked concerned.

” I can’t believe this day has come when l got to hear this news. I don’t even know what to say now, this place is horrible and all I have been thinking of is leaving, now that the good news is here, I can’t…” She raised her hands wiping the tears.

” Stop now babe, you are going to be out sooner than you thought, God is on our side. He has seen us through” I laughed comforting her.

” Yeah!” She sighed ” am so stupid right? Instead of being happy, here I am crying like a baby” she sniffed.

” No you are not. I understand you babe. You have been through hell. But now all this is over, you are coming back home with me ” I went on making her shake her head and smile between tears.

” Thank you so much” she sighed and I pulled her hand towards myself. ” lt was my mess to sort. You are here because of me and I couldn’t let a day pass without working on plans to get you out.” I whispered.

I went on telling her about the drugs and my sisters. ” Oh my God that woman is really stained in her heart” she shook her head.

” How can she treat your entire family like that. It’s not like you people took something of hers. It’s just too much I think she’s sick in the head, a normal person cannot harbour so much hatred in her heart, it seems so impossible” she added.

” Now let’s talk about you” I changed the subject slowly rubbing her hands.

MAD IN LOVE Final Episode

” How are you holding up and am sorry for not coming yesterday, I had a long day and I only got home late at night. Being faced with Clara’s macho man who wanted to get the recording from me.

I thank God, I saw him earlier before he entered the yard and I was ready for him. I left the house through the back door and called on the cops who caught him searching the house. I bet he was foolish to think l would keep such information in the house after everything that went on” I told my story to Jen and she listened quitely.

The following day was the trial day and the lawyer I hired presented his case before hand to the Judge emphasising the fact that Clara was the murderer.

Clara was brought in looking so messed up, her hands in cuffs as compared to Jennifer who was allowed to walk freely given the conditions of her case.

” Court rise!” The court marshal called out as the Judge walked in. We were signalled to sit. I took a chair just behind Jennifer and the lawyer.

The prosecutor presented his statement which accused Jennifer of murdering my mother, he asked her a few questions which she responded to, clearly and accurately, stating what happened between her and myself and the events after.

He wanted to pin her on the fact that she had an intimate relationship with me which could be an act that would lead her to do certain things for example accuse Clara since she was my legal wife.

Jennifer’s lawyer also argued that point staying the facts that l was picked when I was still ill and so she did favour me by taking me for prayers and giving me medication which my wife never did for me.

Both my sisters were called to testify and Mulenga and Clara’s nephew too stated their testimonies to Clara’s doings. I saw her head down she couldn’t look up at anyone.

Clara was present to give her account against Jennifer but all her allegations seemed to be failing. In the end the Judge ruled Jennifer innocent and set another trial to prosecute Clara for now being the main suspect in the murder. Staying she would be charged jointly with other charges of drug trafficking, forging of documents to obtain the Kamanga company and properties using fraudulent means.

A lot of people that came for the hearing to hear the case of the famous story on social media now cheered loudly as the Judge pronounced Jennifer not guilty on all charges labelled on her.

I couldn’t stop smiling as l waited for her to get changed into her clothes from the prison she was held.

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I said bye to the women who we usually chatted with as they genuinely showed how happy they were for me. My trial just came to an abrupt end and I was set free again.

How funny it is that after staying in Prison for almost 5 weeks, the only thing I got back was my freedom. No compensation for my lost time, the humiliation I had to go through.

I recall after walking out of the court room, some journalist approached me wanting me to give them the satisfaction of continuing my life story. I wondered how people can be so cruel as to just want to make a job out of someone even after the misery of that person.

I was now free and every one came to somehow hear the truth about my life but unlike Clara, I was not a fan of social media. So my brother and Ben engulfed me as they led me to the car avoiding the cameras and some noisy journalists wanting me to say something.

” Oh God that was so much noise” l sighed as we sat in the car.

” Am happy you are out my sister” my brother smile hugging me as he sat next to me. Leaving the front seat without a person I felt bad Ben was looking back at me.

” Thanks brother but we will talk later at home. You mind if I sit with my man?” I smiled at him and I saw him look at Ben then back at me.

” No problem sister, I don’t mind” he shrugged and I was glad he was beginning to understand Ben meant so much to me. I love him as my brother, but Ben was the man after my heart and I couldn’t see him look out of place.

” Shall we?” I smiled at him and he held my hand.

” Sure babe” he responded with a wide smile, I felt proud of him.

Back at home, the priest, Ben’s sisters who moved home from the court with the priest and my aunty who came from Matero welcomed us immediately we walked to the door.

I was amazed at how the house was decorated with big letters wrotten ” WELL COME BACK HOME, LOVE OF MY LIFE” printed in red on a white material and hanging across the room.

” Thank you Love” I kissed Ben’s forehead and I heard the priest clear his throat.

He asked us all to hold hands and pray thanking God for seeing us through..

MAD IN LOVE Final Episode

” The Lord almighty has fought your battle and I pray he does it for you all your lives” he shouted and we all agreed with an ‘Amen’.

Some lunch which Ben’s sisters prepared was saved and after which we all sat round the living room. Present among the people mentioned earlier were Ben’s best friend, Mulenga the acountant and Clara’s nephew who joined us too.

Everyone looked happy and relieved, I felt at home. My home had never had so many people like that before. I was lost in thoughts thinking about how glad I was to come back home to all the people that seemingly loved me and were happy to see me, that’s when my brother stood up asking for everyone’s attention, I was startled a bit.

Bed held my hand as we both looked up at my brother who was now looking at us with a smile.

” I want to take this opportunity to ask my sister and Ben for the way I responded to your relationship. You have to believe how hard this was for me as well. We lost our kid sister and I was so scared of losing another sister” he paused and we all nodded our heads in agreement.

” Now that I have seen how much you are in love with each other, how much each of you is willing to go an extra mile for each other, I am at peace to say in case you two are going to make plans of settling together I have no objectionn at all. Thank you Ben for what you did for my little sister, l thought I could easily find a way out for her but I know your ways were more effective and am glad you succeeded. Let’s all continue thanking God for this day and always remember that the Lord will always guide our steps no matter what plans we have. I love you both and thank you all present for making my sister feel at home.

MAD IN LOVE Final Episode

Am proud of you little sister!” He ended with a smile and I wiped the tears from my eyes standing and hugging him.

” I love you so much my brother and thank you for your kind words” I whispered as he held me.

Later in the evening when everyone left except Ben’s sisters who I insisted came back to stay with us instead of staying at the church. I went to take a warm long bath taking my time soaking myself as my mind relieved everything I went through in Prison.

Some nights on some hard and itchy beds, some early hour’s we were forced to wake up and work. I recalled a lot of other struggles and my cheeks felt the warm tears as they fall down.

” Babe are you okey?” Came the voice of Ben as he stood watching me by the entrance to the bathroom.

” You have been in there for more than 30 minutes. Come out now” he whispered walking inside and squatting next to the tab his hands holding my shoulder.

” Please stop crying now it’s all over” he whispered washing away the tears in my face with the water.

” You are safe now and all that hell is behind us. Clara is going to be put away for a long time and I swear I will protect you and never let you go through all this again” he smiled making me look at him.

” Am glad to hear that Love, I don’t think I could have survived another day in that horrible place. People are suffering inside that Prison it breaks my heart to just think of what they are feeling right now Ben.”

” Come on now, lets go to bed. Do you want me to bath You?” He smiled.

” No, am done was just sitting in here anyway,” I shook my head . “wiping me dry can do” I teased him as he pulled me out of the water.

He slowly wiped my body without taking his eyes from my face. ” I missed you so much” l held his hand as he finished wiping my feet and stood up. ” I missed you more my love. You have no idea how relieved I feel about all this and you being so close to me again” he sincerely responded I knew he meant every word.

I pulled him to a kiss, he stepped back a bit and smiled. ” I waited for that from the day they locked you” he laughed pulling me back in his arms.

” Are you sure, you are okey with this?” He asked after another mind blowing kiss as we still stood in the bathroom.

” I feel tired Love, but I want you so bad too” I giggled pulling him out and leading him to bed. After l wrapped my towel around myself.

” Well, I need you too but I don’t want to put more pressure on you. Maybe it’s better you rest tonight and I promise tomorrow I will have my way” he rubbed my lips with his.

” Now you are making it so difficult to resist you Ben” I pulled him closer and our eyes met.

For some good minutes we kept on staring at each other and could smile without saying anything.

In our silence, they were thousands of words spoken and I knew there was no going back. The man before me was exactly, In fact more than what I had wished for. His love was unconditional. Unlike him, I loved him from the word go, but now seeing the dept of his warm eyes, the curve of his breath taking smile, I knew he loved me. I could feel it inside me and l wished I was a man to propose marrying him, being a woman I knew l had to wait for him but my mind was made up. Come what may I felt belonging to him.

Unconsciously I felt my body rise and my desire for him grew intense, I couldn’t feel the tiredress anymore and I sighed softly moving closer to him.

” What?” He finally said something like he was reading my thoughts in his silence.

” I love you” l said honestly.

” I know!, your heart is pure there’s no doubt you love me. Sometimes I envy you so much” he laughed softly.

” Envy me?” I made a frown face at him.” I don’t understand,” I responded.

” Well, there are not a lot of people out there who could be like you are. You have so much courage and determination I still don’t understand how you would fall in love with me especially in the state I was in before. I have heard of ladies falling in love with a villager, a poor man, a Kaponya but never a mad man. How you did that still amazes me and I don’t know how to put it in words to thank you for saving my life.” He shook his head.

” You don’t have to say anything, you have told me enough my Love, and am getting bored with this talking” I teased him playing my hands on his chest.

” Oh no!, here I am saving your life and you are making funny of me” he laughed loudly.

” You know this won’t end well for you right?” He kissed my cheek drawing himself closer to me.

” Am stronger than you think” I mocked him placing my fingers and rubbing his man gently I laughed when he gasped.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you Jen, he murmered the words and moaned softly as he kissed me deeply. Immediately connecting ourselves his every move and touch adding to how crazy I was about him already.

I woke up late the following morning but was feeling more rested than ever, I guess I needed him make love to me to remove my stress after all. I looked towards the door and saw it was closed. I wondered were Ben was.

I went down the bed and wrapped myself in a night robe and went to the bathroom.

Serah, Ben’s youngest sister was seated in the living room in front of the TV.

” Good morning” she greeted me cheerfully as I came out of the bathroom. ” Morning Serah, how was your night?” I smiled sitting opposite her in the couch.

” lt was great.” She smiled back her face reminding me of her mother who I only saw for a few minutes before she died.

” Where is your brother and Memory?” I asked seeing they where no where to be seen.

” Ben left a few minutes ago and he said I should give you some breakfast immediately you wake up. But since you have delayed I think I will have to remake it so that you can have some hot breakfast. And Memory has gone to get some application letters from campus, she was told to re apply for her to resume her course” she said with a smile.

” What time is this?” I asked, she pointed at the wall clock , ” 30 minutes passed 10 am” she chuckled.

MAD IN LOVE Final Episode

” Oh God I have overslept!” I sighed rubbing my eyes.

” lt’s normal given the circumstances ” she smiled standing to make me breakfast her calm behaviour reminding me of my own sister. From her looks and speech one would tell she was a good person and I immediately related to her.

After enjoying my warm breakfast I took a bath and wore a pair of leggings and a loose top that went up my hips. Sitting in the couch as l tried to find something to watch I went to Muvi TV channel, just to find some talk about marriages and it was based on my story. With the headline ” MAD IN LOVE” I watched smiling and shaking my head as I heard the views of different callers who now changed from saying bad words about me to praising me for being one in a million. Others said, I must have fallen in love with Ben even before he went mad and I just felt obliged to help him otherwise it wasn’t possible to fall for a mad man.

Though others still called me names,I didn’t want to let some joy killers spoil my day. others spoke so ill of Clara calling her a demon, and other disgusting names which I knew she fairly earned. I shook my head and changed the channel , the program was somehow stressing me up.

” Hey my Love, sorry l left you in bed. I received a call and I had to rush out I didn’t want to disturb you” came Ben’s voice and he kissed me slightly sitting on the arm of the couch holding my shoulder.

” So what was the call about?” I turned to face him

” My son Ben” he paused ” it was some news about my son love” he rubbed my shoulder.

” Tell me what happened, where is he? Did you find him? Is he okey?” I asked one question after the other and he sighed sitting inside closer to me..

MAD IN LOVE Final Episode


” I received a call from Clara’s mother, I had called her the day Clara was put in custody , trying to find out where my son is. So she was returning the call and I thought it best l see her in person.” I explained as Jen nodded her head.

” Okey, so?” She sighed sitting up as she moved her feet on the couch folding herself, her knees touching my side. I knew she loved sitting that position.

” So, I went to talk to her and unfortunately she started giving me conditions for me to see my son again”

” What conditions now?” Jen asked surprised.

” She’s a joke my Love, that boy is your son, does she have any rights to keep a child away from the father? I can’t believe she’s behaving like her daughter, what in God’s name is wrong with these people?” She scoffed disappointed.

” I was wondering the same too babe, she asked me to drop the charges against her daughter or better still negotiate for her sentence to be reduced, just then will she tell me where my son is, can you imagine that?”

Jen shook her head murmuring in disagreement. ” She’s nuts, are you in any position to negotiate her daughter’s sentence

? Someone must tell her how this works. Let’s say that was possible, does she expect you to just let that Clara go scourt free after everything she has done? ” She added still shaking her head.

” I know what to do my love don’t worry. As I drove back here I had an idea. Right now Clara will do anything to get out so I will use that to my advantage” l smiled assuring her.

” Not anything to do with getting close to that woman my love” she whispered concerned.

” Come here,” I pulled her close.

” She cannot do anything to me, I need to face her one more time if I have to see my child again. Don’t you trust me?” I teased her nose.

” I trust you Ben, but it’s that Clara am worried about. Even in her grave, I wouldn’t trust that woman one bit” she responded seriously.

Later on after we discussed the issue at lengthy, she reluctantly agreed for me to go face Clara in prison before her final trial.

Days Later, I prepared myself and in the afternoon I was standing outside the the detaintion centre where Clara was being held. I took a deep breath as I matched to the entrance.

Asking to see her, I was ushered inside and I sat waiting. She was brought in later on her hands still in cuffs I guessed she was being considered a top crime criminal.

She looked at me with so much distaste l could have died if only looks could kill.

” What do you want?” She snored angrily.

” Well, ofcourse not to pay you a courtesy visit if that’s what you think, and not really to see you for pleasure you know how much I would pay a good fortune to make sure I never see you again” I snapped back and she made a disgust face.

” I should have killed you when l had a chance!” She whispered hatred clearly portrayed in her words.

” Well, you never did, and am still alive. Any way am here to make you a deal,” I started and she looked up my face with a wide grinn.

” mnmmm my mother never told you where your son is huh?” She responded sarcastically.

” I want him Clara, he’s my son too and you and l we both know you hate him. So why are you hiding him from me?” I asked her.

She leaned back in the chair and placed her cuffed hands on the table between us.

” Well, let’s just say I want to purnish you. I hate you Ben, I hated you when you proposed to marry me and I hated you whenever you played good husband with me, I hated you when people talked well about you like you were the most handsome and perfect man. I hate you now and will always hate you” she spat her mouth curved into a sign of hatred I could feel her deep hatred where I sat across.

I shook my head honestly feeling pity for her. Jennifer was right, Clara was sick in the head and the kind of hatred she had was so intense it scared me.

” lf you hated me that much why did you agree to marry me? I mean, it could have been better if you simply told me the truth in the first place, we couldn’t have been here.” I shrugged.

” I want you to know Clara that when I married you I had loved you, with a pure heart even though I saw how you treated me bad, I had hope that one day you would come around, I wanted is us to have a home and I had chosen to grow old with You, because that’s me, I always am serious about the decisions I make. Am not pushed by people or money. Now I can’t even dispise you, cause unlike you, am not like that inside.

I just hope one day you will realise how much you have hurt me for doing nothing but committe my life to loving you and wanting a better life with you.” I told her the truth and she kept looking at me blankly.

” I have learnt one thing from all this though, the heart and mind of a woman is a mystery. You may never know what lies behind their smiles and laugh. If not for the fact that I found a woman pure in Heart, the one who has a heart of Gold and would do anything crazy to see me happy and well, I could certainly have vowed to never love another woman in my entire life, You, dear Clara is a true definition of a woman with a dark heart. ” l added seriously telling her what I longed to tell her years back.

” You are so ungrateful, unreasonable and with nothing close to a beautiful woman because as l have come to learn, beauty is in the heart and seriously yours has none of that. Tell me where my son is and today we will both close this chapter in our lives. I don’t even need to come and testify at your trial if you do so. All I want is my son please” I begged and she was still silently looking at me.

I saw her wipe a tear from her face and wondered what it meant, I had no idea whether it was the impact of my words or she just realised how pathetic she had been. But what she uttered next puzzled me and I was so shocked to the core I felt my heart skip a bit.

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” Well, I knew this will happen the moment I saw you walk in my house, so I prepared myself. I killed that b****** because he was a constant reminder of you. If you want to see him go to the grave yard. You will find a grave marked Ben Kangwa(Jr) that’s where your son is. I bet that crazy slut who picked you can give you other kids. I wouldn’t live to see something that would remind me of you” she uttered her last words and stood up calling the warderess to come open the grill door for her.

I was left numb I felt my feet go weak.

” Jesus!” I sighed wiping my tears as I felt something prick my heart. I had thought she was bluffing so I rushed to the grave yard she mentioned to check out the graves. I spent the rest of the afternoon searching amongst the fresh graves and finally to my disappointment, as I had wished her words were not true, I found the grave marked with my son’s names. I fall down there weeping like a Child.

I called Jennifer who came over with a taxi as I had got her vehicle. She too was so shocked she weeped like she knew my baby.

” She killed him, she killed my son all because she hates me for nothing reasonable” I sobbed.

” Come on my Love, I know this is so hard but you have to put yourself together, let’s go home now it’s getting dark here” she whispered pulling me up and dusting my pants.

We walked to the car and she drove me in silence as I replayed the conversation I had with Clara, ” is she a normal human being?” I kept asking myself.

All the days that followed we mourned my son. My sister’s couldn’t believe she killed Ben.

” Maybe she dug an empty grave brother Ben, I don’t believe she can be that evil to kill her own son. She just wants you to feel the pain you are feeling right now” Memory told me.

“I wish that were true sister, but I had the grave exhumed and my son’s body is burried in there.” I shook my head sadly.

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Months later,

Clara was given a life imprisonment and we heard the drug Lord that was apprehended together with her bailed himself out and paid off his case. He however sent his people to pull out Clara’s eyes as payment for her betrayal. I felt pity for her, now she was blind and would spend the rest of her miserable life in jail.

Ben proposed marriage to me though he didn’t want anything big given his history of a bad marriage after having a very big and colourful wedding. He proposed something intimate with close relatives and friends. I had no objection. All that mattered was living the rest of our lives together.

Kegan too supported us and we remained friends. Even though he always teased me of how he wanted to search for a crazy woman too, lest he found his true love.

I never heard from my best friend and ex boyfriend. Rumour had it that he left her and married another woman from Choma.

We had an outside wedding at Iriss Gardens with a few guests. Our dear priest Father Lamba blessed our union. He made us give our own vows and Ben looked at me with his soft white eyes and well shaved moustache,his black suit and white shirt making him look so smart and handsome I felt proud.

I was in a simple but classy ball wedding dress with some 100 %hair extensions tied in a pony tail a small crown placed on top of my head.

” I have no words to express the happines that I have experienced in this short period I have lived with you.” Ben started his vows,

” Every time I think of how we met, my heart melts with joy. I want to live the rest of my life waking up to the smile of your beautiful face my Love., because I know there’s no one else in this world that will ever make me so happy and I would love more than I love you, will you stay with me in sickness and healthy, riches and poverty?” He paused wearing a smile

” That I wouldn’t want you to answer, because I already know the answers, you have shown me love through the most impossible times already. love you forever!” He smiled placing the ring on my finger.

I smiled tears of joy in my eyes, his beauty making me want to say a million words but I had no idea how to express them.

” Ben, you are the love of my life. I have never felt so much at peace and in love with anyone before. Each new day you show me how much love you have for me and even if we have some differences sometimes, that just makes me love you even more because I realise in our imperfections, lies our strength and courage to forge ahead. I would go on telling you how much you mean to me but the day is not enough to me to do that. I want to spend the rest of my life with you so that I would have to tell you how much you mean to me each new day. I love you forever” I smiled and he wiped my tear and kissed me.

We heard people cheering and the priest saying you may now kiss the bride and we smiled without breaking off the kiss.

Our days were worthy the fight. Ben recovered his family mansion in meanwood where we all moved in. He recovered all his company assets. Within a year he managed to get the business back on the map in the country and his sister’s both went back to school.

My brother and Ben become the very best of friends I sometimes felt jealous how much they spent time together whenever he came visiting.

It was months before our second anniversary when I discovered I was pregnant. I have no way of expressing how happy and excited Ben was. He treated me like a baby, he almost stopped me from going for work.

My story turned from a crazy passion for a mad man into a series of happines and pure love. I always go down my knees thanking God for everything……

MAD IN LOVE Final Episode

…….The End……

Thanks to Tisa Phiri for sharing this story with us,

Please drop your comments to encourage her

Make sure you read her Mind Blowing ACTION Story THE GAME CHANGER

Please Don’t be Ungrateful ? Don’t Leave Without A Comment , One Love ❤.

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5 years ago

Amazing story, thanks Tisa Phiri, you are phenomenal, thanks Opradre for the good work.

5 years ago

wow, this story is so inspiring..
God bless Tisa and Opradre

5 years ago

Nice story kudos

5 years ago

What an amazing story… more inspirations to Tisa… thanks opradre

5 years ago

So interesting, thanks Tisa… more wisdom…thanks opradre.

5 years ago

Comment:so interesting and mind blowing

Abu Aisha Morenikeji
Abu Aisha Morenikeji
5 years ago

What an amazing story of a crazy woman falling in love with a mad man cuddled up with the Heart of gold which is very rare to found…
Word ain’t just explain how excited I’m in love with this story ???..
Antique pen to the writer ©TisaPhiri ✌✌✌…

More power your elbow my big Boss @OpraDre ???…

May the Lord be your strength ??????

patience brown
patience brown
5 years ago

What a happy ending, thanks TisaPhiri and also to you oprade

5 years ago

Sir Opra if only I can see the writer I will just help her buy bag of rice and beans but since I no fit see her…I pray God in his eminence glory bless her continually and sir Opra God will always bless you for giving us this opportunity to read beautiful stories and helping us with your WiFi??????

5 years ago

Wow ? I must confess I really enjoyed the Mad In Love story. I jotted things down already. I won’t go and be following mad man oo ?? anyways Thanks to The writer and OpraDre nice job guys ????

Emmanuel Chukwuemellie Okoye
Emmanuel Chukwuemellie Okoye
5 years ago

This Jennifer is really mad look??????. Tisa, weldone! OpraDre, wel done! Love you guys….

Umukoro Christiana
Umukoro Christiana
5 years ago

What a mind blowing story….Your stories are always so interesting that I wonder if its really humans that do write them….Thanks for d entertainment…I dn cry tire….Just that all these love dy only end for stories & movies. Its hard in real life, we just hold onto fantasies….But kudos writer

5 years ago

I read The Bodyguard and i thought i had read the best story…Mad in love is a block buster. Tisa is talented.

5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

And you haven’t seen anything if you haven’t read The Game Changer by Tisa

5 years ago

Wow wow i can’t say how happy i am what a wonderful story so touching and i learnt some lesson there thanks to Tisa and Opradre you guys are good kudos to you people

Shantel mercy
Shantel mercy
5 years ago

Wow wow i can’t say how happy i am what a wonderful story so touching and i learnt some lesson there thanks to Tisa and Opradre you guys are good kudos to you people

5 years ago

This is inspring????

5 years ago

I’d like to say a big thank you to Tisa Phiri for the writing & Opradre for Sharing with us here.

Keep up the good work?
We love you ?
Thank you!

Ayoola kehinde
Ayoola kehinde
5 years ago

This story is extraordinary fantansic i can’t believe dat i read dis story at once i just imagine the bold step jen took i learnt alot. Thank you opra dre thank you tisa phiri for dis mind blowing story..

5 years ago

Simply wow

5 years ago

Intriguing! I was glued, couldn’t wait to see the end of that witch… This writer is the baddest ?more grease to ur elbow Tisa and God bless u opradre for sharing this story ❤❤

5 years ago


5 years ago

This is really mad in great ?

5 years ago

This is awesome
Had to get a power bank in order to finish the story
More grease to your elbow Tisa

5 years ago

Interesting story

5 years ago

Comment:God bless you really good for me

Am blessed with dis story

5 years ago

#chioma Glory… I love this.. more wisdom to d writer?

5 years ago

This is very amazing tnks Tisa

5 years ago

Interesting story. Please keep it up

Deborah str
Deborah str
4 years ago


4 years ago

Great writer, interesting but challenging

Cynthia Orokumo
Cynthia Orokumo
2 years ago

Wow!!! So Wow!!!!

I could not put down my phone for a minute since yesterday night that I started reading this story.
Thanks Tisa Phiri 🥰

Neyana Esme
Neyana Esme
1 year ago

Amazing story, I love it