Noah informed his elder brother Nathan that he is madly in love with a girl,she is a single mother though but her story is sad.

She got pregnant for her boyfriend in school,both of them lost contacts and since then she has been suffering alone with her daughter.

His brother congratulated him, and also pray he find his only true love.
The next day Nathan and Noah went in search for Nathan’s girl friend. They searched and searched yet they couldn’t find her.

Nathan told Noah I can never get marry to anyone except her,if I don’t see her I will remain like this all my life

Noah made Nathan understand he has to move on, maybe the person he is searching for might be married by now or be in another country.

Nathan said I will find her anywhere she is in this life,she is my only true love,Noah hug is brother to console him.

After a week, Noah visited Nancy and told her by Sunday he would like to introduce her to his parents and also his elder brother.

Nancy told him it’s too soon,do you think your parents will accept a single mother? she asked.
Noah made her understand that his parents does not have myopic reasoning so they will accept her.

That Sunday afternoon,Noah took Nancy to his parents,when she got there,she greeted them. Noah introduce Nancy has the woman after his heart and also told his parents he would wish to marry her.

Noah parents welcome her wholeheartedly,while talking Nathan came in, Noah went to the door to meet him,bro welcome.
She is here,the lady I told you about, Nathan went inside and saw the shock of his life.

He shouted Nancy,his parents looked at each other, Noah ask him,do you know her before? Nathan rush and hug Nancy, Noah is just there looking like a statue.
Nancy took her bag and ran away from the house.

Nathan also follow her,Noah joined them too.
Their parents were speechless. Nancy board a taxi and went home, Nathan follow the taxi and trace her to her house.

Nancy rush inside and lock the door,Chantel ask her mom what is the matter, Nancy start crying and hug her daughter.

Nathan knock the door but Nancy didn’t open the door for him,after few minutes Noah arrive there.
Noah ask Nathan what is wrong?do you know her before?
Nathan hug his brother with tear coming from his eyes. Yes I know her,she is same person we have been looking for,she is Nancy my girlfriend.

Noah push Nathan away,what? She is the person we have been looking for?
Nathan said yes, Noah said it’s not possible. She is my Nancy,you better go look for yours.

Noah left Nathan there,he drove home.
When he got home his parents ask what is the problem? He didn’t answer them,he went to his room and scattered everything,he shouted noooooooooo it’s not possible my Nancy can’t be Nathan’s Nancy.

She is the only woman I have falling in love with, Nathan need to look for his own woman I won’t allow him take Nancy away from me.

Over there at Nancy’s house, Nathan is still knocking on the door,he told Nancy if you don’t open this door I will break it. Nancy open the door, what do you want, she ask? Nathan said it’s me your Nathan, Nancy replied I don’t know you and I don’t wanna have anything to do with you.

You left me and and stopped communicating with me, you abandoned me. Nathan explain everything happened so fast immediately I got back from school the next day dad sent me and my brother abroad. I tried reaching you but I couldn’t even when I returned I searched for you but to no avail.

Nancy said it’s too late I have move on,so you have to move on. While talking Chantel said mommy who are you talking to? She came out,Nancy ask her to go inside but Nathan said to her.
So you have a daughter? You got pregnant for another man, you couldn’t wait for me. Nancy push him out,with tears coming from her eyes.

Nancy said you have no right to ask me any question, Nathan said I have all the right,I never stop loving you for once but you didn’t only get pregnant for another man, you are also dating my kid brother.

Nathan’s words are getting Nancy more angry,she folded her hand and ask Nathan to leave but Nathan refuse.

I have seen you after a long time, you expect me to leave? I can’t till you give me answers. Nancy said I have no answers for you he push him outside and lock the door.

Nathan left and went home,his parents asked him what happened,why so much drama in the house. Nathan told his parents that Nancy is his girlfriend,they have been dating before he went abroad and since he returned he has been looking for her not knowing Noah has been with his woman.

Noah came out of the room,he said which woman is your woman. She is mine not yours.
Nathan told Noah to mind his language,Noah said you shameless man, you want to take my woman from me it won’t work.
Nathan slap Noah for calling him shameless,both brothers started fighting among themselves.

To be continue
Written by Rukevwe merry

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